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Review Article

A review on electromagnetic microwave absorption

properties: their materials and performance

Madiha Fathi Elmahaishi a, Raba'ah Syahidah Azis a,b,*, Ismayadi Ismail b,

Farah Diana Muhammad a
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory (NSCL), Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
(ION2), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

article info abstract

Article history: The elevated levels of electromagnetic (EM) radiation released by electronic instruments,
Received 28 May 2022 communication devices, and information processing technologies are becoming a major
Accepted 24 July 2022 concern nowadays. Consequently, great effort has been made to develop unique nano-
Available online 10 August 2022 materials to enhance the electromagnetic absorption properties of microwave-absorbing
materials. These materials should have superior reflection loss (RL), thin thickness, wide
Keywords: absorption bandwidth, low density, and light weightiness. This article discusses the elec-
Microwave absorption tromagnetic microwave absorption basic theory, the materials and the performance will be
Dielectric & magnetic absorber highlighted. The strategies scheme to enhance the absorption properties of microwave
High-performance MAMs absorbing materials (MAMs) will be elaborated. Metal-based composites often exhibit high
Reflection loss efficiency to fulfill coveted magnetic and dielectric characteristics. This review provides a
Single and double layer brief presentation of the useful theory of some selected microwave absorbers of ferrites
and composites of carbon-based materials. In addition, the classifications of microwave
absorbers according to important parameters for the fundamental microwave absorption
property of the substance are discussed. The effect of great potential application in mi-
crowave absorbing materials (MAMs) with thin thicknesses was also investigated.
Furthermore, this paper provides a comprehensive review study on several microwave
absorption materials and their fundamental mechanisms of microwave absorption,
dielectric loss, magnetic loss, dielectric/magnetic loss coupling, absorption bandwidth, and
the reflection loss (RL) values of nanomaterials. The electromagnetic and microwave ab-
sorption properties of sandwich absorbers by the single- and double-layer microwave
absorber, are studied intensively.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: rabaah@upm.edu.my (R.S. Azis).
2238-7854/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2189

1. Introduction 2. Microwave absorption theory

Although the prevalence of digital devices and the rapid According to microwave absorption theory, the incident
development of radar detection technology can make our lives power can be divided into three parts when the EM waves
more convenient, public concern has grown about the strike the absorbing materials: reflection, absorption, and
possible human health effects. Exposure to radio frequency transmission. The transmitted wave is reflected on the sur-
(RF) fields is known to produce adverse health effects, such as face of the conductive layer, which generates multiple inter-
skin burns and eye cataracts, due to health hazards from nal reflections. The reflection of the EM wave consists of
environmental RF fields [1]. According to that, the design of surface reflectance and numerous reflections. In general,
absorbers has occupied many material scientists, researchers, multiple reflections are known as the dispersive effect of in-
and engineers, although the microwave absorber (MA) phe- homogeneity within materials. Via the interaction of the
nomenon has been known for many decades and the cause of electromagnetic wave with the molecular and electronic
absorption has been well formulated [2,3]. In addition to aca- structure of the material, the incident microwave energy will
demic reasons, its practical impact on society has been produce heat in the material that can transform the incident
recognized. This is due to a large number of electromagnetic EM waves into thermal energy and result in the absorption of
(EM) waves that it would transmit into the living space of energy [6]. The reflection of the EM wave consists of surface
human beings, leading to the grim problem of EM interfer- reflectance and numerous reflections. In general, multiple
ence, which not only causes damage to highly sensitive elec- reflections are known as the dispersive effect of in-
tronic equipment but also has a remarkable negative effect on homogeneity within materials. Multiple reflections realized by
the physical health of humans. Recently, the problem has changing the properties of the materials (e.g. porous, hollow,
garnered even more attention and has become more impor- coreeshell, multi-layer, and hierarchical) can allow EM waves
tant, thus making it more significant to be investigated in the to expand the propagation path and further increase the ab-
relevant research [1,2]. sorption potential of the absorber of the EM wave. In addition,
Recently, microwave absorption has received a lot of the inherent EM absorption capacities can also be enhanced
attention due to its potential application in the field of by changing the electromagnetic parameters. The absorbing
electromagnetic shielding [3]. Despite this, the materials that material is well understood to absorb the electromagnetic
absorb the microwave still suffer from many deficiencies, waves when the signals propagate through it. This results in a
such as the unwanted effect on the skin, easy oxidation, poor significant reduction of reflected microwaves from or trans-
heat stability, and narrow absorption frequency. Thus, new mitted through the material.
materials that absorb microwaves are very desirable for Microwave absorbers are presented with two major fea-
scientific and technological development [4]. Unfortunately, tures of their electromagnetic properties. Magnetic loss is
one single material is usually unable to meet the re- the first feature, and dielectric loss is the second feature [7].
quirements of strong and wide bandwidth absorption. The dielectric loss represents the characteristic of electronic
Therefore, composites have become the potential microwave interaction between the electric field of the incident elec-
absorbers in the future as they bear the advantages of each tromagnetic radiation and the nanomaterial, which results
building block unit while compensating the deficiencies of in reflection loss [8]; On the other hand, the magnetic loss
each other. Therefore, composite materials will play a sig- represents the characteristic of magnetic interaction be-
nificant and effective role in breaking the “bottleneck” to tween the nanomaterial and the electromagnetic wave [9].
developing high-performance materials for microwave ab- By using normal measurement methods, i.e. direct mea-
sorption. Microwave absorption materials with the charac- surement of reflection in free space or indirect measurement
teristics of thinness, lightweight, broadband, and strong of their electromagnetic parameters, the classification of
absorption have gained much interest due to their pragmatic absorbers can be achieved. Within a material matrix, ab-
and effective functions to reduce electromagnetic interfer- sorbers typically consist of filler material. The filler is made
ence pollution (EMI) [6,7]. So, it is necessary to develop and up of one or more components that absorb the most. The
expand the effective methods for fabricating new nano- matrix material is selected based on its physical properties
composites with the desired structure and excellent wave (temperature tolerance, weather-ability, etc.). Absorbers are
absorbing properties to meet the requirements for their distinguished by their magnetic permeability (m* ¼ m' e j m'')
actual application. and their electrical permittivity (ε ¼ ε' e j ε'') [10,11]. They are
The term “nanocomposite” refers to two or more than one very significant parameters that can determine an absorber's
compound in the nanometer range. The scope of the definition MA performance. The terms ε0 or m0 are correlated with
of nanomaterials has expanded significantly to include a large energy storage, and ε'' or m00 describes the dissipation of en-
variety of systems such as one-dimensional, two-dimen- ergy from conduction, dipolar, resonance, and relaxation
sional, three-dimensional, and amorphous materials, which mechanisms [12].
are made from clearly differentiated components and mixed The reflection loss (RL) represents the EM absorption ability
on the nanometer scale. The nanocomposite materials' prop- based on relative complex permittivity and relative complex
erties depend not only on the characteristics of their parents permeability, determined by the transmission line theory,
but also on morphology and interstitial characteristics [5]. which is summarized in Eq (1) and Eq (2):
2190 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h  . pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i
medium then the EMI will not be present. Nevertheless, the
Zin ¼ z0 mr =εr thanh j 2pGd c εr =mr (1)
signals travelling in a closed medium will be reflected back to
  the device. This will cause the energy to increase in phase at
ðZin  Z0 Þ
RL ¼ 20 log  (2) certain frequencies due to the appearance of the emitted EMI
ðZin þ Z0 Þ
in the form of noise, which then interferes with the perfor-
where εr represents the relative complex permittivity and mr is mance of these electronic devices. However, the effect of EMI
the relative complex permeability, c, f, and d are the velocity of can be avoided by protecting the closed medium with micro-
light, microwave frequency, and absorber thickness, respec- wave absorbers. Wang et al. [17] had clarified the concept of
tively. Zin is the input impedance of the absorber, and ð Z0 ¼ electromagnetic interference (EMI) and shielding as the pro-
m0 =ε0 ) is the impedance of free space. Therefore, less cess by which disruptive electromagnetic energy is trans-
reflection and a high RL of the EM wave will be achieved as the ferred from one electronic device to another through radiated
values of er and mr converge. or connected paths, or jointly. It is also suggested that EMI
Therefore, the reflection will decrease and the RL of the EM could be controlled by radiation or conduction, depending on
will increase as the values of er and mr are closer. There should the type of coupling or pathway involved [18]. The electro-
be effective complementarity between dielectric and mag- magnetic interference shield, through the absorption mech-
netic losses to achieve certain impedance characteristics to anism, works according to the principle of absorbing the
obtain effective EM wave absorption. From Eq. (1), the interfering electromagnetic wave by converting the wave en-
impedance matching characteristic (Z) of the sample can be ergy into thermal energy and then reducing the interference
calculated, and the equation is shown in Eq (3): to a very low value. Nevertheless, absorption shielding re-
quires several special design conditions for optimization of
Z ¼ jZin = Z0 j (3) the absorber, and this shielding mechanism is dependent on
frequency. A microwave absorber (MAM) or a radar absorber
The electromagnetic waves are not reflected on the surface
(RAM) are absorbents used for protection in a microwave or
of the absorbing substance when Z is equal to or near 1, and all
radio frequency band [19]. EMI shielding can be obtained by
incidents inside the absorbing body. The absolute value of the
either reversing or absorbing the interfering electromagnetic
reflection loss RL will exceed its maximal value at this time.
wave. Gogoi [19] also stated that metal is the best electro-
Any of the incident EM waves would be reflected on or travel
magnetic reflective material for protection, but the reflected
through the material's front surface without any dissipation if
wave may interfere with the electronic component inside the
the impedances do not align, resulting in very weak RL even
enclosure or in its vicinity.
with good dielectric and magnetic losses. It must be
The most important properties of the primary material
acknowledged that the lack of synergy between the dielectric
that achieves electromagnetic absorption are the imaginary
loss and the magnetic field contributes to a good balancing of 00
parts of complex permittivity ðε* ¼ ε0  jε Þ, complex perme-
impedance and attenuation within the strong electromag- 00
ability ð m* ¼ m0  jm Þ, and complex conductivity ð s* ¼ s0 
netic wave absorber, thereby providing excellent absorption of 00
js Þ, but no materials give high values for all of these param-
EM waves. Therefore, a key factor for high microwave ab-
eters at all frequencies. In this regard, the condition for
sorption is excellent impedance matching [13].
complete impedance matching is m 0 /ε 0 to be equal to 1, i.e. m 0 /ε
¼ 1. In the microwave band, m 0 is smaller than ε 0 for most
materials, like magnetic materials. Now, as by impedance
3. Microwave absorbers and electromagnetic matching, we can let EM waves enter the material, but then
shielding materials the next step is to attenuate them as much as possible. Some
requirements for microwave EM parameters must be satisfied
Recently, the shielding of electromagnetic interference (EMI) to meet the condition of attenuation characteristics. The
for radio frequency (RF) radiation has received great attention higher values of ε" and m", the attenuation constant will be
from researchers and the general public in modern society greater and the attenuation will be larger. However, higher m"
[14]. It has become very important to provide EMI protection values contribute to higher dielectric heating, which is not
materials with certain properties, such as lightweight, effec- desirable. Therefore, there is a need to manufacture vehicles
tive to check the workspace, and the environment from the that meet the required set of characteristics [20]. There will be
radiation of computers and communication devices, as well as no reflection of the interface of the electromagnetic wave
to protect sensitive circuits. In the past decade, with the (when it is incident naturally) if ε* and m* from the medium are
brightness of nanotechnology, radar absorption materials equal, and the medium will provide the same resistance as
(RAM) had gained much attention due to the possibility of free space. Then, the EM wave will dissipate as it travels
increasing the effectiveness of protection and microwave through the medium, depending on the thickness of the me-
absorption while reducing the mass and size of contemporary dium and the absorption properties. Ferrite is the only mate-
structures [15]. Adi et al. [16] also reported the importance of rial that gives similar complex permittivity and complex
electromagnetic interference and shielding in the electronics magnetic permeability, albeit in a limited frequency range.
field, where microwave absorption materials are used to Micheli et al. [14] worked on several carbon-based nano-
reduce the presence of electromagnetic wave interference structures in terms of their microwave electrical properties in
(EMI). Generally, high-frequency electronic components often X-band (8.2e12.4 GHz) employing the waveguide method,
encounter problems such as frequency signal leakage, but if which has a unique structure and excellent properties of the
the electronic device is in an open state or not in a closed catalyzed and potential engineering applications, especially
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2191

