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Hello, good evening, am I speaking with (person name)?

Is this an appropriate time to talk?

*no* (accordingly ask them to call back)
My name is ‘your name’, and I am speaking from the
automotive club of VJTI engineering college, Mumbai. You may
have received a mail from our club regarding our activities. If
not, I would like to give you an overview of what we do. Is this a
good time?
*no* (accordingly ask them to call back)
So we are from VJTI Racing, the official SAE club of the college.
We have participated, and won various accolades in the
national and international levels of SAE e-BAJA competition, in
which we build an Electric All Terrain Vehicle from scratch.
We are currently in our designing phase, and will soon be
starting our manufacturing, for which we will be requiring
financial assistance. We would be extremely grateful if you
could come on as a sponsor for our team, and join our long list
of partners through the years. If you can send across an email-
id to contact you at, I can also send across our sponsorship
brochure for you to go through and check the deliverables for
our sponsors.
*(Wait for their response, speak accordingly)*
Our current sponsors include GODREJ, Alf engineering, Indian
Oil among others.

If you wish to know more about the benefits of being a sponsor,

we can set up a call or a meeting later if you like, after you go
through our brochure. You can revert back to me with a call or
an email about any details you want to know. We can discuss
about all the marketing and advertising opportunities we can
provide, with our strong social media and college presence.
(wait for their response)
It would be my pleasure to get acquainted with you and have
your support as we embark on our journey. Thank you and have
a nice day!

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