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SALTMARSH BACKGROUNDS to find work at the Wicker Goat or the Snapping Line.

The Wicker Goat is popular with the town guard and

Part of the fun of a Saltmarsh campaign lies in play-
the dwarves who work the mine outside town, while The
ing characters who have ties to the town and the area
Snapping Line is frequented by fishers, sailors, and la-
around it. This section presents new backgrounds suit-
borers who work the docks. Choose one of those taverns
able for creating such characters. along with notes on
as your preferred venue. The staff. owner, and regulars
adapting characters who have backgrounds drawn from there treat you as a friend.
the Player's Handbook.
This material is meant to be a tool for DMs. Once FISHER
players have decided on their characters' backgrounds,
review the material here and decide which additional You have spent your life aboard fishing vessels or comb-
elements of their backgrounds you want to share with ing the shallows for the bounty of the ocean. Perhaps
them. A connection to a Saltmarsh NPC or a clue to the you were born into a family of fisher folk, working with
Scarlet Brotherhood's presence is provided for each of your kin to feed your village. Maybe the job was a means
the backgrounds in the Player's Handbook. For the new to an end- a way out of an undesirable circumstance
backgrounds described in full here, this information is that forced you to take up life aboard a ship. Regardless
presented in the Saltmarsh Ties section of each entry. of how you began, you soon fell in love with the sea, the
art of fishing, and the promise of the eternal horizon.
ACOLYTE S kill Proficiencies: History. Survival
A character with this background might be a follower of Languages: One of your choice
Procan or a missionary of some other god sent to estab- Equipment: Fishing tackle. a net. a favorite fishing
lish a new temple in town. Saltmarsh has never been an lure or oiled leather wading boots, a set of traveler's
overly religious place. but its prospects for growth make clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
it an ideal target for expansion.
ACOLYTE OF PROCAN You gain advantage on ability checks made using fishing
If you are a follower of Procan, your Shelter of the Faith- tackle. If you have access to a body of water that sus-
ful feature applies to the temple of Procan in Saltmarsh. tains marine life, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle
Wellgar Brinehanded is your friend and mentor. He ex- while working as a fisher, and you can catch enough
pects you to represent the temple in all you do. food to feed yourself and up to ten other people each day.


If you revere a different deity, you own a small building You can tell a compelling tale. whether tall or true. to
in Saltmarsh and have been charged by the elders of impress and entertain others. Once a day, you can tell
your faith with establishing a shrine here. You live in the your story to willing listeners. At the DM's discretion, a
building and have a staff of ld4 locals who have already number of those listeners become friendly toward you;
been recruited to your faith. Your Shelter of the Faithful this is not a magical effect, and continued amicability on
feature applies to a temple located in Seaton, the provin- their part depends on your actions. You can roll on the
cial capital cast of Saltmarsh. following table to help determine the theme of your tale
or choose one that best fits your character. Alternatively,
CHARLATAN work with your OM to create your own fishing tale.

As Saltmarsh grows more prosperous, it becomes a d8 Tale

more attractive place for grifters such as yourself. If you Lobster Wrestling. You fought in hand-to-hand com-
want to do business in town, you're going to cross tracks bat with an immense lobster.
with Winston, the eponymous owner of Winston's Store.
2 It Dragged the Boat. You nearly caught a fish of mon-
The halAing merchant is always looking for new wares
strous size that pulled your boat for miles.
to add to his offerings. He knows the people of Salt-
marsh well and gives you advice on how to walk the line 3 Fins of Pure Gold. You caught a sea animal whose fins
between making a profit and angering the locals. were made of pure gold, but another fisher stole it.
4 Ghost Fish. You are haunted by a ghostly fish that
CRIMINAL only you can see.
Saltmarsh might be a sleepy town, but many see it as 5 Nemesis Clam. A large clam containing a pearl the
the ideal place to enter Keoland without drawing notice. size of your head claimed one of your fingers before
As a criminal in town. you are likely involved in smug- jetting away; one day, you'll find that clam.
gling and have done business with Kreb Shenker at the 6 It Swallowed the Sun. You once saw a fish leap from
Empty Net. He hires crews to manage pickups on the the water and turn day into night.
coast for the smuggling kingpins in town. 7 Dive into the Abyss. You found yourself in an under-
water cave leading to the Abyss, and your luck has
ENTERTAINER been sour ever since.
Bards and performers are always in demand in Salt- 8 Love Story. You fell in love with a creature of pure wa-
marsh. You can use your By Popular Demand feature ter, but your brief romance ended tragically.