for integration with advanced electronic devices. The work Therefore, the effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding
describes the microwave loss materials whence of electrical (SET) is the ratio of the impinging energy to the residual
permittivity, which describes a substance's interaction with energy, which also represents the sum of three different pro-
an electric field and a complex quantity (ε T ¼ ε 0 e jε 00 ). From cesses consisting of reflection (SER), absorption (SEA), and
the analysis of the theory of complex permittivity, the electric multiple internal reflections (SEM). These three processes
field that produces two types of electrical effects is adopted contribute to the whole attenuation, as shown in Eq. (4) [15,21]:
when the electromagnetic field is spread inside any insulating
SET ¼ SER þ SEA þ SEM (4)
material, which is the conduction current and the displace-
ment current. Free electrons (conduction current) produce an It is well known from the theory of the plane wave that the
effect that leads to power loss and is associated with the amplitude of the electromagnetic wave decreases a lot inside
imaginary permittivity (ε00 ); while interaction with bound a tester as it passes. Consequently, the loss of absorption oc-
charges (displacement current) leads to the polarisation ef- curs from ohmic losses and the heating of the material
fect, which represents the real part of permittivity (ε0 ). because of induced currents in the medium. The shielding
Therefore, the rise in the real part of the complex permittivity efficiency SET is usually expressed in decibels (dB), and
can be attributed mainly to dielectric relaxation and the effect mathematically can be expressed as a function of the loga-
of polarisation of the space charge, while the rise in the rithmic scale of the incident as per expressions of transmitted
imaginary part of the complex permittivity can be attributed electrical intensity (E), magnetic (H), or plane wave (P) [17,18]:
to the improved electrical conductivity of the material.
Electromagnetic shielding is a process to reduce the PT ET HT
SET ðdBÞ ¼ 10 log 10 ¼ 20 log 10 ¼ 20 log 10 (5)
penetration of EM waves into the desired space [15]. The
definition of shielding efficiency (SET) was presented by where PI (EI or HI) and PT (ET or HT) represent the power of
Sukla [21] as a parameter that measures the quality of the (electric field intensity or magnetic field intensity) and plane-
material that impedes the EM energy of a given frequency wave field intensity of incident and transmitted EM waves
passing through it. Generally, the shielding efficiency is respectively.
measured in terms of reducing the magnitude of the inci-
dent power and field when moving through the shield [18].
When an electromagnetic wave radiates an EMI shielding 4. The basics of microwave absorber (MA)
material, the wave is subjected to reflection, transmission, materials and their properties
and absorption accidents, as shown in Fig. 1. The figure il-
lustrates that at the fall of the EM waves on the front of the Absorbing materials are classified by standard measurement
material, a certain portion of the incident power (PI) is re- methods, i.e. direct measurement of the free-space reflection
flected (PR), while another specific part is absorbed and or indirect measurements of their electromagnetic parame-
dissipated in the form of energy, and the remaining portion ters. One of the most important requirements for absorbers is
is transmitted (PT) via the shielding material. When the EM that the absorbent material reduces the reflection of the front
energy interacts with the electronic and molecular struc- face and the matching of the impedance in the air to the ab-
tures of the material, this reaction leads to the generation of sorption interface. The material must also increase the ab-
heat inside the material due to energy dissipation, which in sorption of electromagnetic waves through the high values of
turn converts the incident EM wave into heat or other forms insulating and magnetic losses. In addition, it is expected that
of energy [15]. these materials will be applied in a wide frequency band.
Absorption materials shouldn't require the use of an external
magnetic field. The absorbing materials should be light in
weight and thin.
Microwave absorbing materials with the properties of
thinness, lightweight, broadband, and strong absorption have
received rising attention because of their pragmatic and
effective functions for reducing electromagnetic interference
(EMI) pollution and defense stealth technology. The various
parameters used in the design of nanomaterials that play an
important role in the development of new materials for
microwave absorption have been highlighted in a recent
review by Mailadil et al. and others [22e24]. These materials
can provide strong adsorption properties, a wide frequency
range, low density, and thin samples. Dedicatedly, more re-
searchers have superseded their studies of nanocomposites.
By combining different nanomaterials, a new composite
material can be designed that shows excellent electromag-
netic wave absorption performance in the GHz band. The se-
lection of materials that have good EMI protection properties
Fig. 1 e The schematic representation of the EMI shielding
depends on several parameters, such as dielectric behavior,
mechanism [15].
2192 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

conductivity, and magnetic features [25]. Furthermore, the interest in studying their properties, the influence of various
absorption properties of the electromagnetic waves of the factors on the alteration of their structural and dimensional
material depend on their dielectric properties, such as characteristics, and the effect of structure and phase compo-
permittivity and permeability. By incorporating dielectric and sition on the functional application of these nanomaterials
magnetic padding, the electromagnetic proportions of these has not yet waned but keeps growing by the day. Perhaps the
materials can be improved to obtain the maximum absorption lack of complete knowledge about the behavior of materials
of electromagnetic energy [26]. and changes in phase composition on a nanoscale is the
To this period, achieving all the desired properties of mi- driving force behind this [29]. This fact motivates all new
crowave absorbing materials that are shown in Fig. 2 with a groups of researchers to continue to look for new materials,
single material remains a challenge in microwave absorption study their structural characteristics, and look for realistic
(MA) applications [27,28]. Several studies have sought to applications. Numerous studies are currently being conducted
overcome this limitation, as most researchers have explored to discover novel and efficient microwave absorbing mate-
designing novel absorbers combined with strong magnetic rials, such as those based on ferrite, carbon, and composite.
materials such as magnetic minerals and ferrite, and dielec- These materials have taken the nanotechnology platform by
tric materials such as carbon-based materials and conductive storm, with exponential growth in its applications. Several
polymers, leading to effective performances that enhance papers on ferrite and carbon-based nanocomposites have
microwave absorption materials to meet the future been published. According to Fig. 3, the research of these
challenges. materials has reached an unexpectedly great height and has
emerged as a champion in the field of applied sciences. The
search on the Web of Science, Google Scholar, or Science-
5. Structures and properties of some selected Direct yields several thousand papers on ferrite/carbon/com-
microwave absorbers posite. The publication trend since the year 2016 shows that
the amount of research has grown exponentially year by year.
Nowadays, there is a lot of interest in synthesizing new ma- Theoretical and experimental attempts aimed at devel-
terials that can be used to make photocatalysts, microelec- oping microwave absorbers are largely linked to two main
tronic devices, and other things that will be planar, smaller, characteristics of their electromagnetic properties. Absorber
weightless, and perform well beyond the present state-of-the- materials perform by realising Maxwell's absorption equa-
art. Methods for obtaining nanostructured materials, which tions, which state that material of equivalent electrical
are of particular interest due to their structural properties as permittivity and magnetic permeability should have no
well as a wide area of active surface, are among the many interface reflection at normal incident since its impedance is
methods for obtaining new materials. Despite a large number equal to that of free space [27]. The thickness of such a ma-
of research papers on methods for obtaining nanostructures, terial can be adjusted to achieve the optimal degree of

Fig. 2 e The desired characteristics of the microwave absorption materials [27,28].

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2193

Fig. 3 e Publication trend in ferrite/Carbon/composite-based MAMs chronology since 2016e2020.

electromagnetic wave attenuation. Furthermore, whether the Inverse spinel structures occur in NiZn ferrites and MnZn
material's relative permittivity or permeability is high or not, it ferrites, with a portion of the M atom occupying the tetrahe-
produces high electric or magnetic loss tangents, indicating dral site and the M atom occupying the octahedral site [39].
that it is a good absorber. As a result, absorber materials can The structure of ferrite (as shown in Fig. 4), whether garnet,
be divided into two categories: The first is based on enhanced spinel, or magnetoplumbite, has its backbone as a close-
magnetic losses due to resonance phenomena in the higher packed structure of oxygen anions. Magnetic and nonmag-
frequency region (>300 MHz). On the other hand, the second netic metallic cations reside in the interstices of the close-
characteristic has been linked to increased dielectric losses, packed oxygen lattice [39,40]. In the spinel structure (Fig. 3
based on their permittivity [30]. (a, b)), these cations have four- or six-fold coordination in
Researchers discovered a form of magnetic material the spinel system, forming tetrahedral and octahedral sub-
known as ferrites that have considerably better absorption lattices that are organized in a close-packed arrangement.
properties than other magnetic materials in that regard, There are also cation sites in hexaferrite with five-fold local
where many advances have been achieved by ferrite symmetry [41]. (Fig. 4 (c))
materials, which include self-bias magnetization, and A ferrite core is created by pressing a powder mixture
tunability of the magnetic anisotropy, low microwave loss, containing the constituent raw materials into the desired
and volumetric and weight reduction. Additionally, it has shape which is then sintered into a ceramic piece. The mag-
been argued that there has been a long history of research into netic properties of the oxide are raised by the interactions
carbon-based absorbers as a type of electromagnetic wave- between metallic ions in specific positions relative to the ox-
absorbing material that exhibits dielectric loss [31e34]. ygen ions in the crystal structure [42]. Commercial ferrites are
When using a pure carbonaceous material, the low magnetic divided into three distinct groups: (1) soft ferrites with garnet
loss and high reflection coefficient affect the material's ab- structures, such as microwave ferrites (e.g., YIG); (2) soft fer-
sorption properties. rites with cubic spinel structures, such as NiZn-, MnZn-, and
MgMnZn ferrites; and (3) hard ferrites with magnetoplumbite
5.1. Ferrite-based materials (hexagonal) structures, such as Ba and Sr hexaferrite. Each
group has its own crystal structure.
Essentially, ferrites are ceramic materials that are dark grey or Ferrite materials are magnetic oxides that are insulating
black, which are very hard and brittle. Ferrites are magnetic [43]. They have high permeability and mild permittivity at
materials made up of oxides that contain ferric ions as the frequencies ranging from DC to millimeters, unlike most
main constituent (the term “ferrite” comes from the Latin materials [44]. There are no other materials with such a broad
word “Ferrum” for iron) and are known as magnetic materials range of utility to electronic applications in terms of power
because of their ferrimagnetic conduct [35,36]. Spinel is the generation, cooling, and conversion due to their low eddy
crystal lattice of ferrite. Ferrites are a type of spinel with a current losses. These properties make them useful, especially
crystal motif of cubic close-packed (or face-centered cubic, in microwave devices that require strong coupling to electro-
FCC) oxides (O2), with M0 cations occupying one-eighth of the magnetic signals as well as non-reciprocal behavior [45].
tetrahedral holes and M00 cations occupying half of the Initial permeability in the high-frequency region is an
octahedral holes [37,38]. Spinel ferrites can be colorless, but important factor for high-frequency electronic devices such as
they are generally red, blue, green, yellow, and brown. Metal electromagnetic wave absorbers or inductor devices [46]. The
ions can be located in octahedral and tetrahedral arrange- high-frequency permeability of ferrites, including all their
ments. Fe3þ and Zn2þ ions prefer octahedral sites, while Fe2þ, types (spinels, garnets, and hexaferrite), assumes a tensor
Ni2þ, and Mn2þ ions prefer to occupy the octahedral sites. form due to the magnetically anisotropic and gyromagnetic
2194 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

Fig. 4 e (a,b) Schematic representation of spinel and magnetoplumbite (hexagonal in symmetry) (c) structures [41].

nature of these materials [41,47]. The fact that the preces- influence the intensity of the interaction between the ferrite
sional motion of the magnetic dipole moments is in one sense and the wave, allowing for the production of tunable devices
of rotation for a given magnetic bias field direction gives rise to such as phase shifters and filters [50]. At ferromagnetic reso-
these properties. The sense of rotation is reversed when the nance, the strongest interaction occurs, resulting in a signifi-
field direction is reversed. As a consequence, the rotational cant attenuation of the wave. This property of ferrites is used
motion defies time-reversal symmetry, resulting in non- to construct various absorber devices [51,52].
reciprocal behavior [48]. The frequency of the precessional As microwave technology requires higher frequencies and
motion is proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic bias bandwidths up to 100 GHz, there has been an increase in
field, which is dependent on the demagnetizing field and the demand for magnetic materials for high-frequency applica-
magneto-crystalline anisotropy fields present in the ferrite in tions such as telecommunications and radar systems [53].
addition to the externally applied magnetic field [49]. When Within the past 5 years, the reports and the corresponding
the sense of rotation is the same in both fields, the interaction citations about Ferrite-based MAMs had been ncreasing year
between a circularly polarised electromagnetic wave and the by year, as shown in the statistical data of the Web of Science
precessional motion of the dipole moments is the greatest. (Fig. 5). Ferrites are non-conducting oxides, so they allow full
Only one propagation direction can interact strongly with the penetration of electromagnetic fields, unlike metals, where
ferrite since reversing the propagation direction is equal to the skin effect severely restricts high-frequency field pene-
reversing the sense of rotation in a circularly polarised wave. tration [54]. Domain walls are unable to follow the fields at
This direction-dependent nature of wave propagation in such frequencies (domain wall dispersion usually occurs at
ferrite materials allows for the development of non-reciprocal about 10 GHz), and microwave power is absorbed by spin dy-
devices like circulators and isolators. The external field will namics. The standard geometry is to match spins with a DC

