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Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary

1 Sources in Philippine History

Module 2

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary

Sources in Philippine History


In this module, we are going to look at a number of primary sources from different historical periods
and evaluate these documents’ content in terms of historical value, and examine the context of their production.
These primary sources range from chronicles, official documents, speeches, and cartoons to visual arts.
Needless to say, different types of sources necessitate different kinds of analysis and contain different levels
of importance.

Lesson 1 - First Voyage Around the World (Antonio Pigafetta)

• The Site of the First Mass
• Magellan’s Death

Lesson 2
• Customs of the Tagalogs (Juan de Placencia)
• Kartilla ng Katipunan (Emilio Jacinto)
• Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan (Emilio Aguinaldo)
• Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Philippine Independence, The Malolos Constitution, and The
First Philippine Republic

Lesson 3
• Political caricatures of the American Era (Alfred McCoy)
• Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood (Commission on Independence)
• Corazon Aquino, President Aquino’s Speech before the U.S. Congress Sept. 18, 1986
• Raiders of the Sulu Sea (film)
• Works of Luna and Amorsolo

Lesson 1

First Voyage Around the World

Lesson Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson the students are able to:

1. familiarize oneself with the primary documents in different historical periods of the Philippines;
2. analyse history through primary source;
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
2 Sources in Philippine History

3. interpret primary sources through examining the content and context behind each selected documents;
4. survey the information given by the primary sources about the first voyage around the world; and
5. decide on evaluating the facts presented by the sources about these events in our past.


True or False. Write True if the statement is False and write False if the statement is True.

_____1. Historical interpretation is based on the historian’s judgment on how the past should be
_____ 2. We make sense of the past through historical interpretation.
_____ 3. Multiperspectivity is a quality of historical writing attributed to a variety of lenses that may
be used to view past.
_____ 4. There is only one account of the First Catholic Mass in the Philippines.
_____ 5. The forces of Magellan were successful in defeating and conquering Lapulapu.
_____ 6. There was no argument about the first mass.
_____ 7. There are only 2 ships that comes with Magellan’s circumnavigation.
_____ 8. The first mass was said to be an Easter Sunday.
_____ 9. There are only 15 people who went back to Spain after the death of Magellan.
_____ 10. The Code of Kalantiaw is considered as a primary source.


The First

The Death
The Voyage
Circumnavigation of
the World

of the

This lesson will give the entire picture of how the colonization starts form the very beginning. This topic is
considered as one of the greatest primary source ever which influences the world.
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
3 Sources in Philippine History


ENGAGE Singing Along

Activity 1. Let us all sing with this song entitled Magellan by Yoyo Villame. Let’s discover this song.

1. What does this song is all about?
2. Why do you think the composer has written this song?

Yoyoy Villame

On March 16, 1521

When Philippines was discovered by Magellan
They were sailing day and night, across the big ocean
Until they saw a small Limasawa island
Magellan landed in Limasawa at noon
The people met him very welcome on the shore
They did not understand the speaking they have done
Because Kastila gid at Waray-Waray man
When Magellan landed in Cebu City
Rajah Humabon met him, they were very happy
All people were baptized and built the church of Christ
And that's the beginning of our Catholic life
When Magellan visited in Mactan
To Christianize them everyone
But Lapu-Lapu met him on the shore
And drive Magellan to go back home
Then Magellan got so mad
Ordered his men to camouflage
"Mactan island, we could not grab
'Cause Lapu-Lapu is very hard"
Then the battle began at dawn
Bolos and spears versus guns and cannons
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
4 Sources in Philippine History

When Magellan was hit on his neck

He stumbled down and cried and cried
Oh, mother, mother, I am sick
Call the doctor very quick
Doctor, doctor, shall I die?
Tell my mama, do not cry
Tell my mama, do not cry
Tell my mama, do not cry
That's the end of Magellan
In the island of Mactan long time ago
Ladies and gentlemen
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Yoyoy Villame


A Brief Summary First Voyage Around the World by Magellan (Antonio Pigafetta)

This book was taken from the chronicles of contemporary voyagers and navigators of the sixteenth
century. One of them was Italian nobleman Antonio Pigafetta, who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in his
fateful circumnavigation of the world. Pigafetta’s work instantly became a classic that prominent literary men in
the West like William Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne, and Giambattista Vico referred to the book in their
interpretation of the New World. Pigafetta’s travelogue is one of the most important primary sources in the
study of the precolonial Philippines. His account was also a major referent to the events leading to Magellan’s
arriving in the Philippines, his encounter with local leaders, his death in the hands of Lapulapu’s forces in the
Battle of Mactan, and in the departure of what was left of Magellan’s fleet from the islands.

