Bond Strengths of ®ve Tapered Root Posts Regarding The Post Surface

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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2002 29; 330±335

Bond strengths of ®ve tapered root posts regarding

the post surface
I. NERGIZ*, P. SCHMAGE*, U. PLATZER* & M. O *Department of Operative Dentistry and
Periodontology, Dental School, University of Hamburg, Germany and Dentistry Faculty, Department of Prosthodontics, Marmara University,
Istanbul, Turkey

SUMMARY The advantage of tapered passive root systemÒ (10 N mm±2). These values were more than
posts is their homogenous force transmission with- three times those of the Velva-PostÒ (3á2 N mm±2)
out creating stress peaks on the root surface because and the Cylindro-Conical systemÒ (3á5 N mm±2) and
of their anatomical root form. However, their ex- ®ve times more than those of the Dr Mooser post
pected retentive strengths are low compared with systemÒ (1á7 N mm±2). The bond strength values of
the other post systems. The objective of this in vitro the Erlangen post systemÒ, Cylindro-Conical sys-
study was to determine the retentive strengths of temÒ and Dr Mooser post systemÒ showed statisti-
®ve tapered post systems from different manufac- cally signi®cant differences compared with the
turers using tensile tests. For this purpose, all posts other groups. The results of this study indicated
were cemented with zinc phosphate cement (Te- that the bond strengths of tapered posts were not
netÒ) into the roots of 50 intact anterior teeth only affected by the contact surface but also by the
according to the manufacturer's instructions for taper angle, shape of the post system, the width of
each system. The contact surface area between the the cement joint, surface roughness of the posts as
root canal wall and the post was taken into account well as the form of the canal wall. In clinical
in the calculations in order to obtain comparable practice, in case of choosing tapered posts with
results for different post con®gurations. The highest similar shapes, retention may still vary because of
bond strength values were achieved for the Erlangen other factors.
post systemÒ (10á8 N mm±2) and MP Pirec post KEYWORDS : posts, roughness, bond strength

Generally, the following factors in¯uence the retent-

ion of the passive ®tting dental reconstructions; the
A great number of pre-fabricated post and screw surface area of the post, the surface structure of
systems can be used for restoring extensively damaged the tooth and reconstruction, the taper angle, and the
clinical crowns of teeth which have undergone root thickness of the cement layer (Standlee et al., 1978).
canal therapy. Principally, these post systems are Numerous reports exist in the literature suggesting
anchored in the root canal post spaces which have that tapered posts have lower bond strengths than those
been prepared by the corresponding burs. Moreover, of other shaped posts. Additionally, histological sections
the post as well as the surrounding dentinal wall should have revealed signi®cant differences in the width of the
display an adequate physical strength. For this reason, it cement joint between various post systems and their
is important to choose the right size of post (Caputo & corresponding preparation burs (Johnson & Sakumura,
Standlee, 1976; Wood, 1983; Hudis & Goldstein, 1986; 1978; Ruemping et al., 1979; Cooney et al., 1986; Hudis
Nathanson & Ashayeri, 1990; Morgano, 1996; & Goldstein, 1986; Ricker et al., 1986; Brown &
Zuckerman, 1996). Mitchem, 1987; Radke et al., 1988).

ã 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd 330


The purpose of this in vitro study was to measure the

bond strength of ®ve variously designed passive tapered
post systems from different manufacturers with regard
to the contact surface areas and surface textures after
being cemented into the human teeth.

