German Big Gun

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.1,‘.- APO 887

8 May 19A5


NO. 273 )

SUBJECT: German Artillery Weapons.

Compiled by: Capt. J. Cohen, 0rd. Tech. Intell., Hq., Com 7., ETOUSA

1. This Ordnance Technical Intelligence manual is a compilation of the

outstanding characteristics and numerical d:oa o“ An' 9 German arti.llery weapons,
The original manual includes standard German 1zctille As complete information
“on other weapons b come :vailable, supplement“ t1 t1 s manual w:Lll be prepared.

2. limited number 01' extra copies 01 this manual are availablee,

A and will
be distributed upon request by organizations quuiring them.
(1% i‘ ti—AO Ltg:
001., 0rd. DUpt.,
DISTRIBUTION: Artillery (Modified)
Military lntell. D1v., General Staff,‘ Washington, D. C.
War Department 3
C«G., A. S. F., Attn: Director of Intell., .Eashington, 25,D .C. .............. A
Chief of Ordnance, Washington, 25, D. C. Attni SPOTB - Intell. .............. 5
C. G., A. G. F., Attn: Artilkery Section, Army War College, washington, D. G. ...l‘/////'
C. G., Abeldeen Proving Ground Md. Attn: Foreign Materiel Branch .............2
Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ..... ............ -....,....1......... l
Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, va. ................................... ll .

Anti-[ircraft School, Fort Bliss, Texas . ...... ........ ..... .................

Anti—Aircraft, Fort Bliss, Texas ............... ......... ............ ....... 21
SHAEF (Main), G—2 (Tech. Intell. ), APO 757 U. S. Anny ......................
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loop57f0r8'2) Colnclttcoc-no-Iolo‘uo ovoln bont t-ono Q-ao .....
Ministere dc la Guerre, Etat—Major de l’Annee, Section Tech
nique, BPM 501


10 April 1945.

German Artillery Weapons


1. Purpose.

This Ordnance Technical Intelligence manual is published in order to

present the latest available information on German artillery weapons for
the guidance of all concerned.

2. Scope.

This manual is a compilation of the outstanding characteristics and

numerical data of known German artillery weapons. It has been prepared
in a form to enable the inclosure of supplements.
Due to the fact that many artillery weapons of foreign countries have
been captured and put into service by the Germans, data sheets for many
of these weapons will be prepared in the future.

The essential weights and measurements are given for each weapon to
the nearest significant fraction. The data supplied are intended to
furnish the information most necessary for the proper identification. use,
storage. shipment. and handling of the weapons, and to provide a means of
comparison between German artillery weapons and Allied equipment of similar
caliber and type.
Detailed descriptions of the weapons and their functioning are not
within the scope of this manual.
8. Changes.

Suggestions regarding changes. or additional data. should be forwarded

to Technical Division. Office of the Chief Ordnance Officer. Readouarters,
Communications Zone. ETOUSA, APO 887, U. S. Army.

4. Sources.

Information contained in this manual has been compiled from reports

of examinations by members of Ordnance Technical Intelligence Teams;
SHAEF 6—2 Tech.; British Agencies; Foreign Materiel Branch. A.P.G.. and
from information contained in captured German documents.
Egplanation of Terms

A short explanation of terms is given to insure proper interpretation of

data in this manual:

a. Length of Gun in Calibers.

This refers to the length of the gun from the muzzle to the rear face
of the breech ring.

b. Maximum Range.

Maximumrange, where known, is given for each type of ammunition.

Maximum effective range will be less than this figure. due to limits of
observation, penetration. and accuracy.
c. Penetration of Homogeneous Armor.

Information penetration qualities has been obtained from various

sources. and in many cases has not been checked by U. S. firing. Figures on
penetration should be used as a general guide only.
d. German Artillery Terms.

Abbreviation Signification English Eguivalent

A Artillerie Artillery
a/A alter" Artillerie of old pattern
abg abgeandert converted
(b) belgisch ”
Bett. Gesch. Bettungs Geschutz Gun on platform mounting
(E), Eis. Eisenbahn Railway mounting
(f) franzgsisch French
Fest Festung Fortress
F.H. Feld Haubitze Field Howitzer
F.K. Feld Kanone Field Gun
Flak Flugzeug Abwehr Kanone Antiaircraft Gun
Flzg. Flugzeug Aircraft
Geb. Gerbigs Mountain (gun)
Gesch. Geschutz Gun
gez. gezogen rifled
g1. glatt smooth bore
Gr. gross Large
H. Haubitze Howitzer
H.T. Haubitze Turm Turret mounted howitzer
i.H. in Haubitzen Lafette On howitzer carriage
Inf. Gesch. or I.G. Infanterie Geschutz Infantry Gun or Howitzer
i.Kas.L. in Kesematten Lafette On casemate mounting
i.Kst.L. in Kusten Lafette On coast defense
i.P.L. in Panzer Lafette 0n shielded mounting
i.B.L. in Rad Lafette On wheeled carriage‘
(i) italienisch Italian
(J) Jugoslavisch Jugoslavian
K Kanone Gun
K.H. Kanone Haubitze Gun-Howitzer
K.K. Kanone Kasematte Casemate Gun
k1. klein Small
KwK Kampfwagen Kanone Tank Gun
k, kz. kurz short
Kg. Kilogramm kilogram (2.2 lb.)

