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td dem Btreen. ae fromme Mifstegtrde ‘nd ie Wlandefut der lubigen 2 beiedigen andere ren em Labalierefe verfiedener Later nd Hiren Die Booheyten Hpottlgcttaten mR ade TEN PEERS THE IE APOSTLES CONTENDINGS OF THI AND DEATHS OF THE TWELVE ArOSTLES [AND EVANGELISTS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION, E.A.WAL Gedla hawaryat THE ETHIOPIC TEXT. NEW YORK: 91 95 FIFTH AVENUE 99. PREFACE, The object of the present work is to place the hands of students of the Ethiopie language and of the remains of the great and ancies Titeratare, part history and part legend, which has grown up round the sames of Apostles and Disciples of Christ, the complete texts of the Ethiopic “Gadla Hawaryit” or “Contendings of the Apostles, i, e, the histories which profess to describe the lives, and martyrdoms, and deaths ‘of the earliest preachers of the Gospel of the Redeemer in the various countries of Europe, Asia, and Afvica. These texts are copied from two fine manuscripts preserved in the British ‘Museuin: Oriental 678 (A), and Oriental 683 (B), ‘which were brought from Nakdala (Magda) by the British Army in 1868, and sehich had been intended by king Theodore to have a place in the library of the “Church of the Holy Redcemer of the World’, which he propose to build in that city. The older MS. (Oriental 678)* was probably weitten in the XVeh century of our era, and is the most complete ancient copy of the work known’ The later MS. (Oriental 683)? belongs probably to the first half of the XVIlth century; for the name of the king who was reigning when it was written has been everywhere erased, ant that of John L, A. D. 16671682, substieuted* ‘The toxts in the manuscript A may be divided to ewo groups: (1) those which precede the colo- phon on Fol. 137, and which s complete work in Ethiopie under the title “Gadls to have formed ‘See Wiig, Cilahpue of Ae Huhne MSS, in the Brkt Sate, onion, 1877. fs $91 * See Wright op. Gt, pe a, 1The lila! MS. of the Hkioge “Contenags of the Apter” in in Tari Hi altel in the gpth "ye [AL Dagny! lt ss copied 2 Jerumlens by the sabe Stephen for one Thoms, the Chief of the Abyznans th hat ly, who presented the olume to the Church ofthe Apaates at Querguim #9" ¢ See Zotenberg, Cite des Manatee iho de it Bite othgve ational, Vis 871, Nou $8, 5316 Toi MS. is aperfect in wore than one place "Seven copies of the Gada {ind ll comely resembling tis MS, ate to be found in the Brilsh Museum (Ores. 677.679, 680,68, 682, G84 and 68s); all were writen Aring the XVII centary. ‘To other copes ate decribed by DAbbadie, ilstgueraand de MSS. Reins 3, pp 67 and 73. an (2) those whieh follow it, and less ancient works, appear to be selections eo The former group contains the Acts, Preachings, Martyedoms and Deaths of the Twelve Apostles'; the Martyrdoms of SS, Mark, Like, Paul and James the Just; the Acts of SS. Andrew and Bartholomew; a Discourse by Dionysius the Areo= pagite on the Deaths of SS. Peter and Paul; and a list of the names of the Apostles and of the tribes from whieh they sprang: ‘The latter group contains: (1) the Acts of SS. Matthias and Andrew, and (2) Five of the Acts of Saint Thomas, tn the manuscript B we find all these texts, thougls arranged differently, an in addition two loag works whieh may be called the “Acts of § Peter” and the “Acts of Saint Pail phon at the end of the volume the whole ellection is called "Gada Hawiryae’. “The general contents of the F of the “Contendings of the Apostles” were first ‘nade known by the late Rev. S. C, Malan, who in 1871 published an English translation of the work under the tile, "Tie Conflicts of the Holy Apostles, an apocryphal book of the carly Eastern wie ver + Simon, the 200 of Clap, i idnted with Son elotes and atihin takes the lice of Jodae eason. Churek", His translation was made from a faulty. modern, paper MS,, in the possession of the late De, Tattam, Archileneon of Bedford, which con- tained passages that were not to be fomnd in the best and most ancient manuseripts, Mr, Man assumed that the Ethiopie version was made from aversion written in the dialect of Upper Egypt! and if this were so it would follow that the former was made at some period between the Veh and the VIILh centuries of our era. The cenvinent authority Lipsiws in his enomumental work” sees an intimate comexion between the Arabic and Ethiopie versions, but nevertheless assigns the date of the origin of the Coptic collection of texts and of the Ethiopic translation to the period which Ties between AD, 400 and A.D. 540 Guidi, however, takes a different and. 1 This Ged Havaripot wae valued and preeread among the Wotan aes of Hales, lng afer the “Sakic originals bad persed fn the convent ibraes of “Upper and Lower Egypt? Malsa, op. eit, Pre, * Die dpotrphon dpntigacicten uni dperligenton. Bin Béirag sar acbrichn Lierourerichte, ae schweig, 1883 1 Bieedaeh git sich ale teinas a quem dor ‘Ablssung der ihipichenSsmmlung der erste Deitel “es 6 Jahundert..