Nguyen 2013

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Clin Genet 2012 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved CLINICAL GENETICS

doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2012.01907.x

Short Report

Craniofacial variations in the

tricho-dento-osseous syndrome

Nguyen T, Phillips C, Frazier-Bower S, Wright T. Craniofacial variations T Nguyena , C Phillipsb , S

in the tricho-dento-osseous syndrome. Frazier-Bowerc and T Wrightd
Clin Genet 2012. © John Wiley & Sons A/S, 2012 a Department of Orthodontics, University

Tricho-dento-osseous (TDO) syndrome is an autosomal dominant trait of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA,
b Department of Orthodontics, University
characterized by curly kinky hair at birth, enamel hypoplasia,
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA,
taurodontism, thickening of cortical bones and variable expression of c
Department of Orthodontics, University
craniofacial morphology. Genetic studies have identified a 4-bp deletion in of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA,
the DLX 3 gene that is associated with TDO; however, phenotypic and d Department of Pediatrics, School
characterization and classification of TDO remains unclear in the of Dentistry, University of North Carolina,
literature. This study compares the craniofacial variations between 53 Chapel Hill, NC, USA
TDO-affected subjects and 34 unaffected family members. Standardized Key words: cephalometrics –
cephalograms were obtained and digitized. Cephalometric measurements craniofacial – DLX3 – TDO
were analyzed using a general linear model with family as a random
Corresponding author: Dr Tung
effect. Numerous craniofacial measurements from both groups showed Nguyen, Department of Orthodontics,
marked variability. TDO-affected subjects showed a Class III skeletal University of North Carolina, CB#7450,
pattern (smaller SNA and ANB angles), longer mandibular corpus length 264 Brauer Hall, NC 27599–7450,
(GoGn) and shorter ramus height (p < 0.05). USA.
Tel.: 1 919 843 6351;
fax: 1 919 843 8864;

Received 20 March 2012, revised and

accepted for publication 4 June 2012

Tricho-dento-osseous (TDO) syndrome is an auto- The role of the normal and mutant DLX3 protein in
somal dominant disorder with complete penetrance hair, tooth and bone formation continues to be defined.
characterized by abnormalities involving hair, teeth The differential effects of the mutant DLX3 protein on
and bone (1). Early reports of TDO subject showed hair (kinky curly at birth), teeth (thin enamel and dentin
marked phenotypic variability of the tissues involved and altered morphology) and bone (dense and some
including changes in fingernails, enamel hypoplasia, altered morphology) are not surprising given the diverse
taurodontism, doliocephaly, cranial sclerosis and molecular pathways involving DLX3 and the genes it is
mandibular prognathism (2). known to participate in regulating. For example it has
The TDO gene was localized on chromosome 17q21, recently been shown that the Hairless (Hr) transcription
a region which contains members of the distal-less factor suppresses DLX3 which is involved modulating
homeobox gene family including DLX 3 and DLX7 the formation of the inner root sheath of the hair
(3). It contains a 4-bp deletion mutation of DLX 3 follicle (5). During tooth formation DLX3 is expressed
(c.571_574delGGGG) which produces a frame-shift by both the epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic
mutation resulting in early termination of the DLX 3 cells and is involved in positively regulating dentin
protein (4). A re-examination of the original Lichten- sialophosphoprotein, a major dentin matrix protein (6).
stein TDO population indicated that all affected mem- Mutant DLX3 appears to disrupt odontoblast cytodif-
bers carry the same 4-bp DLX3 mutation suggesting ferentiation contributing to the dentin defects seen in
that the phenotypic variations observed in TDO subjects TDO (7). Attempts at targeted deletion of the DLX3
are not the result of genetic heterogeneity at multiple gene in mice result in embryonic death due to failure
loci, but reflect genetic heterogeneity at other epigenetic of the placenta to undergo proper morphogenesis (8)
loci and/or contributing environmental factors. limiting our ability to study the role of the gene in later