Examining the documents reveals several insights not just in the character of the Philippines during the
precolonial period, but also on how the fresh eyes of the Europeans regard a deeply unfamiliar terrain,
environment, people, and culture. Locating Pigafetta’s account in the context of its writing warrants a familiarity
on the dominant frame of mind in the age of exploration, which pervaded Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth
century. Students of history need to realize that primary sources used in the subsequent written histories depart
from certain perspectives. Thus, Pigafetta’s account was also written from the perspective of Pigafetta himself
and was a product of the context of its production. The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan was
published after Pigafetta returned to Italy.

We will focus on the chronicles of Antonio Pigafetta as he wrote his firsthand observation and general
impression of the far East including their experiences in the Visayas. In Pigafetta’s account, their fleet reached
what he called the Ladrones Islands or the “Islands of the Thieves.”
He recounted:
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
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“These people have no arms, but use sticks, which have a fish bone at the end. They are poor, but
ingenious, and great thieves, and for the sake of that we called these three islands the Ladrones

The Ladrones Isalds is presently known as the Marianbas Islands. These islands are located south-
southeast of Japan, west-southwest of Hawaii, north of New Guinea, and east of Philippines. Ten days after
they reached Ladrones islands, Pigafetta reported that they reached what Pigafetta called the isle of Zamal,
now Samar but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for the greater security where they
could rest for a few days. Pigafetta recounted that after two days, March 18, nine men came to them and
showed joy and eagerness in seeing them. Magellan realized that the men were reasonable and welcomed
them with food, drinks, and gifts. In turn, the natives gave them fish, palm wine (uraca), figs, and two cochos.
The natives also gave them rice (umai), cocos, and other food supplies. Pigafetta detailed in amazement and
fascination the palm tree which bore fruits called cocho, and wine. He also described what seemed like a
coconut. His description reads:

“This palm produces a fruit named cocho, which is as large as the head, or thereabouts: its first husk
is green, and two fingers in thickness, in it they find certain threads, with which they make the cords for
fastening their boats. Under this husk there is another very hard, and thicker than that of a walnut. They
burn this second rind, and make with it a powder which is useful to them. Under this rind there is a white
marrow of a finger’s thickness, which they eat fresh with meat and fish, as we do bread, and it has the
taste of an almond, and if anyone dried it he might make bread of it (p. 72).”

Pigafetta characterized the people as “very familiar and friendly” and willingly showed them different
islands and the names of these islands. The fleetwent to Humunu Island (Homonhon) and there they found
what Pigafetta referred to as the “Watering Place of Good Signs.” It is in this place where Pigafetta wrote that
they found the first signs of gold in the island. They named the island with the nearby islands as the archipelago
of St. Lazarus. They left the island, then on March 25 th, Pigafetta recounted that they saw two ballanghai
(balangay), a long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazaua. The leader, who Pigafetta referred to as the king of
the ballanghai (balanay), sent his men to the ship of Magellan. The Europeans entertained these men and
gave them gifts. When the king of balangay offered to give Magellan a bar of gold and a chest of ginger,
Magellan declined. Magellan sent the interpreter to the king and asked for money for the needs of his ships
and expressed that he came into the islands as a friend and not as an enemy. The king responded by giving
Magellan the needed provisions of food in chinaware. Magellan exchanged gift of robes in Turkish fashion, red
cap, and cap gave the people knives and mirrors. The two then expressed their desire to become brothers.
Magellan also boasted of his men in armor who could not be struck with swords and daggers. The king was
fascinated and remarked that men in such armor could be worth one hundred of his men. Magellan further
showed the king his other weapons, helmets, and artilleries. Magellan also shared with the king his charts and
maps and shared how they found the islands.