Fig. 5 e (a) The article number of Ferrite-based MAMs and (b) the corresponding citations since 2017e2021.
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magnetic field H before applying a microwave field perpen- around 10 GHz and hexaferrite can reach 100 GHz [43]. Mi-
dicular to H. At the frequency of the microwave field, the spins crowave absorption by ferrites involves losses, so a damping
process around their equilibrium orientation [55]. The or relaxation term is usually included in Eq (8). In poly-
LandaueLifshitz equation of motion, which is a classic defi- crystalline ferrites, losses are linked to defects and the
nition of the dynamics of this system, can be written in its anisotropy field distribution, and in electrical conduction, the
undamped form as follows: existence of Fe2þ, which promotes hopping conduction in
combination with Fe3þ, is a common issue, particularly in
g M  Hi; (6) spinels. The physical origin of losses in polycrystalline ferrites
has recently been investigated in depth through effects on
where g is the gyromagnetic ratio (ratio of mechanical to the linewidth; grain boundaries tend to play a significant role [41].
magnetic moment, g ¼ ge/2mc ¼ 2.8 MHz/G, (Herein, g rep-
resents the effective g-factor of the investigated material, e is 5.2. Carbon-based materials
the electron charge, m is the electron's mass, and c is the
velocity of light), M is the magnetization, and Hi is the total Carbon has long been conventionally known to occur in two
internal field acting upon the spin. As follows: In the static and natural crystalline allotropic forms, such as graphite and
time-dependent sections, the magnetization and field terms diamond [31,56]. The chemistry of these two compounds, on
can be divided as follows: the other hand, varies significantly in terms of crystal struc-
tures and properties. Chemically, because of the valence
H ¼ Hi þ heiut ; M ¼ Ms þ meiut (7)
electron of carbon atoms, several other allotropes can be
where H is field intensity, u is the frequency, h is the oscil- formed. This happens as carbon atoms form covalent bonds
lating field, and Ms is the saturation magnetization. with other carbon atoms. To put this phenomenon into
These equations are singular, which can be written as: context, allotropes are elements that are chemically similar
but have dramatically different physical properties. As a
u ¼ u0 ¼ gH0 (8)
result, an allotrope is formed when the atoms in a substance
H0 is the total field on the spins (external and internal); Eq (8), with only one kind of atom are arranged differently [57]. For
also known as the Larmor equation, expresses the ferromag- this reason, numerous other allotropes and derivatives of
netic resonance (FMR) conditions. The uniform (in-phase) carbon, such as graphite (carbon black (CB)), graphene, buck-
precession of spins is associated with FMR. Since the inter- minsterfullerene (nano-sized spheres of rolled-up graphene),
action with the microwave field becomes negligible as u > u0 , carbon nanotubes, etc., have been discovered, giving carbon
the upper limit of ferrites applications is FMR. Spinels are used the highest number of identified allotropes when compared to
at frequencies up to 30 GHz, while garnets are limited to any other material [58], see Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 e Structural illustration of some allotropes of Carbon occurring in different crystallographic forms [59,60].
2196 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

Fig. 7 e The article amount of Carbon-based MAMs and (b) the corresponding citations from 2017 to 2021.

Several carbon-based materials have shown promising of the elastic modulus in the order of 1 TPa, and tensile
properties with improved performance in many applications strength within the range of 50e500 GPa. More importantly,
[61e65]. The structure and properties of these materials are CNTs can be fabricated to yield good semiconducting prop-
governed by the size of the carbon material, the number of erties with charge carrier mobility as high as 105 cm2/V.s, and
walls/layers, the type and density of defects, the chemical with a current-carrying capacity of over 109 A/cm [80]. This is
functional groups on the surface of the carbon materials, and particularly appealing for creating cost-effective and light-
the interfacial contact area between semiconductors and weight absorbers. Since carbon nanotubes are nonmagnetic,
carbon materials [66]. Thus, to obtain carbon materials with their MA comes from polarization, Ohmic losses, or multiple
improved performance, their synthesis must be carefully scattering due to their large specific surface area [81]. It's
designed and carried out to control their structures and worth noting that the various forms of CNTs have been clas-
properties. sified for use in MA. Accordingly, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are
Carbon-based nanomaterials are outstanding microwave a new generation of carbon-based absorbing materials with
absorption materials that can obtain good dielectric loss tunable dielectric properties, strong high-temperature oxida-
through their excellent dielectric properties and rational tion resistance, high conductivity, high aspect ratio, and super
structural design, thereby bringing remarkable microwave mechanical strength. Based on previous studies, composites
performance [34,67]. Furthermore, the low density of carbon- of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) or carbon fibres (CFs) and mag-
based nanomaterials promotes the absorber to be light- netic metals and their oxides can improve the absorption
weight [68]. In addition, the surface of nano-carbon materials performance even further [82,83].
presents abundant crystal defects, and unsaturated and Graphene (G) materials have attracted a lot of attention for
hanging bonds, that enhance interface polarisation and mul- electromagnetic wave suppression due to their variety of
tiple scattering, thus good microwave absorption [69]. Prom- remarkable properties, including low density, high specific
ising nanoscale carbon-based materials that have been surface area, large aspect ratios, and versatile processing
studied recently for their properties are porous carbon [70], [84e86]. Due to polarisation relaxation induced by defects,
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [71], (reduced) graphene (GO) [72], graphene-derived materials usually have a high microwave
and carbon fibres [73]. These materials are useful as trans- absorption potential. According to Qiang Cao [87], while gra-
parent electrodes because of their high conductivity, which phene's EM wave ability is lacking, ultrathin graphene may be
allows ultrathin films of 1e100 nm thickness to achieve a promising candidate for a lightweight, high-efficiency mi-
adequate conductivity, and because they are optically trans- crowave absorber in thermally demanding environments. The
parent. These carbon-based materials are appealing not only ultrathin, lightweight graphene demonstrates high-efficiency
for transparent electrode development but also for a variety of microwave absorption at elevated temperatures, as well as
other applications [74,75]. These materials have shown great thermal-stability permittivity. Exploratory efforts have been
prospects in multiple applications to solve the environmental made in recent years to build graphene-based heterofillers
and energy problems that we face today due to several factors, with tunable complex permittivity and permeability to meet
such as their performance as microwave absorbers [6,76,77]. impedance matching conditions. Several studies were carried
Till now, a significant factor in the design of microwave out with the incorporation of other lossy materials as the
absorbers concerned the absorption efficiency concerning imperative solution to improve the MA performance of the
weight. In this regard, it is self-evident that the composite sole graphene material [88e90]. This is because it suffers from
consists of non-corrosive, lightweight polymer, and that the poor dispersion in the matrix, interfacial impedance mis-
nano-scale particles have a distinct advantage [78]. Carbon matching due to improper electrical conductivity, and a
nanotubes (CNTs) meet the criterion essentially [79], they limited loss mechanism [91e93]. However, the absorption
have several advantages owing to their capability of tailoring bandwidths of all graphene-based MA composites ever
the dielectric properties and possessing lightweight structures recorded have been only a few gigahertz, far narrower than
without reducing mechanical properties, with typical values those of traditional broadband microwave absorbents such as
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2197

carbonyl iron [94]. Furthermore, much less effort has been 6.1. Dielectric absorber
devoted to the convenient absorption regulation of an existing
graphene-based MA material as it is important for practical The dielectric properties of the material produce dielectric
application, compared to unhandily changing either coating loss, which refers to EM wave loss when the material is
thickness or loading content. Due to its great potential in the exposed to EM waves. Permittivity (e) is the measure of the
field of EM properties, the 2D structure of graphene, with the material's influence on the electric field when the material
advantage of low density and remarkable electric properties, interacts with electromagnetic waves, which is represented
has attracted growing scientific interest. Furthermore, gra- by its real and imaginary parts as ðε* ¼ ε0  jε Þ. e' represents
phene has favorable properties for the preparation of hybrid the real part of electric permittivity and it differs significantly
materials and functionalities that are close to inorganic/ from the frequency, e'' is the imaginary part of electric
organic materials, giving hybrid materials unique physical permittivity and it is a measure of the attenuation of the
properties. Another example of carbon-based nanomaterials electric field caused by the medium [101]. The dielectric loss is
is a 3D interconnected graphene network made from 2D gra- represented by the imaginary part of the dielectric constant
phene sheets [95e97]. Zhang et al. [84] recently synthesized a (εr) and is usually measured by the tangent of the dielectric
macroscopic 3D free-standing graphene foam (GF) with air- loss angle (tan de ¼ εr00 /εr0 ) [102]. Dielectric loss is associated
similar densities, adjustable electrical conductivity, and ul- with both conductive loss and polarisation loss. The conduc-
trahigh compressibility using the self-assembly process, tive loss depends on the electrical conductivity, and the
paving the way for graphene to be used as a superlight, polarisation loss originates from the atomic, electron, dipole,
adjustable, and broadband high-performance MA material. and interfacial polarization. While the atomic and electron
Liu et al. [97] used thermal reduction of graphene oxide/PVA polarization would be eliminated since they exist only at high
networks to synthesize 3D thermally reduced graphene net- frequencies.
works. Then, a vacuum was used to fill the graphene networks
with wax. The porous structures in the networks lower the 6.2. Magnetic absorbers
density of the thermally reduced graphene networks, allowing
for more surface area for reflection. Defects that occur during The magnetic loss is specifically related to the material under
the thermal reduction of graphene sheets can serve as polar- an applied alternating electric field, and part of the energy of
isation centers, causing polarisation relaxation to increase. the incident EM wave is irreversibly transformed into thermal
According to the aforementioned properties, carbon-based energy due to the magnetization of the materials being mag-
nanomaterials have superior dielectric properties, resulting in netised [103]. The impedance matching between material and
a low dielectric loss. Carbon-based nanomaterials with a high free space, which includes mr ¼ er, is one of the key factors for
degree of graphitization, in particular, have a high electrical having ideal wave absorption with the reflection loss (RL ¼ -
conductivity, which increases the imaginary part of the rela- ∞). The magnetic material, however, typically has high
tive complex permittivity, resulting in good conduct loss. permittivity and mild permeability, resulting in low imped-
Naturally, this leads to the carbon-based nanomaterials' ance characteristics [104]. Therefore, the frequency of the
dielectric loss and increases their EM microwave properties minimum reflection loss or dip in RL cannot be explicitly
[98]. Furthermore, high specific surface area, porous, and predicted by the material's magnetic or dielectric resonance
heterogeneous carbon-based nanomaterials with good inter- frequency [105,106]. Instead, the occurrence of the minimum
facial polarisation can be inherited through their construction reflection of the microwave power on the material surface can
[99]. Carbon-based nanomaterials would eventually be able to be well defined [107]. The researches based on magnetic metal
achieve relatively strong EM wave absorption properties. nanoparticles has been fairly active for decades, due to their
However, due to the low magnetic loss of carbon-based unique properties and structures, as well as potential appli-
nanomaterials, effective impedance matching is difficult. As cations [25,108,109]. Metals (alloys) can still have a rise in EM
a result, achieving impressive EM wave absorption efficiency parameters in the high-frequency range due to large satura-
for corresponding absorbers is always difficult. tion magnetization and higher Snoek limits [110]. The prop-
erties of magnetic materials such as ferrite have a complex
semi-constant permittivity (mr* ¼ m'r e j m''r), so the imaginary
6. Types of microwave absorbers part m''r of complex permeability mr contributes greatly to the
absorption of microwaves, and dispersal occurs in specific
The absorption of microwave materials depends on several frequency regions where the large part is m''r and the real part
parameters, including the impedance matching of the absor- m'r is small [111].
bent material with the free space, the specific resistance of the
material, the frequency and the flexibility of the material to 6.3. Features of electromagnetic properties of microwave
operate across different frequency ranges, dielectric losses, absorption; magnetic losses and dielectric losses
magnetic losses, etc. There is a wide range of microwave
materials available currently, but each material has optimal In general, high absorption performance depends on two
absorption properties in a specific frequency range and under main parameters in the design of a microwave absorber: the
certain control parameters. Among all the parameters, there incoming microwave can penetrate the absorbers with a slight
are two important parameters on which the absorption reflection, and the absorbers can efficiently attenuate the
property of the substance depends. The first is dielectric losses transmitted microwave [112]. The impedance matching con-
and the second is magnetic losses [100]. dition determines the first factor, whereas the inherent EM
2198 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

