Circular 18 - ICSE English Language Project Grade 10 (2024-25)

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Bombay Scottish School, Powai

BSS/P/Cir.018/2024 March 06, 2024

Dear Parents,

Sub: English Language - ICSE Speaking & Listening Skills Project -

Grade 10

We would like to inform you that the ICSE English Language Speaking Skills project
will take place from Monday, 1st April 2024, to Thursday, 4th April 2024.
Additionally, the Listening Skills Project has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10th
April 2024.

Shared below are the topics and the schedule for the Speaking Skills project.
Students must choose one topic and prepare a two-minute speech on the day allotted
to them as per their role number.

Topics for the English Language ICSE Project - Speaking Skills:

1. You are driven to a soap box, an idea you feel passionate about, like mental
health. Present a speech advocating your soap box that will bring about positive
change and convince students to join your cause.
2. How is the global exchange of cultures shaping our identities? For instance, do
you notice aspects of Western culture blending with traditional Indian practices,
and conversely, do you see Indian culture influencing Western societies?
3. What role do sports play in bridging cultural divides and fostering international
4. Budgeting is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
Talk about how financial literacy can empower children to become more
independent and self-sufficient as they grow older, enabling them to manage
their finances effectively.
5. If friendships came with instruction manuals, what warning labels or operating
instructions would you include? Why?
6. Shortcuts can sometimes lead to long delays. Narrate an incident when you
decided to take a short cut hoping for a faster result but ended up regretting
your decision.
7. If you were to invent something, what would it be? Discuss why you believe your
invention is essential for the current times and how it could potentially
revolutionize the world.

Schedule for the Speaking Skills Project:

Grade: 10 A
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Roll Nos.
Day of the Week Date
Girls Boys
Monday 01.04.2024 1 to 6 22 to 25
Tuesday 02.04.2024 7 to 12 26 to 29
Wednesday 03.04.2024 13 to 18 30 to 33
Thursday 04.04.2024 19 to 21 34 to 42

Grade: 10 B
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Roll Nos.
Day of the Week Date
Girls Boys
Monday 01.04.2024 1 to 5 21 to 25
Tuesday 02.04.2024 6 to 10 26 to 30
Wednesday 03.04.2024 11 to 15 31 to 35
Thursday 04.04.2024 16 to 20 36 to 38

Grade: 10 C
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Roll Nos.
Day of the Week Date
Girls Boys
Monday 01.04.2024 1 to 5 22 to 26
Tuesday 02.04.2024 6 to 10 27 to 31
Wednesday 03.04.2024 11 to 15 32 to 36
Thursday 04.04.2024 16 to 21 37 to 40

Thank you,


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