After a few days, Magellan was introduced to the king’s brother who was also a king of another island.
They went to this island and Pigafetta rported that they saw mines of gold. The gold was abundant that parts
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of the ship and of the house of the second king were made of gold. Pigafetta described this king as the most
handsome of all the men that he saw in this place. He was also adorned with silk and gold accessories like a
golden dagger, which he carried with him in a wooden polished sheath. This king was named Raia Calambu,
king of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua), and the first king was Raia Siagu. On March 31 st, which
happened to be Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a Mass by the shore. The king heard
of this plan and sent two dead pigs and attended the Mass with the other king. Pigafetta reported that both
kings participated in the mass. He wrote:

“… when the offertory of the mass came, the two kings, went to kiss the cross like us, but they offered
nothing, and at the elevation of the body of our Lord they were kneeling like us, and adores our Lord
with joined hands.”

After the mass, Magellan ordered that the cross be brought with nails and crown in place. Magellan
explained that the cross, the nail, and the crown were the signs of his emperor and that he was ordered to
plant it in the places that he would reach. Magellan further explained that the cross would be beneficial for their
people because once other Spaniards saw this cross then they would know that they had been in this land and
would not cause them troubles, and any person who might be held captives by them would be released. The
king concurred and allowed for the cross to be planted. This Mass would go down in history as the first Mass
in the Philippines, and the cross would be the famed Magellan’s Cross still preserved at the present day.

After seven days, Magellan and his men decided to move and look for islands where they could acquire
more supplies and provisions. They learned of the islands of Ceylon (Leyte), Bohol, and Zzubu (Cebu) and
intended to go there. Raia Calambu offered to pilot them in going to Cebu, the largest and the richest of the
islands. By April 7th of the same year, Magellan and his men reached the port of Cebu. The king of Cebu,
through Magellan’s interpreter, demanded that they pay tributes as it was customary, but Magellan refused.
Magellan said that he was a captain of a king himself and thus would not pay tribute to other kings. Magellan’s
interpreter explained to the king of Cebu that Magellan’s king was the emperor of a great empire and that it
would do them better to make friends with them than to forge enmity. The king of Cebu consulted his council.
By the next day, Magellan’s men and the king of Cebu, together with other principal men of Cebu, met in an
open space. There, the king offered a bit of his blood and demanded that Magellan do the same. Pigafetta

“Then the king said that he was content, and as a greater sign of affection he sent him a little of his
blood from his right arm, and wished he should do the like. Our people answered that he would do it.
Besides that, he said that all the captains who came to his country had been accustomed to make a
present to him, and he to them, and therefore they should ask their captain if he would observe the
custom. Our people answered that he would; but as the king wished to keep up the custom, let him
begin and make a present, and then the captain would do his duty.”

The following day, Magellan spoke before the people of Cebu about peace and God. Pigafetta
reported that the people took pleasure in Magellan's speech. Magellan then asked the people who would
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succeed the king after his reign and the people responded that the eldest child of the king, who happened
to be a daughter, would be the next in line. Pigafetta also related how the people talked about, how at old
age, parents were no longer taken into account and had to follow the orders of their children as the new
leaders of the land. Magellan responded to this by saying that his faith entailed children to render honor and
obedience to their parents. Magellan preached about their faith further and people were reportedly
convinced. Pigafetta wrote that their men were overjoyed seeing that the people wished to become Christians
through their free will and not because they were forced or intimidated.

On the 14th of April, the people gathered with the king and other principal men of the islands. Magellan
spoke to the king and encouraged him to be a good Christian by burning all of the idols and worship the
cross instead. The king of Cebu was then baptized as a Christian. Pigafetta wrote:

"To that the king and all his people answered that thy would obey the commands of the captain and
do all that he told them. The captain took the king by the hand, and they walked about on the
scaffolding, and when he was baptized he said that he would name him Don Charles (Carlos), as the
emperor his sovereign was named; and he named the prince Don Fernand (Fernando), after the
brother of the emperor, and the King of Mazavva, Jehan: to the Moor he gave the name of
Christopher, and to the others each a name of his fancy."