' 11/\1'1 I- R 1 I SAi 1 "'1.\R~ll

Fishers succeed only if they spend time at their jobs. As 3 l have lived a hard life and find it difficult to empa-
such, most fishers have a strong work ethic, and they thize with others.
admire others who earn their living honestly. Fishers
4 I am inclined to tell long-winded stones at inoppor-
tend to be superstitious, forming attachments to partic-
tune times.
ular fishing lures or special fishing spots. They have a
S I work hard, but l play harder.
connection to the bodies of water in which they fish, and
they think poorly of those whose actions adversely affect 6 l am obsessed with catching an elusive aquatic beast,
their livel ihood. often to the detriment of other pursuits.


d8 Personality Trait Eda Oweland and her family are the informal leaders of
the fishing industry in Saltmarsh. You can always count
I am unmoved by the wrath of nature.
on the Owelands for minor aid and can gain access to
2 My friends are my crew; we sink or Roat together. Eda if the need is obvious and imminent.
3 I need long stretches of quiet to clear my head.
4 Rich folk don't know the satisfaction of hard work. FOLK HERO
S I laugh heartily, feel deeply, and fear nothing.
Saltmarsh has long relied on its local people to rise up
6 I work hard; nature offers no handouts. and deal with threats to the village. Only recently has
7 I dislike bargaining; state your price and mean it. the king taken more than passing notice of the area.
8 Luck favors me, and l take risks others might not. You are beloved by the local sailors and fishers for your
heroics, though the newcomers to the region (primarily
FI SH ER ID EALS members of the town guard and the dwarves working
the mine) know Little about you.
d6 Ideal
Create an event that prompted your rise to heroic
Camaraderie. Good people make even the longest
status or use the table below to tie your background to
voyage bearable. (Good) events in Saltmarsh. Use this table in place of the Defin-
2 Luck. Our luck depends on respecting its rules-now ing Event table in the Player's Handbook.
throw this salt over your shoulder. (Lawful)
3 Daring. The richest bounty goes to those who risk SALTMARSH D EFINING EVEN T
everything. (Chaotic) d4 Defin ing Event
4 Plunder. Take all that you can and leave nothing for You snuck aboard a Sea Princes raiding ship and
the scavengers. (Evil) freed a number of captured fishers doomed to slavery
S Balance. Do not fish the same spot twice in a row; in that realm. Anders Solmor, a prominent person in
suppress your greed, and nature will reward you. town, has been a friend ever since.
(Neutral) 2 A terrible accident almost caused a fire that would
6 Hard Work. No wave can move a soul hard at work. have destroyed the docks. if not for your heroics. You
(Any) still bear a few scars from the incident and have yet to
pay for a meal or drink in town since. Eda Oweland,
FI SH E R B ONDS owner of several fishing boats in town, held a feast in
d6 Bond your honor.
I lost something important in the deep sea, and I 3 When goblins emerged from the Dreadwood to raid
intend to find it. the area, you distracted them long enough for the
2 Someone else's greed destroyed my livelihood, and I militia to prepare an ambush that sent them fleeing
will be compensated. back to the forest. The captain of the guard, Eliander
3 l will fish the many famous waters of this land. Fireborn, has given you a commission as an officer of
4 The gods saved me during a terrible storm, and I will the watch.
honor their gift. 4 A pirate crew crept into town one night to raid the
S My destiny awaits me at the bottom of a particular dockside warehouses. You raised the alarm and led
pond in the Feywild. the defense. Gellan Primewater, an important mer-
6 I must repay my village's debt. chant in town, owes you a big favor for saving his
l am judgmental, especially of those I deem home- Because of its size and its focus on fishing, Saltmarsh
bodies or otherwise lazy. has never had many artisans. 1f you have this back-
2 I become depressed and anxious if I'm away from the ground. you can choose one of the following options.
sea too long.

