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Word formation: nouns

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the highlighted words.

Example: His illness was less serious than we thought. ILL

1. Your comments offer great .................................................. for everyone involved in this project. ENCOURAGE
2. There is a .................................................. of cheap accommodation in this area. SHORT
3. She was known for having good .................................................. and the ability to see both sides. JUDGE
4. There is little .................................................. of agreement between them. LIKELY
5. If you need any .................................................. of what I’ve just said, ask Sue or Brian. CONFIRM
6. If you want .................................................., you should try kitesurfing. EXCITE
7. Many flights are subject to .................................................. because of the strikes. CANCEL
8. We’re expecting a .................................................. from China any time soon. SHIP

Word combinations: verb + preposition

4. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box.

about about about at for for for in of of of on on

to with with

Example: I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour!

1. Are you accusing me .................................................. lying?

2. George blames his lack of confidence .................................................. his teachers.
3. Stop laughing .................................................. him! You’re being rude!
4. We’ve applied .................................................. a grant for a school project.
5. My dad doesn’t approve .................................................. big parties in our house.
6. You don’t need to remind me .................................................. the meeting. I put it down in my diary.
7. You need to really focus .................................................. this task if you want to succeed.
8. The police searched the area .................................................. the missing boy.
9. Our geography teacher only deals .................................................. good students.
10. Are you going to take part .................................................. the competition?
11. My brother and I are completely different and we don’t agree .................................................. much.
12. If you need it, I’ll lend it .................................................. you.
13. Anna reminds me .................................................. her mother.
14. You need to provide me .................................................. more details.
15. They were arguing .................................................. which series to watch.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Phrasal verbs

5. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.

ahead around away into out out out over up

Example: We’ve received permission from the Head Teacher to go ahead with the school film festival.

1. We managed to sort ......................... the problem with the computer.

2. When Harriet lived in Mexico, she used to eat ......................... almost every day.
3. We planned to have a surprise party for Tim, but Sam gave it ......................... .
4. Georgina picked ......................... a red shirt for me to try on.
5. You know what? I ran ......................... Jeremy in a bookshop in Reykjavik!
6. If you buy a flight, remember to shop ......................... to find the best deal.
7. I need a couple of days to think ......................... your proposal. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.
8. She only left a minute ago. You can easily catch her ......................... .

6. Match the definitions with the phrasal verbs from exercise 5.

Example: start, proceed – go ahead

1. choose – ....................................................................................................
2. compare prices – ....................................................................................................
3. consider – ....................................................................................................
4. eat at a restaurant – ....................................................................................................
5. get to the same point as someone else – ....................................................................................................
6. meet unexpectedly – ....................................................................................................
7. resolve a problem – ....................................................................................................
8. ruin a secret – ....................................................................................................

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word combinations: adjective + noun

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

Example: Paul eats a lot of ......... food, which is why he isn’t particularly fit.
a) trash b) rubbish c) junk

1. There was ......................... traffic on the roads this morning.

a) hard b) heavy c) tough
2. One of the aims of the system is to reduce ......................... error.
a) human b) manly c) personal
3. She put a few ......................... belongings in the bag and left the house.
a) private b) personal c) human
4. Granny could not read the text message because of her ......................... eyesight.
a) deprived b) flat c) poor
5. I’ve booked a holiday in Peru, but unfortunately there were no ......................... flights available.
a) straight b) direct c) right
6. We’ve had some sun over these last summer days and it has been a(n) ......................... change to the rainy
a) willing b) approving c) welcome
7. I don’t know a(n) ......................... lot about cricket, but I’m learning.
a) awful b) horrific c) horrible
8. The exchange students from Germany were given a ......................... welcome in our school.
a) hot b) burning c) warm
9. He had a ......................... escape when he fell off his motorbike.
a) tiny b) narrow c) close
10. Quite frankly, I have ......................... feelings about the school trip to Kenya.
a) mixed b) black-and-white c) stirred
11. The ......................... time is 11 and I want everyone to be ready by 10.45.
a) departing b) departed c) departure
12. There were really no ......................... points in her argumentation.
a) weak b) poor c) delicate
13. No test in Chemistry! Your ......................... day!
a) happy b) funny c) lucky
14. The ......................... majority of tickets were sold within an hour.
a) fat b) vast c) biggest
15. You have to give us more than just ......................... promises.
a) empty b) blank c) hollow

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word in focus: make

9. Translate the parts in Polish into English to complete the sentences. In each sentence use the word make
in the correct form.

make a phone call. .

Example: Sorry but I have to (zadzwonić) ........................................................

1. He is always (robi żarty) .................................................................................................... me!

2. The news about the reform has not yet been (została upubliczniona) ........................................................................................... .
3. My younger brother (zrobił bałagan) .................................................................................................... in the kitchen.
4. At the beginning of the meeting Dave (wygłosił przemówienie) .................................................................................................... .
5. Remember to (pościelić łóżko) .................................................................................................... before you leave for school.
6. If we sit closer together, we will (zrobimy miejsce) ......................................................................................... for one more person.
7. (Tylko pamiętaj) .................................................................................................... you’ve got to be home by 10 p.m.
8. I haven’t (zdecydowałam) .................................................................................................... where to go on holiday yet.
9. I invited Sarah to a cafe to (wynagrodzić) .................................................................................................... missing her birthday.
10. I keep reading it and still it (jest bez sensu) .................................................................................................... .

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

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