After eight days, Pigafetta counted that all of the island's inhabitant were already baptized. He
admitted that they burned a village down for obeying neither the king nor Magellan. The Mass was conducted
by the shore every day. When the queen came to the Mass one day, Magellan gave her an image of the
Infant Jesus made by Pigafetta himself. The king Of Cebu swore that he would always be faithful to Magellan.
When Magellan reiterated that all of the newly baptized Christians need to burn their idols, but the natives
gave excuses telling Magellan that they needed the idols to heal a sick man who was a relative to the king.
Magellan insisted that they should instead put their faith in Jesus Christ. They went to the sick man and
baptized him. After the baptismal, Pigafetta recorded that the man was able to speak again. He called this a

On the 26th of April, Zula, a principal man from the island of Matan (Mactan) went to see Magellan
and asked him for a boat full of men so that he would be able to fight the chief named Silapulapu (Lapulapu).
Such chief, according to Zula, refused to obey the king and was also preventing him from doing so. Magellan
offered three boats instead and expressed his desire to go to Mactan himself to fight the said chief.
Magellan's forces arrived in Mactan in daylight. They numbered 49 in total and the islanders of Mactan were
estimated to number 1,500. The battle began. Pigafetta recounted:

"When we reached land we found the islanders fifteen hundred in number, drawn up in three
squadrons; they came down upon us with terrible shouts, two squadrons attacking us on the flanks,
and the third in front. The captain then divided his men in two bands. Our musketeers and crossbow-
men fired for half an hour from a distance, but did nothing, since the bullets and arrows, though they
passed through their shields made of thin wood, and perhaps wounded their arms, yet did not stop
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them. The captain shouted not to fire, but he was not listened to. The islanders seeing that the shots
of our guns did them little or no harm would not retire, but shouted more loudly, and springing from
one side to the other to avoid our shots, they at the same time drew nearer to us, throwing arrows,
javelins, spears hardened in fire, stones, and even mud, so that we could hardly defend ourselves.
Some of them cast lances pointed with iron at the captain-general."

Magellan died in that battle. The natives, perceiving that the bodies of the enemies were protected with
armors, aimed for their legs instead. Magellan was pierced with a poisoned arrow in his right leg. A few of
their men charged at the natives and tried to intimidate them by burning an entire
village but this only enraged the natives further. Magellan was specifically targeted because the natives knew
that he was the captain general. Magellan was hit with a lance in the face. Magellan retaliated and pierced
the same native with his lance in the breast and tried to draw his sword but could not lift it because of his
wounded arm. Seeing that the captain has already deteriorated, more natives came to attack him. One native
with a great sword delivered a blow in Magellan's left leg, brought him face down and the natives ceaselessly
attacked Magellan with lances, swords, and even with their bare hands. Pigafetta recounted the last momen ts
of Magellan:

"Whilst the Indians were thus overpowering him, several times he turned round towards us to see if
we were all in safety, as though his obstinate fight had no other object than to give an opportunity for
the retreat of his men."

Pigafetta also said that the king of Cebu who was baptized could have sent help but Magellan
instructed him not to join the battle and stay in the balangay so that he would see how they fought. The king
offered the people of Mactan gifts of any value and amount in exchange of Magellan's body but the chief
refused. They wanted to keep Magellan's body as a memento of their victory.

Magellan's men elected Duarte Barbosa as the new captain. Pigafetta also told how Magellan's slave and
interpreter named Henry betrayed them and told the king of Cebu that they intended to leave as quickly as
possible. Pigafetta alleged that the slave told the king that if he followed the slave's advice, then the king
could acquire the ships and the goods of Magellan's fleet. The two conspired and betrayed what was left of
Magellan's men. The king invited these men to a gathering where he said he would present the jewels that
he would send for the King of Spain. Pigafetta was not able to join the twenty-four men who attended because
he was nursing his battle wounds. It was only a short time when they heard cries and lamentations. The
natives had slain all of the men except the interpreter and Juan Serrano who was already wounded. Serrano
was presented and shouted at the men in the ship asking them to pay ransom so he would be spared.
However, they refused and would not allow anyone to go to the shore. The fleet departed and abandoned
Serrano. They left Cebu and continued their journey around the world.
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
9 Sources in Philippine History

Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take Place in the Philippines?