l llAP-1 ~ R l SALfMl\RSll
MA RI NERS ' GUILD Player's Handbook). Additionally, you can automatically
You work with the mariners' guild, providing sailors find a safe route to land a boat on shore, provided such a
with rope, sails, tools. and other goods. You have a work- route exists.
shop attached to the guildhall and can draw support
from similar guilds found in ports across the world. You H A RDSHIP ENDURED
have done a lot of business with Eda Oweland's family Hardship in your past has forged you into an unstoppa-
and are on good terms with her. ble living weapon. This hardship is essential to you and
is at the heart of a personal philosophy or ethos that
DWARVEN ARTISANS often guides your actions. You can roll on the following
You arrived in town as part of a mercantile concern as- table to determine this hardship or choose one that best
sociated with the Copperlocks dwarves. Currently the fits your character.
dwarves rely on your gui ld to provide supplies for their
work at the mine outside town. You are fri ends with d6 Hardship
several of the miners, have access to their work site, and Nearly Drowned. You hid underwater to avoid detec·
are on good terms with the clan's leader, Manistrad. tion by enemies and held your breath for an extremely
long time. Just before you would have died, you had a
HERMIT revelation about your existence.
The wilds around Saltmarsh might seem like the ideal 2 Captured. You spent months enduring thirst, starva-
place to find peace and quiet, though the monsters that tion, and torture at the hands of your enemy, but you
lurk in the region can make isolation a dangerous prac- never broke.
tice . If your character has this background, the table be- 3 Sacrifice. You enabled the escape of your fellow sol-
low gives you some options for the nature of the secret diers, but at great cost to yourself. Some of your past
that prompted you to return to civilization. comrades may think you're dead.
d4 Secret 4 Juggernaut. No reasonable explanation can explain
how you survived a particular battle. Every arrow and
1 You stumbled across a clandestine meeting outside
bolt missed you. You slew scores of enemies sin-
town. A wealthy· looking fel low named Skerrin met
gle-handedly and led your comrades to victory.
with someone and discussed bringing slaves to
5 Stowaway. For days, you hid in the bilge of an enemy
Saltmarsh. You suspect trouble is afoot and came to
ship, surviving on brackish water and foolhardy rats.
town to investigate.
At the right moment, you crept up to the deck and
2 The anguished ghost of an elf haunts your dreams,
took over the ship on your own.
insisting that you tear down the standing stones just
6 Leave None Behind. You carried an injured marine for
outside Saltmarsh. The elf claims that dark magic is
miles to avo id capture and death.
behind the bountiful fishing in the region.
3 You have been plagued by visions of a massive wave,
carrying a swarm of toothy sharks, crashing over the
Marines are looked up to by other soldiers and re-
land and tearing apart everything in its path. Maybe
spected by their superiors. They are veteran warriors
someone in town can help.
who rarely lose composure on the battlefield. Marines
4 The land around town is too dangerous to remain out who leave the service tend to work as mercenaries, but
in it alone. The lizardfolk of the swamps were once their combat experience also makes them excellent
your friends, but they disappeared not too long ago. adventurers. Though they a re self-reliant. marines tend
You came to Saltmarsh out of necessity. to operate best in groups, valuing camaraderie and the
companionship of like-minded individuals.
You were trained for battle on sandy beaches and rocky
shores. You have launched midnight raids from swift d8 Personality Trait
ships whose names evoke ter ror in the hearts of your ad- l I speak rarely but mean every word I say.
versaries. The water is your second home, the rain your 2 I laugh loudly and see the humor in stressful situa-
shelter, and the crashing waves your battle cry. tions.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival 3 I prefer to solve problems without violence, but I fin·
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (water, land) ish fights decisively.
Equipment: A dagger that belonged to a fallen comrade, 4 I enjoy being out in nature; poor weather never sours
a folded Rag emblazoned with the symbol of your my mood.
ship or company, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt 5 I am dependable.
pouch containing 10 gp 6 I am always working on some project or other.
7 I become cantankerous and quiet in the rain.
8 When the sea is within my sight, my mood is jovial
You can move twice the normal amount of time (up to
and optimistic.
16 hours) each day before being subject to the effect of
a forced march (see "Travel Pace" in chapter 8 of the

