HVSara Landazuri 23 ENG

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Sara Esther Landazuri Angulo


Email: slandazuri998@gmail.com


Economist and International Negotiator with 3 years of experience in data analysis, mainly in the pharmaceutical and
medical device markets. Graduated from Icesi University in Cali, with a solid track record in tendering, demand planning,
data analysis, among other functions. English level B2+, fast learning capacity, excellent team performance and autonomy.
Responsible, proactive, with the ability to learn easily, efficient and willing to take on greater challenges. Advanced use
of the office package (Excel, Word, Power Point), Power BI certification in progress, Tableu datacvisualization.


Data quality analyst

Anthology inc November 2023 - Current

Cali, Colombia (Remote) Sector: Software producers and distributors

- Data validation in MS Dynamics 365, Salesforce and internal databases with other records to make the necessary improvements
and corrections to the data.
- Research information within internal systems and external databases to create, update and add records in our systems.
- Assist in defining and performing routine data maintenance tasks to ensure data integrity.
- Participate in cross-functional data quality improvement efforts and projects.
- Identify data quality patterns and trends in data sets and report findings to the team to improve the overall data quality of our

Analyst and processor of bidding processes

Cq medical October 2022 - October 2023

San Juan - Costa Rica (Remote) Sector: Distribution of pharmaceutical and other products

- Review, analysis, preparation, execution and settlement of public sector tenders in Costa Rica.
- Management of platforms to control bidding processes.
- Continuous communication with manufacturers internationally to comply with technical, documentary and regulatory requests.
- Analysis of historical market and competition prices.
- Coordination of the tender team on the distribution of workload and functions.
Institutional business assistant
Megalabs Colombia September 2020 - September 2022

Bogota Colombia Sector: Pharmaceutical laboratories and others

- Analysis of data from institutional clients, such as EPS and logistics operators.
- Participation in tenders on public and private platforms such as Bionexo, Ariba, among others.
- Management of the internal platform of institutional price lists.
- Demand planning, collaborating in S&OP processes and consolidating the area's forecast.
- Analysis of sales, turnover and customer inventory levels for decision making and reporting.

Zynko Complementary and Alternative Medicine Center June 2017 - July 2017
Cali, Colombia Sector: Prepaid medicine

Customer service, formula dispatch, appointment scheduling, petty cash management. The Siigo accounting program
was managed

Accounting assistant
Fundación amigos y hermanos March 2015 - September 2015
Cali, Colombia Sector: Humanitarian aid and/or development

Record money flows, carry out daily cash counting, manage the beneficiary database.


Academic training

Economist and international negotiator

Icesi University January 2016 - February 2021

Technician in accounting for commercial and financial

Sena January 2014 - December 2015

Complementary studies

Negotiation and sales closing strategies

Comfenalco valley August 2023 - August 2023
Advanced Excel
Cet colsubsidio July 2022 - July 2022

Data analysis and big data

Cet colsubsidio March 2022 - April 2022

Technician in accounting for commercial and financial operations

Sena January 2014 - December 2015


Mastery percentage: 80%


- Adaptability - Active listening - Organization of information

- Autonomous learning - Ability to work in a team - Troubleshooting

- Persuasive - Interpersonal relationships - Effective communication

- Critical thinking - Oral and written communication - Organization and planning

- Strategic planning - Strategist

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