The popularity of knowing where the “firsts” happened in history has been easy way to trivialize
history, but this case study will not focus on the significance (or lack thereof) of the site of the First Catholic
Mass in the Philippines, but rather, use it as a historiographical exercise in the utilization of evidence and
interpretation in reading historical events.

Butuan has long been believed as the site of the first Mass. In fact, this has been the case for three
centuries, culminating in the erection of a monument in 1872 near Agusan River, which commemorates the
expedition’s arrival and celebration of Mass on 8 April 1521. The Butuan claim has been based on a rather
elementary reading of primary sources from the event.

Toward the end of the nineteenth century and the start of the twentieth century, together with the
increasing scholarship on the history of the Philippines, a more nuanced reading of the available evidence
was made, which brought to light more considerations in going against the more accepted interpretation of
the first Mass in the Philippines, made both by Spanish and Filipino scholars.

It must be noted that there are only two primary sources that historians refer to in identifying the site
of the first Mass. One is the log kept by Francisco Albo, a pilot of one Magellan’s ship, Trinidad. He was one
of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian Elcano on the ship Victoria after they circumnavigated the
world. The other, and the more complete, was the account by Antonio Pigafetta, Primo viaggo intorno al
mondo (First Voyage Around the World). Pigafetta, like Aldo, was a member of the Magellan expedition and
eyewitness of the events, particularly, of the first Mass.

Many of the things we accept as “true” about the past might not be the case anymore; just because
there were taught to us as “facts” when we were younger does not mean that is set in stone – history is after
all, a construct. And as a construct, it is open for interpretation. There might be conflicting and competing
accounts of the past that need one’s attention, and can impact the way we view our country’s history and
identity. It is important, therefore, to subject to evaluation not only the primary source, but also the historical
interpretation of the same, to ensure that the current interpretation is reliable to support our acceptance of
events of the past.

Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take Place in the Philippines?

The popularity of knowing where the “first” happened in history has been easy way to trivialize history,
but in case study will not focus on the significance (or lack thereof) of the site of the First Catholic Mass in
the Philippines, but rather use it as a historiographical exercise in the utilization of evidence and interpretation
in reading historical events.

Butuan has a long been believed as the site of the first Mass. In fact, this has been the case for three
centuries, culminating in the erection of a monument in 1872 near Agusan River, which commemorates the
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
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expedition’s arrival and celebration of Mass on 8 April 1521. The Butuan claim has been based on a rather
elementary reading of primary sources from the event.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century and the start of the twentieth century, together with the
increasing scholarship on the history of the Philippines, a more nuanced reading of the available evidence
was made, which brought to light more considerations in going against the more accepted interpretation of
the first Mass in the Philippines, made both by Spanish and Filipino scholars.

It must be noted that there are only two primary sources that historians refer to in identifying the site
of the first Mass. One is the log kept by Francisco Albo, a pilot of one of Magellan’s ship, Trinidad. He was
one of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian Elcano on the ship Victoria after they circumnavigated
the world. The other, and the more complete, was the account by Antonio Pigaffeta. Primo viaggio intorno al
mondo (First Voyage Around the World). Pigaffeta, like Albo, was a member of the Magellan expedition and
an eyewitness of the events, particularly, of the first Mass.

Primary Source: Albo's Log

Source: 'Diario 6 derotero del viage de Magallanes desde ei cabo se S. Agustfn en el Brazil hasta el regreso
a Éspana de la nao Victoria, escrito por Frandsco Albo," Document no. xxii in Colleci6n de viages y
descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espaioles desde fines del siglo XV, Ed. Martin Fernandez de
Navarrete (reprinted Buenos Aires 1945, 5 Vols.) IV, 191—225. As cited in Miguel A. Bernad "Butuan or
Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of Evidence" 1981, Kinaadman:
A Journal of Southern Philippines, Vol. 111, 1-35.

