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Hazy—Miguel O'Hara

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara/Reader
Characters: Miguel O'Hara, Lyla | LYrate Lifeform Approximation (Earth-928),
Miles Morales, Miles Morales | Prowler (Marvel Earth-42), Gwen Stacy |
Spider-Gwen, Peter Parker, Peter Benjamin Parker | Spider-Man Noir,
Peter Parkedcar (Earth-53931), Peter Parker (Earth-65), LEGO Peter
Parker (Earth-13122), Peter Parker | RIPeter (Spider-Man: Into the
Spider-Verse), Inspector Singh (Earth-50101), Pavitr Prabhakar, Hobie
Brown, Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610), Aaron Davis (Marvel Earth-42),
Spider-Rex | Pter Ptarker (Earth-66), Spider-Man the Cat (Spider-Man),
Spot | Bagel Guy (Spider-Man: Across the Universe), Mary Jane Watson
(Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse), Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into
the Spider-Verse)
Additional Tags: Protective Miguel O'Hara, Miguel O'Hara Has Fangs, Miguel O'Hara-
centric, Biting, Oral Sex, Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, I Wrote This
Instead of Sleeping, I Can't Believe I Wrote This
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-07-08 Words: 2,578 Chapters: 1/1
Hazy—Miguel O'Hara
by spiderlyla999


miguel's powers come with consequences, consequences that only you can help with.


I wrote this instead of sleeping and I finished it at 5 am.

worth it.

Not proofread.

See the end of the work for more notes

Miguel's powers always freaked you out a little bit.

He was one of the most power—if not the most powerful of the other spidermen in the
Spider-Soceity. The radioactive spider that bit him was not like the rest. Yes, he had the
agility and strength of the rest, he had organic webs like some of his variants, but something
you've always been curious about was his fangs and his claws.

There were jokes running around the HQ that he was bit by a radioactive cat instead, and at
how animalistic he got when he was angry. And while that was true, there was a side to him
no one knew about but you.

Once a month, the same occurance. You've gotten used to it, but the first time it happened,
you never expected it to be this way.

You had went back to your universe earlier than usual, a little too tired to keep handling
missions for the day. You had not taken a break in so long, so you thought it would be okay to
log out for just a day. You sent Miguel an alert that you'll be out of the office for a day, but he
did not reject nor did he accept. You weren't going to wait around so you decided against
your better judgment and just went home.

The first thing you did was get into the bathtub. You needed to relax, you've been
overworking yourself, fighting off anomalies in other universes, filling stacks of paper work,
helping out with malfunctioning machines. You were doing so many jobs that you forgot to
pass by the cafeteria sometimes. Even Miguel was telling you to not burn yourself out.

Unknown to you though, that as soon as you walked into your bathroom, your gizmo went


A flood of calls and alerts and notifications. Miguel was trying to get ahold of you in any
way he could. You were unaware of it, but back at HQ, stuff was getting hectic.

And not in the regular sense.

"Uh, boss, your heart rate.."

"¡Chingado!" He gripped the desk, his fangs were protruding. There was nothing that stupid
vile of the Rapture drug could do now. "¿A dónde fuiste?"
[Fuck, where did you go?]

"Um, back home." LYLA mumbled, zapping infront of him. "Boss, maybe you should just

"Open a portal to universe 9897." He grumbled lowly. "Tell everyone I'm out of office for the
day. For two days." LYLA just nodded, avoiding his gaze and opening a portal just as he
demanded. It was better not to even tease him in this state.
Back in your bath, you were enjoying the relaxing music you'd put on, and taking in the smell
of vanilla coming from the bath water.

Then you heard something crash into your window. Startled, you jump out of the water, the
water splashed onto the ceramic as you scrambled to cover yourself with a towel. Once you
had it wrapped tightly around you, you ran out, expecting some kind of villian to have broken
into your home. Instead, the sight infront of you was not the one you expected.

Miguel had crashed into your balcony window, evident by the cracks and breaks on the glass.
It seemed like he was launched queit powerfully into your universe by the portal, but still, it
was odd how he did not compose himself like he usually did. He just let himself crash into
your window. He'd let himself in as well, which was odd, since you had the balcony door
locked after you'd used it to enter. What you couldn't see, were the large claw marks that
slashed the lock and door handel from outside.

Moreover, Miguel -himself- was a strange sight. Chest heaving, yet he breathed slowly. His
body trembled. His talons cut through the molecular fabric of his suit, and the way he held
himself was odd. He stood up straight, stiff like a board. He did not speak, but you could hear
a low, deep growling noise.

