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Group: 6 Class: 232_ENTH1511_07

Teacher: Phạm Thùy Giang

Group preparation assessment: .....................................................................................

Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting)

No. Name (for students) Comments (for teacher Mark

1 Vũ Thành Thắng

2 Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh

3 Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo

4 Lê Thanh Thu

5 Nguyễn Thị Thu

6 Mai Thu Thủy

7 Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy



Time: from ............................. to ........................

Place: .........................................................................................................................................
Participants: ….........................................................................................................................
Contents for
discussing: .................................................................................................................................
Conclusion: ...............................................................................................................................
Duties for
participants: ..............................................................................................................................
Leader (Signature and name) Minute-Taker (Signature and name)


Full name

No. Duties Assessment Mark

Student’s ID

Vũ Thành Thắng
1 Unemployment solutions

Nguyễn Ngọc Leader+Overview of

2 Thanh unemployment+minigame

Nguyễn Thị Powerpoint+Causes of

3 Phương Thảo unemployment

Lê Thanh Thu Consequences of


Nguyễn Thị Thu Word+Causes of


Mai Thu Thủy

6 Introduction+conclusion

7 Nguyễn Thị Thu Overview of unemployment

1. Greeting
Good morning/afternoon everyone and welcome to our presentation- group 6. First of all,
let me thank you all for coming here today.
2. Introducing the group’s members
There are 7 members in our group: Vu Thanh Thang, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Thi
Phuong Thao, Le Thanh Thu, Nguyen Thi Thu, Mai Thu Thuy and Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy.
3. Introducing the group’s topic
As you can see on the screen, our topic today is about unemployment.
Adventure tourism is very popular among young age tourists. It creates much of
challenges by allowing the tourists to step outside their comfort zone. There are a lot of
destinations for adventurous people in the world. And today, our team decided to choose the
topic explore the Amazon for our presentation.
4. Outlining the presentation
In our presentation we’ll focus on four major parts. The first is about overview of
unemployment. The second part discusses about causes of unemployment. The third
mentions consequences of unemployment. The final part is about unemployment solutions.
5. Presenting the introduction of the topic
1. Presenting first main point (The first part is being presented by Nguyen Ngoc
Thanh and Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy)
A. Concept
Unemployment is a situation where a person has no work to do despite looking for work.
This is often a serious social and economic problem, affecting the income and well-being of
individuals as well as the economy as a whole.
B. Current unemployment status in vietnam
Overall, in 2022, the number of unemployed people of working age in 2022 is nearly 1.07
million people, down 359,200 people compared to the previous year. The unemployment
rate among the working age in 2022 is 2.32%, down 0.88 percentage points compared to the
previous year.
"The number of unemployed young people aged 15-24 in 2022 is about 409,300 people,
accounting for 37.6% of the total number of unemployed people aged 15 and over", the
General Statistics Office emphasized.
The newly released labor and employment situation report from the General Statistics
Office said that the unemployment situation in the fourth quarter of 2022 tended to increase
compared to the previous quarter. Specifically, the number of unemployed people in the
working age in the fourth quarter was more than 1.08 million people, an increase of 24,900
people compared to the previous quarter.
The unemployment rate among the working age in the fourth quarter of 2022 is 2.32%, an
increase of 0.04 percentage points compared to the previous quarter," the General Statistics
Office said.
The number of underemployed people in the working age was 922.4 thousand people,
down 105 thousand people over the same period last year; The underemployment rate