1. On the 16th of March (1521) as they sailed in a westerly course from Ladrones, they saw land towards
the northwest; but owing to many shallow places they did not approach it. They found later that its name was

2. They went instead that same day southwards to another small island named Suluan, and there they
anchored. There they saw some canoes but these fled at the Spaniards' approach. This island was at 9 and
two-thirds degrees North latitude.

3. Departing from those two islands, they sailed westward to an uninhabited island of "Gada" where they
took in a supply of wood and water. The sea around that island was free from shallows. (Albo does not give
the latitude of this island, but from Pigafetta's testimony, this seems to be the "Acquada" or Homonhon, at
10 degrees North latitude.)

4. From that island they sailed westwards towards a large island names Seilani that was inhabited and was
known to have gold. (Seilani — or, as Pigafetta calls it, "Ceylon" — was the island of Leyte.)
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5. Sailing southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani, they turned southwest to a small island
called 'Mazava." That island is also at a latitude of 9 and two-thirds degrees North.

6. The people of that island of Mazava were very good. There the Spaniards planted a cross upon a
mountain-top, and from there they were shown three islands to the west and southwest, where they were
told there was much gold. "They showed us how the gold was gathered, which came in small pieces like
peas and lentils."

7. From Mazava they sailed northwards again towards Seilani. They followed the coast of Seilani in a
northwesterly direction, ascending up to 10 degrees of latitude where they saw three small islands.

8. From there they sailed westwards some ten leagues, and there they saw three islets, where they dropped
anchor for the night. In the morning they sailed southwest some 12 leagues, down to a latitude of 10 and
one-third degree. There they entered a channel between two islands, one of which was called "Matan" and
the other "Subu."

9. They sailed down that channel and then turned westward and anchored at the town (la villa) of Subu
where they stayed many days and obtained provisions and entered into a peace-pact with the local king.

10. The town of Subu was on an east-west direction with the islands of Suluan and Mazava. But between
Mazava and Subu, there were so many shallows that the boats could not go westward directly but has to go
(as they did) in a round-about way.

It must be noted that in Albo's account, the location of Mazava fits the location of the island of
Limasawa, at the southern tip of Leyte, 90 54'N. Also, Albo does not mention the first Mass, but only the
planting of the cross upon a mountain-top from which could be seen three islands to the west and
Southwest, which also fits the southern end of Limasawa.

Primary Source: Pigafetta's Testimony on the Route of Magellan's Expedition

Source: Emma Blair and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine Islands, Vols. 33 and 34, as cited in
Miguel A. Bernad, "Butuan or Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of
Evidence" 1981, Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern Philippines, vol. 111, 1-35.

1. Saturday, 16 March 1521 — Magellan's expedition sighted a "high land" named "Zamal" which was some
300 leagues westward of Ladrones (now the Marianas) Islands.

2. Sunday, March 17 — "The following day' after sighting Zamal Island, they landed on "another island which
was uninhabited" and which lay "to the right" of the above-mentioned island of "Zamal." (To the "right" here
would mean on their starboard going south or southwest.) There they set up two tents for the sick members
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of the crew and had a sow killed for them. The name of this island was “Humunu” (Homonhon). This island
was located at the 10 degrees North latitude.

3. On that same day (Sunday, March 17), Magellan named the entire archipelago the "Islands of Saint
Lazarus," the reason being that it was Sunday in the Lenten season when the Gospel assigned for the Mass
and the liturgical Office was the eleventh chapter of St. John, which tells of the raising of Lazarus from the

4. Monday, March 18 — In the afternoon of their second day on that island, they saw a boat coming towards
them with nine men in it. An exchange of gifts was effected. Magellan asked for food supplies, and the men
went away, promising to bring rice and other supplies in 'four days."

5. There were two springs of water on that island of Homonhon. Also they saw there some indications that
there was gold in these islands. Consequently, Magellan renamed the island and called it the "Watering
Place of Good Omen" (Acquada la di bouni segnialh).

6. Friday, March 22 — At noon the natives returned. This time they were in two boats, and they brought food

7. Magellan's expedition stayed eight days at Homonhon: from Sunday, March 17, to the Monday of the
following week, March 25.