loss determines the second. Numerous studies have and magnetic loss, which leads to an increase in space charge,
confirmed that it is difficult to achieve proper impedance polarisation of the orientation, and appropriate impedance
matching in single-dielectric or magnetic lossy materials, in matching [129]. Because there must be sufficient knowledge of
which dielectric and magnetic materials are mixed in a proper the complex permittivity εr and permeability mr* when
ratio to adjust the frequency dependency of the permittivity designing microwave absorbers, in this review, the values of
and permeability [113e115]. Most microwave absorption the complex permittivity εr* and permeability mr are presented
consists of magnetic loss powders like ferrite, nickel, and co- for different composite materials, including magnetic and
balt, and loss of dielectric loss materials such as carbon dielectric components, that have been designed from several
nanotubes (CNTs) and conductive polymers [116]. Wang et al. previous studies as shown in Table 1. By varying the ratio of
briefed that [117] although the ability to absorb carbon nano- these composition volumes, the values of the complex
tubes is very weak, previous reports show that carbon nano- permeability (mr* ¼ m'r e j m''r) and complex permittivity (εr* ¼ ε0 r
tubes and magnetic materials will show excellent microwave e j ε''r) can be changed. Their results are applied to designing a
absorbing properties [118,119]. Investigation of high- microwave absorber to tailor the reflection loss and the cen-
frequency magnetic, dielectric, and microwave absorbing tral frequency to particular requirements [130] (see Table 2).
properties was carried out on various nano-composites, aim-
ing for the gigahertz (GHz) frequency range of the microwave
absorbers [120]. The lossy filler includes non-magnetic mate- 7. View studies on dielectric loss-based
rials such as carbon black, multi-walled carbon nanotubes microwave absorption materials
(MWCNT), graphene, as well as magnetic materials such as
carbon iron energy (CIP) and ferrites, which are used to Conventional functional microwave absorbing materials such
implement microwave absorption structures [121e124]. as ferrites, magnetic metals, intrinsically conducting poly-
Numerous studies have concluded that carbon materials are a mers, and others may be unable to satisfy the absorption de-
type of material that absorbs electromagnetic waves and mands due to high density and narrow bandwidth. For
shows an insulating loss. A pure carbon material shows the instance, magnetic materials suffer from low absorption effi-
absorption property of the material is affected by its low ciency in the GHz range and beyond because of their increased
magnetic loss and high reflection coefficient [125]. To alleviate density, whereas intrinsically conducting polymers have a
this defect, researchers used electroplating, precipitation, or deficiency due to a lack of environmental stability and poor
coating on the surface of carbon materials to load magnetic processing. The metals have been excessively used as
particles such as carbonyl iron, Fe3O4, Ni, and FeeCo to shielding materials to mitigate the EMI problems due to their
enhance the absorption properties of the material [126e128]. high electrical conductivity and effective shielding efficiency
Wei et al. [32] successfully synthesised a carbon fibre (CF)/ [144e147]. Recently, dielectric loss materials and polymer
magnetic particle composite by the carbonization of an as- composites containing conductive nanocomposites, for
impregnated Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based pre-oxidized example, carbon nanofibers (CNFs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs),
fiber/metal salt, such that the formed magnetic particles can and graphene [117], have gained increasing interest over
be well dispersed on the surface of CFs. In their study, mag- metals due to many advantages such as low-cost, light weight,
netic particles (such as Fe3O4, NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4, and Ni3Fe), good corrosion resistance, and ease of processing [148]. There
being magnetic loss materials, uniformly disperse along the are many materials, which are referred to as “resistance,” that
surface of carbon fibers by carbonization in the nitrogen at- can absorb electromagnetic waves and convert electrical en-
mosphere, which plays a key role in the absorption of elec- ergy into heat. However, the mechanisms underlying this
tromagnetic waves. The minimum reflection loss (RL) of the energy conversion can be divided into resistors, magnetic and
synthesised carbon fiber/magnetic particle composite is dielectric, depending on the absorption material, the absorp-
30.62 dB at 11.74 GHz because of the enhanced dielectric loss tion range, and other factors [130].
from the magnetic Fe3O4, NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4, and Ni3Fe parti-
cles and lightweight carbon-based fibers. The study shows 7.1. Microwave absorber (MA) properties of carbon-
that it is possible to control the absorption of carbon fibers/ based nanomaterials material
magnetic particle compounds by modifying the types and
concentrations of magnetic particle coatings, which provides To optimize the performance of microwave absorbing mate-
a new and effective way to give the excellent microwave ab- rials, there exists a quest for lightweight and highly efficient
sorption properties of the carbon fibers coated with magnetic materials for EMI shielding applications. Recently, carbon-
particles. The formed composites show good electromagnetic based materials have gained popularity for their unique
wave absorption capabilities as well as wide absorption properties such as lightweight, processing benefits, flexibility,
bandwidths at a lower concentration (0.0625 mol L1, n (Fe): n resistance to corrosion, and extraordinary electrical, me-
(Co): n (Ni) ¼ 2: 2: 1). Moreover, it can achieve an effective chanical, and thermal properties along with dielectric polar-
bandwidth (RL <  10 dB) of 7.4 GHz in a wide frequency range isation properties in microwave absorbing technologies [149].
from 8.7 to 16.1 GHz. A high value of magnetic permeability Carbon materials are most widely used as promising absor-
and dielectric constant can also be obtained in compounds bents in materials that absorb microwaves in reducing the
containing thin iron particles prepared by mechanical forging backscattering of objects or radar targets, EMI inhibitors, and
of spherical iron powders using a drain mill [100]. All previous paints [150e152]. Various carbon materials, such as carbon
work also suggests that the improvement of microwave ab- black (CB) [153], carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [154], carbon nano
sorption properties is due to a large combination of dielectric fibers (CNFs), carbon nanospheres (CNSs), and reduced
Table 1 e The microwave absorption properties of the combination between dielectric and magnetic loss-based materials and their performance from recent literature.
Type Samples Dielectric Magnetic Morphology Preparation RL G d ε0 at ε" at tandε at m0 at m" tandm Studied Ref.
losses loss method (dB) (Hz) (mm) Max Max Max Max at Max at Max properties
Carbon e Fe@carbon CF Fe Nanoflake in situ 36.98 11.6 1.8 14.4 2.5 0.17 1.18 0.23 0.19 specific [33]
Metal fiber particles reduction surface area
nanocomposites (Fe@CF)
MnONPs@ RGO, Si MnONPs Hierarchical a hydrothermal 54.04 17.9 1.59 11.2 3.10 0,27 1.30 0.10 0.07 lightweight, broad [131]
SiCw/RGO strategy followed bandwidth, and
with thermal high-efficiency
treatment absorption

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0
(SCFs@Fe3 SCFs Fe3O4 Honeycomb-like one-step 40.8 11.9 1.9 9.80 2,10 0.21 1.70 0.32 0.18 Ultra-high [73]
O4@PR) porous hydrothermal complex
method permittivity
NSZnO/Zn/CF CF NSZnO/Zn Nanosheet Annealing the 39.42 3.23 4.5 10.9 27.8 0.27 0.94 1.15 1.2 Strong [132]
zinc-covered absorption,
carbon fibers wide-frequency,
with lightweight
CB/SiC CB SiC Microstructure A ball mill 41 9 2 15.8 2.2 0.09 e e e Absorption [133]
and properties
MWCNTs/Ni MWCNT Ni Nanocomposites Chemical 46.85 6.56 3.7 11.0 3.1 0.28 1.04 0.56 0.53 Impedance [134]
vapor matching
deposition properties
(CVD) method
Si(2)-rGO@Fe3O4/ rGO, Si Fe3O4 Nanostructure Hydrothermal 32.1 3.68 7.0 10 3 0.31 0.95 0.0 0.0 Impedance [135]
PVDF-co-HFP reaction mismatching
and narrow
Graphene-coated G Fe Heterostructure Combination of 45.0 7.1 3.0 4.2 12.2 2.9 1.4 0.25 0.17 Improve [136]
Fe nanocomposites the hydrothermal interfacial
and reduction coupling
reactions between
graphene and Fe
Carbon-coated Carbon (C) Ni Core/shell Chemical 26.73 12.7 2.0 12.8e4.9 7.1 0.80 1.5e1.0 0.4 0.32 Relative complex [137]
nickel Ni(C) microstructure process permittivity and
nanoparticles permeability
Carbon (C) @ Carbon BaMg0.2Co0.8 Core-Shell A combination 45.2 17.56 1.8 14.4 6.0 0.41 1.9 0.29 0.15 Static [122]
BaMg0.2Co0.8 (C) TiFe10O19 structure of hydrothermal magnetic
TiFe10O19 (BMCTF) carbonization measurement
(BMCTF) hexaferrite and (coercivity (Hc)
hexaferrite carbothermal and the
reduction saturation
processes magnetization (Ms)
Carbonyl Iron/ Tic Carbonyl Hybrid A simple 25.1 10.0 1.7 11.3 0.14 0.01 1.49 0.88 0.5 Electromagnetic [138]
Titanium Iron (CI) powders mechanical and microwave
carbide (Tic) method absorption
Hybrid properties

(continued on next page)
Table 1 e (continued )
Type Samples Dielectric Magnetic Morphology Preparation RL G d ε0 at ε" at tandε at m0 at m" tandm Studied Ref.
losses loss method (dB) (Hz) (mm) Max Max Max Max at Max at Max properties
Metal e Organic- Organic- polyaniline Embedded- Combining 23.1 8e12 2.3 21.0 11.9 0.56 0.99 0.02 0.02 Phase [139]
Metal inorganic inorganic PA structure the arc- identification,
nanocomposites Sm2Co14 Sm2Co14B melting morphology,
B/polyaniline process and and
PA the in situ magnetic
oxidative properties

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0
Fe/Ti TiO2 Fe (CO) Powder Mixing with 40 7.8 1.62 4.6 1.2 0.26 0.0 1.2 0.0 Matching [140]
hyperon in frequency &
various matching
mixing ratios, thickness
and molded
in a toroidal
CoNi@SiO2@ SiO2 and CoNi Hierarchical Solegel/ 58.2 8.1 2.1 e e e e e e [141]
TiO2 and TiO2 microspheres solvothermal/ Magnetic and
CoNi@Air@TiO2 hydrothermal dielectric
route synergistic effect
ZnO/Fe3O4/ ZnO Fe3O4 Amorphous Physical 12.92 1.66 5.0 6.0 1.2 0.21 1.0 2.9 0.0 Adjust position, [142]
paraffin structure blending intensity, and
composites technology absorption
Sr-modified Sr NiO Crystalline Solegel 21.07 10.4 1.9 7.98 3.0 2.6 1.05 0.1 0.09 Sr substitution [103]
La2 structure method on structure,
exSrxNiO4±d conductive, and
nickelates dynamic
Ba0.85RE0.15 W-type Polyaniline A coreeshell A facile 15.1 9.4 3.5 5.2 0.95 0.18 1.37 0.33 0.24 Properties in [137]
Co2Fe16O27- hexagonal (PANI) architecture route of low- microstructure
polyaniline ferrite (Ba0.85 temperature and static
composites RE0.15Co2 solegel magnetization
Fe16O27) self-propagating
Ba0.9 Reduced Ba0.9 Ternary A co-precipitation 49.1 14.08 1.9 14.9 10.5 0.71 0.94 0.0 0.0 Electromagnetic [143]
La0.1Fe11.9 graphene La0.1Fe11.9 nanocomposites method and in situ parameters and
Ni0.1O19/ oxide (rGO) Ni0.1O19 polymerization microwave
reduced & (PANI) absorption
graphene properties
Table 2 e Marketable microwave absorption performances (RL parameter) of various Nano-composites in previous reports.
Absorber Preparation method RL (dB) Frequency, Thickness (mm) & Effective References
f (GHz) Loading factor (%) absorption
bandwidth (GHz)
Fe3O4/MWCNTs Co-precipitation of Fe2þ and Fe3þ, and 75 dB 8.3e13.6 3 mm, 20% 11 [207]
an additional process of in situ
polymerization of aniline monomer