"Back so soon? Did something happen at—"

"Why aren't you picking up.."

You glanced at your gizmo. It was vibrating with notifications still, but now they're from
LYLA. "I–I was taking a bath." You replied, hesitant. His mask evaporated from his head,
revealing his face. "Did something happen, Miguel? Did you need my help? I'm sorry, I
needed a break and I didn't—"

He raised his head, and that's when you realised something was very off.

Nothing was wrong with HQ. Something was wrong with Miguel.

The darkness of your living room contrasted with the light coming out from the yellow street
lights. His eyes were a dark shade of crimson, a mix of emotions swirled through his irsis.
Ones that you couldn't put your finger on. His eyebrows were knit tight, his jaw clenched


He was holding himself together by a thread. He knew he wouldn't have to in a minute, but
he did not want to scare you, or rather, he couldn't really move. The sight of you in that little
towel, your wet hair. The droplets of water making their way from your neck to your collar
bone, or that extremly, sweet and strong scent that he got a whiff off from the balcony. It
drove him mad, it made his body heat up more than it already has.

But oh, when you moved towards him, he could feel his knees tremble. Everything in his
body wanted him to pounce on you, to take you until you were a crying, trembling, babbling
mess underneath his weight. His mind was telling him to be rational and wait. He did not
want to force this upon you.
"Miguel, are you okay?" Your hand touched his forehead, and he let out a loud groan. That
vanilla scent was making him high. He was getting drunk off of your scent alone. The buldge
in his suit was becoming painfully sore. "You're burning up, you need to sit—"

"No." He rasped out, his hand wrapping tightly around your wrist. "I need you."

"Need me—"

"I need to touch you. Or I'm going to lose my mind."

"Has it been that stressful at work–"

"It is not work."

That's when you noticed it. Between his dark eyes, his long claws or his thick fangs. That
look in his eyes was that of a man who was in a dire need of being touched. His life depended
on it. You found yourself nodding, you've lost your words once you've taken a glimpse at his
fangs. Miguel didn't wait, his arms hooked around your waist, as he pressed his entire body
against yours and pushed you against your wall. You hit your head slightly, but before you
could even register the pain, he was kissing you. He'd never kissed you like this before. His
tounge forced itself into your mouth, and you let him, not fighting for dominance as you
would sometimes. There was no point in trying to assert yourself over him in this state.

"Me estoy volviendo loco.." He mumbled, catching your lips in another kiss, breaking it just
to bite on your lower lip. "We can't do this on the wall." He grumbled, sounding
inconvenienced. He crashed his mouth to yours again as he led you to your bedroom door. He
wrapped his hand around the handel and pushed, the door flew open, but the door handel
came out in his hands. "My land lord is going to—" You were pushed onto your bed, and it
was now that you realised your towel was no where to be found. You were bare naked
underneath a feral, irritated, 6'9 man in heat. Miguel took off his gizmo, his entire suit
dissipating as soon as he threw the watch away. It looked like that relieved his sorness a little.
He got ontop of you, his hips locking yours in place, his arms on both sides of your head. His
eyes glanced at your body for a moment, and an animalistic growl irrupted out of his chest.
He leaned down to your neck, his fangs grazing against the space between your neck and
shoulder blade. A loud squeal was the noise you made when you felt his teeth sink into the
delicate skin, breaking it to the point where the puncture wounds drew blood. His tounge
swished around the area multiple times, collecting any liquid that might've escaped.

"Miguel.." You whimpered. He bit into your neck, alot. Each time made you more and more
lightheaded. His talons were grazing against your sides. His palms felt big, and rough against
the soft skin of your tummy. He ran his hands across your sides before resting one of them on
your chest, squeezing the plushy parts of you. He kneaded your breasts, before taking one of
them into his mouth, sucking and lapping at your nipples like a starved animal. His eyes
never left yours, that man got off just from the faces and sounds you made.

"You smell good." He moved his mouth to your other breast, "I showered with a vanilla

"That's not what I meant."

Your eyes widened at the sensation. His fingers circled your entrance. He collected the liquid
on his fingers, and put them in his mouth. His eyes changed from crimson to bright red, and
then back to crimson again. "You taste even better." He was getting impatient. Miguel threw
your legs over her broad shoulders, and pulled you up, his nose poking against your clit.
"Miguel, wait—" He was not listening. His mouth came in contact with your lips, his fangs
poking your folds, his tounge licking and twirling at your bundle of nerves. "Wait, I'm going

"Don't you dare." His voice was hoarse, he spoke against your thigh, sending vibrations up
your legs. "Not until I say you can."