Materials and methods

Ten posts in size 2 in maximum length from each of the
following passive tapered post systems were used,
respectively (Fig. 1):
a Cylindro-Conical post systemÒ*
b Erlangen post systemÒ²
c Dr Mooser post systemÒ*
d MP Pirec post systemÒ³
e Velva-Post systemÒ§
Erlangen post systemÒ had sandblasted surfaces. Fig. 1. Five post systems used in this study: a ˆ Cylindro-Conical
Cylindro-Conical post systemÒ had a vertical groove post systemÒ; b ˆ Erlangen post systemÒ; c ˆ Dr Mooser post
over the whole length for the cement ¯ow, whereas MP systemÒ; d ˆ MP Pirec post systemÒ; e ˆ Velva-Post systemÒ.
Pirec post systemÒ had only a vertical groove in its
coronal part and three horizontal grooves. tionally roughened with a hand-held diamond coated
The surface roughness of the post and the root canal drill of the same size and shape as the post prepar-
wall was measured for all systems with use of a ation drill²² by rotating it ®ve times (diamond
surface pro®le measuring instrument (Model S8P instrument, ER post systemÒ, Ra ˆ 52 lm) as recom-
Perthometer)¶. This was obtained by cutting vertically mended by the manufacturer. The post spaces were
into half a further set of prepared teeth using a band irrigated intensively with 1á5% sodium hypochloride
saw and measuring the roughness of the post space as and dried thoroughly with paper points³³ of the
described previously by éilo and Jùrgensen (1978). respective sizes.
A total of 50 newly extracted non-carious human For cementation, a standard zinc phosphate cement
anterior teeth were stored in physiological saline (Tenet)§§ was used. The cement was prepared always
solution before use. The crowns were removed by the same investigator on a cooled (6 °C) glass
perpendicular to the long axis of the root by a saw mixing slab at a constant room temperature of 20 °C,
band**. Five groups each having 10 roots were according to the manufacturer's directions. Powder
formed for the post systems. The root canals were was added to the liquid in small increments and mixed
endodontically prepared using hand instruments up to thoroughly by using the majority of the mixing slab to
one ISO-size smaller than the respective post space arrive at a creamy consistency where a small portion of
preparation instrument. Then the post spaces were the mix did not drop from the spatula. The posts were
pre-drilled using different burs in accordance with the lightly coated with cement and seated into the
respective directions for each system. The instruments prepared post spaces. Constant ®nger pressure of
used for the preparation of the roots are presented in approximately 40±50 N was maintained for 10 min
Fig. 2. Care was taken that each post ®tted well to its until the cement had set. Standardization of the
root canal without any movement. In the case of the 40±50 N ®nger pressure was practiced on a scale, both
Erlangen post systemÒ, the root canals were addi- before and during the cementation process and all of
the posts were cemented by the same person. In order
*Cendres & MeÂtaux SA, Biel, Switzerland.
to prevent dehydration, the teeth were wrapped in a
Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany.
Metalor, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
§ ²²
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland. Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany.
¶ ³³
Mahr GmbH, GoÈttingen, Germany. Roeko, Langenau, Germany.
**EXACT, Norderstedt, Germany. Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, NY, USA.

ã 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29; 330±335

332 I . N E R G I Z et al.

Fig. 2. Instruments used for the

preparation of the root canal prior to
the insertion of ®ve different conical
post systems: a1, Penetration drill for
the Cylindro-Conical Post systemÒ;
b1, Initial precision spinal drill for the
Erlangen systemÒ; b2 - Diamond-
coated roughening instrument for
the Erlangen Post systemÒ; c1,
Penetration drill for the Dr Mooser
Post systemÒ; c2, Penetration drill for
the Dr Mooser Post systemÒ; d, Root
canal widener for the MP Pirec Post
systemÒ; e1, Combined burs for the
Velva-Post systemÒ; e2, Precision
spinal drill for the Velva-Post