Abbreviation Signification English Equivalent
Kst. H. K§sten Haubitze’ Coast Defense Howitzer
Kst. K. Kgsten Kanone Coast Defense Gun
Kst.Mrs. Kusten Moreer Coast Defense Heavy
Howitzer or Mortar
K'T- Kanone Turn Turret-mounted Gun
L/ Lang/ Length of gun in calibers
(length follows diagonal
L. or Laf. Lafette Gun or Howitzer Carriage
1. or 1e leicht light
1.F.H. leichte Feld Haubitze Light Field Howitzer
lg. lang long
L.G. Leichtes oeschtz Light Recoilless Gun
1.1.6 leichtes Infanterie Light Infantry Howitzer
M Marine Naval
a nit with
Mrs. Marser Heavy Howitzer or Mortar
n/A.. or n.A. neuer Artillerie New model
N . gunner Number
(E) osterreichisch Austrian
(p) polnisch Polish
Pak Panzer Abwehr Kanone Antitank Gun
(r) rassisch Russian
Rf.K. Ruckstossfreie Kanone Becoilless Gun
R.L. Rad Lafette Wheeled Carriage
R.W. Raketen Werfer Rocket Projector
a. schuer heavy
Sch.Grab.K. Schtzen Graben Kanone Trench Gun
Schusstafel Firing Table
Sf. or Sfl. Selbstfahrlafette Self—propelled mounting
s.Pz.B. Schwere Panzerbchse Heavy antitank Rifle
Stu.G. Sturm Geschutz S.P. Assault equipment
Stu.H. Sturm Haubitze Assault Howitzer
Stu.K. Sturm Kanone Assault Gun
(t) tschechisch Czechoslvavkian
u und and
umg umgeandert modified
Vers Versuchs experimental


2 cm. Flak 30
2 cm. Flak 38
2 cm. Flakvierling 38
8 cm. s.Pz.B.4l
7 cm. Pak
7 cm. Flak 36
7 cm. Flak 43
7 cm. Flakzwilling 43
2 cm. 1.Pak 41
0m. Pak 38
cm. Flak 41
.5 cm. L.G.40
.5 cm. Pak 97/88
.5 cm. Pak 4O
5 cm. Pak 41 .
5 cm. Geb.X. 15
5 cm. Geb.G. 36
5 cm. 1.1.6. 18
5 cm. I.G. 37
5 cm. 1.F...18
5 cm. F.K. 88
62 cm. Pak 36
.62 cm. F.K.39 and 7.62 cm.Pak 39
.8 cm. Flak 18. 36 and 87
.8 cm. Flak 41
.8 cm. Pak 43
.8 cu. Pak 48/41
.u cm. L.G.4O
5 cm. L G 4
5 cm. 1.F.H
10.5 cm. 1 F H
10.5 cm. 1 F q
10.5 cm. Geb. H.4O
s. 10 cm. K.18
s. 10 cm. K.18/40
10.5 cm. Flak 38 and 39
12.8 cm. Flak 4O
15 cm.
15 cm. 8.F.H.18
15 cm. s.F.H.18/40
17 cm. X. in Mrs.Laf.
21 cm. Mrs. 18
2 cm. Flak 80

The 2 cm. Flak 80 was the standard German light antiaircraft gun until
replaced by the 2 cm. Flak 38 and the 2 cm. Flakvierling 38.
The gun. which may be mounted on road or railway vehicles, is normally
transported on a single-axle trailer which is towed by either horse or motor
vehicle. It is usually fired with the carriage on the ground and with the
trailer removed. However, it
can be fired from the trailer at both ground
and aerial targets in emergencies.
The recoil-operated weapon is fed by a flat 20-round box magazine. The
trigger is pedal actuated; the operation is either full—automatic or semi—


Caliber. ....... ........... . ............. 2 cm. (0.79 in.)