CJI \PTEll. I °'ALT\f,\lbli

d6 Ideal 1-2 You were sent here by King Skotti himself. You are
Teamwork. Success depends on cooperation and expected to keep you r ties to the crown secret, the
communication. {Good) better to gain a clear insight into the region. lffolk
2 Code. The marines' code provides a solution for every know that you represent the king, they'll put their best
problem, and following it is imperative. {Lawful) faces forward and hide the issues you've been sent to
3 Embracing. Lafe is messy. Throwing yourself into the uncover. Above all else, the king fears the emergence
worst of it is necessary to get the job done. (Chaotic) of a secretive group called the Scarlet Brotherhood.
4 Might. The strong train so that they might rule those Learn about their dealings here if you can.
who are weak. (Evil) 3- 4 Your family owns a small manor outside town. Your
S Bravery. To act when others quake in fear- this is the siblings are in line to inherit your family's land, leav-
essence of the warrior. (Any) ing you with few prospects. Perhaps with several suc-
6 Perseverance. No injury or obstacle can turn me from cessful adventures under your belt, you can achieve
my goal. (Any) fame in Saltmarsh.
5-6 Your family lost their holdings when Keoland's ene-
MARINE BONDS mies pushed back the realm's borders. In compensa-
Bond tion, you have been given a writ by the crown to found
a new barony. The trouble is, the land you were ceded
I face danger and evil to offset an unredeemable act
has been swallowed by the Drowned Forest.
in my past.
2 I. Will. Finish. The. job.
I must set an example of hope for those who have
given up. Outlanders are a common sight in ports such as Salt-
4 I'm searching for a fellow marine captured by an elu- marsh. Even a small port attracts folk from across the
sive enemy. world, though how they end up in a place like Saltmarsh
varies greatly. The table below provides some ideas for
s Fear leads to tyranny, and both must be eradicated.
My commander betrayed my unit, and I will have
how your character came to town.
revenge. d6 Origin
1-2 You spent years shipwrecked on a deserted isle. Fi-
MARINE FLAWS nally, you were recently picked up by a passing ship
d6 Flaw on its way to Saltmarsh. You were stranded after
I grow combative and unpredictable when I drink. pirates attacked the ship you were aboa rd and killed
2 I find civilian life difficult and struggle to say the right everyone else. You survived by leaping overboard and
thing in social situations. swimming for hours.
3 My intensity can drive others away. 3- 4 For years your people survived in an isolated village an
4 I hold grudges and have difficulty forgiving others. the Hool Marshes. Last year, lazardfolk fell upon your
5 I become irrational when innocent people are hurt. home. You escaped in the confusion. became lost,
6 I sometimes stay up all night listening to the ghosts and ended up here. If anyone wants to go bash those
of my fallen enemies. scaly murderers, you're ready to leap into action.
5- 6 You were part of a tribe in a distant land, when one
SALTMARSH TIES day red-sailed ships appeared off shore. The sailors
As a former member of Saltmarsh's elite marine con- were friendly at first and shared their food and drank.
tingent. you are friends of Tom and Will Stoutly and You woke up hours later in the hold of a Sea Princes
can turn to them for help and support. Eliander Fire- slaving ship, having been drugged into a stupor. A
born, captain of the guard. aJso makes time to listen to Keoish ship ran down and boarded the vessel, saving
your concerns. you from a terrible fate. You owe your life to Eliander
Fireborn and the marines Tom and Will Stoutly. They
were the ones who received word of the ship and dis-
The folk of Saltmarsh care little for nobles and their patched a squadron to intercept it.
titles. Although the king technically rules the land, the
south has long been left to its own devices. Are you a lo-
cal noble turning to a life of adventure, or did you come
here in sea rch of fame and fortune? Rega rdless of your Though Saltmarsh is by no means a center of learning,
origin. your Position of Privilege feature allows you to the lack of ongoing examination and investigation of its
request an audience with any official in town. including environs make it an ideal place to conduct research. The
members of the town council. They typically take ld6 + mystery of the Tower of Zenopus might also attract the
I days to fulfill such a request. The table below includes attention of an academic. Consider the following options
suggestions for how you came to arrive in Saltmarsh. for your character.