Nguyen et al.
development. TDO offers a unique genetic model to were recorded without prostheses with their mandible in
examine the role of DLX3 in craniofacial development. rest position. Cephalograms were scanned and imported
Kula et al. measured variations in craniofacial fea- into Dolphin Imaging software version 9.0 (Chatworths,
tures between TDO and unaffected family members (9). CA). Digitization and cephalometric analysis were
They reported an increase in the thickness and density performed by one examiner (T. N.). Fourteen linear and
of the chondrocranium and calveria, lack of pneumati- angular measurements were recorded (Fig. 1).
zation of the mastoids, frontal sinus and diploe, greater
cranial base length and angle, longer mandibular body
length and smaller gonial angle in TDO individu- Reliability of the measurements
als. However, this study had a limited sample size The intraclass correlation statistic was used to assess
with TDO status determined by phenotypic traits rather the reliability of the measurements using 10 randomly
genetic testing. Affected TDO individuals showed selected cephalograms that were traced and digitized
marked increase in endochondral and intramembranous on three occasions over a 2-week intervals by the same
bone formation with no associated systemic pathol- observer (T. N.).
ogy suggesting an association between TDO syndrome
and bone formation and homeostasis (10). Due to
high variations of craniofacial phenotype exhibited in Statistical analysis
TDO-affected subjects, studies that examine craniofa-
cial morphology must be large enough that to rule out TDO effects on cephalometric measurements were
possible familial traits. Our current study contains the assessed using a general linear model with age, sex,
largest sample of size of TDO-affected and unaffected edentualism, and TDO status as main effects. Family
family members evaluated to date and characterizes was considered a random effect. Alternative covariance
craniofacial features of TDO syndrome to help elucidate structures were examined to control for the expected
the role of DLX 3 in human craniofacial development. correlation among subjects within the family unit.
Variance component was selected due to the non-
convergence of the models when more complex covari-
Materials and methods ance structures were used. Variance component divides
the overall error variance into two components – vari-
ation between families and variation between subjects
Eight families from one kindred were identified using within families. Significance level was set at p < 0.05.
clinical and radiographic signs of TDO. The study
was approved by the Biomedical Institutional Review
board and informed consent was obtained from all Results
participants. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) ranged from
samples using standard DNA isolation techniques 87% to 99.5% for the intra-observer reliability. Midface
(Qiagen, Valencia, CA). DLX3 gene was sequenced length (Co-A) had the lowest ICC of 87%. All other
using primers for all three exons and splice sites. variables had ICC above 90% implying high intra-
Amplicons were sequenced using ABI 770 and veri- observer reliability for cephalometric identification.
fied (11). Subjects were screened for TDO by genetic Marked variation was observed in most of the cra-
testing for the mutations in the DLX 3 gene. Allocation nial features measured in this study. Summary of the
of subjects to affected or unaffected TDO groups was results after adjusting for age, gender and edentulous
done based on genetic results for DLX 3 mutations. The status is shown in Table 2. Affected individuals varied
demographic characteristics of the TDO and unaffected from severe Class III appearances to moderate Class
family members are shown in Table 1. II with mandibular retrusion. The average midface
length (Co-A) was similar between the two groups, but
Cephalometric analysis average maxillary projection (SNA) was significantly
less (p < 0.001) in the affected group compared to the
Cephalograms were taken at a standardized distance unaffected group. Average ANB (p = 0.0018) was also
with a magnification of 12%. All subjects were smaller in the affected group. Mandibular projection
positioned in natural head position. Edentulous subjects (SNB) was comparable between the two groups. There
was no statistical significant difference in cranial
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the TDO-affected and base length (N-Ba, S-N, S-Ba) or cranial base angle
unaffected groups (Ba-S-N) between affected and unaffected subjects.
There was no statistical difference in total face height
Mean age Gender Edentulous (%) (N-Me), upper face height, (N-ANS) or lower face
TDO, N = 53 31.7 Females = 25 26
height (ANS-Me) between the TDO-affected group
(5.0–79.3) Males = 28 and unaffected control. Mandibular body length (Go-
Unaffected, 37.1 Females = 18 6 Gn) was significantly longer (p = 0.009) in the TDO-
n = 34 (5.8–76.0) Males = 16 affected individuals with a mean difference of 3.6 mm
when compared with the unaffected individuals. Ramus
TDO, Tricho-dento-osseous. height (Ar-Go) was significantly shorter (p = 0.05) in

Craniofacial variations in TDO syndrome

Fig. 1. Cephalometric measurements. Description of cephalometric values and corresponding anatomic locations are shown in the figure. Linear
measurement are recorded by measuring the distance from one anatomic landmark to the next [i.e. the mandibular ramus height is the linear distance
from Articulare (Ar) to Gonion (Go)]. Angular measure such as SNA represent the angle formed from connecting a line from Sella (S) to Nasion
(N) to A point (A).

Table 2. Mean cephalometric values, standard errors and p values

TDO Unaffected
p-Value p-Value p-Value for p-Value for
Variables TDO mean SE Unaffected mean SE for TDO for age gender Edentulous