Overall length of gun (including

muzzle brake). ....... . ............... .88 5/8 in.
Length of tube (including muzzle
brake) ................................ 57 1/16 in.
Length of tube. ........................ .51 1/8 in.
Length of tube in calibers. ............ .65
Length of chamber. ...................... 5 1/2 in.
Chamber capacity. ..... ............ ......-4.27
Length of rifling. ......... ...... ...... .45 5/8 in.
Rifling ............ . ....................
Uniform right hand twist. 8 lands
and grooves.
Recoil of tube..........................l 3/8 in. to 1 3/4 in.
Breech mechanism.... ....... ..... ....... .Breech block moves forward and rearward.
Operation....... ............ ...... ..... .Automatic
Weight of tube....... ....... .. ......... .40 lb.
Weight of gun.... ....................... 141 lb.
2 cm. Flak 30 (Cogft)
Recoil mechanism... .................. Spring.
Type of carriage. ...... ... ..... ..... Triangular base with pedestal mount.
Elevation ............... ...... .... .12°
. to 90°
Traverse.......... ..... .. ........... .360o
Equilibrators. ..... ..................2 Spring
Sights ...... .......... ... ........... AA~SchwebekreisviSier 80, Flakvisier
35, or Linealvisier 21
AT—Zielfernrohr 3x80 Flak (2 cm.)
Types of ammunition (Fixed)..........H.E. (8 types), H.E.I. (2 types)
A.P. (4 types), A.P.I., Wood
Weight of Projectile.................H.E. 4.05 oz. —

H.E. - 4.19 oz.

H.E. - 4.20 oz.
H.E.I. — 4.19 oz.
A.P. - 5.16 oz.
A.P. (Tungsten carbide core) - 8.55 oz.
A.P.I. - 5.16 oz.
Huzzle velocity in ft./sec..... ..... .H.E. — 0950
H.E.I. - 2950
A.P. — 2720
A.P. (Tungsten carbide core) — 8270
Maximum horizontal range.............5,280 yd.
Maximum vertical range...............l2,465 ft.
Effective ceiling.... ...... . ........ .7,215 ft.
Theoretical rate of fire.............280 r.p.m.
Practical rate of fire.. .............
120 r.p.m.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at. ....... ... ...... . ..... .... ..... . 00 x28. 200 yds. 300 yds. 400 yds.
(Normal..... 1.89 1.78 1.61 1.49
A.P. Projectile.....)
(30°........ 1.22 1.14 1.06 '

(Normal..... 2.24 2.05 1.89 1.69

A.P. Projectile.....)
(1.0. Core) (30°... ..... 1.93 1.77 1.61 1.41

Weight in action......... ..... .......906 lbs.

Weight in travelling position........l,650 lbs.
Overall length (travelling poaition).160 in.
Width (travelling position)... ..... ..72 in.
Overall height (travelling position).68 in.
Method of transport..................Self-propelled. towed by horse or motor
vehicle, and broken down into pack loads. Flak 38

The performance ofthis light antiaircraft gun does not differ materially
from that of the older 2 cm. Flak 80, apart from a higher theoretical and prac—
tical rate of fire.
The trailer upon which it is transported (Sonderanhanger 51) consists of
a wishbone-shaped frame supported on pneumatic tires. The same trailer is
used for the 2 cm. Flak 30. The weapon may be mounted on railway or road
vehicles. It has also been mounted on tank chassis.
The gunis fired by a foot pedal; traversing, elevating. sighting, and
firing being accomplished by the gunner. The gun may be operated either auto-
matically or semi—automatically.
A mountain version of this gun. the 2 cm. Geb. Flak 38, is in service.
The various assemblies of the carriage of the Geb. Flak 38 are extremely
light, being constructed almost entirely of light steel pressings welded to-
gether. In transport, it is mounted on two independently sprung pneumatic


Caliber. ........................; ....... 2 cm. (0.79 in.)