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0
Ni@C@ZnO Chemicals process 55.8 14.3 2.5 mm, 25% 4.1 [208]
MWCNTs/FeeNi alloy/NiFe2O4 Hydrothermal method and In-situ 85 12 2 mm 4.2 [209]
(M/F/N) polymerization method
Nanoporous carbon (NPC) Derives from HKUST-1 60 3.7 1.65 mm 5.6 [67]
Multilayer graphene/h-BN An oxidation-thermal expansion-air 67.35 8.04 3.29 mm, 40% 2.9 [210]
nanoparticle (MG/h-BNNP) convection shearing process
Fe3O4 carbon nanotubes A simple solvothermal method 43 9.7 1.5 mm, 30% 8.3 [211]
(CNTs) composites
C/Co/Co3O4 nanocomposites A simple method, including a two-step 84.75 6.61 3.0 mm 8.5 [212]
cooling process
Ti3C2Tx MXenes A simple catalytic chemical vapor 52.9 9.6 1.55 mm, 35% 4.46 [213]
deposition (CVD) process
Fe3O4/C Core-Shell Nanorings A facile strategy 61.54 16.9 1.5 mm, 25% 3.6 [214]
CNTCFs Catalytic chemical vapor deposition 42.0 11.4 2.5 mm 2.7 [215]
MOF-Co@CNTs Pyrolyzing a ZIF-67/g-C3N4 precursor 59.5 17.57 1.6 mm, 8% 5.27 [216]
SeMo2C/C-6.0 Solvothermal method 60.4 15 1.5 mm 4.8 [217]
RGO/NiO Facile pyrolyzation process 55.5 10.6 3.5 mm 6.7 [218]
Oxideecarbon/reduced A facile solvothermal and high- 60.5 4.8 3.6 mm, 2.43 wt%, 5.5 [103]
graphene oxide (Fe3O4eC/RGO) temperature pyrolysis two-step
RGO/Fe3O4/ZnO A facile solvothermal process in 57 13.5 2.0 mm 10.8 [219]
combination with the
co-precipitation route
FeCo/graphite nanosheets (p-FCG) Speedy and facile liquid 53.96 14.94 1.3 mm, 40% 4.3 [33]
reduction method
CoFe@C@MnO2 A three-step method 64 15.6 1.3 mm 9.2 [220]
The cubic hollow Co/N/C@MnO2 Metaleorganic frameworks (MOFs) 58.9 11 3.7 mm 5.5 [221]
self-templated eco-friendly method
Fe2O3/Fe3O4/MWCNTs A facile hydrothermal method 44.1 10.4 2.5 mm 3.3 [222]
MWCNTseepoxy composite Filtration followed by compression 60 8.3 1.75 mm 4.6 [223]
HNBR/MWCNT A two-roll mill at room temperature 49.3 12.1 2 mm, 10% 6.0 [151]
Ti3C2 MXenes HF etching and annealing treatment. 48.4 11.6 1.7 mm 4.21 [224]
Yolkeshell Fe3O4@N-doped Magnetic-field-induced distillation- 63.09 11.91 3.1 mm, 20% 5.34 [225]
carbon nanochains precipitation polymerization

*The results summarized here concern primarily the maximum of the reflection loss RL (dB), the corresponding frequency, and the effective absorption bandwidth over 10 dB. The table includes

findings available from the literature up to February 2021.
2202 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

graphene oxide (rGO) [155], are promising candidates for high- fractions of MnO2 by measuring the complex permittivity, the
performance MA materials due to their chemical stability, complex permeability, and the reflection loss in the 2e18 and
tunable dielectric properties, high specific modulus, and low 18e40 GHz microwave frequency ranges using the free space
density [156,157]. Intensive research has revealed the fabri- method. With the MnO2 content, there is a difference between
cation of a novel iron-coated carbon fiber via an electro- the real and imaginary parts of the complex permittivity, and
chemical method [110,113], CNTs filled with magnetic the results indicate that the dielectric constant raises with
particles (Fe, Co, Ni) [158], and CNT-filled ferromagnetic alloy increasing MnO2 content in the MnO2/MWNT matrix. It is
nanowires [154]. Furthermore, complex formations of iron- possible to modify the optimum composition of the micro-
coated carbon fiber have also been utilized as carbon nano- wave absorption properties by controlling the MnO2 content in
tube (CNT) forests are first cultivated on carbon fibers (CF) the samples, allowing the realization of the required fre-
through a catalytic chemical precipitation method [159], quency bands. Due to good reflection performance as well as
magnetic particle/carbon-based nanohybrids [160], hexagonal simple and low-cost preparation methods, the MnO2/MWNT
boron nitride nanocrystal (BNNC)/graphene nano flakes compound can be used as a broadband microwave absorber.
composites [161], a novel route to coat carbon fibers with
boron nitride (BN) nanosheets [162] and carbon black/silicon 7.2. Dielectric properties and microwave absorption of
carbide composites [133] demonstrate excellent microwave graphene composite materials
absorption characteristics which are driven through both
dielectric and magnetic losses. Qin et al. [31] reported micro- Recently, several types of materials have been selected for
wave absorption properties of different carbon-based polymer microwave absorption applications; the most important of
composites. Carbon based polymer composites are light- these are carbon-based nanoparticles. Among these particles,
weight absorbers that demonstrate higher microwave ab- as the latest addition to the carbon family, graphene is
sorption and mechanical flexibility. Carbon black, carbon becoming a focus in nano-carbon research activities due to its
fibers, CNTs, and graphene can be used as fillers in polymer many distinct advantages of absorbing electromagnetic radi-
matrixes in order to increase conductivity. ation, making it suitable for the applications of microwave
Zhai et al. [151] mixed hydrogenated acrylonitrile- isolation [117,161]. The properties of graphene, such as light-
butadiene rubber (HNBR) with three kinds of carbon fillers, weight, high thermal conductivity, specific ultra-large surface
which are carbon fiber (CF), and conductive carbon black area to thickness ratio, high corrosion resistance [148], high-
(CCB), and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) to pre- temperature resistance, and exceptional electrical conduc-
pare microwave absorbing composites. The results show the tivity, have received a lot of attention as a promising material
measurement of complex permittivity and electrical conduc- for microwave absorption and supercapacitors [162,163].
tivity of their composites in microwave frequencies Many papers, however, have confirmed that graphene has a
(2e18 GHz), in addition to studying their electromagnetic high dielectric loss but has very poor attenuation properties to
characteristics and microwave absorbing performance. The electromagnetic waves due to its high conductivity
complex arrangement of increasing electrical conductivity [117,164,165]. Consequently, such an issue has hindered the
and permittivity concerning the filling type is practical applications of graphene-based nanocomposites in
MWCNT > CCB > CF when loading the filling. According to the field of microwave absorption materials [135]. Several
their results, HNBR/MWCNT composites feature higher con- studies, on the other hand, found that the deposition of other
duction loss, dielectric relaxation, and a stronger dispersion dielectric nanostructures on the surface of graphene sheets is
than the HNBR/CCB and HNBR/CF composites because of the an effective method for fabricating lightweight materials
high conductivity, surface area, and aspect ratio of MWCNT. capable of absorbing strong electromagnetic waves [164,166].
Their study indicates the performance of microwave absorp- Briefly, graphene composite is generally synthesized from
tion depends on both the intrinsic properties of the absorbing graphite powder. The permittivity of the real and imaginary
layer (i.e., conductivity, complex permittivity, and perme- parts of graphene increases with the increase in frequency
ability) and external parameters (i.e., the thickness of the due to the MaxwelleWagner polarisation effect [167]. Then,
absorption layer and working frequency). The calculated the permittivity starts to decrease as the frequency increases,
reflection loss of the absorbing layer at different thicknesses exhibiting an obvious frequency-dependent dielectric
from 0 to 4 mm is 49.3 dB for the HNBR/MWCNT (100/10) response. This usually arises from the lag of the induced
composite, with a 10 dB absorption bandwidth of 3.8 GHz. In charges to follow the reversing external field at high fre-
addition, Cui LR et al. [159] investigated the EM properties of quencies and finally causes a reduction in the electronic os-
coreeshell BaTiO3@carbon microspheres with a space- cillations. The two permittivity peaks of graphene indicate a
confined strategy. A series of comparative experiments from resonance behavior, which usually emerges when the mate-
that study clearly show that the coreeshell microstructure rial is highly conductive.
could be taken as a desirable configuration for microwave Rubrice et al. [161] reported that the dielectric character-
absorption, where the minimum RL value can reach up to istics and microwave absorption properties of epoxy resin
88.5 dB at 6.9 GHz with a thickness of 3.0 mm. loaded with graphene particles were studied from 2 GHz to
Ting et al. [62] used two dielectric materials, which consist 18 GHz. This work reported that the dielectric characteristics
of manganese dioxide (MnO2) and multi-wall carbon nano- and microwave absorption properties of epoxy resin loaded
tubes (MWNTs) in an epoxy-resin matrix [160]. Their study with graphene particles were studied from 2 GHz to 18 GHz. In
concentrated on the investigation of microwave absorption this work, the influence of various parameters such as particle
properties of dielectric composites with different weight size (3 mm, 6e8 mm, and 15 mm) and weight ratio (from 5% to
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2203

25%) has been discussed. The study shows that filling the the bandwidth of absorption as wide as possible while making
epoxy resin with the smallest graphene particles contributes the thickness as thin as possible, it remains a challenge to
to high loss tangents in microwaves, leading to the high ab- acquire ultra-wideband and high-efficiency absorption
sorption of electromagnetic waves by the composite mate- covering low frequencies with an ultrathin matching thick-
rials. In addition, a lower dielectric constant will be preferred ness. In practical applications, different microwave absorp-
to restrict the impedance mismatch in the interface between tion bands should be selected with an appropriate thickness.
the air and surface samples, thereby restricting the reflec- Several research results have shown that it is crucial to adjust
tance of the electromagnetic waves in this interface, and thus the thickness of the nanocomposite for application at
the compound material provides a high absorption level. This different frequencies [10,141]. By comparing the positions of
work also agrees with the study by Hailong et al. [164]. They the reflection loss peaks of composite materials with different
grew polyaniline (PANI) nanorod arrays on the surface of thicknesses, it can be found that as the thickness of the ma-
graphene sheets by an in-situ polymerization process. This terial increases, the position of the reflection loss peak moves
results in the significantly enhanced electromagnetic ab- to a lower frequency band, and the peak value decreases
sorption properties of the polyaniline nanorods being [88,175].
perpendicularly grown on the surface of graphene using an in The work of Fei [141] provides a unique direction for
situ polymerization process. The maximum reflection loss designing and synthesizing highly efficient EM wave absor-
reaches 45.1 dB with a thickness of the absorber of only bents with an ultrathin thickness. They achieved a minimum
2.5 mm. The improvement of the electromagnetic absorption reflection loss of 46.48 dB with only 1.02 mm. A series of
properties is due to the unique structural properties and multicomponent hierarchical microspheres such as CoNi,
charge transfer between the graphene and polyaniline CoNi@SiO2, CoNi@SiO2 @TiO2, and CoNi@Air@TiO2 were suc-
nanorods. cessfully prepared using a facile continuous solvothermal/
The latest research states that the electronic interaction solegel/solvothermal/hydrothermal route. This work pro-
between graphene and metal will lead to the transfer of vides new inspiration and insights for novel microwave ab-
charges and the change of the electronic properties of gra- sorbents with stronger reflection losses, wider absorption
phene, giving rise to some new electrical and magnetic frequency ranges, and smaller thicknesses. Their unusual
properties in the exact structure of metallic graphene design is that each absorption unit homogeneously has both
[168e171]. Zhao et al. synthesized the graphene-coated Fe magnetic (CoNi) and dielectric loss (TiO2) components. The
nanocomposites (Fe/G) and investigated their microwave ab- CoNi@ SiO2 @TiO2 absorbers have promoted microwave ab-
sorption properties. The dielectric properties of this Fe/ sorption ability with RL value as low as  58.2 dB at 10.4 GHz
graphene-coated structure are greatly improved, due to the for the thickness of only 2.1 mm. To reduce the thickness of
interfacial coupling between graphene and Fe, which leads to the microwave absorbing materials, Qinlong et al. [162] pre-
excellent microwave absorption performance in a wide fre- pared Sr1-xTiO3-dxSrAl12O19 ceramics by hotpressing sin-
quency range [172]. This work provides a new approach to tering in a vacuum. The absorption bandwidth of 0.95SrTiO3-d-
exploring high-performance microwave absorbers as well as 0.05SrAl12O19 (reflection loss 5 dB) in the range of
expanding the application field of graphene-based materials. 8.6e12.4 GHz and its thickness is just 0.232 mm, which is
They observed good microwave absorption performance in much thinner than other researchers have recently recorded.
Fe/G nano-composites, which is due to the charge transfer at The peak reflection loss value is 58.5 dB with a thickness of
the Fe/graphene interface and the polarisation of the free 0.75 mm for 0.942SrTiO3-d-0.058SrAl12O19. Their findings sug-
carriers in the graphene. The reflection loss (RL) of the sam- gest that the Sr1-xTiO3-d-xSrAl12O19 films may be ideal candi-
ples was calculated based on the data of er and mr. The peak dates for highly efficient and ultra-thin microwave absorption
values of RL for Fe/G, for different thicknesses, are all near materials. As shown in Shumin's report, they synthesized
30 dB, and the minimum RL is about 45 dB at 7.1 GHz. RGO/SrFe12O19 by using Ethylene glycol (EG)-assisted hydro-
thermal synthesis and investigated their MA performance.
More interestingly, the MA performance of the nano-
8. Development of high-performance MAMs composite can be easily controlled by changing the thickness
in the range of 1.5e5.5 mm, where the effective absorption
8.1. Effect of thin thickness of the absorber on MA band reaches 16 GHz (from 2 GHz to 18 GHz). At a thickness of
performance 1.5 mm, the maximum RL of RGO/SrFe12O19 nanocomposites
is 48.1 dB with an effective absorption bandwidth of 3.9 GHz
The rapid development of modern industries has highlighted (12.9e16.8 GHz) [176]. The broccoli-like SCFs@TiO2 composites
the significance and the urgent need for developing high- have been successfully synthesized by Hongsheng et al. [177]
performance electromagnetic wave absorbents to satisfy so- In this study, even at the ultra-thin thickness of 1.1 mm, the
cial and industrial requirements. Recent signs of progress effective bandwidth (RL  10 dB) of 3.4 GHz could be ob-
have achieved ultra-broadband absorption, but it is still tained. The SCFs@TiO2 composites yield a gross reflection loss
necessary to explore broadband absorption performance in of 58.63 dB at 4.56 GHz. Remarkably, all these results illus-
low microwave frequencies to meet the specific application. trate that SCFs@TiO2 composites like broccoli can be used as
Previous literature shows that low-frequency absorbing an optimal material for the preparation of powerful EM wave
structures often have the disadvantages of narrow bandwidth absorption systems. Furthermore, the MoS2 and GN bridges
or large thickness [173,174]. Although much effort has been have been prepared, and their electromagnetic wave absorp-
devoted by scientists and engineers to continue to synthesize tion ability has been studied for the first time by Deqing. The
2204 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

