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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 1

Learning Area: Physical Education Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:

1 First 45 mins.

Learning Engages in fun and enjoyable

Competency/ies physical activities with

I. Objectives

At the end of the 45 mins. discussion the grade 1 pupils should be able to:

a. identify the parts of the body such as: head, neck, shoulders, chest,
waist, arms, hands, fingers, knees, legs, ankles and toes;
b. understand the importance of the parts of the body to perform
movements; and
c. perform movements in the parts of the body such as head, neck,
shoulders, chest, waist, arms, hands, fingers, knees, legs, ankles
and toes.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Body Movements

Reference: Physical Education Grade 1 Teacher’s Guide Unit 1

Materials: Visual Aids, Video, Music, and other Manipulative Materials

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre- Assessment
I. Greetings
Good Morning Class.
Good morning teacher!
Before we start, let us have our prayer,
Jacob please take the lead. Okay teacher.
Dear Lord, thank you for today.
Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about
to learn, guide and inspire us by
your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write. In the name of Jesus.
Raphael, can you tell us who is absent
for today? None teacher!
Very good! Now before you take your sit
kindly pick up the pieces of garbage Okay teacher!
around you.

II. Review
Can anyone remember what is our last
topic? Yes, Teacher!

Okay and it is?

Can you name all of the senses? Five Senses, Teacher!
- Sense of touch
- Sense of smell
- Sense of hearing
- Sense of taste
- Sense of sight
Very good!

B. Motivation
So, before we proceed to our next topic.
We will have some activity

Do you want to sing and dance children?

Yes, Teacher!
What we are going to do is to sing the
song and dance “Head, Shoulders,
Knees and Toes”
(10) Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
(2019) |

We will sing and dance to the tune,

Are you ready?
Yes, teacher
(Playing the song and children will dance
with teacher.)

what part of the body is mentioned in the (Children will dance)


Very good! Head, shoulder, knees and toes

Now I will show you my friend named teacher.
John. Let us help him complete his body
as you remember the song that we sang
Can you do that?

Yes, teacher!


C. Analysis Shoulder

Did you enjoy our activity? Knees


What have you noticed in our activity?

Yes, Teacher!

What did we do to dance?

We are dancing while pointing at

Is moving important? Why? our body parts

We Move Teacher!

What do you think will happen if we do

not move? Yes, Teacher. It makes us do
things we want
With that being said, what do you think We will not be active and happy
will be our topic for today?

Very good! Body Movements, Teacher!

D. Presentation
Did you know that we have more parts of
the body that weren't mentioned in the
We have the Following:
head, neck, shoulders, chest, waist,
arms, hands, fingers, knees, legs, ankles
and toes.

So now, what is movement?

Movement is the act or process
of moving; especially: change of
place or position or posture.

Then how does body parts and

movement related with each other?
Let us understand that with our lesson
for today.
Now I want you to look to your left.

Now look to the right.

Students will look to their left.

Now look up. what did you see?

To their right.
Now look down, what did you see?

The sky teacher

Will you be able to see those if you will The floor teacher
not move your head?
No teacher
How about when we stand, jump, and sit
Students will we stand, jump, and
Did we use the parts of our body to do sit again.
such things?
Yes, teacher!
Can you give us another examples of
movements that we can do with our
body? Students will give examples.

We can also do this activity, like:

How about Carrying something with one

Pulling something using your foot? Students will do it.

Standing with one foot?

Is it easy to do? No teacher.

That is why the part of our body is

important to do every movement we Yes, teacher

need to do.
E. Application
Now let’s play a game and all of you will
need to participate, okay. Did you know Yes, teacher.
the game passes the message?
But we will not pass a message, what
we going to do is we will pass the action.
I am going to demonstrate the action to
the first student and that would be pass
until it will reach the last student okay? Yes, teacher.
Is that clear?
*Students will play
Did you enjoy our game? Yes, teacher!!

F. Generalization
In our lesson we understand that every
parts of the body are important to do
everything we need to do, so you have to
take care of your body and also take
care other people.

G. Evaluation
Direction: Connect the part of the Direction: Connect the part of the
body to the movements it can do. body to the movements it can do.
Multiple connections are allowed. Multiple connections are allowed.
Answer that in your notebook. Answer that in your notebook.
1. Head Twist 1. Head Twist
2. Shoulders Push / pull 2. Shoulders Push / pull
3. Hand Raise 3. Hand Raise
4. Toes Bend/Shake 4. Toes Bend/Shake
5. Waist Bend/Shake 5. Waist Bend/Shake

1. Head – Shake, Twist

2. Shoulders – Raise, Shake
3. Hand – Twist, Push/Pull, Raise,
Bend, Shake
4. Toes – Shake, Raise
5. Waist – Twist, Shake
IV. Assignment
List down 10 more parts of the body. Today’s lesson of body parts is not
included. Do that in your notebook.

Prepared by: Genodepanon, Mebel A. (F-18)


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