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Problem for Negotiation and Contract Drafting

Party B
Your client Deepak Das intends to create legal interests on a property that belongs to Rahul Sinha.
Deepak Das being a property developer sees the particular property as a place where he can develop
an apartment in near future. The property is well placed and could give him good revenue. He has
only good enough money for him to give an advance and enter into a contract for locking the land.
Deepak realises that the contract will provide an advantage whereby he will be able to generate
revenue by claiming rights over the land without paying the entire amount and can also claim the land
at the current market price at a future date. Deepak realises that he with his current financial situation
will not be in a position to buy the land where as the property holds good financial profit and
prospects to launch his development project. With only a fraction of amount to invest Deepak hopes
that any contract with Rahul will enable him to get the property in near future. In furtherance of his
development project Deepak intends to, and wants to put a hoarding in front of the house about the
apartment project he wants to start once he receives the land so that he can raise revenue and can sell
flats which he is going to build on the plot. This would help him to pay for his purchase of the land
and for funding his apartment project. Understand the risk, negotiate and draft a contract that will help
your client to achieve his purpose.

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