Overall length of gun (including
flash hider). ...................... ..88 11/16 in.
length of tube (including flash
hider) ............... . ........ ........57 1/16 in.
Length of tube. ....... .. ............. a..51 1/8 in.
Length of tube in calibers. ....... ......65
Length of chamber. ......... .. ........... 5 1/2 in.
Chamber capacity ..............
.. ..... ..4.27
Length of riflina. ......... . ............ 45 5/8 in.
2 cm. Flak 38 (Can't)
Rifling. ............................... .Uniform right hand twist. 8 lands and
Breech mechanism... .................... .Breech block moves forward and rearward.
The forward part is provided with inter—
rupted threads which engage similar
threads in the breech (Solothurn type).
Operation.............. ......... ....... .Automatic
Weight of tube....... ....... ... .....'....40 lb.
Weight of gun ................. ........ .123 1b.
Recoil mechanism. ....... .............. .Spring
Length of gun recoil...... ............. .3 5/16 in.
Type of carriage ...... ........ ...... ....Flak 38 - triangular base with pedestal
Geb. Flak 38 — three outriggers with
pedestal mount.
Elevation ........ . .......... ............-20° to 90°.
Traverse. ..... .... ........360°.
Equilibrators....... ........ ... ......... Two spring.
Sights.............. ........ ............Flak 38 - AA—Schwebekreisvisier 38,
Flakvisier 35, 38. or
linealvisier 21. AT —
Zielfernrohr 3x8° Flak
(2 cm.)
Emergency sight - Flak-
zielfernrohr lx40°
Types of ammunition (Fixed).. ........... H.E. ( 3 types). H.E.I. (2 types),
A.P. ( 4 types), A.P.I.. Wood.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 4.05 oz.
H.E. - 4.19 oz.
H.E. - 4.20 oz.
H.E.I. - 4.19 oz.
A.P. - 5.16 oz.
A.P. (Tungsten carbide core) — 3.55 oz.
A.P.I. - 5.16 oz.
“112218 VOlOCitI in fto/Sece.............H-E. - 2950
HOEGII - l3950
A.P. 2720 -
A.P. (tungsten carbide core) - 3270
Maximum horizontalrange................5.23O yds.
Maximum vertical range............ ...... 12,465 ft.
Effective ceiling. ........ ..... ......... 7,215 ft.
Theoretical rate of fire.......... ...... 420 to 480 r.p.m.
Practical rate of fire..................180 to 220 r.p.m.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at. ....... ............... ..... ........190 yds. 2004168. 300 yds. 400 yds.
(Normal........ 1.89 1.73 1.61 1.49
A.P. Projectile.....)
(30°........... 1.22 1.14 1.06 0.98

(Normal........ 2.24 2.05 1.89 1.69

A.P. Projectile.....)
(T.C. Core) (30°........... 1.93 1.77 1.61 1.41

Weight in action........................F1ak 38 - 896 lb.

Geb. Flak 38 - 731 lb.
Weight in travelling position. .......... Flak 38 - 1650 lb.
Geb. Flak 38 — 993 lbs.
Overall length (travelling position)....Flak 38 - 160 in.
Geb.- Flak 38 143 in.
Width (travelling position).............Flak 72 in.
38 —

Geb. Flak 38 - 47 in.

Overall height (travelling position)....Flak 38 59 l/2 in. —

Geb. Flak 38 - 57 in.

Method of transport.....................Se1f-propelled, towed by horse or
motor vehicle. and broken down into
pack loads .
- 4 -
2 cm. Flakvierling 38

The 2 cm. quadruple carriage is a mobile carriage for four 2,cm. Flak
38 guns, which can be used to engage aerial. ground and sea targets. The
weapon is towed on a two-wheeled trailer (Sonderanhanger 52), but may be
mounted on a special railway mount, in half track vehicles, on tank chassis,
or on a fixed support in antiaircraft towers and coast defenses.

The guns are fired by a set of foot pedals: each pedal operates the
trigger mechanisms of the two diametrically Opposite guns. The weapon is
traversed and elevated manually by the gunner, who also aims and fires the

Muzzle preponderance is overcome by an equilibrator which consists of

two spiral springs. The equilibrator housing is bolted to the front of the
upper carriage. '

Caliber. ......... .. ...... ..... .......... 2 cm. (0.79 in.)
Overall length of gun (including
flash hider). ......... ....... .88 11/16 in.
Length of tube (including flash
hider). ...... .. .......... ....... ..57 1/16 in.
Length of tube. ..... . ........ ... ........ 51 1/8 in.
Length of tube in calibers. ...... .......65
Length of chamber............. ......... .5 1/2, in.
Chamber capacity ....... ......... ...... ..4.27
Length of rifling ...... .. .............. .45 5/8 in.
Rifling............ ..... . ......... ......Uniform right hand twist, 8 lands
and grooves.
2 cm. Flakvierling 38 (Con't!
Breech mechanism................... ...... .Breech moves forward and rear-
ward. The forward part is provided
with interrupted threads which engage
similar threads in the breech (Solothurn
Operation... .......... ....................Automatic.
Weight of tube. ....... . ..............
.....40 lb.
Weight of gun.............................123 1b.
Recoil mechanism.... ...................... Spring
Length of gun recoil....... ........ .......3 5/16 in.
Type of carriage................ ........ ..Triangu1ar base with pedestal mount.
Elevation.... ....... .............. ....... .—10° to 1000
Traverse....... ..... .... ...... ............360°
Sights...... .............. ................AA-Flakvisier 40. Linealvisier 21, or
Schwebekreisvisier 38
AT-Zielfernrohr 318° Flak (2 cm.)
Types of ammunition (Fixed)...............H.E. (3 types), H.E.I. (2 types)
A.P. (4 types), A.P.I., Wood
Weight of projectile......................H.E. - 4.05 oz.
H.E. - 4.19 oz.
H.E. - 4.20 oz.
H.E.I. 4.19 oz. —

A.P. - 5.16 oz.