--. Die Entteng, der kopSachen “Sammtong ued die siipiche Oberetzng dertien fallen ‘seo awichen 400 wad etea 540" (hk I, Ps 22%) #24) Delieve, a more correet, view of the matter! ‘The Tegends of the Apostles and Diseiples originated at a very early period, probably during the second century, among certain heretial sects, and they exist in modiied forms in lnngoages both of the East and of the West. It is probable that some of them were written first of all in a Semitic dialect, Hebrew or Syriac, and it is certain that trans Tations, or works based upon them, very soon ater appeared in Greek. The legends of the Apostles written in Sahidie Coptic i.e, the dia of Coptic spoken in Upper Egypt, belong to suck pigs or nepioder rdbv dnoarsaoy, and certain of them are undoubtedly as old as the Veh or Vith century, although no copy of them older than the IXth contury is known to us I the course of time versions of the legends of the * See Gl At apni dealt Apotali nd tt ei, rai, of epi, 19 Gioaale dle Seed Avoca tno, Vol 1658, yp. 166. * Fragments tht Saidic version fare been pale Wished by George, De miiely Cold ef repr serum & Panna martyram Pics fragment ut, Rom, agp. be 10a; Zo, Calas Cath. ptr ma Lerisoriy Kowa, 1810, 250-3657 30d Gul, Prom ‘Gp, Nota 1 Note on dls B. dnt ei Lina), ¥or Goi ana ce Citrate dls Sed Artic, Noy 188, wpe, Apostles were composed ia the Coptic dialect of Thebsiil and part of Lower Egypt, a fact which has been proved by the labours of Dr. O, von Lemm.’ As long as Coptic was generally vwderstood throughout Egypt the Coptic version ‘would, naturally, be the iost use in that country but as the Copts litle Ly little, lost theie poser, copies of their favourite version of the histories of the Apostles ceased to he 1 the Arabic language was making its way steadily among the Egyptian Christians, and as a result an Arabie version of the Coptic histories of the Apostles made its appearance, probably inthe second half of the Xlllth century. The Ar ade from the S parison af the Arahie with the Syriae ied. Meanwhile version cannot have been for 8 60 version shews that its diversities fram the Syriac are more striking and more numerous than its Similarities to the Coptic. OF this Aeabie version See Aspe apo lpcen, Ving 40 agers teal May 25, 1890, al 39 Apu sige, aml pale ia Misoner ditgus tre su Datta de Pcie priate ‘er Stone de SicPbersbart, Toe A mamber of the Hiseres OF the Apodee ited ‘oom Syne MSS. in the Bish Museum and other Minar sree pubihed by the Ite Prot W. Weight fo 187, unter the tle Agee alate of te pits, Vol 1. Spin: teas VoL IL English wasslaon. several copies are known, and all of these have been copieil from one Arabic original which was translated from the Coptic, From the Arabic the Ethiopie version was made, probably during the cearly part of the XIVU ecatury: this is the lst of the three great Oriental versions of the histories of the Apostles which grew up under the eare of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. In editing: the present volume my aim has bbeen to supplement the work on the Oriental versions of the ws of the Apostles’, which has been so ably done by Zoéga, Wright, Guidi, von Lemm, and others, and it is hoped that the publication of the complete texts of the Exhiopie version may contribute towards the settle. ment of some of the tmaswered questions connected! with this interesting work, I have ericd to reproduce the text of the MSS. as closely at as accurately as posse, and [have arranged the various histories according to the order in whic they occur in the older of my two authorities, Oriental 678. tn spite of the time and labour that [have spent upon the proofsheets, some mise prints have erept in; many of the apparent mistakes "They ae enumerstl by Gu Avnes Hatina, Nol M, 5 Girne de Suet are, however, the actual rendings of the mani seripts, In numerous words the seribe Ins made no attempt whatever to distinguish between the long and short vowels in such letters as Mand a, sand «&, ® and A, Rand & ete. and in the ‘older MS. ATMA! & usually writen for \1 WAauC* For he which occurs frequently in the ‘early part of printed text we should usually read Every student of Ethiopie knows that the collation fof a number of MSS. of a work results in litle ‘except a collection of uninportant readings, which rarely contribute to the improvement of the text under consideration. ‘The texts of eight of the nine MSS, of the * tendings of the Apostles” are practically identical, and even heween that of the oldest of the eight (Oriental 683) and that ‘of the ninth (Oriental 678), which is, at least. two hundred years older, the variants consist generally of omissions, slight amplifications, and the like. As examples of the differences in these MSS. T have added the variants for the firse ten folios at the foot of Ue Fest Uhety-four rages more seemed to be unrecessary. The Ethiopic type used throughout this book is that of Mr. “1 ey Orient. 677. 679, Bo, O81, 68a, 6B, 685 and Gis were, I belie, all copied from ane archetype, W. Drugulia of Leipzig, who has carried out the work ia his usual excellent manner ‘An English translation ofthis volume is being rmade, and it i hoped that it will be published the course of next year It is now most sincere thanks to the Most Noble the Marquess ‘of Bute. who has undertaken to defray the expenses connected with the printing and publication of js work: but for his generous help it would all probability never have seen the light, yy pleasing duty to record my Loxnos, September 7, 1858. 1, A, WALLIS BUD CONTENTS, ‘The Book of the Dispensations of the Apostle snd ofcertainoftheSeventy-twolesser ples, wherein fare the accounts of what happened unto them, cach in bis country, and the records of thote who suffered martyrdom and of those who ied [2 natural dest May their prayers and blessings keep ws Thy servante for ever and ever! Amen, WHE amb! COR 2 ANREP: aONOATY AE" cs A antby vere AUST eve, HEH HA Whe RIPRIVIM wNA 2 RdLE Dg Era Raha aN» CONT: AB HCH, We AG Nee BAF # HELD = (A. fol 135 Bf. 13) 1 The History of Saint Peter at Rome DR Melt MAMI OLENA ENT Wass Aten CHD: ONAN: Aad: aA ecg meet en e(A. toh 1b; Bl 1b) os. 7 2. The Martyrdom of Saint Peter at Rome HE I A RTD AL A Ah EST MIU ANAT HOT WEEN, Rem ase MUG AEF (A. 100; Belo 320) 37 3 The Martyrdom of Saint Paul, (No ttle) (A. tok 1535, . {- The Tebes of tse Twelve Apostles accord: lng to Dionysivs, Bishop of the East. WHI0 TEs Woe 6 he ATE YARD lad Pea NE Lae: eck = I TOe AR: DNadAs (A Gl 17b; He fol 2540) § The Discourse of Dionysius the Arcopagite fon the Martyrdom of SS, Peter and Paul at Rome, GA Pe ACMA S A: IEP IO ee ARON MP NEE BRL PO Eb RODD EYED ANNI Hak MIC EPP = (AG 18b; Bf. 1058) 6. The Preaching of Saint Simon. the son ‘of Cleopas, surnamed Judas or Nathaniel. lt An0.d = WADI» DIP ASS ARE IEA Pe LARUE MCL TATRA (Afb 363, 1, 6 cna) 7. The Mertyedomn of Ssint Simon, the son of Cleopas, surnamed Judas of Nathaniel WHE: BIO ANPP OR HERE. eck ee + haw 2 Fs NUMA hgh © (AL fl. 378; B. fol 1330) 8. The Preaching of Saint Jomes the Just, ‘the brother of our Lord. fvaits ASO © ARP ROPE he ARMA Me = (A fh aga; fol 14a) : ° 0 B 9. The Martyrdom of Saint James the Jost, the brother of our Lord. WHE: APO + AA pbbA RFs (A fol gob: Th fol. 1150) 10. The Preaching of Salnt Bartholomew. abe 5 aeRehde Re NN CEPA fawn 01d DARA = (A. fol 33bi 1B GL 30) i tenes tte The Martyrdom 2f Saint Bartholomew. anes npr PAN: ACHAT PA © (A. fo. 3805 1, fol 1368) noe 12. The Acta of Ssiat Matthew. FHIE#7 Ae NPP APES OVI WA 1G 2 ni Mid owes (A. fe 43a Bol 148) 1g. The Martyrdom of Salat Matthew. 