among the working age population was 2.02%, down 0.27 percentage points over the same
period last year; of which the underemployment rate in urban areas is 1.60%, down 0.15
percentage points; The underemployment rate in rural areas is 2.28%, down 0.35 percentage
The unemployment rate for young people (aged 15-24) in the first 9 months of 2023 is
7.63%, down 0.23 percentage points over the same period last year. Of which, the
unemployment rate of youth in urban areas is 9.8%, an increase of 0.15 percentage points;
rural areas is 6.51%, down 0.4 percentage points.
2. Presenting second main point (The second part is being presented by Nguyen Thi
Thu and Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao)
A. Direct causes
Unemployed individuals are keep rising nowadays, causing many people to feel unease
and discomfort. Unemployment is currently getting increasingly serious problem and
becoming a major challenge for governments and citizens in so many countries.
In my opinion, there are several reasons leading to unemployment in today’s society.
One primary cause is the lack of job opportunities and competition from more
experienced individuals. This emphasizes the difficulty faced by new graduates due to
limited job openings and competition from experienced individuals.
Secondly, a lack of motivation can also lead to unemployment. Employees who are not
motivated to find a job may be less likely to succeed in their job search. They may not put in
the effort to find a job, or they may not be willing to take the jobs that are available.
Another direct cause of unemployment is lack of skills. In today's economy, employers
are looking for workers who have the skills and experience necessary to do the job. Workers
who lack the necessary skills may find it difficult to find a job, even if they are willing to
work hard.
In addition, in recent years, the number of people attending university has been increasing
rapidly, and more and more higher education institutions have been established. However,
many universities prioritize quantity over quality in training to generate financial resources
to offset operating expenses. This leads to limited training quality, which fails to meet the
demands of actual jobs. The number of students graduating each year far exceeds the
number of jobs offered by businesses. Consequently, only a few are selected by employers
due to the significant gap between labor supply and demand.
Last but not least, English is becoming increasingly important for employees in today's
job market. English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it is therefore the
most requested language by companies.Lack of English proficiency will lead to missed job
opportunities and potential elimination in the future.
B. Indirect causes
In my opinion, besides some main causes that Thu mentioned above, there are also a
number of other reasons that have a significant impact on these days unemployment
problem. Most of them often related to factors that do not directly cause job loss but they
affect the ability to work one's work or employment opportunities.
First, some countries may make changes to their labor or industrial policies, adjust their
business environment, tax rates and regulations, cause job losses or make doing business
more difficult. For example, imposing high import tariffs can reduce export sales which lead
to unemployment in the manufacturing industry. Moreover, changes in policies and laws
influence the business environment and lead to reduced personnel or reduced scale of
Secondly, the change in job structure is one of the core causes of unemployment.
Traditional jobs such as workers and office workers have become fewer while new jobs like
information technology and customer service increased. Therefore, those without skills,
qualifications or outdated knowledge may not be able to meet this new requirement and may
have difficulty finding work or may lose their jobs.
Last but not least, we can talk about the impact of the economic recession. During
economic recession, businesses often reduce production and cut costs, leading to high
unemployment. Workers may lose their jobs or have difficulty in finding new jobs.
Businesses often reduce salaries or do not increase salaries for employees. This can lead to
reduced income for workers. During a recession, jobs become scarce and competition is
fierce. This can cause workers to face difficulty finding jobs and may accept poorer working
Not only in Viet Nam but all over the world, unemployment is a matter of concern. It
causes enormous consequences for society. Next, Le Thanh Thu will talk about the
consequences of unemployment.