8. Monday, March 25 — In the afternoon, the expedition weighed anchor and left the island of Homonhon.
In the ecclesiastical calendar, this day (March 25) was the feast-day of the Incarnation, also called the feast
of the Annunciation and therefore "Our Lady's Day." On this day, as they were about to weigh anchor, an
accident happened to Pigafetta: he fell into the water but was rescued. He attributed his narrow escape from
death as grace obtained through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on her feast-day.

9. The route taken by the expedition after leaving Homonhon was "toward the west southwest, between four
islands: namely, Cenalo,Hiunanghan, Ibusson and Albarien." Very probably "Cenalo" is a misspelling in the
Italian manuscript for what Pigafetta in his map calls "Ceilon" and Albo calls "Seilani": namely the island of
Leyte. "Hiunanghan" (a misspelling of Hinunangan) seemed to Pigafetta to be a separate island, but is
actually on the mainland of Leyte (i.e., "Ceylon"). On the other hand, Hibuson (Pigafetta's Ibusson) is an
island east of Leyte's southern tip.

Thus, it is easy to see what Pigafetta meant by sailing "toward the west southwest" past those islands. They
left Homonhon sailing westward towards Leyte, then followed the Leyte coast southward, passing between
the island of Hibuson on their portside and Hiunangan Bay on their starboard, and then continued southward,
then turning westward to 'Mazaua."

10. Thursday, March 28 In the morning of Holy ThUrsday, March 28, they anchored off an island where the
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
13 Sources in Philippine History

previous night they had seen a light or a bonfire. That island "lies in a latitude of nine and two-thirds towards
the Arctic Pole (i.e., North) and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-two degrees from the line of
demarcation. It is twenty-five leagues from the Acquada, and is called Mazaua."

11. They remained seven days on Mazaua Island.

12. Thursday, April 4 — They left Mazaua, bound for Cebu. They were guided thither by the king of Mazaua
who sailed in his own boat. Their route took them past five "islands" namely: "Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan,
Baibai, and Gatighan."

13. At Gatighan, they sailed westward to the three islands of the Camotes Group, namely, Poro, Pasihan
and Ponson. Here the Spanish ships stopped to allow the king of Mazaua to catch up with them, since the
Spanish ships were much faster than the native balanghai—a thing that excited the admiration of the king of

14. From the Camotes Islands they sailed southwards towards "Zubu."

15. Sunday, April 7 At noon they entered the harbor of "Zubu" (Cebu). It had taken them three days to
negotiate the journey from Mazaua northwards to the Camotes Islands and then southwards to Cebu.

It must 'be pointed out that both Albo and Pigafetta's testimonies coincide and corroborate each other.
Pigafetta gave more details on what they did during their weeklong stay at Mazaua.

Primary Source: Pigafetta and Seven Days in Mazaua

Source: Emma Blair and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine Islands, Vols. 33 and 34, as cited in
Miguel A. Bernad, "Butuan Or Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of
Evidence" 1981, Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern Philippines, vol. 111, 1-35.

1. Thursday, March 28 — In the morning they anchored near an island where they had seen a light
the night before a small boat (boloto) came with eight natives, to whom Magellan threw some
trinkets as presents. The natives paddled away, but two hours later two larger boats (balanghai)
came, in one of which the native king sat under an awning of mats. At Magellan's invitation some
of the natives went up the Spanish ship, but the native king remained seated in his boat. An
exchange of gifts was effected. In the afternoon that day, the Spanish ships weighed anchor and
came closer to shore, anchoring near the native king's village. This Thursday, March 28, was
Thursday in Holy Week, i.e., Holy Thursday.

2. Friday, March 29 — "Next day. Holy Friday," Magellan sent his slave interpreter ashore in a small
boat to ask the king if he could provide the expedition with food supplies, and to say that they had
come as friends and not as enemies. In reply the king himself came in a boat with six or eight
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
14 Sources in Philippine History

men, and this time went up Magellan's ship and the two men embraced. Another exchange of
gifts was made. The native king and his companions returned ashore, bringing with them two
members of Magellan's expedition as guests for the night. One of the two was Pigafetta.