117 Aer ADD eT PD: OFUAR AC: om Rena + AP OR Hew Tay AME THOT A finer + HIMBA # (A. fl 4g B. fol 1550) 14, The Martyrdom of Saint Luke. gro ASN AHN OTAR eH Tee REE OCA» RPT AIM: HALE (As fol 5295 BFL 1578) oe ees : 1g: The Preaching of Saint Philip in th country of Altiea. omguhds © abr A&ARN + SNM AM Mord Ie ARLE = 1A lms NoMa # (A fd. 5585 Ts fo. s600) 16. "The Martyrdom of Saist Philip. WHE + tet IPOs AAW PES MG GBR OK 6 % 2 m4 ry +136 Rene MG 8.» how +f (A. fol. Soa; I fol 1640) 17. The Preaching of Saint Andrew, a1» Revs «Aad = LEA NEE MAY + Asie nenEn WIE RUE ANGE = (A. fol Gra; Bh fl 1660). . yo "8 The Acts ofS, Andrew and Bartholomew. WHE: Pacem FARE CRAY # Gh | NIE Deane nrEpa NEM oR Ue: ACH (A. fol. 68b; B, fo. 3746) NOC ARE 16 19, The Martyrdom of Saint Andcew. UH DFO ANIECE LEAH + OMEN (A. fo. 8:3; Bf, 1883) iy 20, The Acts ofSaint John, the son of Zebedes, writen by Prochorus. WWE + Ivf» emg. Benn nas AR Hh OAR NSP fs @YAAR= (A, fo B02; Bf. 1902) % 21. The Death of Saint Joho, the son of Bobedee, UHH + omkeahde: BLE ADH OAR UAE PAS... oy ME Navi SDE MBA 2 (A. fl. 950; B, fl. 2010) 24 22, The Martyrdom of Saint James, the non of Alphaeus. WHE © Aga. + ADDY £60 + DAS AGEN = (A. fol 99bs B fl. 209). 225 23, The Preaching of Saint Mathew. “UE hatvtss Aves aD... NA AM Orin + UZ ANDE s A (A fal. 1008: eno ee ee ee, 24, The Acts of Saint James, the son of Zebedes, orRihd, HI APM LON OD, Reaas.gndevrsaran saya (eh tian, BG 2290) : 2 125, The Martyrdois of Saint James the son fof Zebedee, WHEE 1 OO + ASDAA = WAS. 1H Bape (A. Gl 114; BOL 219M). ees BB 26, The Martyrdom of Salat Mark the Evane eels UES APO ACER: FEAT: HIE? ANHILEE = (A. fol 116a; Bl 2298) - = «357 27. The Preaching of Sait Thomas in Indi. ve woreda + ADH. BOTH NAY AL Be Mt amit 02g = UPA = (A fol 11935 B fol 2310) 265 128 The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas. steshgross As BeM (Af 1250; Ref. 241) 87 ‘29. The Preaching of Saint Jude oF Thaddeus. SUE + fives «AMD» fat eb ANTIAY ARPA ea + MOCK ORAS = CA. fo. 1336, B, fol 2490) = = ces 306 30. The Acts of Saints Mattias and Andrew. lon WTA «RAN NECK [WDD desn + ung «ano + an a] (sf 8s B fol 1180) : ‘Act of Saint Thomas, (18th of Maskarras) AMET APCS Hoe CANOE # PPUEY WEA athe WP = (A. frst; Be fol 1398) «= = = 336 32. Act of Saint Thomas, HL (th of vr MET» PCR 2 NE 8 Ate sm HBA Ae Aes HONE AVEETE (A. fol 1570; B. fol 1449) «347 33. Act of Saint Thomas, IK (2nd of Yak) FE HE AACE BA, 2 (A. fa. 161 1, 6, 2058) 388 Bh. Act of Saint Thomas, 1V. (14th of Magi) PAC AM Re PROG» TAY AMD we WE ADM BA. fl 165; B. Gl. 2212) 6 35. Act of Saint Thomas, V. (soth of Sand) TOC ANTE ANA NH ACEP: ON oo FO, (A. (0h 1656; B. fol. 2450) ws 46. The Narrative of Clement concerning Saint Peters MSO}: Cb 1 ON. wr: HAT Oa NE PUG RACH CI WLIO. eee aR HL. How Peter saw a great ime Lady Mary. CRC + ATEN ROA ONE TAL Got AMD AD TEL # ol. 120) «387 TL, How Clement entered into the faith of Christ. MNT AE Aba Henn mt He SUPE MCHED s onthar + ACE: REED New f. WH CEN Aes BL 5b) ws 1V. The meeting of Cloment with his father, fand mother, and beethees. “Ml zhi A> OOP AN: Bio ORO Oe (fo. 15) 308 Ve OF the Preaching of Sainte Peter and John in the city of Antioch, MAH: ielvew=+ ALP CH AE AINE AVIE: WIAH.S # (FO 19b) 404 of oo Peter preached in the ety” ‘of Rome, and of his calling the people thereof 10 the falth of Christ. NIE sam Hath » hr hs MUTE CLs wRO-PH HORAN TLE PeMCHEN # B.fol 240). - » « 46 ‘VIL, OF how Satan spake unto Peter con: corning the thiags which he would work against the believers, and priests, ant hhe would seduce them in the lest days HIE APY ARTE MME PAC ABA ore. PEF: OWUTE! OROMAY AEG: aOPON # (B. fo. 266). san VIL Of how Peter returned to the city of Rome and put an end to Simon Magus. hem + povpan: ATEN! ANI OL OTE AE! AMF om 88) eee es aS 1X, [OF the gathering of the disciples in the city of God} (Wo tile) (B. fol 30a) =.» «430 1X. OF how Clement asked Peter concerning the rest ofthe mysteries. MAH # hae + Ade * AION ALPEN MATE AS PCH AIP Anes (BG 310) 433 a7. The Acts of Saint Fav L REE: OE He ANTI: OFAN meme Reteh MEDEA (I fl. 373). 437 Wi. hyo Pik MAL RHE HY HCH EN IRE ONOM 1 RIV Om at ncn AS7 8 (B. fl 383) ae ML f+ Fh OFLA OTN AaMA Senseo AIM: AH MUTA (ef 386) 4 TV. RFA SAE APY Ge Tbe 456 Vi ORF EAL UNE Ob aI ind UNG + AM fet» habe REPUTE + NEU = (B. fl 430) = 454 VIL Ons eAhOO GER GOH ATG Ain NCDEN ANECHE = (B.f0l. 502). «46 Ramah WHI PREM fal 508) a IX wad + APES: Remted MIE UIE: Ong UIG kG # (B. fo. 538). - 579 XO Medes PDE: PTA AA AOR NA CORA TATA © (FL 550) 48 XL @U + AOPCHE » NAY: AEH ehh: AAA BaRD (fo 66) : XU ON EALM + OOD BE NCEA AF U1 ANTE: tts OR Ae ahfete MACE WU CAP Om + deme, ENP OIL AY fe GL GL 68)... se st XII ODI RAG WHE OH PSA RO ANIA PRD: B.fol 93h)... =. 