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2 restiganny (ABested food Is absorbed by active transport and a 1a @ shor piece of intestine wee 8h “ ining oxygenated butter solution. Amount 'r Subjecting the setup to respiratory inhibitor, The set up u * UP Used is shown in Fig, 1.1 absorptive sur a rtace tied ond ofthe the intestine E oo Intestine _— piece of intestine turned inside out oyGenated butter solution, _—oxygenated butter solution | containing sugars, Fig (Explain why the butter solution needs tobe ony b. de Oe bp feepiateon nade, dong fh hifh con 0) (®) Identity the independent and the dependent variables int Independent variate ...W9t. spina lity. tehibit cee tte nn enh aan he | (¢) Identify two ways in which the student has. Ghose, to standardize this sgenated, his investigation investigation. dee Geslert. temperating A. 2 Sane. Abobo. {2 7 23-2418 Level Prolims/JC2IBlology/PS‘QP he 3 (4) substa NCES Which are absorbed : sorbed by the Intestine collect inthe centre of the Samples trom the,gsntents of the ba ‘removed for analysis. The abso intestine wt of cusosa was invesigated using untested pieces of inhioiton on Pieces of intestine that had been treated with a respiratory The investigation was then repeated using fructose. Table 1.1 shows the results ofthis investigation. Table 1.1 relative rate of absorption by the intestine wager {LL without respiratory inhibitor with respiratory inhibitor aucose | °5 | 20 | fructose 20 | 31 | (0) Suggest why sucrose cannot be used in place of glucose or fructose in repeating the experiment. June 4 by A be 4 pass Manage Ce, Pilorbie.» aren... esudls...oill OR 2) rsp HH de cvalid- 5» onion is fr dhenocacchoside’ (il) Outine a procedure by which the rate of absorption of glucose could be determined, i. Me... Lad Ae Tab. ob. cbseab ton. Repeat th. erperinarh..0 Gath 3 tres he-geh be nn Mag. EG Hh Sens glaete, ea tm ke ai $0 “osfoud asics 40 halt, 23-2418 Level Prelims/JC2/BlologyIPSIQP aw te the percentage change of a (pared to Ife absorplfon In Tie prest lon of glucose without inhibitor the inhibitor 15~30 2° to = 68.42 asics we = eR aL A beAY. 7 (iv) State the conclusions that can be drawn about the absorption of sugars from this investigation of fuae> Glebe. tale of heed. sl a the here ee hk me wb Ja Bache agence eit tle en (D 23.2414 Level PrelimalJC2/Blology/PS/QP 2 Fig 21 sp th Waa eae? ot watereay sit MYEEM, Eltham crassces, a plant hat roma onthe : rain our panes" and reproduces to form Wense mats. As a result, water "local species and reduces b joawversity Fig 22 shows a sample of Weevil Neoche al feed on water hyacinth, Certain 5 a programme to control the spread sichhomiae. These are a group of insects Pecies of weevil are used in South Africa as part of ‘of water hyacinth, Fig 22 archers carried out a two-stage invest er hyacinth, igation to assess the effect of weevils on 23-20 Level Stage ' was lot experment inthe laboratory. Stage 2 Was eld experimen Stage 1: Pilot experiment + Water hyacinth plants were collected from the river ant “Each plant was kept in a separate bucket of river wat + During the 6 weeks, the plants were inspected twice including weevils, were removed + Feeding scars (damage caused by insect feeding) were counted, “Al the end of the 6 weeks, the buckets containing the plants were divided into 6 + The length of the longest leaf stalk + The number of feading scars on th was counted. 1d kept in a laboratory, ler for 6 weeks. 8 day and any insects, (petiole) of each plant was measured 'e Second youngest leaf (leaf 2) of each plant Each group was then given a different treatment, as shown in Table 2.1 Tobie 21 sroup treatment notsprayed wininsectcde ~~ matngpairof wel ae oer wet 1 mating pair of weovis added 1 weok ater 4 sprayed with insecticige coat Gh ieosioke | + mating pair of weevis added 2 wocks ater 5 sprayed with insecticide LON tee eee + mating pair of waevils added 3 weeks ate sa beak cial lca spraying with insecticide ‘After 4 weeks, the effects of the treatments on water hyacinth were assessed, ‘The results are shown in Table 2.2 2.2WA Level Prlims!JC2/BIoiogyP#OP Table 22 ‘mean length offongest | mean numberof feeding gu Petolefem # 8 ‘sears on leal 2 5 betore ater before ‘ater treatment veatmant | weatment | treatment a 38230 29240 0 z 2233 | 16230 | 22250 : 338 | 18240 | 05202 4 36230 | 90290 | 05202 5 31435 | 25250 | 05102 6 y7238, a5243 | 13235 | 102058 (2) () Explain the reason for spraying the water hyacinth plants with insecticide in treatment 3. Ache asa arte feng Pecrets 4, 586 , and a fath Drealned | | To. aiid weonils, om teed. + cangare treme 4/56 | + assess Alect om scans (i) Explain wry treatment 2 and treatments 4,5 and 6 were included in the ‘experiment hone y t, een lengd Se tl fe geen een lenatny b treatments 4, 5 and 6 To See hoo elbedlint Ne ersebuiol %« | an veel He a gan of bee | ————— a | 23.20 Leva Promslsc2BologyP5IOP 8 results in Table 2.2 hs dot thee ert re Grom He tere end Be. watchin yet ee “dae maple oe. nett eho | (iv) State one conclustonihat can be made from the resulls Insechreade p secbeers ob wales Iayasielh | ned cle 0 in Table 22 Stage 2: The Field experiment + 10 plots, each of 20mz, were marked out in a river + The plots were filled with water hyacinth plants. e plants were sampled at the start and the mean petiole length and number of feeding scars were recorded, as in the pilot experiment + 5 of the plots were sprayed with insecticide every three weeks. + 5 of the plots were not sprayed, to allow weevils from the environment (0 feed on the plants. + The plants were sampled after 33 weeks and the mean petiole length and number of feeding scars were recorded, as in the pilot experiment. 1 Prelims/JC2IBiology/P5/QP The re th "ent are shown In Fig. 2.3 and Fig. 24 SUIS OF the Meld experiment are. '0¥m in Fig. 2.3 and Fig, Os Key rot sprayed win nsetcise TB sorayea wan meoctice avery te wooks Fig 23 rot sprayed min nsectde TB sprayed win insecticide every three weeks: Fig 2.4 21:24 Lave Prins! JC2BiologyiPSOP 10 (©) () Enumerate thre reasons why ie ‘est canbe used 19 analyse the detain ales. contaons bs, compare Ye 9. squib Mara 2.2 sede. ob dite, lage, samy les moe then. = «hye tangles } nearly di beckd companion of te (State wnat infomation is neodd to cute the degrees of feedom used 0 determine i the calculated tvalve is significant 5 upd--——._ wh ew Mamber o OC Morel ablin the Fpeadret (li) A total of 32 plants were sampled for each of the treatments and a t value of 4.64 was obtained Table 23 shows the crcl values forthe test, Table 23 degrees of 7 degrees ot | iol i214 16 | 18 | 20 22 24/26 281 90 40. 50 | 60 babi Bapeoiny ozs zie 214 212 210 200 207 2ce\20e 2os[ZTce 201 200 probably 57/206 290 262) 268 285 262 200/278 278 275 270 268 268 State what conclusions can be drawn about the significance of the differences inmean legis of the longest petiole fom the expen bil hous vale told the oasis tere 46 ew dats, 3 113) {Total: 14] 2/20 ~End of Questions 23-248 Level Prelims/JC2/Biology/PSIOP

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