A.P. (tungsten carbide core) - 3.55 oz.
A.P.I. - 5.16 oz.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec................H.E. - 2950
3.3.1. — 2950
A.P. - 2720
A.P. (tungsten carbide core) - 3270
Maximum horizontal range. ..... ............5,230 yd.
Maximum vertical range....................12,465 ft.
Effective ceiling..............u..........7.215 ft.
Theoretical rate of fire..................1.680 to 1.920 r.p.m.
Practical rate of fire....................800 r.p.m.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at. ...... ............................... go zds. 200 :23. 300 Ids. 400 gas.
(Normal.......... 1.89 1.73 1.61 1.49
A.P. Projectile.....)
(so°............. 1.22 1.14 1.06 0.98
(Normal.......... 2.24 2.05 1.89 1.69
A.P. Projectile.....)
(m.c. Core) (so°............. 1.93 1.77 1.61 1.41
Weight in action..........................3,846 1b.
Weight in travelling position (with
accessories)............ ....... .........4.866 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)......170 in.
Width (travelling position)...............95 in.
Overall height (travelling position)......85 in.
Method of transport.... ..... ..............Self—prope11ed, towed by horse or
motor vehicle.
A light anti-tank gun with an extremely high muzzle velocity. which is
-obtained by the "Gerlich" principle of a tapered_bore. The emergent caliber
is 2 cm.

A new airborne version, weighing 260 pounds in comparison with 501 pounds
for the original model, is in service. The weights of the gun and cradle are
the same for both equipments; the carriage of the airborne version is of
light tubular metal. and small pneumatic tires are fitted. The airborne ver-
sion may be mounted on a wishbone shaped trailer for transport. Both models
are designed for quick assembly and disassembly.

The weapon has no traversing or elevating gears. These operations are

performed manually by means of handgrips on a bracket which is attached to
the left side of the cradle. The sight mount is mounted on the bracket,
and the firing mechanism is actuated by triggers contained in the handgrips.

The A.P. projectile has a tungsten carbide core.


Caliber........... ............ . ..... ....2.8 cm. (1.10 in) to 2 cm. (0.79 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake) .................
....67 5/8 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...65 3/8 in.
rifling........... .......
Length of .....51 8/8 in.
Rifling.............. ..... ..............Right hand twist — increasing for
one turn. then uniform. 12 lands
and grooves.
Breech mechanism.......... ............. .Horizontal sliding wedge.
Operation. ..... .................... ..... Manual (closing spring closes
breech when round is inserted
into chamber)
Recoil mechanism........................Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....1 1/2 pints
Normal recoil... ..... ..... ............. .240 mm. (9 1/2 in)
Maximum recoil..........................280 mm. (11 in)
Type of carriage................. ...... .Original model - split trail
Airborne model - single trail leg
§;8 cm. s.Pz.B.4l (Con'tl
Elevation.. ............................. ~50 to 45°
Traverse. .............. ................. 90°
at O0 elevation
90 at full depression
30° at full elevation
Equilibrator.......... .................. Hydraulic (one)
Sight................................ a..0pen or telescopic - Zielfernrohr 3x80
Type of ammunition (Fired)...; .......... H.E., A.P.
Weight of projectile..... .......... .....H.E. 3.1 07.

A.P. — 4.6 oz.

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec. ............. H.E. - 5000
A.P. - 4580
Maximum effective range... ............. .600 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at... ........... .. .................. ..200 yds. 400 Yds. 600 Yds. 800 Eds.
(Normal........ 3.88 2.83 2.36 1.98
A.P. Projectile ..... )
........... 2.55
(:30O 2.20 1.88 1.61

Weight in actiOn... ............. ...... .Original

. model - 501 lb.
Airborne model - 260 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....0riginal model —

Airborne model —
92 1/4 in
Airborne model
on trailer - 122 in.
Width (travelling position).............Original model —
31 in.
Airborne model - 36 1/4 in.
Airborne model
on trailer — 46 in.
Height (travelling position)............Original model —
88 1/2 in.
Airborne model —

Airborne model
on trailer 38 1/2 in.