The graveyard keeper, Krag, and the captain of the Provided you have carpenter's tools and wood. you can
guard. Eliander, are both experts in local history. You perform repairs on a water vehicle. When you use this
might have arrived in town to conduct research and ability, you restore a number of hit points co the hull of
have made their acquaintance. Eliander grants you a water vehicle equal to 5 x your proficiency modifier. A
access to his personal library and uses his consider- vehicle cannot be patched by you in this way again until
able knowledge of languages to translate documents after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.
you find, while Krag works with you to catalog the li-
bra ry's contents. L I FE AT SEA
Your life at sea and in port has shaped you; you can roll
A RCANE SEEK ER on the following table to determine its impact or choose
The wizard Keledek hired you to help him with a few of an element that best fits your character.
his projects. He was not a kind master, but he paid well
enough. You helped him organize a set of ancient books. d6 Sea's Influence
identify potions. and verify the authenticity of several al- Grand Designs. You are working on plans and sche·
chemical recipes. He has since discharged you from his matics for a new, very fast ship. You must examine
service. Keledek was always cool toward you. but he had as many different kinds of vessels as possible to help
some business dealings with the charismatic merchant ensure the success of your design.
Gellan Primewater. You have dined in Gellan's mansion 2 Solid and Sound. You patched up a war galley and
a few times, and he has mentioned that he sometimes prevented it from sinking. The local navy regards you
needs help identifying some of the odds and ends his as a friend.
crews bling back to port. 3 Favored. You insisted on thicker planking for a mer-
chant vessel's hull, which saved it from sinking when
it smashed against a reef. You have a standing invita·
Countless sailors have walked the streets of Saltmarsh. tion to visit the merchant's distant mansion.
If you select this background, decide whether you are a 4 Master of Armaments. You specialized in designing
local who took to the seafaring life or a foreigner who
and mounting defenses for the navy. You easily recog-
arrived here from a distant port.
nize and determine the quality of such items.
LOCAL SEA D OG 5 Low Places. You have contacts in the smuggling out-
As a sailor native to town, you kn ow plenty of people fits along the coast; you occasionally repair the crimi-
down by the docks. You have friends in the Oweland nals' ships in exchange for coin and favors .
family who can get you access to Eda, a prominent lo- 6 Mysteries of the Deep. You experienced an encounter
cal leader, as needed. You also have friends among the with a possibly divine being while sailing alone. Work
sailing crews and know the best and worst of the busi- with your DM to determine the secret about the deep
nesses that cater to them. waters of the sea that this entity revealed to you.
You are new in town and are unfamiliar to most locals.
You know the ways of the sea, however, and you blend Shipwrights are resourceful carpenters and designers.
in at the docks with ease. You can mingle with foreign They often have a dedicated spol al the local tavern,
crews, learn news from them, and strike up easy friend- since sh ipwrights are invaluable to coastal communi-
ships. Some of them have contacts with local smugglers, ties. Some travel with naval neels and m ight serve as of-
and you have heard that there are hidden sea caves ficers if their temperament suils il. Shipwrights have an
outside town where the wizard Keledek trades in ar- affinity for working with their hands and often perform
cane goods. feats of carpentry that others might deem miraculous.