552 Une: ABACE = ‘STLLSOdV 3HL JO SONIGNSLNOD 3HL 09 - + (Goh oj ‘112 90 Pp mW EA) “sensed oukea 6 “wn wetnedy ct 2a Jo sate UL a BOS no (QO6 10) W) A AVHD Hela EMO MUUY ee gENO: BNI LA7S 7 os (2d POU UaViars « AV AUUU + tag H-OW6Y * LOH Tax MS =» G86 101) & Ebi SOV NAY Ses WoUoaE ENUURE «Yeo “AX Wr eee ee (ote 19) 2 YON WON SLI «US eb LI oI oth WN BMLMY 406% 5 6 “ATK BVH LANA OL MWS ANCO MLO DORN oo+k Ape 500. RPEA DA Ya AMIE TPAD Ow PM AML HOA IPRS A TEAT EOF MAVDANA AAT PRN d room ash hath OF na E17 DICED D ovhh TNE HPO A: OE PER ow Ped, Ce ee EEERO DIP UI HIN COR MAPA OF MEN LAD NAM de Com DP PUA hs NLP ERO orm) Fn hd NOTA DODD YA COLA ADD 60h 609 RAL OIA he hed Prtheok ntiounk DLW EY Oa hh OOP YH om: DN MPet Osh POEL HA DAT ONTO, APNE AMANITA TA COON RK MGA RE MNP OEM OATH hao chew h RS EMM PONAM AD ENA TY POVNET MOS Ar Oe OL BOA LO have FM Aaa PENPOEDOOL NE MIME PAOD E PO Oh PIN PEAS MO TILK OR Door RO RTM LDP WAC SUEDIWAN CAPO AAT fee DUN LM ars ew THMDEMT EAA DADS at: ONEELR OT heOhUADAA WA AMPH RTE NAO OU WOOD HEOIM HRM AA OMAL ETA AE OA ROA Wed DAUD A Mw ATA DS We hawiD 21 Pao ANE om 0 Pew bh PONT DEED ont OLE ELON C000 PO NIEM TNL Ald ew AN FDA het Ur On BTW Le OEM MP ae hFT OTR I IT VHRR MAT A HAUT LOAM APRA how PLP aD Heh oo RPE O° av Oar DT ACEO DET LTT OD sex ven, fis vento eves S152 tbl Unban «Es PE ONAN BIO EWN alle? | PUY MoU SE PREY Ud HIN DAK (4 -OUW EV US 76024, OER soe | AONE SLU: EKG A US OE SES? 7ON UE PRES NEVAUDL | HERP OSV END [PXUOSS- $3 -ag | E7UAT IP UY UEY. Ub BME RUICUS IE AY LY CLV LE@USEY U- ee Pr oe SEERA ARN Yen ARRTARAY oe 2) ZN DENCE ANULAY OIA eDAWEMALY Ae THEN: Fe ANTLATE: FOr PU TRAT ORRAP ONTONP HEM: ont fe #09" = ion #746 SUES ¢ Ife tvs Wie ARAL Mite ARSE Oh ch = OPC HAM 5 goord AINILY eA FUT [Me] As OWAR were» BRD MAAC ON FUP Ah FOTW AP LIA SUED + ONE RIAN REDE AMEATE «Oh B+ ONO VE 1A YAK EA eck ow dct + Mor VRLAE RED # HCHED = ALA: cobble WEE MNO Eee" ALITA ANTE Nom API ONL EOr ARIE AIA LES | OHNE = hewTCct UAC + MFA HAKAN OOK MEER men PA = oe sdvPp| EL RACE! Boe: > B.eRAT: OF ND) Badd NAT AM ME: +B. ous em abahfer > 6B dye 7B. wilt PRIMO PRA TBAT Be OR BOI! MB ONODK Be RIM ROI mewn LOLI 6B, NH curhann: van DM sand GabS Se FIL any SP ae TUONO ytd, was Ue VU7L ba YS Uson$4y Ee hebben Ge 17WU'E Todo Woo OIts AL Xs wy, VNU aod VE L600. AEBY ab [oaoke «WOU LS WAY Hanes DONS VR LG AOU SOs eos TVONILN SO UE UTE re WEEN L600 # IONTENY RTS CEO. Fa UT PME LODE & yank DiS Bate UN ve + SO Ub su AUbOS «00d-VE Hho Poa OVA VEBLEN OT LO he UG RY 1 @OUY «UYU | UU « WYSE ANTTIN, ANSE7 UD PUY ELAN TEE, ‘MALGd LNIVS JO AYOLSIH SHL Fl ALY 8D SE LU HELD MYT 7a OH Ihe NILE VNU a PNB PESBVG be LAV HMO Dy Sao SIHE ES AQ Ey ES bw BION LEDS MO gbenbee Ee FONDS a0-V 1 MS bY GeOVEV ETL: VRU s AUGOS AU 7OLte Vi anbyye + a EU PUD FE 8 POLS POMS Uo + Youn RIO ba OEY Ok | 0 = hae eal «Ll + VOY a kale PRO AVE be LY awed DY AUN 8-08 At suconhe her ohooh ane Nat |i MAAS = OA0s AIO» EFA NIT CRONE APROTE NN hem: eMC + ERE Om OFA NOTA NL 2 2 OPUS APOE NTO MND OUR ANA? # HOE ALN Goes ROL Mp + AGA + MTNA + HORT = mbH NIU NHL LENE Hhteoms ORT ONTE ALPE PA MORE: APN ND 1 ONE RI! OMIT + WLC? ONE * SCOT wh bans Oh eR = 1 NI: FO ONS * KIMCH = OFIE HAE AAS APO He AN ANAC = Oe RNs AIM OTHE SELAAMERS eosnA ANAT” A PNeech Et hee he aA FH ANNE + he PRINM LAN NET nen wt ce Eads AY ORENT RIDES otters A So mV e oRh van TA "hin RUNG Ot Or PA Iho: SAM DIMES Eebooha ss Behe PRCA! SB OPMA re hime shy. PROMO SAL TB AMRahNT a, Thad omits oho vg abe nae CREMP) BADD Sat mB a MO aa. Bites oR aro Sa hive hiss Asn a penta gsm 8B ones wb RIE aeTs ha Rapa Move one fet OEY on Maas Asam Rereens n7ed +416 2 MALTY Hewes ALVA AANA LAI NOES NAAT ARODAY = one HAMA? NOE ALND AEA 1 WORD RPM ALD» AM ante» KOT NID ROLY & OOP HE ANA AE we + ANT MAE | 99K hefeMNETON AEA ARCA NY haw AN wn OPA ENA ANAT: NOOO LA MOTD TRANS! AA AMEE TE SADE AN TRANE = 1059: CPI DM + hear EP ACPO™ = 1-7 | NAY TRAN At AMD e% Nhow x Nowy» Sham TARE hwy AN PAD = 10-99 NCE AA Kho MOOT AP ANTILAGAG = OFAN AERP theo AL97 GeV PEO Ahem sO AND Ke Thaw AGEN ANNE = Ont EA ahe® shot sO CU» ATLA ROLE» A = OP eet Hae AIPA» AREA RAR HAMAR OPMA Vie KPA" WAICIN, | noO FPF,» BMT +B ARON REY 3B heh AeA Oh OME! +B. AO? +B. fw RYE hd New TO = ORO-PD AY OFA 8B TB APR hhh Ah PRIA RATED ORI MAH eB 1B, anna i PON REN) 8B hale cer ak Vath UAE eats ABETL 2 | TV Uae moe 5 VE tang dAE at Eo Ye ESE UabVO PEG MEL IO SEIU LY VWLOg OOO Em LAIIann OX ae HSeeV Ge LTE TO He gy Yo. WUE wo De UL VEEL EPYS Va LES MUO EE ome RG Last SUL 2b + ROA ut yoOUNC UL IH ASHTON LYE AYD UNLV YD # SUOV WOE 66 UIE MYAB CP Ny fP PU abil te hao tao UeHPRAVO HMLATYO! 