physiologic saline soaked towel and stored in a closed carried out using Mann±Whitney U-test and corrected
container at 37 °C for 24 h until the tensile force test using the Boneferroni method due to the signi®cance
(Nergiz et al., 1997). levels.
In order to prevent dehydration, the test specimens
were stored in a moist atmosphere at 37 °C for 24 h
prior to the tensile tests. A modi®ed tensile force
measuring instrument (Model 1026)¶¶ was used to The mechanical retention of the posts varied consider-
apply force along the long axis of the post and the tooth ably between the different post systems. The retention
at a crosshead speed of 1 mm min±1. The force required force is expressed in N when subjected to a tensile force.
to dislodge each post was then recorded. The resulting bond strength values, contact surface
The contact surface area of all post systems with and areas, and the retention forces with means and stand-
without grooves was calculated from the outside ard deviations (s.d.) are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
surface. Then photographs of posts were taken and The comparison of bond strengths after tensile test
enlarged for calculation of the contact surface area and revealed the highest values for the Erlangen post
the taper angle. This made it possible to calculate the systemÒ and the MP Pirec post systemÒ being signi®-
different components of the varying posts individually. cantly higher than the other systems (P < 0á001). No
The calculation of the surface areas of the Cylindro- signi®cant difference was found between these two
Conical post systemÒ and MP Pirec post systemÒ systems. Their mean tensile bond strengths of
involved the diameter of the grooves as it was techni- 10á8 N mm±2 and 10á0 N mm±2, respectively, were
cally impossible to register the groove walls. three to four times higher than the value obtained
The task was to establish a comparison between the from the Cylindro-Conical postÒ (3á5 N mm±2) and the
retention force of the various post systems. The surface Velva-Post systemÒ (3á2 N mm±2). The Dr Mooser post
areas of posts in all systems varied considerably. The systemÒ exhibited the least favourable results
measured retention force values (N) were divided by (1á7 N mm±2).
the contact surface area (mm2) and thus, converted into Table 3 shows the roughness (RZ) of the surfaces and
the proportional bonding strength in N mm±2. canal walls in microns, together with the taper angles of
The data were analysed by the package program the different portions of the posts.
SPSS/PC + (Version 7á0). Statistical evaluation was After tensile test, for the posts with smoother surfa-
ces, i.e. the Cylindro-Conical postsÒ, the Velva-Post
Instron Corp., Los Alimitos, CA, USA. systemÒ, and the Dr Mooser postsÒ, the joint between

ã 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29; 330±335


Table 1. Mean values of tensile force measurements in N, surface area of post surface without grooves in mm2 and bond strength in
N mm±2 calculated from the retention force value/contact surface

Mean values of retention force Bonding strength

measurements (in N) (in N mm±2)
Contact surface
Post systems n x s.d. Min. Max. area (mm2) x s.d.

Cylindro-Conical 10 225 80 100 375 63á5 3á5 1á3

Erlangen 10 836 60 760 970 77á8 10á8 1á6
Dr Mooser 10 123 26 80 155 70á8 1á7 0á4
MP Pirec 10 377 68 275 470 37á6 10á0 1á9
Velva-Post 10 143 38 100 225 45á4 3á2 0á9

n ˆ Number of posts, x ˆ mean values, s.d. ˆ standard deviation, min ˆ minimum, max ˆ maximum values.

Table 2. Signi®cance levels of

Signi®cance level
bonding strengths for the different
post systems using the Mann± Post systems n Cylindro-Conical Erlangen Dr Mooser MP Pirec Velva-Post
Whitney U comparative test
Cylindro-Conical 10 ± *** ** *** n.s.
Erlangen 10 *** ± *** n.s. ***
Dr Mooser 10 ** *** ± *** ***
MP Pirec
10 *** n.s. *** ± ***
Velva-Post 10 n.s. *** *** *** ±

n ˆ Number of posts, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, n.s. ˆ non-signi®cant.

Table 3. Roughness (RZ) of post

Roughness (RZ) Taper angle
surfaces and canal walls in microns
and taper angles of the posts Post systems Post surface Canal wall Coronal portion Apical portion

Cylindro-Conical 1á8 1á5 0° 3á24°

Erlangen 12á9 21á0 2á1° 2á1°
Dr Mooser 1á1 1á4 3á08° 3á08°
MP Pirec 2á0 2á2 3á5° 3á5°
Velva-Post 1á6 1á4 5á8° 1á15°

the post and the cement was found to be the weakest weakest point in the structure therefore, was obviously
point in the whole structure. When these posts were inside the cement layer in these posts.
removed, it was often found that there was no longer
any cement adhering to the posts or at best only in the
spillway. Instead, all the cement was found adhered to
the root canal walls. In the Erlangen postÒ applications, The purpose of this investigation was to compare the
cement was found spread almost all over the extracted retentive properties of various tapered post systems.
posts as well as over the root canal walls. Both the With the help of the contact surface areas, the bond
surfaces of the MP Pirec postsÒ and the root canal walls strength values were calculated regarding the same
were found to be covered with a ®rmly adhering layer surface area of each post system.
of cement of varying thickness. The spiral grooves and In this study, the greatest bond strengths were
the spillway of the MP Pirec postsÒ were ®lled with achieved for posts with rough or grooved surfaces and
cement. In case of these two post systems, the tensile rough canal walls. This was because of the denticula-
forces lead to the break inside the cement layer. The tion of the cement in both rough surfaces which had