You have sailed into war on the decks of great ships, d8 Personality Trait
patching their hulls with soup bowls and prayers. You I love talking and being heard more than I like to
once helped build a fishing vessel that single-handedly listen.
saved a town from starvation. You have seen a majestic 2 I'm extremely fond of puzzles.
prow in your dreams that you have not been able to 3 I thrive under pressure.
replicate in wood. Since childhood, you have loved the 4 I love sketching and designing objects, especially
water and have been captivated by the many vessels that boats.
travel on it. 5 I'm not afraid of hard work-in fact, I prefer it.
Skill Proficiencies: History. Perception 6 A pipe, an ale, and the smell of the sea: paradise.
Tool Proficiencies: Carpenter's tools, vehicles (water) 7 I have an endless supply of cautionary tales related to
Equipment: A set of well-loved carpenter's tools. a the sea.
blank book, 1 ounce of ink, an ink pen. a set of travel- 8 I don't mind getting my hands dirty.
er's clothes. and a leathrr pouch with 10 gp

l 11/\l'Tt:R 1 <; \l TMARSII

d6 Ideal
On a rickety barge, you carried a hundred longswords
Crew. If everyone on deck pitches in, we'll never sink. in fi sh barrels right past the dock master's oblivious
(Good) lackeys. You have paddled a riverboat filled with stolen
2 Careful Lines. A ship must be balanced according to elven wine under the gaze of the moon and sold it for
the laws of the universe. (Lawful) twice its value in the morning. In your more charitable
3 Invention. Make what you need out of whateve r is at times , you have transported innocents out of war zones
hand. (Chaotic) or helped guide herd animals to safety on the banks of a
4 Perfection. To measure a being and find it lacking is burning river.
the greatest disapp ointment. (Evil) Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception
5 Reflection. Muddied water always clears in time. Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (water)
(Any) Equipment: A fancy leather vest or a pair of leather
6 Hope. The horizon at sea ho lds the greatest promise. boots, a set of common clothes, and a leather pouch
(Any) with 15 gp

FEATUR E: D owN L ow
SH IPWRIGHT BONDS You are acquainted with a network of smugglers who
d6 Bond are willing to help you out of tight s ituations. White in a
I must visit all the oceans of the world and behold the particular town, city. or other similarly sized community
ships that sail there. (DM's discretion). you and you r companions can stay for
free in safe houses. Safe hous es provide a poor lifestyle.
2 Much of the treasure I claim will be used to enrich my
While staying at a safe house, you can choos e to keep
your presence (and that of your compa nions) a secret.
3 I must find a kind of wood rumored to possess magi-
cal qua lities. CLAI M TO FAME
4 I repair broken th ings to redeem what's broken in Every smuggler has that one tale that sets them apart
myself. from common criminals . By wits, sailing s kill, or a silver
5 I will craft a boat capable of sailing through the most tongue, you lived co tell the s tory- and you tell it often.
dangerous of storms. You can roll on the following table to determine your
6 A kraken destroyed my masterpiece; its teeth shall claim or choose one that best fits your character.
adorn my hearth. d6 Accomplishment
Spirit of the Whale. You smuggled stolen dwarve n
S HI PWRI G HT FLAWS spirits in the body of a dead whale being pulled be-
d6 Flaw hind a fishing boat. When you delivered the goods,
I don't know when to throw something away. You the corpse suddenly exploded, sending whale meat
never know when it might be usefu l again. and wh iskey bottles fo r half a mile.
2 I get frustrated to the point of distraction by shoddy 2 Cart and Sword. You drove a cart filled wi th stolen art
craftsmanship. through the middle of a battlefield while singing sea
3 Though I am an excellent crafter, my work tends to shanties to confuse the combatants.
look as though it belongs on a shi p. 3 The Recruit. You enlisted in another nation's navy for
4 I am so obsessed with sketch ing my ideas for elabo- the pu rpose of smuggling stolen jewels to a distant
rate inventions that I sometimes forget little th ing like port. You attained a minor rank before disappea ring
eating and sleeping. from the navy and ma king your way here.
5 I'm judgmental of those who are not skilled with tools 4 River of Shadows. Your riverboat accidentally slipped
of some kind. through the veil into the Shadowfell for several hours.
6 I sometimes take thi ngs that don' t belong to me, es- While you were there, you sold some sto len drag-
pecially if they are very well made. onborn artifacts before return ing to th is plane and
paddling home.
SALT M ARSH TIES 5 Cold-Hearted. You agreed to transport a family es-
Ships make Saltmarsh's economy run. You have con- caping a war. The ba by began to cry at a checkpoint,
tacts with one of the foll owing leaders in town. Choose and you gave the guards all your gold to let you pass.
or roll on the table. The fam ily never found out about this gesture.
d6 Contact 6 Playing Both Sides. You once smuggled crates of
1-2 Eda Owelan d crossbow bolts and bundles of arrows, each destined
3-4 Gellan Primewater for an opposing side in a regional war, at the same
5- 6 Anders Solmor time. The buyers arrived within moments of each
other but did not discover your trickery.