hybrids are composed of large GN plates and thin MoS2 function of particle size; since the particle size is restricted,
nanosheets [34]. The value of the minimum reflection loss (RL) the electromagnetic reaction tends to increase. Much litera-
of the absorber comprising the MoS2/graphene hybrid nano- ture has reported the fundamental effects of magnetic nano-
sheets (MoS2/GN) of wax and 20 wt% is 55.3 dB at a thickness materials for microwave absorption, where understanding
of just 1.6 mm. Their findings indicate that these light-weight this is somewhat intuitive with low particle size for a partic-
MoS2/graphene hybrid nanosheets are very promising elec- ular material, as the particle size parameter appears to be an
tromagnetic wave absorption materials that can provide a important factor when it comes to using these nanomaterials
large effective absorption bandwidth in the absorber that to prevent electromagnetic interference. Through this, pa-
comprises low loads of MA materials at a small thickness. It rameters such as the surface area of the material are
has been reported that magnetic materials can be employed to improved, which in turn helps to improve the effects that lead
enhance the electromagnetic absorption properties of micro- to a dielectric or magnetic reaction, such as phase insulators,
wave absorbing materials, where they can effectively extend non-single insulators, eddy current losses, and resonance ef-
the absorption bandwidth within a small thickness. In this fects, which can be enhanced by amplifying effects.
regard, their increased permeability not only improves the Similar to the idea above, the properties of microwave
possibility of achieving ultra-wideband impedance-matching absorption of materials depend on permittivity and complex
to free space but also provides extra magnetic loss compared permeability, and therefore, extensively absorbing materials
to the dielectric materials [178]. can be classified into magnetic nanoparticles and dielectric
nanoparticles depending on whether the permeability or
8.2. The effect of nanoparticles properties to enhance permittivity is high [17,187]. Based on the results of the re-
microwave absorption searchers' presentation, a class of magnetic materials known
as ferrite has much better absorption capabilities. Likewise, in
The material-based absorbent works to achieve Maxwell's dielectric materials as well, there are many advanced nano-
absorption-related equations, which state that material with materials and metadata or compounds for both that have
the same electrical permeability and magnetic permeability been suggested by many authors to meet application needs.
should not have a facet reflection in a normal accident The progressive development of nanoscience and nano-
because of the impedance match with the free space. Also, the technology has greatly contributed to the development of
thickness of these materials can be controlled to acquire MAM. More than that, many factors, including morphology,
sufficient attenuation of the electromagnetic waves to the engineering, and nanostructures, determine the performance
required level. Further, if the permeability or permittivity of of the microwave absorption (MAP) of materials. The last work
the material is high, it gives rise to high electrical or magnetic of Adebayo et al. [15] and Rani et al. [27] demonstrated that
loss tangents, which proves to be a good absorbent [27]. nanomaterials have exceptional properties such as large area,
Several fabricated nanocomposites, such as iron nano- unique shape, potential quantum effect, and surface struc-
particles (Fe NPs) [179,180], magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4 ture, which make them effective in absorbing electromagnetic
NPs) [181], carbon nanotubes/iron (CNTs/Fe) [182], cobalt waves. In several papers, many researchers have extensively
ferrite (CoFe2O4)/CNTs [183], Fe nanoparticles/Carbon fibers/ reviewed the fabrication of different absorbing materials and
Epoxy resin (Fe NPs/CFs/ERs) [184], Core/shell-type FeeNi their shapes based on geometries proposed which ideally offer
nanoparticles (a-Fe2.6Ni1.4N NPs) [185] are considered as properties such as strong absorption, low weight and thick-
excellent microwave absorbers due to high magnetic and ness, a low reflection of microwaves at the air to absorber
dielectric losses, and are being widely used as absorbent in interface, frequency tenability, broader bandwidth, ignition at
different forms because of their unique properties i.e. small very high temperatures, and cost-effective. Because of their
particles size, lightweight, durable, increased surface anisot- intrinsic properties, which are closely related to their scale,
ropies and lower eddy current phenomena. nanomaterials have received great attention from re-
Some extensive studies by many researchers [14,17,186] searchers. It has also not been observed in large-scale mate-
mentioned that, according to the theory of complex permit- rials [188]. The unique characteristics of these nanomaterials
tivity, when the electromagnetic field spreads within a have revolutionized the performance of materials in several
dielectric material, the electric field causes two kinds of applications, and they have also contributed to the discovery
electrical effects, i.e. conduction and displacement currents. of new and different fields of scientific research. For instance,
Since the influence of free electrons (conduction current) due to the small size of nanomaterials, it is possible to obtain
leads to energy loss, which is related to imaginary permittivity large surface areas to enable many properties of unexpected
(ε”), the interaction with bound charges (displacement cur- materials.
rent) leads to the influence of polarization, which is described Nanoscale heterogeneous structures, such as the
as true permittivity (ε’) [14]. For this reason, the increase in the coreeshell structures, exhibit attractive absorption properties
true portion of complex permittivity can be attributed mainly of the microwave due to the synergistic effects of their
to dielectric relaxation and the effect of polarisation of the dielectric shells and soft magnetic cores. Based on that, Hua
space charge, while the increase in the imaginary portion of et al. [189] designed and synthesized a new type of nano-
complex permittivity can be attributed to the improved elec- capsule with an amorphous C shell encapsulating a Heusler
trical conductivity of the material. soft-magnetic Fe3Si alloy, in which Si atoms were doped in the
Green and Chen [24] reported that most materials, which C shell to effectively produce a large number of SieC bonds to
have nanoscale morphology, specifically look for the tendency induce the formation of an amorphous C shell. This greatly
of the dielectric and magnetic interaction of materials as a improves the dielectric properties of Fe3Si/C nanoparticles by
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2205

improving the polarisation of the electrical insulation. to its promising properties of strong and wide band micro-
Optimal Fe3Si/C nanoparticles show the highest RL value of wave absorption. Their results show that the carbon shell in
68.3 dB at 13 GHz for a very small absorbable thickness of CoFe@C has weak crystallization with a thickness of about
1.4 mm and an absorption bandwidth of 4.6 GHz (for RL less 5e30 nm and its content is roughly 48.5% wt.%. The minimum
than 10 dB) with 2.1 mm. Due to the desired impedance value of RL for CoFe@C is 44 dB at a thickness of 4.0 mm, and
match between the amorphous C coating and Fe3Si fine the RL values below 10 dB are obtained within the frequency
magnetic, these newly designed Fe3Si/C nanoparticles have range of 4.3 mGHz at 2.5 mm thickness. Thus, the current
improved microwave absorption properties. CoFe@C may be a potential candidate for microwave absorp-
Liu et al. [190] presented the fabrication of nanoporous tion application (see Fig. 7).
metal nanoparticles (NPs) via the preparation of nonporous This is supported by the work of Zeng [192], whereby a new
cobalt (Co) NPs of 31 nm, which have been made by dealloying uniform CoFe@C coreeshell composite nanoparticles through
CoeAl NPs, and surprisingly, they possess micropores in a the combined self-assembly and controlled thermal decom-
range from 0.7 to 1.7 nm and a large surface area of 50 m2 g1. position of Co-based Prussian blue (PB) nanocubes were
The crystalline size of microporous NPs is 2e5 nm. Through fabricated. These nanocomposites are comprised of nano-
the passivation process, the small Co NPs covered by CoO (Co particles dispersed uniformly with CoFe such as carbon and
@ CoO) is created as a result of the surface oxidation of Co. It graphite as the sheath, resulting in good magnetic properties
has better microwave absorption properties than its non- and superb microwave absorption performance. This work
porous counterparts. An optimal reflection loss (RL) value of achieved great wave absorption properties, including a mini-
90.2 dB is gained for the microporous Co@CoO NPs with a mum reflection loss value of 43.5 dB at 9.92 GHz with a
thickness of merely 1.3 mm. Previously, Wan [28] reported the sample thickness of 2.5 mm and an effective absorption
fabrication of CoFe/C coreeshell structured nanocomposites bandwidth of 4.3 GHz (less than 10 dB) for CoFe@C nano-
(CoFe@C) via the thermal decomposition of acetylene with particles, as can be seen in Fig. 8.
CoFe2O4 as the precursor, which is a facile and efficient Teber [193] proposed the mixing of magnetic and dielectric
method, and the microwave absorption properties were materials to enhance absorption properties at microwave
investigated. According to their findings, they concluded that, frequencies that have weak attenuation capabilities by
by assembling the metallic magnetic particles on the nano- themselves. The purpose of this work was to enhance the
scale and packing them with a thin dielectric layer to isolate microwave absorption capabilities of materials with exciting
them from each other, the effect of eddy current can be dielectric behavior by mixing them with magnetic materials
effectively prevented and, thus, the performance of micro- based on transition metals. Their sample was made up of
wave absorption can be enhanced. Also, carbon materials multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) blended with
have great properties that make them a superior candidate as manganese and [Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 (x ¼ 0.0 and 1.0)] nano-
ideal packing materials, which have excellent electrical con- particles of zinc spinel (MZF NPs), which were synthesized
ductivity and good stability, as a prominent representative of with a 3 mm paraffin binding matrix. Their results in terms of
absorbent insulating materials. Since there is a good mix be- reflection loss (RL) show that the microwave absorption
tween intrinsic magnetic properties and high electrical con- properties of MWCNTs were improved by mixing with mag-
ductivity, CoFe@C shows not only excellent absorption netic materials. The minimum RL value was converted to
density but also wide bandwidth [191]. The synthesized higher frequencies with an increased amount of manganese
CoFe@C shows great microwave absorption performance due ferrite in the mixture. The obtained reflection loss value is

Fig. 8 e Reflection loss curves of CoFe@C at different thicknesses, (a) [28], (b) [192].
2206 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

