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Pfeffer Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behav-

ior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His most recent book is
Power: Why Some Peopie Have It—and Others Don't (HarperCollins, 2Oio).

Power, Caprícíousness,
and Consequences
eaders often get to skip "good pro-

L The practice of flouting rules in unpredictable ways? They pay a huge

cess" and simply act on their whims. price. As the social psychology literature
Take the boss at my colleague's and violating norms actually on learned helplessness makes clear, our
former workplace. He inherited a team creates power, as long as the ability to navigate our world with confi-
and fired the unit head who had the best culprit gets away with it. dence depends on reasonably predictable
profit-and-loss performance—and the best relationships between actions and their
reputation as a people manager. Asked how consequences. When people (or, for that
he came to that decision, the boss said he matter, dogs, rats, and evenfish)encounter
owed no one an explanation. Ross Johnson, an environmentfilledwith random, bewil-
when he was CEO of RJR Nabisco, arrived dering punishments and uncertain, incon-
at meetings late, as did Henry Kissinger in sistent rewards, three things occur. First,
the Nixon White House. And then there motivation declines. If you can't possibly
was the longtime power broker New York affect outcomes, why try? Second, learn-
parks commissioner Robert Moses, about ing suffers from the lack of consistent feed-
whom Robert Caro wrote a Pulitzer Prize- back. Could you learn to drive a car if from
winning book. When Moses was told that moment to moment the pedals switched
a proposal of his was illegal, he laughed from brake to accelerator and back again?
and said, "Nothing I have ever done has The task would be impossible. And third,
been tinged with legality." Many of us have stress skyrockets. In fact, one's perceived
worked with people who act as though level of job control, according to research
rules are for little people and don't apply by British epidemiologist Michael Marmot,
to them. My colleague Bob Sutton made a is an important predictor of longevity £ind
small fortune on a book in which he called '•> ,• health.
such self-centered leaders worse than jerks Companies face a real paradox, then:
I <
and encouraged organizations not to toler- Behaving capriciously signals and may
ate them. even create the power that leaders crave—
Over the course of millennia, a heuris- and that they often need to effect valuable
tic association has developed between es- change. But it also takes its toll on employ-
chewing behavioral norms and possessing ees and potentially undermines organiza-
power: We observe that powerful people tional performance.
are able to ignore what's expected and to Trade-offs between individual and
do what they please. So conversely, when collective well-being are well recognized
someone successfully flouts social conven- in sociobiology. Evolutionary theorists
tion, we assume that he or she must have have long noted that what's good for the
the power to do so. Of course, with power, survival and success of the individual is
perception is reality. The effect—and this is not necessarily what's good for the group.
borne out by research—is that the practice The surprise is how little the management
of flouting rules and violating norms ac- and leadership literature focuses on this
tually creates power, as long as the culprit tension in organizational life. We ought to
gets away with the behavior. acknowledge and explore the dilemmas it
And what of the people who are sub- creates, not pretend they don't exist. 0
jected to the whims of bosses behaving HBR Reprint n 3 0 4 E

36 Harvard Business Review April 2013

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