Method of transport...... ...... .........Normally towed portee on a trailer,

but may be carried on a cart; split
into six sections, carried by air.
dropped in sections by parachute, or
fitted in a vehicle.
3.7 cm. Pak

This anti-tank gun has been largely replaced by the 5 cm. Pak 38, but
is still likely to be met.

This weapon is similar to the U.S. 37 mm. AT Gun. The carriage is de-
signed for one man control of aiming, elevating, traversing, and firing.
Two types of tubes are manufactured - (a) "A" tube and Jacket, (b) monobloc
tube. The carriage may be cast-welded or rivetted, with the axles sprung
for motordrawn models or unspruna for horsedrawn models.
A stick bomb has been introduced for use at snort ranges. The bomb is
of the hollow charge type.

Caliber. ........................ ..... .8. 7
. cm. (1.45 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)... 65 1/2 in
Length of gun in calibers ..............
Length of rifling (full depth).... .....
.51 3/16 in.
Rifling............... .. . . .........
.Uniform right hsnd twist. 16 lands
and grooves.
Breech mechanism.... ....... ...........
. .Horizontal sliding wedge
OperatiOn. ............. ....... ..........
Manual (closing Spring closes breech
when round is inserted into chamber)
Recoil mechanism... .......... ...........Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....2 1/3 pints
Normal recoil. ............ . ............ .560 (22 in) to 595 (23 7/16 in)
Maximum recoil .......................... 595
mm mm
(23 7/16 in)
Type of carriage ....................... .Split trail

Elevation. ....... ............... ..... ...—8° to 25°

Traverse..... ...... . ..... .... .......... .60
Sight..... .............. . .............. .Zielfernrohr 1x11° (Telescope) or
open sight
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............A.P., A.P.4o. H.E .. Stick Bomb
Weight of projectile.. ............
......A.P: — 1.5 lb.
A.P.4O - 12.5 oz.
H.E. — 1.4 lb.
Stick bomb - 19 lb.
3.7 cm. Pak (Can't!
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec. ..............A.F. —
A.F.4O - 3450
H.E. 2690

Stick bomb — 350

Maximum effective range ................. A.P. —

600 y.
A.P.4O — 400 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at..........a.. ....................... 200 yds. 40ngds. 500 yds. 600 yds.
(Normal........ 2.20 2.00 1.89 1.81
A.P. Projectile.....)
(30°. ......... . 1.65 1.50 1.42 1.34
(Normal........ 2.88 2.20
A.F.4O Projectile...) o
(80 .......... 2.40
. 1.98

Weight in action...... ............ ......896 lb.

Overall length (travelling position)....133 in.
Width (travelling position)........ ..... 653 1/2 in.
Weight (to top of shield)...............47 1/2 in.
Method of trensport......... ..... .......Towed by l-ton semi-tracked vehicle.
carried on a vehicle. or horse-

8.7 cm. Flak 86

The 3.7 cm. Flak 36 is a light, automatic anti-aircraft weapon

which can be used against aerial and ground targets.
The weapon is transported
on a two—wheeled trailer (Sonderanhgnger
52). from which it is
lowered to the firing position. In emergencies,
it can be fired from the trailer. This gun is also mounted on semi—
tracked vehicles and on railway mounts.

The gun is reoil Operated and is fed from a clip whiéh normally
holds six rounds of ammunition. The recoil mechanism is hydrosyring.
The carriage of the 3.7 cm. Flak 36 differs from that of the 3.7 cm.
Flak 18, its predecessor, and the 8.7 cm. Flak 37, its successor. The
gun is the same on all equipments. The alterations to the carriage of
the 8.7 cm. Flak 87 consists of the provision for a new sight (Flakvisier
37). a new gunner's seat. and modification of the platform.
Two newer models. the 3.7 cm. Flak 43 and 8.7 cm. Flakzwilling 43,
are now in service.

Caliber.................................8.7 cm. (1.45
Overall length of gun...................142 7/16 in. in)
Length of tube (including flash hider)..96 in.
Length of tube..... ...... ...... ........ .83 1/16 in.
Length of chamber.......................10 11/16 in.
Length of rifling.......................71 7/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increesing right hand twist, 20
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism... ...... ...............Breech block moves forward and
rearward - the forwaré part is
provided with interrupted threads
wh:ch engage similar threads in
the breech (Solothurn type).

