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## Copilot

An atom is the fundamental building block of all matter and chemistry. Let's
explore its intriguing structure:
- Composition:
- An atom consists of three primary subatomic particles:
- Protons: Positively charged particles found in the nucleus.
- Neutrons: Electrically neutral particles, also located in the nucleus.
- Electrons: Negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in
specific energy levels (shells).
- Nucleus:
- The central core of an atom contains protons and neutrons.
- Protons contribute to the atom's positive charge.
- Neutrons have no charge but add mass to the nucleus.
- Electron Cloud:
- Electrons move around the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells.
- These shells can hold only a certain number of electrons.
- Electrons exhibit wave-like behavior and are distributed in regions of
probability called orbitals.
- Empty Space:
- Surprisingly, most of an atom is empty space!
- The nucleus is tiny compared to the vast electron cloud.
- Electrons zip around this space, creating a dynamic dance.
- Atomic Number:
- Each element has a unique number of protons in its nucleus.
- This number defines the element and is called the atomic number.
- For example, hydrogen has one proton, helium has two, and so on.
- Indivisible:
- Atoms cannot be divided into smaller parts by ordinary chemical processes.
- They can combine with other atoms to form molecules, but their indivisibility
remains intact.
Remember, the atom's intricate dance shapes our world, from the air we breathe to
the stars in the sky! 🌟🔬
Learn more about atoms and their fascinating history from Britannica ..

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