SNA (deg) 78.84 0.45 81.50 0.53 <0.001 0.3 0.01 0.24
SNB (deg) 77.58 0.51 78.22 0.62 0.1986 0.19 0.01 0.63
ANB (deg) 1.27 0.39 3.29 0.3 0.002 0.77 0.2 0.13
N-Ba (mm) 113.09 0.98 110.79 1.05 0.11 0.02 <0.001 0.50
S-N (mm) 75.96 0.67 75.01 0.7 0.32 0.01 <0.001 0.60
S-Ba (mm) 40.15 0.78 38.51 0.85 0.28 0.38 <0.001 0.84
Ba-S-N (deg) 129.42 0.58 128.72 0.81 0.58 0.97 0.01 0.19
N-Me (mm) 122.15 1.71 122.88 1.88 0.69 <0.001 <0.001 0.18
N-ANS (mm) 53.40 0.7 54.05 0.79 0.8 <0.001 <0.001 0.61
ANS-Me (mm) 69.55 1.29 70.29 1.37 0.93 0.01 0.01 0.36
Ar-Go (mm) 45.58 0.91 48.05 1.09 0.05 <0.001 0.001 0.89
Ar-Go-Me (deg) 128.18 0.8 128.14 1.26 0.87 0.99 0.22 0.78
Co-A (mm) 91.47 0.87 91.14 1.14 0.76 0.02 <0.001 0.87
Co-Gn (mm) 126.65 1.25 124.70 1.25 0.07 <0.001 <0.001 0.87
Go-Gn (mm) 82.47 0.95 78.87 1.25 0.01 0.01 <0.001 0.85

TDO, tricho-dento-osseous; SE, standard errors.

Mean linear (mm) and angular (deg) measurements for cephalometric values. SE and p values for cephalometric variables with the
variance component general linear model are shown. Adjusting for age, gender and edentulous status, TDO status significantly
affected SNA, ANB, ArGo and GoGn. Significant values are shown in bold.

affected individuals, however, there was no difference (2, 12, 13). However, these studies often had small
in gonial angle (Ar-Go-Me) between affected and sample size and relied on clinical signs for classi-
unaffected individuals. fication of TDO which may not be as accurate as
genotypic classification. In this study, we present the
largest reported sample of TDO-affected individuals
confirmed for the DLX3 mutation by genetic testing.
Early reports of TDO in the literature noted variable Kula reported that TDO-affected individuals had
craniofacial features including doliocephalic facial a more obtuse cranial flexure and increased cranial
pattern, square jaw and mandibular prognathism base length compared with unaffected individuals.

Nguyen et al.
Shapiro (14) also noted flattened cranial bases and high percentage of edentulous patients. The edentulous
dolichocephalic appearances, but no cephalometric mandible undergoes bone deposition at the inferior
values were reported in his study. We found no border of the corpus and resorption in the antegonial
statistical significant difference in cranial base length region giving the appearance of a more obtuse gonial
or cranial base angle even though our cranial base angle (17).
length means were comparable to those reported DLX3 appears to affect bone formation through
by Kula et al. Our study also found no statistical a variety of mechanisms including enhancing mes-
significant difference in upper, lower or total face enchymal cell differentiation to osteoblastic lineage
height. While Kula also reported no difference in and increasing alkaline phosphatase activity and osteo-
face height between groups, they noted that both calcin promoter activity (18). The mechanisms for
groups tended to have a greater total and lower face increased bone density and changes in bone morphol-
height than standards. While we did not compare ogy appear diverse and it is not clear at this time the
individual face height values to normative standards specific pathways involved in the altered craniofacial
(15), our mean face height values for TDO-affected morphology identified in this study. While our study
and unaffected groups were similar to those published shows that TDO subjects display considerable pheno-
by Behrents when matched for mean age of each typic variation, there does appear to be an association
group. A possible explanation is that in clinical studies, between DLX3 mutation and craniofacial dysmorphol-
subjects with drastic phenotypic traits are often first ogy. Future studies of DLX3 mutation and thorough
identified and enrolled. As more subjects are recruited phenotyping of TDO syndrome will help advance our
and examined, a once dramatic trait could normalize understanding of craniofacial development and bone
to the mean especially with the level of phenotypic formation.
variance in craniofacial expression exhibited in TDO
The position of the maxilla in relation to the
cranial base (SNA) was more retrusive in TDO-affected
1 TDO affects subjects display relatively retrusive
individual compared to unaffected individuals, although
maxilla (SNA) and decreased SNB compared to
there was no difference in maxillary unit length (Co-A)
unaffected family members.
between the groups. It is interesting to note that both
2 DLX3 gene mutation resulting in TDO syndrome is
groups showed slightly smaller maxillary length (Co-A)
associated with a statistically significant increase in
when compared to standards. This coincides with early
mandibular body length (Go-Gn).
case reports citing maxillary deficiency in TDO subjects 3 DLX3 gene mutation resulting in TDO syndrome is
(12, 13, 16). Kula (9) reported no significant difference associated with a statistically significant decrease in
in SNA or CoA measurements in her study, but noted ramus height (Ar-Go).
that 84% of the TDO-affected and 80% of non-affected
populations had smaller maxillas compared to Bolton
standards. Further studies are needed to determine if Conflict of interest
this slight maxillary retrusion found in both groups
is due to a familial trait. The Intraclass Correlation Nothing to declare.
in our study was lowest (87%) for condylion (Co)
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