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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Cagayan National High School Senior High
Part 1:
Modified True or False Questions: Write True if the statement is correct, if False explain why
False(2 pts each)20
1. True or False: Accountability refers to the obligation of entrepreneurs to accept
responsibility for their actions, decisions, and outcomes.
2. True or False: Entrepreneurs have no obligations towards their employees besides
providing them with salaries.
3. True or False: Accountability ensures that entrepreneurs are answerable for the outcomes
of their responsibilities.
4. True or False:.
5. True or False: Accountability ensures that entrepreneurs are answerable for the outcomes
of their responsibilities.
6. True or False: Entrepreneurs have no obligations towards their employees besides
providing them with salaries.
7. Corporate Citizenship refers to the legal obligations imposed on businesses by
government regulations.
8. True or False: Responsibility refers to the legal obligations imposed on entrepreneurs by
government regulations.
9. Accountability implies avoiding responsibility for one's actions and decisions.
10. The concept of responsibility does not extend beyond legal obligations for entrepreneurs.

Part 2: News Articles: Read the news article/s provided then answer the guide questions!(15
1. Article Title: "Company XYZ Implements Employee Wellness Program"
Summary: This article discusses how Company XYZ, led by entrepreneur Jane Smith, has
implemented a comprehensive employee wellness program aimed at promoting physical and
mental well-being among its workforces. The program includes initiatives such as fitness classes,
mental health resources, and flexible work arrangements. Jane Smith
emphasizes the importance of prioritizing employee health and happiness in driving business
Guide Questions:
1. What initiative has Company XYZ implemented for its employees?
2. Who is the entrepreneur leading Company XYZ's efforts?
3. Why does Jane Smith emphasize the importance of prioritizing employee health and
2. Article Title: "Tech Startup Leads Sustainability Initiative in Silicon Valley"
Summary: This article highlights the efforts of a tech startup, founded by entrepreneur
Mark Johnson, to lead a sustainability initiative in Silicon Valley. The startup has
implemented various eco-friendly practices, such as reducing energy consumption,
minimizing waste, and sourcing materials from sustainable suppliers. Mark Johnson
emphasizes the company's commitment to environmental responsibility and its role in
driving positive change in the tech industry.
1. What sustainability initiatives has the tech startup implemented?
2. Who is the entrepreneur leading the sustainability initiative?
3. What is the goal of the sustainability initiative in Silicon Valley?
3. Article Title: "Local Entrepreneur Recognized for Ethical Business Practices"
Summary: This article profiles a local entrepreneur, Sarah Brown, who has been
recognized for her ethical business practices. Sarah Brown's company has received awards for its
commitment to transparency, fairness, and integrity in all aspects of its operations. Sarah
attributes her success to her belief in doing business the right way and prioritizing the interests of
her customers, employees, and community.
1. What has Sarah been recognized for?
2. What attributes of Sara's company contributed to her success?
3. Why does Sarah prioritize doing business the right way?

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