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Os VOLO = CUI MOBY SALVA «C77 TEIN + RP NIACKI A 2 = = MORIA Whe AIH INIA AAG 1 OAT AONE + OF RAPT ANTAL NHS IE RICE ARTEENY = aE AP RAL NTH COPHA: L001 He] er Anh AM Pane sw» BARA AM 1» SACOM» Pe | ONE eT EIANAP EO" SEANAD OTM Fh Hh WRAAE 2 HP IVE: AEE hem NAGS ADIL 1B RACY + MODE LL: ONCE,» com, Parke O@UI te Ore AREY Os Bb Of: 2B, oF@-nMnd: +B NH: +B. ow AM sak! BR AwEY ACeW DA OETA! Tam A NOD Ab Ne = ONO PD ANAL NII Pees AA UTNE RTL BI Me ard) Pee SETH Ogu Pad MP: Aes EAA ene Chee PHYS MD echt. onan? hy =e Rac, ME AA ok [Ve TEE Os" ane wrk REE UIE AHH HEE: NY Homa. OF PPE ORSAKC nd Mg? wth,» oan, + Ahew + chtte + P29 oS shee AT NPAC hes San? NCEE 1 apie Ms e2" oF. SIGE At ews AEP Now Na Ohare h rant wate + RAC + hers b DAE THE PHAEEE Nhoes AH ce sh see RAW BMEE ANA CaP MAPAN ATE Denman Ure HAL = hhews AI OM PM Cees LAs AUN haw s Ay OTE HT CLATCA Oh Lhe » AR” IAN NAUKA ~ +B AMET ene ABN ICT Bw Aes OB ANHEY 6B Poe 5B hows Mom: ia he As TB onsen, SRAM: 9B @FMhE Or RAR: "Bho BMD EA: BOT! 9 Be B.adds A201 5B Rhee > B. oO heA + B Nhe APONTE ANA, Sue ARTEN @ Ang wees van PALIN AG VON HIVE EO Ka Hab a ATELY ANY Eo RSH P UHL UX SPREE we FYULNH SPP oH Gb NE OaAUNEHLNU E2200 He MM USE EWU Ee UUUO gD Ee tanta Ray Wey Ee eMb@ APE Ry Le Somes YN Te NUE SL “a BUSEY lRV LOU SY DUA OT A COUN SHUN EUG RPE ADE 5 PALS YO VANE WYLDE GaP U UL MYabY # ao «NU + ast) NCA aM BANS MBN cl a NNER SADE ae YOU 7b ZL HUbabNL ABE HEM ao MUA | VOY + AV nb U YE «WOU SAN PBUH AUDEN EUR Ve VU LR fob Dab EVEN WU © eFUO «LIL KN Ube MOL + RW Dro 1 ILA TH Aa 304 AAV RUD AL VULNS SE IE «te POU UMA Y ANCHE Said # FRU URW © aOU PL = UU 8p VAL Hay BAB? # DiS Mb at FUNULOD # UULab FUWLL Nee MUSE ULLONO oe WALA ANIVS AO AWOEIT aH Neo UCU WC boreest aa Ya NDE OLDE UIE: UUM @a» +w0on'a wa ms Ss Uo HSUUNV'G, OWE TEMS Yas Huo as BHYUS SUYOHY wae Ya. yon a. 1806 AON URI HDB Hak UlaN # {BETES USO AY NNO SAV WVoRN USB | LSE TLE ells PhD AM OHO AY AMMO HSK COLL UD LA 0 EY SNES AMS WOU SSID #3 FA Nel bs SO 1 OE YUN UIE WO SHS OLID AY YU ELI ON, END UV 2 ON ED 2 UU Vd ToVOO SLE 4 BARS 6 dR SFPD 877 FUE IUUNGA Wok AY POLY Wed 2 #90 AX. WL LE + Dead RULE HUN AIOE SU ANAVS Fal ORB WAV HN We PD ed beth 2 HEHE GhBUUANY HAUG ES UC SAE BU RN LO = JILL Se AY HUGE hE a= 2 esd HNN ORAL OU Aa «2 [ote ViNVar CS UUA6V we ante» eon hari» Oks chit + WADING Monde « WATE YMA CIM» oro PN + AP ANS = OhO-DKP AM ite + NALNE? + athe HE Mm Be @ VP haw PHA + hows PN NE ACHAT © Oh MARC! ARAN RTCO + WeOhas 1049» wt» Romcas OFHL ETT OFLRF?: DAT” ofarah 40: 7H = OCU the nea PIA": oRIND ANE: NAAT aS" = OW ONE EAD? SHH! wate 1] FRE PAPE ATTES ON PAPRIACL ON OLS ANP 2 ORM CAE NEE Of MA, FA ees awa LO AVE E HAMM Class ORAM # B-MI WAK A? Aas WHEY RANA AAT AETTET = ORTH Oe HAE Hits wCRe" YORI Bek ef eo Mame | Noo" ATOHP He 'B oSvwh: BRANES 1B oh PRE 4B PoAMA: SB ANKE OB OD +r TB ONMINY HB OAC! Bh, for RA BPMN: BT Ay ems rie noe ONES: — 9B, aon 2B a ‘He WistORY OF gait PETER, ” TEN: DOU habe PRE MALY © oben, WP ASA + mI: AL M09 NEED MAT + Ahem» Nes OAK ATLA # LANE» wf hop! = GU YL NeMOmC + A AA? BORO wD, Ooms Hem | AY NE + Ore ND INE ORY: RELI? s ONE AP RAGE ® ORY RCMP AU AT RONG + agate DS © OSIM PR |OLU = OOIE PALA KB 2B. Aenbhe Fe ALTER NT EMA = 10-0 DNAs LAP Ie: APANST Ns HOOHE LA FAP ANTLADAC? 1B Abe ood is fe VPRE ADET = mA NON MMP Oe BOARS» MAF» Now NOME OE NALA AMC SOLEMN: FB FB OAR SR Ome: TB PETE BN Ce re) Mr ART AE . aah Bae Mm: Ane FAC © OW Ie: OUTEL! # B. osRChTs hate, whe + OU deo VD AN WU Re Bet wv Ge BNE ey PLDI) ah we VUE] = AUN HEI DAYAL: VUS@ = DVUNILNY LUO Be YE US saoVUS Ee OL JEU Pea ev Ne Ee BW Ee DAY, FSNUD aD ARATE SVU 'S Peabo ES Mato Hy HMDS WWE TNs UNO EE Oe. FarsO NSLS VAXwo “a: Ni earise ee eowraNeNe: LVS HD LINE TOL OVUNS 1c BWR USO: Yel OND = SUSIE 1 UIE gm sal INV: VYab «2 UUM eos ERB see © ABV aoHVIes fsa NUE NRE ETL UN HI UND #0 EOE aS Ud + dN = UYU. WAU ACS | EPI Mab AD New» AM 2h MME RC! eles FRE Meh UAE © OE RA PATRAS AE An ND rE OA = evo NUN NTA Ce AORS OAK? ANS HIF NAs OI Ate AA AEP TA shew RAN RAE MD RCA ete BB A PPR = OM» ARTLAAE AAPM Ae = Ot DRE RAH OG RIM: hea, heres MAN | Oh RD. + om + NO” + NEI. TP Clk AIP OCH™ OF NEC WOM Nit 2>Ae IWS Ademtenn snc + Ad = pte WHA DAEs