3. Presented third main point (The third part is being presented by Le Thanh Thu)
Not only does unemployment affect the individual, but it also poses a problem to society
as a whole. The effects of unemployment are felt in many areas, including the economy,
social welfare, and security.
Firstly, reduced income for individuals and the economy. When workers are unemployed,
they lose their primary source of income for spending and saving. This decreases consumer
demand and investment, impacting the revenue and profits of businesses. Consequently, the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreases, weakening the economic power of the nation.
Secondly, unemployment impedes economic efficiency as a portion of the labor force
remains unused in production. This reduction in productivity lowers the actual output
compared to potential output, hindering the economy's ability to achieve resource allocation
efficiency and production efficiency.
Moreover, unemployment can lead to a high inflation rate through two main channels.
That is when workers lose their jobs, they may have to dip into savings or receive
government assistance to maintain their livelihoods. This influx of money into circulation
can cause monetary inflation. And unemployment leads to reduced spending and
consumption of goods and services. This reduction in market demand can cause supply-
demand imbalances, resulting in demand-pull inflation.
Furthermore, the risk of homelessness and financial difficulties escalates for the
unemployed. They may struggle to pay rent or mortgage payments, leading to potential
eviction or foreclosure. The threat of homelessness can trigger a cascade of social and
mental health issues, complicating the reintegration process into society.
Then, unemployment exacerbates crime rates, posing significant security and safety
challenges for communities. Some unemployed individuals may resort to criminal activities
such as theft, robbery, or drug trafficking to generate income. This not only affects
individuals but also poses substantial security risks for communities. Criminal activities can
intensify tension and anxiety within communities, leaving people worried about their safety.
Besides, unemployment not only results in loss of income but can also lead to various
mental health issues. Feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress are common reactions to
unemployment. Lack of confidence and self-esteem can reduce the happiness and well-being
of the unemployed, especially when they struggle to find new employment or fail to
maintain their daily lives.
Finally, unemployment can significantly impact family and social relationships. Financial
pressure and concerns about the future can lead to conflicts and tension within families.
Social isolation is also common, as unemployed individuals may feel isolated and
unsupported by the community. This can lead to a reduction in social support and make
recovery from unemployment more challenging.
In conclusion, unemployment negatively impacts various aspects of society, including
economic stability, social welfare, and public safety. A classic example occurred during the
COVID-19 pandemic, when the jobless rate hit millions of people. This had a significant
impact on the nation's economy, people's lives, and communities, and its effects are still
being felt now. So, it emphasizes how crucial it is to put in place sensible employment laws
in order to lessen its negative impacts and promote a society that is safer and more
4. Presented fourth main point (The fourth part is being presented by Vu Thanh
The increasing unemployment rate is becoming a pressing issue in society today, directly
affecting the livelihood of workers and the overall development of the country. To address
this issue, a coordinated and concerted effort from multiple parties is required, including the
government, businesses, and workers.
From the government’s perspective, there should be a focus on investing in education and
training to improve the quality of human resources. There needs to be innovation in training
programs, with an emphasis on practice and application, as well as strengthening the link
between training institutions and businesses. Tax incentives and credit should be provided to
create a favorable business environment for companies to grow, thereby creating new jobs
for workers. Support policies should be directed towards businesses with development
potential, creating sustainable employment and having a positive impact on society.
Additionally, the system of policies supporting the unemployed needs to be perfected.
Providing unemployment benefits, job search assistance, and vocational training for the
unemployed can help them reintegrate into the labor market.
On the part of businesses, a good working environment for employees should be created.
Ensuring reasonable wages, good benefits, and caring for the material and spiritual life of
workers to attract and retain talent is essential. Companies need to build a good corporate
culture, creating a professional and friendly working environment for employees.
As for the workers, they should participate in training courses and develop professional
skills to meet the demands of the labor market. Workers need to be proactive in learning,
enriching their knowledge and skills to enhance their capabilities and adapt to new work
environments. They should actively seek employment, not shy away from challenges, and be
ready to adapt to new work environments and job requirements. Workers should have a
progressive spirit, a desire to learn, and continuously improve themselves.
Addressing the issue of unemployment is a collective responsibility of society, requiring
the efforts of everyone. Only with coordinated collaboration and joint efforts from the
government, businesses, and workers can we effectively solve this pressing problem,
contributing to the overall development of society.
1. Reviewing all main points
We’ve just talked about Unemployment is not only an individual challenge but also a
profound social issue that affects Vietnam’s economic development and social stability. The
state’s efforts in addressing unemployment have yielded positive results, but there is still
much work to be done. To minimize unemployment, comprehensive coordination among
local authorities, businesses, and workers is essential. Additionally, policy innovation and
favorable conditions for creating more employment opportunities are crucial. Ultimately,
each individual must proactively enhance their skills and professional qualifications to
improve their competitiveness in a dynamic labor market.
2. Ending the presentation
We’ve finished our presentation. Do you have any questions about our topic?
All comments are welcome.

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