the interfacial coupling between graphene and Fe, the

dielectric properties of nanocomposites are extremely
enhanced, resulting in excellent microwave absorption per-
formance in a wide frequency range. The values of reflection
loss (RL) measurements were taken by pressing the samples in
a hollow cylindrical waveguide with external and internal
dimensions of 7 mm and 3 mm, respectively. The peak values
of RL for Fe particle samples are very low, not more than
6 dB, but when the same samples are encapsulated with
graphene, for different thicknesses between 1 and 4 mm, the
peak values of RL are all in the vicinity of 30 dB and the
minimum RL is about 45 dB at 7.1 GHz.
The investigation done by Zhang [196] reported the for-
mation of cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles and reduced
Fig. 9 e Shows the relationship between the RL and the
graphene oxide (rGO), whereby their absorption properties
frequency for ZnO-coated Fe nanocapsules in the 2e18 GHz
were characterized by transmission electron microscopy
range [200].
(TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and axial line method. The
researchers herein fabricated different samples through a
facile hydrothermal approach. The graphene-cadmium sul-
56 dB at 11.41 GHz for the doping concentration x ¼ 0.0 with fide (GeCdS) nanocomposite achieved a reflection loss below
an effective bandwidth of 3.38 GHz, where the reflection loss is 10 dB when the thicknesses were adjusted between 2 and
less than 20 dB. 5 mm for a frequency range of 2e18 GHz. Their experimental
In support of the previous discussion, Song [194] concluded results show that the reflection loss for GeCdS/paraffin com-
that the coupling of nanostructured materials with graphene posite is improved to 48.4 dB at 9.95 GHz for 3.3 mm thick-
sheets can yield a significant improvement in the electro- ness and the RL values of less than 20 dB are broadened from
magnetic wave absorption properties. These nanostructured 9.3 to 10.7 GHz. In addition, a 12.8 GHz efficient absorption
materials include electrically insulating materials such as bandwidth is obtained in the frequency range from 5.2 to
Fe3O4. The nano-composite of hollow Fe3O4eFe nanoparticles 18 GHz. In the reported work by Bhattacharya [197], MWCNT-
with graphene sheets employed in the research by Qu et al. based nanocomposites were prepared by a two-step process
[195] as the electromagnetic wave absorbing material has the and were characterized by different techniques to confirm
following features: their formation. The microwave absorption in X-band region
behavior was discussed systematically. In their work, tita-
1. The mean diameter and shell thickness of the Fe3O4eFe nium dioxide (TiO2) coated MWCNT was prepared by the
hollow nanoparticles are just 20 and 8 nm, respectively. solegel technique. Secondly, the acid-modified MWCNTs
This small size would induce more dipoles to form around were dispersed in the thermoplastic polyurethane matrix via
the inner and outer shells of hollow nanoparticles, thus the solution blending process. The microwave absorption
enhancing the dipole polarisations. studies of the nanocomposites were carried out over a wide
2. There are many interfaces in the composite, so the polar- frequency range in the X-band region. Several techniques
isation between the faces and the relaxation associated were utilized to characterize the nanocomposites, such as X-
with them facilitate the absorption properties of the elec- ray diffraction analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
tromagnetic wave compared to a single component. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and Scanning
3. The thermal conductivity of graphene can be high with Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Transmission Electron Mi-
uniform dispersion in the nanoparticle cavities for faster croscopy (TEM). The result of microwave absorption was dis-
heat deployment than EM radiation. cussed with the help of complex permittivity and permeability
4. Nanoparticles have a hollow advantage and enable the of the prepared radar absorbing material (RAM), which in-
composite to be used as a lightweight absorbent material. dicates superior microwave absorption properties of the
composite that consists of both TiO2 coated MWCNT and
The minimal reflection loss RL values of the composite magnetite (Fe3O4). This is due to the active absorption of the
could reach 30 dB at the absorber thickness of 2.0 mm and electrical and magnetic components of the microwave.
could exceed 58.0 dB at a thickness of about 4.6 mm, with the
absorption bandwidths of about 6.2 GHz and 1.6 GHz 8.3. Exhibition in the high-level absorption “reflection
respectively. loss” for MAMs
Some researchers also focused on the interfacial electronic
interaction between metal and graphene that causes charge Nanomaterials have captured huge amounts of interest in
transfer and alters graphene's electronic characteristics, research because of their intrinsic properties, which are
resulting in certain unique electrical and magnetic features in related to their size and are not observable in macroscopic
the metal-graphene heterostructure. Zhao et al. [172] syn- materials. These unique properties of nanomaterials have
thesized graphene-coated Fe nanocomposites (Fe/G) and revolutionized the performance of materials in various fields
studied the properties of microwave absorption. Because of of application [198,199], and have led to the discovery of new
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2207

areas of research. The ZnO-coated Fe nanocapsules were balanced dielectric and magnetic loss in the Fe3O4/rGO com-
synthesized by arc discharging, and their electromagnetic posites with an addition of 4 wt% of rGO, which dominates
(EM) characteristics were studied at 2e18 GHz [200]. This work their premium microwave absorbing performances, inclusive
yields a reflection loss (RL) exceeding 20 dB in the frequency of the minimum reflection loss (RL) value of 45 dB at a fre-
range of 6.1e15.7 GHz for an absorber thickness of 1.5e5 mm, quency of 8.96 GHz with a sample thickness of 3.5 mm, as
while an optimal RL of 57.1 dB at 7.8 GHz is obtained for an shown in Fig. 10.
absorber thickness of 3.00 mm, as shown in Fig. 6. The superb The development of a strategy for coupling hollow Fe3O4-
microwave-absorption properties are an outcome of an eFe nanoparticles with graphene sheets for the high-
appropriate EM match in the nano-microstructure, the strong performance electromagnetic wave absorbing material was
natural resonance, in addition to multipolarization mecha- studied by Qu, B., et al. [195]. The electromagnetic absorption
nisms. Perhaps ZnO-coated Fe nanocapsules are appealing property of Fe3O4eFe nanoparticle/graphene (Fe3O4eFe/G) is
candidates for EM wave-absorption materials. exceptional. The minimum value of the reflection loss (RL) is
Several magnetic nanoparticles, such as Fe3O4 and Co3O4, 58 dB at 5.2 GHz, which increases to - 30 dB in the absorption
play an important role as high-efficiency microwave thickness range of 2.0e5.0 mm. According to their results in
absorbing materials [200,201]. Zhang et al. [202] presented the Fig. 11, the absorption properties of the electromagnetic wave
lightweight hollow Fe3O4@reduced graphite oxide (RGO) of the Fe3O4eFe/G hollow compound were much better than
nanocomposites, which were synthesized via the sol- those of the solid Fe3O4eFe/G compound and most of the
vothermal method. They cultivated single-crystalline Fe3O4 recently reported magnetic wave absorbers. Further, the
crystals on RGO flakes, and this led to the formation of het- amount of hollow Fe3O4eFe/G composite added to the paraffin
erogeneous functionality, which greatly affected the proper- matrix was only 18% by weight. Subsequently, the Fe3O4eFe/G
ties of microwave absorption. After that, microwave hollow compound can be used as a lightweight EM wave
absorption properties were evaluated by standard microwave absorber with a robust absorption property for practical
characterization in the frequency range of 2e18 GHz. The applications.
studies found that the minimum reflection loss for a specific Yang et al. [206] reported that the nanostructured zinc
Fe3O4@0.125 g RGO composite can reach 41.89 dB at 6.7 GHz, oxide/zinc/carbon fiber (ZnO/Zn/CF) composites show exhi-
whilst, for a nanocomposite sample thickness in the range of bition lightweight, wide-frequency, and strong microwave
1e4 mm, the reflection loss is less than - 10 dB from 3.4 GHz to absorption properties. The synthesized the (ZnO/Zn/CF)
13.6 GHz. The combination of these materials can give fabu- composites by annealing the zinc-covered carbon fibers with
lous microwave absorption properties, because of the an electroplating route. The results of their work show that
enhanced magnetic losses and favorable impedance match- the diameter of the NSZnO/Zn/CF composites is about 25 mm.
ing conditions. The strongest reflectivity loss (RL) of NSZnO/Zn/CF compos-
Furthermore, recent research showed that several ites is 39.42 dB at 3.23 GHz for a layer with a thickness of
graphene-based magnetic nano-composites have been pre- 4.5 mm. Fig. 12 includes the three-dimensional presentations
sented to display good microwave absorbing properties and curves of RL for the theoretical RL of the NSZnO/Zn/CF
[188,202]. The rGO/Fe2O3 composite hydrogel exhibits excel- composites with different thicknesses (1e4.5 mm) in the
lent microwave absorbability compared to a pristine reduced range of 1.0e18.0 GHz.
graphene oxide (rGO) hydrogel. The reported rGO/Fe2O3 com-
posite hydrogel, which was prepared by the solution phase
technique, has shown stronger and wider wave absorption 9. Electromagnetic wave absorption
achieved in the frequency range of 1e18 GHz. The investigated characteristics of single and double layer
reflection loss of their composite was about 33.5 dB at
7.12 GHz with a thickness of 5 mm [203]. In addition, the work Microwave absorbers are present in either a single-layer
carried out by Chen et al. [204] improved the facile method to structure or a multi-layer structure [124,208,226]. In a single-
synthesize G/Fe nanocomposites for electromagnetic absorp-
tion applications. Add to the enhancement of these nano-
composites for EM absorption properties, they are lightweight
owing to high surface areas, interfacial polarization, and
efficient separation of magnetic nanoparticles. This study re-
ported a minimum RL that reaches 31.5 dB at 14.2 GHz with a
thickness of 2.5 mm (see Fig. 9).
Zhu, L., et al. [205] presented a one-pot solvothermal
method to synthesize magnetic Fe3O4/rGO composites, which
exhibit optimal microwave absorbing performances. The
dielectric properties of Fe3O4/rGO composites were tuned by
various rGO additions to organize their absorbing perfor-
mances. The paper also investigated the interconnected
relationship between the magnetic, microstructure, and mi-
crowave absorbing performances of these Fe3O4/rGO com-
posites in a systematic manner. According to their results, ut Fig. 10 e Three-dimensional reflection loss (RL) of Fe3O4/
has been achieved a good impedance matching from the rGO composites with 4 wt% [205].
2208 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

Fig. 11 e Illustrates reflection loss values of the hollow Fe3O4eFe/G composite at d ¼ 2.0e5.0 mm, (b) comparison of the
calculated matching thickness under n ¼ 1 to the values obtained from RL values shown in a), and (c) the normalized input
impendence (|Zin/Z0|) for the solid Fe3O4eFe/G nanocomposites [195].

layer structure, the impedance and attenuation matching added to ferrite to form the compound material to improve the
functions are performed by only a single material [227,228]. absorption properties of the material. In these composite
For instance, ferrite is generally used, but ferrite is not suffi- materials, attenuation is controlled by one material and
cient to perform these two operations. Another material is impedance matching is controlled by the other material.

Fig. 12 e Reflection loss of the NSZnO/Zn/CF composites with different thicknesses (1.0e4.5 mm) in the range of
1.0e18.0 GHz [206].
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2209

There is a thickness problem associated with single-layer adding the composite layer and sample thickness. Previously,
structures, and sometimes materials cannot be manufac- Wang et al. [233] presented the work on analyzing the calcu-
tured with another material to compensate for other losses. lated microwave absorption for single and double layers ab-
So, in this case, multi-layer materials are used [208,229]. sorption based on Co67Ni33 microspheres and Ni0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4
Multilayer materials have been proven to be very effective at nanocrystals, which were synthesized by a hydrothermal
covering losses. Table 3 shows a comparison of different mi- method. Their findings concluded that the relatively low
crowave absorption units based on dielectric losses and permittivity Ni0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 nanocrystals can be used as a
impedance matching. suitable matching layer, and the Co67Ni33 microbes with
Min, D et al. [230] achieved impressive results with a new relatively high dielectric loss and magnetic loss are suitable as
single- and double-layer microwave absorber design with a an excellent absorption layer, in the frequency range of
wide absorption range by combining different absorbers and 2e18 GHz. One of the optimum properties of a double-layer
graphene content. This work prepared nano Graphene/Epoxy absorber with a coating thickness of 2.1 mm is that it has a
Resin (GN/EP) sheets using GN as an absorbent. The effect of maximum reflection loss of 43.8 dB, plus a bandwidth
GNs content on the electromagnetic and microwave absorbing (reflection loss less than  10 dB) of 5 GHz. Also, the peak
properties of single and double-layer GN/EP composites was absorption and absorption intensity were easily adjusted by
investigated to enhance the absorption efficiency and in- changing the stacking order and thickness of each layer.
crease the bandwidths for the GN/EP composites in the According to Fischer et al. [208], when the microwave is
2e8 GHz range. For double-layer carbon black/epoxy resin (CB) incident on a multilayer microwave absorbing material, the
and Ni0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4/epoxy resin (F) nanocomposites in the reflection loss (RL), is calculated based on the following
8e18 GHz frequency range, microwave absorption properties equations [234]:
have been extensively tested. The Ni0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 nano-  
 Zin  Z0 
particles were fabricated with subsequent sintering through RL ðdBÞ ¼ 20 log 10   (9)
Zin þ Z0 
high-energy ball milling [231]. The materials were integrated
into epoxy resin to render double-layer composite structures h  . pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
with total thicknesses of 2 and 3 mm. The highest microwave Zin1 þ h2 tanh j 2pfd2 c m2 =ε2 
Zin ¼ h2 h . pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (10)
absorption of more than 99.9% was obtained for carbon black h2 þ Zin1 tanh j2pfd2 c m2 =ε2 
as the matching layer and ferrite as the absorbing layer with
each thickness of 1 mm, with a minimum reflection loss of pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h  . pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i
33.8 dB but with an absorption bandwidth of only 2.7 GHz. Zinn ¼ z0 mn =εn thanh j 2pGdn c εn =mn (11)
The Ferrite/Carbon (F/CB) double-layer absorbers demon-
strated the highest microwave absorption efficiency of more
than 99 percent, with a promising minimum reflection loss of rffiffiffiffiffi
24.0 dB, a broader 4.8 GHz bandwidth, and a reduced thick- hn ¼ ; n ¼ 1; 2::: (12)
ness of 2 mm. It is important to note that the microwave ab-
sorption efficiency is also different as the thickness of the Where Zin is the input impedance of the double layer, Zin1 is
matching and absorbing layer increases, but the overall the first layer impedance related to free space, and Zinn repre-
thickness of the double-layer composites remains the same, sents the distinct impedance of each layer. mn , εn , dn are the
thus signifying the functions of the matching and absorbing complex relative permeability, the complex relative permittivity,
layers. and the thickness of each layer, respectively. C and f are the
Microwave absorbers of cobalt ferrite and graphite com- speed of light and the frequency of an electromagnetic wave,
pounds were prepared by Ismail et al. [232] to investigate the respectively. If d1 ¼ 0, the above formulas can be transferred as
expansion of the absorption frequency by mixing small and microwave absorption for single-layer absorption [235].
large particles. In addition, the article reports the synthesized Based on the electromagnetic transmission line theory and
single and double-layer compounds in a range of different the principle of matching impedance in the frequency range
thicknesses for comparison purposes to expand the absorp- from 2 GHz to 18 GHz, Liu et al. [236] studied the properties of
tion frequency and improve multiple reflections and the microwave absorption of carbonyl iron (CI) and CoFe2O4 ferrite
scattering of electromagnetic waves. For the double layer with single-layer and double-layer absorbed composite. The
compound, it was prepared with different particle sizes of reflectance curves of the double-layer microwave absorber
CoFe2O4 as one layer and graphene as another layer. The in- with varying thicknesses show that the minimum reflection
fluence of these layers has also been studied as a matching loss peak rises with the thickness of the matching layer when
layer and an absorption layer. The results of this study have CoFe2O4 is less than 2.4 mm thick. Excellent absorbing prop-
shown that, although the different particle sizes of the pow- erties are gained when the thickness of CoFe2O4 as the
ders, the single-layer nanocomposites have not been able to matching layer is 2.4 mm and the thickness of CI as the
absorb the electromagnetic waves as expected. In contrast, absorbing layer is 0.5 mm, with a minimum reflectance of
double-layer nanocomposites show good return loss and 38.2 dB and less than 10 dB over the range of
variation in response resulting from playing around with the 8.6 GHze18 GHz (the bandwidth in the range of 9.4 GHz),
matching layer and absorption layer of samples. It is also which roughly covers the X band (8.2e12.4 GHz). When the
possible to manipulate the properties of microwave absorp- thickness of CoFe2O4 is 2.4 mm and the thickness of CI is
tion and the absorbed bandwidth of nanocomposites by 0.5 mm, the whole Ku-band (12.4e18 GHz) is achieved. In
Table 3 e Comparison of absorbing performances between some single and double-layer absorbers reported recently.
Absorber Types of Materials Preparation Thicknesses RL f (GHz) Frequency Effective Ref.
structure method (mm) (dB) (Optimal RL) range bandwidth
(GHz) (GHz)
(RL  10 dB)
CoFe2O4 and CoFe2O4/PANI multi- Single layer CoFe2O4/PANI Chemical oxidative 2 19.0 16.2 4.2 13.8e18.0 [240]
core/shell composites polymerization of
Single layer CoFe2O4 Co-precipitation 2.5 23.6 13.1 4.2 13.8e18.0