- 11 _
3.7 cm. Flak 86 (Con't)
Recoil mechanism........................Hydroepring
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....1 5/8 pints
Normal recoil. ...... ............ ....... .
Maximum recoil..........................178 mm. (7 in)
Type of carriage........................Triangular base with three levelling
Elevation...............................-8 to 85°
Equilibrators...........................Two spring
Sights..................................Flakvisier 83 and 36
Auxiliary sight Schwcbodornvisior
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............E.E. (4 tyres), A.P.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. — 1.4 lb.
A.P. — 1.5 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./s.c..............H.E. - 2690

A.P. - 2525
Maximum horizontal range........ ...... ..7,200 yd.
Maximum vertical range..................15,75O ft.
Effective coiling.......................l3,775 ft.
Theoretical rate of firs................160 r.p.m.
Practical rate of fire..................80 r.p.m.
Weight in action........................3.400 lb.
Weight in travelling position...........5,280 lb.
Overall length (travelling position)....219 in.
Width (travelling position).............93 1/2 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....83 in.
Method of transport.....................Self~propellcd or towcd by motor

_ 12 -

or 2*"
~. 2.

8.7 cm. Flak 48

This light automatic antiaircreft weapon is replacing the earlier

models. Flak 18, 86, and 37. It may be statically emplaced, transported
on a mobile mounting (Sonderanhgnger 58), or mounted on a self-propelled
chassis. The P2.Kpfw. IV tank chassis is used as a self—propelled

In operation, the 8.7 cm. Flak 43 differs considerably from the other
models. Among the outstanding features is the use of a single ring type
trunnion which permits the ammunition feed to the gun to be mounted through
the ring and on the axis of the trunnion.

The gun is gas operated, and is fed from the left. The ammunition is
supplied in clips of eight rounds. Only ammunition with one rotating band
may be fired.

Caliber.................................3.7 cm. (1.45 in)

Overall length of gun (including breech
casing)......... .......... ....... ....128 1/2 in.
Lengthof tube (including flash hider)..95 3/4 in.
Lengthof tube....... .......... .........82 7/8 in.
Length .......... ..62 in.
of breech casing.....
Length ............ .... ...... 10 11/16 in.
of chamber.
Length ............ ......71 3/8 in.
of rifling.....
Rifling. ....... . ..... . ........ . ........ .Increasing right hand twist, 20
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism............... ....... ..Breech block moves forward and
Recoil mechanism. ............. ..........Hydrospring.
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....3 5/5 pints (approx)
Normal recoil...........................5 in. (approx)

3.7 cm. Flak 43 (gpn't)
Maximum recoil. ....................... ..
Type of carriage. ........................ Triangular base with pedestal mount
Elevation ............... ................
-7° 030' to 90°

Traverse. ........ . .8600

Equilibretor. ...........................Spring
Sights. ................................Schwebedornvisier or Flakvisier 48
Types of ammunition (Fixed). .........H.E. (4 types), A.P.
Weight of projectile ...................
.H.E. 1.4 lb.

A.P. - 1.5 lb.

Mumle velocity in ft./sec... ...........
H.131. 2690 —

A.P. 9525 —

Maximum horizontal range ...... . ........ .7,200 yd.

Maximum vertical renge. ..... . .......... .15,750 ft.
Effective ceiling. ........ . ............. 13,775 ft.
Theoretical rate of fire......... ...... .250 r.p.m.
Practical rete of fire ................. .150 r.p...
Weight in action ....................... .2,750 lb.
Weight in travelling position. ......... .4,180 lb.
Overall length (travelling position).
Width (travelling position) ............ .
Overall height (travelling position).
Method of transport. .................... Self—propelled or towed by motor vehicle.

5.7 cm. Flakzwilligg 43

This is a twin version of the 3.7cm. Flak 43. the two guns being
»mounted one above theother and capable of firing together or independently.
The lower gun is mounted forward of the upper one.

The e uipment may be statically emplaced or transported on a trailer

(Sonderanhanger 106). When emplacing the mobile model, the two bogies
which comprise the trailer are removed from the mount by the aid of winches.

The ammunition and ballistics are the same as for the 3.? cm. Flak 43.
The theoretical rate of fire is 500 r.p.m. and the practical rate is 800

Caliber.................................3.7 cm. (1.45 in)

Overall length of gun (including
breech casing)........................128 1/2 in.
Length of tube(including flash hider)...95 3/4 in.
Length of tube..........................82 7/8 in.
Length of breech casing.................62 in.
'Length of chamber.......................10 11/16 in.
Length of rifling.......................?l3/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist. 20
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Breech block moves forward and rearward.
Recoil mechanism........................Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism(liquid).....3 3/5 pints (approx).
Normal recoil...........................5 in. (approx).
Maximum recoil..........................
Type of carriage........................Triangu1ar base with pedestal mount.
Elevation...............................-8° to 90°
Sights..................................Schwebedornvisier or Flakvisier 48
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E. (4 types), A.P.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 1.4 lb.
A.P. - 1.5 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H,E. 2690 —

A.P. - 2525
Maximum horizontal rsnge................7.200 yd.