In general, smugglers value survival, and then profit, 3 I believe everyone has a price and am cynical toward
above other things. One could be a part of a larger orga- those who present themselves as virtuous.
nization, or might run a small smuggling vessel of their I struggle to trust the words of others.
own. Smugglers live the lies they have told, and they
S Few people know the real me.
have a natural abi lity to recall a ll the falsehoods and
6 Though I act charming, I feel nothing for others and
half-truths they have ever spouted.
don't know what friendship is.
d8 Personality Trait
Ifs an open secret, at least among the old-timers in
I love being on the water but hate fishing.
town, that Gellan Primewater runs the biggest smug-
2 I think of everything in terms of monetary value. gling operation in this section of the coast. You have
3 I never stop smiling. contacts with him and his organization, enabling you to
4 Nothing rattles me; I have a lie for every occasion. request an audience with him as necessary.
5 I love gold but won't cheat a friend.
6 I enjoy doing things others believe to be impossible. S OLDI ER
7 I become wistful when I see the sun rise over the Many retired soldiers of the Keoish army make cheir
ocean. home in the southern reaches, and you are no different.
8 I am no common criminal; I am a mastermind. You mighc have served some time as a member of the
town guard. Regardless of whether you did so, you have
several friends among their ranks. The captain of the
guard, Eliander Fi reborn, is friendly toward fellow vet·
d6 Ideal
erans and is willing to make rime to meet with you if the
Wealth. Heaps of coins in a secure vault is all I dream need is urgent. Ac your opcion, you can also own a small
of. (Any) plot of land and a farm outside town.
2 Smuggler's Code. I uphold the unwritten rules of the
smugglers, who do not cheat one another or directly URCHIN
harm innocents. (Lawful) At a young age, you lost one or both of your parents to
3 All for a Coin. I'll do nearly anything if it means I turn a tragedy at sea. Afterward, you grew up relying on the
a profit. (Evil) kindness of others. More important. the years you spent
4 Peace and Prosperity. I smuggle only to achieve a living on the streets have imparted to you the skill to
greater goal that benefits my community. (Good) sneak unobtrus ively, overhearing gossip and witnessing
5 People. For all my many lies, I place a high value on scenes that others would prefer to keep secret. Pick
friendship. (Any) one member of the Saltmarsh town council. T he DM
Daring. I am most happy when risking everything.
will share with you either a secret about that person or
give you the option to create the details of a favor you
did for them that leaves them in your debt. For instance,
you might have overheard thieves making plans to steal
SMUG G LER B O N DS from Gellan Primewater.
d6 Bond
My vessel was stolen from me, and I burn with the
desire to recover it.
2 I intend to become the leader of the network of smug·
glers that I belong to.
3 I owe a debt that cannot be repaid in gold.
4 After one last job, I will retire from the business.
5 I was tricked by a fellow smuggler who stole some-
thing precious from me. I will find that thief.
6 I give most of my profits to a charitable cause, and I
don't like to brag about it.

d6 Flaw
Lying is reflexive, and I sometimes engage in it with-
out realizing.
2 I tend to assess my relationships in terms of profit
and loss.


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