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0
Double layer Absorbing layer CoFe2O4 e 2.5 31.1 12.8 5.5 10.3e15.8
Matching layer CoFe2O4/PANI
M-type BaFe12O19 and W-type Single layer M-type BaFe12O19 Solegel method 2 2.0 12.2 e e [241]
BaCo2Fe16O27 hexaferrite & M- Single layer MC- M-type ferrite 2 11.0 13.3 1.4 12.7e14.1
type ferrite composite filled with composite filled with
short carbon fiber (MC) short carbon fiber
Single layer W-type BaCo2Fe16O27 2 10.9 16.5 4.1 e
Double layer Absorbing layer W-type BaCo2Fe16O27 1 22.0 12.7 3.2 12.4e15.6
Matching layer MC- M-type ferrite 1
composite filled with
short carbon fiber
Polyaniline (PANI) and polyaniline/ Single layer PANI In situ 1 32.0 35.75 10.9 27.78e32.24 [242]
magnetite (PANI/Fe3O4) Single layer PFC (PANI/Fe3O4) polymerization 1 37.4 28.52 11.53 27.78e32.24
composite Double layer Absorbing layer PANI/Fe3O4 0.4 54.0 33.72 11.28 27.24e38.52
Matching layer PANI 0.6
BaCo0.4Zn1.6Fe16O27 ferrite and Single layer BaCo0.4Zn1.6Fe16O27 and Solegel method 2.7 46.0 5.4 1 e [243]
carbonyl iron powder carbonyl iron powder
Double layer Absorbing layer BaCo0.4Zn1.6Fe16O27 and 1.4 55.4 7.9 5.2 8.2e12.4
carbonyl iron powder
Matching layer BaCo0.4Zn1.6Fe16O27 ferrite 0.9
Spindle magnetite nanoparticles Single layer SMNPs Hydrothermal 1.8 18.8 15.9 6.5 11.4e18.0 [222]
(SMNPs) and flower-like copper Single layer FCSMSs method 1.8 22.7 12.5 2.1 11.7e13.8
sulfide microspheres (FCSMSs) Double layer Absorbing layer SMNPs 1.6 74.3 10.9 5.34 8.46e13.8
Matching layer FCSMSs 0.4
Matching layer CNZF 1.7
Fe3O4 nanoparticle and a Single layer Fe3O4 Hydrothermal 5.0 24.8 16.6 3.6 e [244]
hierarchical MXene/Fe3O4 Single layer MXene/Fe3O4 method 1.5 45.8 7.5 3.7 e
composite Double layer Absorbing layer MXene/Fe3O4 0.9 48.7 9.9 3.9 8.9e10.9
Matching layer Fe3O4 1.1
Glass fiber epoxy composites Single layer GF/MWCNTs3/epoxy Composites liquid 2.5 28.7 9.5 3.2 8.5e12 [245]
containing MWCNTs and Fe3O4 composites molding process
NPs Single layer GF/40 wt% Fe3O4 1.6 43.5 11.0 3.7 8.5e12
NPs/epoxy composites
Double layer Absorbing layer Fe3O4 40 1.6 45.7 11.5 4.2 8.5e12
Matching layer MWCNTs 0.5 0.2
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2211

addition, their study also concluded that the double-layer



absorbers have numerous excellent microwave absorption
properties compared to single-layer absorbers. The micro-
wave absorption properties of the double-layer structure are


affected by the coupling reactions between the absorbed and
matching layers.
To improve the absorbing properties of electromagnetic wave
absorbing materials, Meng et al. [237] designed double-layer
materials. Double-layer material consists of two layers, which




are the matching layer and the absorption layer. They defined
the matching layer as the surface layer through which most of
the falling waves can enter, and the absorption layer beneath it
plays an important role in attenuating the transverse wave. The
total thicknesses of the double layer are also determined by the





sum of the thickness of these two layers. They used carbonyl

iron (CI) as absorbents in the matching layer and carbon black
(CB) as absorption layers. The work presented that the double-



layer absorbers have two absorption peaks in the testing fre-

quency range of 2e18 GHz, and the positions of the peaks and
values of these peaks change with the content level of the ab-
sorbents. At 50% mass fraction of CI in the matching layer, the




total thickness of the absorbent is 4 mm, and the effective ab-

sorption (less than  8 dB) was 5.5, 5.8, and 6.5 GHz. While using a
CB mass of 50% or 60% and a CI mass of 70%, the bandwidth with
autoignition method
treatment processes
subsequent thermal

process & a solegel

reflection loss less than 4 dB is greater than 10 GHz.

A hydrothermal

Although the ferrite shows excellent properties as a mi-

technique and

Organic gel-

crowave absorber in the MHz band [238], however, the ferrite


does not give sufficient absorption in the high-frequency

range of GHz due to Sneok's law. Therefore, Saitoh [140]
made a microwave absorber that combined magnetic prop-
erties and dielectric properties, where they used carbon
70 wt% Ni0.4Co0.2-Zn0.4Fe2O4
M2xNi0.5xZn0.5xFe2O4 NFs

Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4 (CNZF)

Double layer Absorbing layer Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4 (CNZF)

powder (Fe (CO) called “Fe” for short powder) as a magnetic

material and titanium oxide (TiO2 called “Ti” for short pow-
der) as a dielectric material. Then, they examined the prop-
erties of single-layer microwave absorption experimentally at
5 wt% CNFs

the frequency range of 7.7 GHze9.4 GHz. Their result shows

Co2Y MFs

Matching layer Co2Y MFs

that the maximum reflection loss for each sample is above

40 dB or more (99.99% of the incident wave is absorbed),

Double layer Absorbing layer CNFs



Matching layer NiO


depending on the change in the mixing ratio of the magnetic

and dielectric materials in the compound.
Double layer Absorbing layer
Matching layer
Single layer
Single layer

Single layer
Single layer

Single layer
Single layer
Ba2Co2Fe12O22 microfibers (Co2Y
and Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4 (CNZF)

Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) and

Spherical NiO particles

nanofibers (CNFs)
NFs and carbon



Fig. 13 e Schematic diagram of the double-layer absorber


consisting of a matching layer (SMNPs) and absorption

layer (FCSMSs) [239].
2212 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0

Fig. 14 e RL of the double-layer absorbers consisting of (a) matching layer (SMNPs) and absorption layer (FCSMSs)with a total
thickness of 2.0 mm, (b) matching layer (FCSMSs) and absorption layer (SMNPs) over 2e18 GHz with various thickness [239].

Liu et al. [222] reported excellent double-layer absorbers et al. and IR Ibrahim, the double-layer absorbers have greater
containing a suitable matching layer (FCSMSs) and an ab- absorbing performance across a wide frequency range
sorption layer (SMNPs) with special structures and compared because excellent impedance matching characteristics and
them to previous double-absorbers that were designed by interior attenuation can be easily realized by rationally
building some traditional particles as shown in Fig. (13). assembling the absorption layer and the matching layer
Their results show that double-layer absorbers consisting of [231,244]. It can be seen that, compared to single-layer ones,
FCSMSs and SMNPs display excellent microwave absorption the ratio between the input impedance of the absorber (Zin)
performance compared to a single layer due to the appro- and the impedance of air (Z0) (Zin/Z0) values of double-layer
priate mixture of magnetic loss of SMNPs and dielectric loss absorbers is much closer to 1 over a wider frequency range,
of FCSMSs. Herein, the addition of MWCNTs increases suggesting that the incident EM waves are easier to enter into
dielectric loss and improves the composite's impedance the double-layer absorbers in the corresponding frequency
matching. Their results indicate that the minimum RL peaks bands. This is the primary reason for the excellent microwave
are shifted to a lower frequency region as the absorbing layer absorption efficiency of the double-layer absorbers.
thickness increases from 0.3 to 1.9 mm. Fig. 14 shows that
the minimum reflection loss is 74.3 dB at 10.9 GHz, and the
effective absorption bandwidth reaches 5.34 GHz 10. Conclusions
(8.46e13.8 GHz) when the absorption layer and the matching
layer thickness are 1.6 and 0.4 mm, respectively. Thus, the To date, electromagnetic absorbing materials-based nano-
ideal double-layer SMNPs/FCSMSs absorbers can become a composites have been extensively studied over the years for
new material for microwave absorption with strong absorp- their various applications. The basic concepts of the EMI
tion and broadband. The minimum RL reaches 42.6 dB at shield are described. Attractive features of nanostructures
12.1 GHz with the EAB of 2.8 GHz (10.8e13.6 GHz) when the such as high absorption, lightweight manageability, small
absorption layer thickness is 1.7 mm and the matching layer match thickness, broadband bandwidth, etc. have demon-
thickness is 0.3 mm. strated their potential in future EMI protection applications.
Double-layer absorbers have recently been extensively Furthermore, the current study contains a description of the
studied because single-layer absorbers can hardly meet the reflection loss mechanism, which is caused by both dielectric
requirements of advanced absorbing materials. To make this and magnetic losses. To get effective EM wave absorption
part of the review easier to follow, Table 3 summarizes the materials, there must be efficient integration between
comparison result for the absorbing performances of the dielectric and magnetic losses to meet the impedance
various composite materials present in a single-layer struc- matching condition as well as the materials' high absorption
ture and a double-layer structure, that are discussed in this properties. Recently, nanocomposites have played an impor-
review paper. The results from most of the previous reports tant role as new microwave absorbers in many recent types of
presented in Table 3 show that the reflection loss and ab- research. All their results show that these materials provide
sorption bandwidth of the double-layer absorbers are strong absorption properties, low density and thin thickness,
enhanced compared to corresponding single-layer absorbers. and a wide frequency range. The basic principle is that by
Compared to many single and double-layer absorbers re- combining different components in the nanoscope, new ma-
ported recently, the proposed double-layer absorbers have a terials may be produced that combine the advantages of each
stronger absorbing ability, wider absorption bandwidth, and component of nanomaterials. It can also be observed that,
lower filler loading or sample thickness. According to the typically, a wide range of nanomaterials respond to incoming
findings of several studies, including the studies of Peijiang L. electromagnetic radiation in a variety of different ways. From
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 2 0 : 2 1 8 8 e2 2 2 0 2213

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