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334 I . N E R G I Z et al.

already been demonstrated with the aid of histological because each system had to be tested as they were
sections in an earlier study (Tjan et al., 1987). The used in this form practically.
Erlangen postsÒ provide a sandblasted surface and the The MP Pirec post systemsÒ featured additional
MP Pirec systemÒ featured additional spiral grooves. spiral grooves. The high bond strengths of both systems
Bonding strength of different post systems with very can be explained by their microretention. The cement
similar contact surfaces, such as the Erlangen and the must have been broken inside its layer, adhering well
Dr Mooser systemsÒ, were found to differ signi®cantly to the connecting surfaces as it was the weakest point.
(P < 0á001). The individual mechanisms producing this The weakest point in other post systems was the
result must therefore be identi®ed as they might show smooth post surface, which did not offer any possibility
differences depending on the taper angle, surface for the cement to adhere. The cement, consequently,
roughness of the post and the canal wall. peeled off completely from these posts, adhering even
The taper angle could represent a conceivable to the relatively smooth canal walls, and the bond
explanation. The retention decreases rapidly with the strength was correspondingly lower. The vertical
increasing conicity (Johnson & Sakumura, 1978). groove of Cylindro-Conical postsÒ allowed the cement
However, if the taper angle was the only factor to ¯ow while setting but did not show any retentive
determining bonding strength, the highest proportional effect.
bonding strength would have to be obtained from the When discussing the results of this study, it is clear
Cylindro-Conical postsÒ. In contrast, although this that factors, such as the contact surface, the taper angle,
system has the smallest taper angle, the proportional the width of the cement joint, and the surface rough-
bond strength was relative to the other post systems. ness, are all responsible for the results obtained.
Homogeneous and preferably small cement joint is Although the spiral grooves increased the existing
another prerequisite for good retention. The width of surface area, it was not possible to calculate the areas
the cement joints of all systems had been measured as they did not exhibit a de®nite geometrical shape. The
previously and clinically required ideal values were Erlangen and MP Pirec systemsÒ appear to be equally
reported to be between 30 and 50 lm (Johnson & suitable in terms of their bonding strength, although
Sakumura, 1978). This means that the width of the the latter is only indicated to a very limited extent on
cement joint is evidently not the only factor responsible account of its short functional length. The Erlangen
for the differences in bonding strength. post systemÒ is therefore, a superior system for univer-
The measured bonding strength, as a consequence, sal clinical use as it exhibits a narrow and uniform
cannot be adequately explained only in terms of the cement joint, large contact surface area and slight
contact surface, taper angle or width of the cement conicity, as well as adequate functional length and
joint. The retention of the zinc phosphate cement on appropriate post canal wall surface roughness.
the dentin and post surface was another critical factor The calculation of the surface area of the grooves
determining the durability of cemented posts and made a change about 1% for the bond strength as more
basing on mechanical anchorage through microdentic- surface area would give a lower bond value. However,
ulation (Colley et al., 1968; éilo & Jùrgensen, 1978). the ®ndings contradicted this hypothesis, thus the
On the one hand, the wedging effect is due to the mathematical mistake was accepted. Moreover, the
molecular adhesive forces in two adjacent surfaces, and retention ability of zinc phosphate cement decrease
on the other, to the surface roughness which creates with the width of the cemental joint where only
mutually submerged areas relative to the direction of horizontal grooves could act for locking. Zinc phosphate
extraction. These areas are ®lled with cement and can was used for the cementation purposes because of its
only be separated by shattering the cement (Assif & clear advantages and long track records. The retentive
Gor®l, 1994). properties of the posts tested could also be compared
The Erlangen post systemÒ provided a sandblasted with other cements in another study.
surface and a rough root canal wall using a diamond
coated instrument. This was the only tested system
roughening the canal wall and lead therefore to
different conditions. That discrepancy in comparison 1. The bond strengths of tapered root posts differed
with the other systems was deliberately accepted, widely between 1á7 N mm±1 and 10á8 N mm±1.

ã 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29; 330±335


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