3. Saturday, March 30 — Pigafetta and his companion had spent the previous evening feasting and
drinking with the native king and his son. Pigafetta deplored the fact that, although it was Good
Friday, they had to eat meat. The following morning (Saturday) Pigafetta and his companion took
leave of their hosts and returned to the ships.

4. Sunday, March 31 "Early in the morning of Sunday, the last of March and Easter day," Magellan
sent the priest ashore with some men to prepare for the Mass. Later in the morning Magellan
landed with some fifty men and Mass was celebrated, after which a cross was venerated.
Magellan and the Spaniards returned to the ship for the noon-day meal, but in the afternoon they
returned ashore to plant the cross on the summit of the highest hill. In attendance both at the
Mass and at the planting of the cross were the king Of Mazaua and the king of Butuan.

5. Sunday, March 31 — On that same afternoon, while on the summit of the highest hill, Magellan
asked the two kings which ports he should go to in order to obtain more abundant supplies of food
than were available in that island. They replied that there were three ports to choose from: Ceylon,
Zubu, and Calagan. Of the three, Zubu was the port with the most trade. Magellan then said that
he wished to go to Zubu and to depart the following morning. He asked for someone to guide him
thither. The kings replied that the pilots would be available "any time." But later that evening the
king of Mazaua changed his mind and said that he would himself conduct Magellan to Zubu but
that he would first have to bring the harvest in. He asked Magellan to send him men to help with
the harvest.

6. Monday, April 1 — Magellan sent men ashore to help with the harvest, but no work was done that
day because the two kings were sleeping off their drinking bout the night before.

7. Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday, April 3 — Work on the harvest during the "next to days," i.e.,
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 2nd and 3rd of April.

8. Thursday, April 4 — They leave Mazaua, bound for Cebu.

Using the primary sources available, Jesuit priest Miguel A. Bernad in his work Butuan or
Limasawa: The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of Evidence (1981) lays
down the argument that in the Pigafetta account, a crucial aspect of Butuan was not mentioned—
the river. Butuan is a riverine settlement, situated on the Agusan River. The beach of Masao is in
the delta of said river. It is a curious omission in the account of the river, which makes part of a
distinct characteristic of Butuan's geography that seemed to be too important to be missed.
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
15 Sources in Philippine History

The Age of Exploration is a period of competition among European rulers to conquer and colonize
lands outside their original domains. Initially, the goal was to find alternative routes by sea to get to Asia,
the main source of spices and other commodities. Existing routes to Asia were mainly by land and cost
very expensive. A sea route to Asia means that Europeans could access the spice trade directly, greatly
reducing costs for traders. Spain's major foray into the exploration was through Christopher Columbus,
who proposed to sail westward to find a shortcut to Asia. He was able to reach the Americas, which was
then cut-off from the rest of the known world.

Spain colonized parts of North America, Mexico, and South America in the sixteenth century, They were
also able to reach the Philippines and claim it for the Spanish crown. Later on, other European rulers
would compete with the activities of exploring and conquering lands.

It must also pointed out that later on, after Magellan’s death, the survivors of his expedition went to
Mindanao, and seemingly went to Butuan. In this instance, Pigafetta vividly describes a trip in a river. But note
that this account already happened after Magellans’s death.

EXPLAIN Explaining Events

Activity 2. Answer the following questions given.

1. Who is Antonio Pigafetta, and how he becomes the great person who contributed to the history of the
Philippines and the essence of the circumnavigation?
2. Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
3. Who killed Magellan, and what is the reason why he killed him?


The students will be able to:

• Identify the different events that happened back in Magellan’s time.
• Articulate the different events happened in that past.
• Tell the story that stated from the travelogues stated above.
• Create their very own travelogue out of the information given above.
• Understand the different versions that we have known from their past studies about this part of history.
Module 2 – Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary
16 Sources in Philippine History


• Candelaria, J., Alphora, V. Readings in Philippine History. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

• Ariola, M., Parajas, R., Readings in Philippine History. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services and
Publishing Inc. 2018

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