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Expanded Project Culminating Activity_2


Name: Score/Mark:
Grade and Section: Date:
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration
Performance Task Essay/Report Others:
Activity Title: Integrated PT for HUMSS Subjects The Plan
Learning Target: To discuss the plan for a Performance Task that will demonstrate the key
concepts, principles, and applications of studies in the humanities and social
References: (1) Deped Guidelines for Work Immersion During Crisis Situation
(Author, Title, Pages) (2) M.W.R. Acha and Q.J. Abcede, CVIF Learning Activities

Our Culminating Activity shall be called TIPIK: Significant Snippets of the

Humanities and Social Sciences. Tipik is a Cebuano term which means snippet,
piece, or fragment a small part of a whole. From the many concepts you have
learned throughout your journey as a HUMSS student, you have to select one social
concept which you are most interested in, or which is close to your heart. You have
to expound this concept through a project, given this following scenario:

The Philippine Social Science Council conducted a virtual conference to

promote and emphasize the importance of the social sciences in our society

who attended the conference. You are then tasked to share with the whole student
body what you have learned from the conference by presenting an info-
poster/catalog. The info-poster/catalog should contain (1) the nature and scope of
the social concept, (2) the social concept vis-à-vis the COVID-19 pandemic, and
(3) the takeaway (main message) of the conference. Your poster/catalog will be
evaluated by all of your HUMSS subject instructors according to its Content (50 pts),
Organization (30 pts), and Presentation and Creativity (20 pts).

(The date of submission of your output will be announced soon.)

Exercise: Answer the following questions briefly.

Off the top of your head (or without thinking too much), which
social concept will you use for the Culminating Activity? Why?

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