ARTA? AN PHL MM OnTILAAAC CUAR: Ones Nhe PP C= ORO DONALD Wet |NENTENA UNF + FRc HE teks hOO TAPE AAs My OUNe AION » whe + ANA ORDO MILER = EFDA: ANY Orv ee SHAM Tees wREROY AbKU MEAL: PAM i adds HP) BSN tena: DR @dor +B. s Bald hfs ¢ Bo SRIke LAOH hem FCA! 7B. adds how + Roms 8 adds Were! 9 BML Oh hens Ragtirens~'B, wom +o APAAe WB MB SAME seen eos Toh WED RENE ONY» AIO sorts AM Hh Anche ee arbOrnuny PLP Meet ets KOH RIO Ate" a lt em 9, igo wg henaet = oboe erage etmm: om» SEN + Aa 400% = RPAH har hone neere ets OEP A AM ANA Arg ALANS HICR” = erin Aas Ams EA Ahoe AE: RES HOA SR ones +B Mm ANE NIM PACA OPAA TH: 2B. +B OME Ar OFe, rR HB OTe Ane AwRS 08, neha wm Sag: «pba Fetes RIOR Aes 2B NN ON DEL FAIA PON HRCE NRL 2 On bod Aton BIN RIAS *B. 3 Bo 70a a0 UU 7 hab aS PLEO ED acne tes Ve 8 Sob PLA Whe BONS MD Ye Ve te LU de Ste UBL ae Dae ELT a EW hay +8 «| Hat UY VU HMO Eo SLU beNe wld Nae aE WEE Ow AVE a Fao dtRalN tba OE 6 EON Hs epee Whee HWE. re aire eoenaneoed WMeéVO “Ds se ae U0 « SISK Zea eee ee NEW VULO CLIP EWN bate HT Sa D0 1 +MU ergo hed * Ph ou Sa UY eb: UE ED ONY: VULD + AYad OHO = otter AEUNU VIAN + oY sad Uho ONS UE A Abt EL gg oy, aot ao NNO AAW OLE HeLa oY UC RUMI ALUN TALL 1 woth BEE tale avo B70 ott SUE UY yr KE BVM ab EID EI TDMA 6 SEBS 2 STV LO gE: LOE OWN Ue RDU © 12a & ‘Fava Unive 40 Aovodsin 24_mi commons on re ArceTLES $M 8 OTE NCEE lM har, | LPP e009 NCP MAP ENR Nem a DALAM: Rhee OPO «1099s ML APOE APHIS haw NOME» PAA SHAG = 999 ANG ANAE FO ethane? waht ener her Fe Reco BCs Ak@e nInaA|g === ORAM Hwan ihe ape A UIC TNA NONHETE | DIMAS wet, HEA NOAM OA. ARON OO RASA OOH PED WARREN OPA NICO =ORMA AACA feb Nhe» RA RUAN IGE AI Bova Mahan = Oho rh + wk aca ee AAAs RY API LS WI Dah Oh+aMh suet vIe» CEs OIG Hct ahh Oe ane + A + al fe eRe AIREY: ONAN | Flat = ORF EA GeO" Vee ARI VEE she BAP DAME + aed + AMO OTA HALE OAL + CAS Nw AML De ARIE OE BoA TB ERCP: 3 BIKAR: 1B ORAG: Mii booms Pte! 3B * BOAR OGM: 7B. TANNOY * Bt ee re ee ee Bont BANU! HB A 4MSes MRA APINST! BBA 1B PAP) B+ Ue ane: THE musTORY oF sar PETER 35 EABA AEE + Act Nm RAINEY Aes hPa OW OLR POR AS A ATEN hem HNIC AML wh ROH vA Aes AMY ea + 1 ehS KA Aor hae LING HE © OME FON eMC EA SAIC mb POR a Hl RPO fant SORE +R0F [Ae mana rnc! soaks nt: ne aRgeL + Or “REL? AENow]che sme FM RTCA Tam WD A CENT OOP OILY wF, AUT ERIM, + OA LN FAA RAEN = ORO MOLD ODEN BPM Bvt 07 Cs ONY 2mm IAA RT AAdaC reo 1 AM ATC Asha Ser | OP AA AD Now SNH! UIC NEGO + APEAT MEST]: ONT = NNeOHA LATERM oD 1B hee: Son ORNCE + BHM BK FAN BL LMC RAM NORE + BK Bahecns TRating: 1B 7 BONE: oe B thews Her Bofue ee 3 Rw BhAg 8B A SBEOh AMEE APO: BE tLIOY “BabA nod 9B, Paha + Nhew +f PINE CUE Ye oe wo Ud Te MUR rao ay 9Ou+ He SW Ee OEY Ee Mao Ee IANY Be SUN Te AUNO Ae LO He vas Vow Gs KEK Dy ASM Het UiPUYE Ty YO Ee aN geo Y MUS a EWU a Woo: Va 2 UIE © ANTM AY Vw § "HsV@ CEL + ANCOVA EVINTNCS « 751.2 1 SHNUO 2 EYU? UNUM NU eFC VEX oar SHUM CHE HL UY + aod eae MUEN cattbLN ON SHV ol TINISD + LOSS | 1 00+ “ow «Uy AW SVE 0: Us With: eraesUldle ou er Da HAR OTN HM HCN #9 ad UU bab PL AN] & "WaLad LNIVE WO AmOUSIIE =k, FAN Ee Saal ant eoUL MAING WO Ee hE He ENUER UIE HIRO EAE hE PCW Te a7 a Te he Te Ye tan SeD fle VO SATS Wale BOY Ay Wer he US ayia. eKuse@ Fant Bs FEU eo sae ARE EV: LW We CTE Ee INO + a. ME 200 28 oath Sb «Ue MOD SAM PS MII | PERO ADAD | Soh EEE UTE cant UL UY BRE a a tft ONE tes 22 UY AMA SMES MEN 70D ATUL HONS VME IUU Fed Oball MUU CACHE = URL « 7H DULY Beto ILD EON yep whole 6 9 bali) 5 89 T 28__THE conrenomas op THIF APOSTLES se ARPES NHI Lac © ah, BENE RIP NO + fut am AIPM: MOA RNP 2 UNA? VANTLDMnE 1 AaO FIs PhO SONOS ara AMG ORS hKAL Myer + haw «Paes AM: WIChee: Cx ew + Ram Ge AEA MEE OnE boone OOM S4ih Ae Mag === OOH? ARI Pas AAMAS ORME Ay unas Aas LEH ME SPOP MAA A VICI OP EAL ATEN Pde RO GM som Bvt HC NS Leb» om HOP, PONE | OAs, aMomAn > Feds TINO ENN CHI eM NA arid ant UIC" = oat AbO-nOn or PL FHA LEH AAI" = ONAL" UNAPL P PG NOMA Nees ave 1 AoW ACES ANE ARM hee eI wutha® ee eee Yr 6B PAPI ANGO! 8B RIED OO: | Bont: BONA +B on0d ARCH OURE: Mer wEPe-rantr + Bw Vem RECN APP Mok BRI te emake: 8 PANES Oe AMAL: 9B, OFKt A ‘Te wusTORY OF AINT PETER, a fc, duane # enthaw = hab 1D» TNF AGF = oMPIr MHET Ab sama NH A: haw: hts Aube ERA Red “alles nie» enh AVL awe Ovi + ARCO: CENT DRN OAD IAA At Phe ALO = Ose: NOWRA AN: AIONH em am PEC = PT Nam MILL Res YS Ahh ANTI MNC # NON? ete + WAG Ahew sews Lencheromr-D tes emhoe= OLN ONT Bae OORT AMET ee PEA! 1B OFATID FB eer OBO WAnve: 7B. BHA hg: ine: YB Ane) 6B KORE Mma BM A saver BMA 8 BF sr 0B, eho wok ren: F oBa EMULE Ee "U7aN ot BE CEMOUY 0-¥ AH Vito WE LUE Te UE PUES ILD IN OE Eo abst LSU ANU ONY DLE Fae LAY Ve Yao SLM UE LE Lbi ALE UN'S Vee rede ade OLE Weees AUVs ENBY Sy hyo De AN, UUW YEU Be Caos D1 VO babe ILI Wad S17yVO ga. ANSE uve ad, ae BUR ay A UO HN Ee HUD aed UW odd PAD He AN OOO UTNE Pe wth Ob WO OTOH TENANT SIV OGD Bale A 2 BOUL +a BL DY 1 OOGWb OFM aD SDNY § DS HES VE aD aL £ an YUNY PSSA TOV ILM MEY hood NOD # bh SIUM Ea EU + tan FO aro UD GL Nay VL Ue Maes © MANS Ua AOU HYUN, sates POMEL G6 ALIOONY UO ABVGIL KL NOUV Ye PAU AN GODLABN FPA UY | NOY kh eos UY ao ANU OO Peal at pMb VALE 1 WU sane 1 antl 6 BE OVE HAL VSI ANU: SUSUR EEUU MMOD! VE Lb! Dal # sa ea #90 ZTICK She Ube DLs AD wo 0 ONS FUN «IVa HOS & a8 AMY # SOUELED # THUG & MOU oH SEIU a YIN ASO # VE 6a LE Whe 00 US WY ans © YOY S2BRENE aot VD cab PENI tab UO Fath AONEY IND NU eat] gt, FAN IOO EU LE LUKOW + PY Labi ‘§2_THe CONTENDINGS OF THE APOSTLES Aes eG Am MILF AI he Aen Pee = ahs WHE: RN AS Aram = OO Ph NH Ae we AAA Da tokan fam Bobs LNA AY of ee wD OME AN: OBA: AHEDE -AND-F Adsear = wr Phdrams A SQM CHIE NiO? ANT UNE 2s POA eR SRCHP* WHT onto aptu es o9@% IER RE ORRCO sou TAR OTA BORD RIM Eh det MAP NE! 9B. wPthdeam 3 AK moat F TAMMY 9B ALahhoms ALLE: “Bw Mter 7 BAI MMs 8B tes Se “Ro Be SANs 9B ake [THE MISTORY OF SAINT PETER, s BU} ANTE» OAD! MECN Nhe Ane» Wi Lees OhO-P NE FAs heard aida + Beat «Rares + he +h send OR IY MAM RAPE NIH 4 HIRE: REEDE UA AEN © OOP DE | An A 8 As white tek Phe NSE Nee? ANAC Wh 912! tows ORAM OE = OPEC WH: Moca": ora Oh === OFLA: ARoD"s LAVAS © MEE ALAC MA, = OOP AA: WFAA: AATAE 1 AIPhOM + ORAM: ALLE HM HE AN, ADA + ONG HAE + OFA: WG UAERIC ML & abit eos MOEA wh Levee Reb PE MCE MAE Owe Whee = NNT + NED: NAT hw: GA whe P01 Hehe OL-bOS HEE? oro Lhe MAE Ns Fed FPA = N= ON ww OS Ha Cohao : NdPe* hey # OSU: Mid APHIS PMA A tts wwe” NOUN OMAR Ft ACE == 2 fe A ttr0d, WAY ALANA PHAN, shew: ALAN AONE: +B AND THAR AnE = B, eo-nmns OMA: > BALMAOANA: (Ba: 5 Be Rhema RACH: 7B Behan +B Home re: ow Atca sinh: Bho? 9 BAL ME OTE: ere MARE HAE B.MOA: Oss BAS dts ‘uve ae PULTE VU MY td . Te e+ woven TP UD AE SD WAT a CALS» EAL ION 5 Pe aoU Nal PON TLNED «YM PUNT : 247 as IVON UNV CUS OES SHUN a [ba Sb ShD ESL OLN AP ANY WD OR ANU! GaUL UY #59] UF SE. RAIL att oD NOTE PEELE ETE NCA ® HAVEN EL UN aE NS Es gw Ee EPUGAN ALD S Wah EUGENE Ae TUR are UVUNE EF aE RN UNE UN «0 ol SHV 8 aol VUE WY BL HY oN Pl cys oats UN Vek HU ath RUN ESV LU WA PUD EY Hg IN ob EURO © US (0 MY 0 2 EUNU:# 7U5 «Waa ¢ O61 WY eH se Lhe YO BMUODY a0 nb 8 BOO EHV SL Noo © ILS: Dabs # HME ND AND # AOU DN 1 MULE MUN WRN AN at AERA ED | LUND IL ETN EEUNU YUs MUMU A a ILA CHIC ROY {soav atid a0 Somanaunos ana VE Atta MLE Mom | A weds AMY $8 Nab AGO HUA, aN HEAR = == wh DFE RO Rees APO FANT ChO-Roe MF, eG AEA IO ATE RAN = Reborn er nbs hho RY APIO» whore» Hite ALT ENE LENE Whede NOE day AAT HON ot ah cht ee ABA: PROM Rome = al HEA KATO APM NET AE he FM RT Ane APA RTA WIL EL OhPY Me Own | chsh Uae ACOH NCHEN FILE + ONDER TDNA haw pakem. : One HHATON OHEhen wor ab ROME KIO AAh Miho Kuner- > wAedvts*| BSE AIP he LOW RO» NDAD NI: HSE Pe anew: pao» ANI ey UIC: amet ete: Mac» Chars. «NIH FAN GNM DAE AIAN PCA PCE PANT ALN NCREN OAL NULNAC! ALO NBER OO AP OIHY = abt: PL Orber + Ahete om OSD OF: MEE MEAT OND === DON NYE MS torte el MOC + ste NA APO: ANT DA tet dhs ONL ARN: OAR OMIM PADD TAIN FAP 1 RLY = ORAL LAO + Na + 7 ARAN OLE ADH RA Rt en ors ZH LAE ash: | PO AMM IAF Ayese=se ‘rue maxryRpoM or sur PevER Ange + hale OAs + wowyE Aa UNIAN HE APO APRA ATC 4s dMPCS + AEH» ANTS Ae DEN Maken 8 te WIL CHE RAE Ab ete PHA: heme wh? RAT = eb RED ariet Ie EE NHL LL, “1h NM DAE? PHA: KOs OPRWA Oh mt + ORAM A DAMA AOA AE de MALEK 00RD AMI Hee HOLL: EAI Aor + NMEA CHAN * WAM Agr, PUNT ENA OR ME RPDF ANNA OAH + ABRCRA | mA VIC: O17 EARN APM NBLITE | GP: Lamch = Ob} NE Paro APUCE ATER ete ASP ME™ OE = MITT = Bam» ON HAN + RSC UY Om At arto AE PSEA OLATHE 1 ALOEI 10 © AE ihn: ARRCRA | Aer shoo LobO TRA Gece ap MK WHE MLS Ath OLE » Aakers FAHEY LEGS ONDA + Lh + ANN LEA py sham» PRPC UNI Bets Pao HA, FCN M450 ANT: OFT DERN UL hes RA A a one INE + ARIZ? 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