"I've had enough of this." He doesn't let go of your legs. He falls next to you on the bed,
pulling you on top of him. You're launched forward, putting both of your hands on his chest
to stabilise yourself. "What...what do you want me to do?" Your head was spinning and you
could not focus on anything but that burning sensation in the core of your stomach. A pit has
started to form when he touched you, and now it was an ever-growing bomb about to

Miguel's more playful nature shone through, as he said one word.


If your face was not flushed from earlier activities, it was now. Miguel always liked being the
one on top, always. So why the change?

"I want to see your face." came his answer, as if he was reading your mind. "Get on with it."
He slapped your thigh, and you nodded, lining yourself up with him.

It wasn't hard, he was rock solid. His tip was the same shade as his eyes.

You lowered yourself onto him, and the sound Miguel made made you unable to move. A
growl so guttural, so loud, that you felt the entire bed shake. You started to move slowly,
trying to push all the way in. "You're too big, Miguel, I—"

"—You'll take it, mi amor."

He pushed himself up, and you arched your back. Miguel held your arms up, surprised you so
you wouldn't fall. Just the feeling of being filled up was enough to make you feel like you
were going to burst. Your lips quivered as you tried saying his name. "What is it, preciosa?"
He hummed, thrusting upwards. Your arms gave out, he held you. "Can't take it?"

"You—I can't—"

"You will." He kissed you, before laying back down. You realised he was being dead serious,
and if you didn't do as he asked, he was going to make this so much harder on you.

You rocked your hips, and Miguel's hands instantly dug into your thighs, his talons pressing
against you. The sting from their sharpness was not painful, if anything it made this all the
more erotic. "Mi querida, estás haciendo el bien..." Miguel's eyes were fluttering, each time
you moved, he would let out a moan or a groan, or a string of Spanish words you couldn't
decipher. His hand found your rear, slapping it, telling you to go 'Faster'. You did as he asked.

That didn't seem enough.

He dropped you underneath him, holding both your hands above your head as his thrusts
became faster than anything you've experienced before. He was going inhumanly fast. You
grabbed onto his hair, tugging at his brown tufts. "Miguel, Please, I'm going to—" He
nodded, slamming harder onto you, like your words only encouraged him. "Te aprietas,
amor." He croaked out, "Quieres tener mis bebés, ¿no?"

"Miguel, I—" Your nails dug into his back, and your eyes shut tight as you reached the
highest of highs.

Miguel didn't stop. He kept thrusting faster, until you felt a hot liquid fill you up. When he
pulled out, you were already too exhausted to say anything, overstimulated in all the best

When you looked at him, he looked a little more satisfied than he was when he came in.

Then you noticed it.

His tip was as red and angry as it was before you did any of this.


"You didn't think we were done, did you?" He whispered, pulling you again.

"But I'm—"

"I don't want to hear it."

It was going to be a long night for you.


What hour was it now? You could hear the birds chirping outside. You were on your fifth —
No, sixth round now.

Miguel had gotten calmer after the third round, but he was just enjoying himself now. Your
entire body had markings on it. There were more punctures from his fangs on your inner
thigh and neck. Your nipples were sore from his sucking, and you could not for the life of you
conjure up one word. He fucked all the letters out of you. You were a mumbling, tearful mess
under this man. The pleasure he made you feel is one that no one could ever replicate. Not
that Miguel will let them anyway.

His tounge sucked off your mixed liquids from your entrance, he'd filled you up a couple of
times now. This was his method of 'cleaning' you up. But you knew him better, he loved the
way you tasted.
"There.." He was out of breath, his stamina seemed to have worn out now. He moved next to
you, pulling you into his chest. His hand ran through your hair, untangling it. "You took me
so well." He hummed, wiping the few tear drops on your cheek. "I might've went a little
overboard. Lo siento, gorgeous."

He did not sound sorry, he did not look sorry. He definitely did not regret any of this.

" 'tis okay." You replied weakly, " better?"

"Yes." He mumbled, "It's just this thing that comes to me. Rapture does nothing to stop it. I
usually handel it myself, but now that I have you.." He chuckled darkly, "We can make this
our little routine, every month."


He chuckled. "You'll get used to it." Miguel kissed the top of your head. "I'll get the bath
ready for us."

"How sweet of you." You reply sarcastically.

"Watch the attitude," He grinned, that hungry look never really left his eyes. "Or I'm going to
fuck that out of you."
End Notes

my first actual smut, tell me how i did y'all.

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