- 15 _
8.7 cm. Flakzwilling 43 (Cnn'l

Maximum vertical range..................15,750 ft.

Effective cciling.......................13,775 ft.
Theoretic9l rate of fire................500 r.p.m.
Practical rate of fire..................SOO r.p.m.
weight in action........................6160 lb.
weight in travelling position...........9240 lb.
Overall length (travelling position)....293 in.
Width (travelling position).............lOO in.
Overall height (travelling position)....109 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by motor vehicle.

- 16 -
4.2 cm. 1.Pak 41

This is a tapered bore, 4.2cm. to 2.8 cm., anti-tank gun mounted on

a modified 3.? Pak carriage. The general appearance of the equipment
is very similer to the 8.7 cm. Pak, but the 4.2 cm. has a double. spaced
shield and is provided with torsion bar suspension.
The tube is of monobloc construction. It is designed for quick removal
from the carriage, being attached to the breech ring by two rows of interrupted
threads and held at the forward end of the sleigh by a spring steel strap which
has a quick-release lever.

The A.P. projectile has a tungsten carbide core.

Caliber... ............................. 4.2 cm. (1.65 in) to 2.8 cm. (1.10 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)...88 1/2 in.
Length of rifling ................. . ..... 67 in.
Rifling ................................ .Right hand twist, 12 lends and grooves.
Breech mechanism ..... ......... ........ Horizontal sliding wedge.
. .
Operation ............................... Manual (closing spring closes breech
when round is inserted into chamber)
Recoil Mechanism. ....................... Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....2 1/3 pints
Normal recoil.
Type of carriage. ...................... trail
Elevation. .................. ..... .........Split
8° to 19° 45'
Traverse ............. ............... ...60°
Sight. .................................. Zielfernrohr 3x80 (Telesc0pe)
Types of ammunition (Fixed) ............ .A.P.. H.E.
Weight of projectile. ................... A.P. - 11.9 oz.
H.E. - 9.9 oz.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............A.P. —
H.E. — 4100
4.2 cm. 1.Pak 41 (Con‘tl
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at.................. ........... .......250 yds. 500 yds. 750 ys. 1000 yds.
(Normal........ 4.14 3.42 7.88
A.P. Projectile...r.)
(30°........... 3.26 2.73 2.44 2.08

Weight in action........................14OO 1b. (approx)

Overall length (travelling position)....156 in.
Width (travelling position).............65 1/2 in.
Height (to top of shield). ....... .....
..47 1/2 in.
Method of tran5port.....................Towed by l—ton semi-tracked vehicle.

5 cm. Pak 38

This weapon was introduced into service to replace the 3.7 cm Pak. It
is recognizable by its curved, spaced shield and small-diameter muzzle brake.

iorsion bar suspension which supports the gun in travel is automatically

locked when the tubular trails are spread. A third wheel is used to aid in
manhsndling the weapon.

The A.P.4O projectile has a tungsten carbide core. A hollow charge

stick bomb has been introduced recently for use with this weapon.


Caliber.................................5 cm. (1.97 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake).....................125 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...118 1/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............60
length of chamber.......................17 1/2 in.
Length of 1/2 in.
Pifling.................................Right hand twist, 20 lsnds and

mechanism........................Horivontsl sliding
Breech wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquidll 4/5 pints
Recuperstor pressure... ooe-oaeeeee-n- "'706
_ 74 p.s.1
Normal recoil...........................7OO mm (37 1/2 in)
Msximum recoil..........................730 mm (28 3/4 in)
Tyre of carriage........................Split trsil
Elevation.....L.........................-8° to 27°
Equilibrator............................Pneumatic (one)
Note: A small amount of liquid is
used as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrstor............64O r.s.i.
Sight...................................Zielfernrohr zx8° or 3x80/11
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............A.P.C., A.P.40, H.E., Stick bomb
Weight of projectile....................A.P.C. —4.6 lb.
A.P.40 - 2.2 lb.
H.E. - 3.9 lb.
Stick bomb -

5 cm. Pak 38 (Con'l

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............A.P.C. - 2700

A.P.4O '- 8940
H.E. — 1800

Marimum renge...... ......

...............6600 yd.
Maximum effective renge for A.P.C.......154O yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at................... .......... ....... QQ xds.
1250 yds.
Normal........ 3.07 2.72
A.P.C. Projectile...
so°........... 2.40 1.97 1.77

(I‘ICrmFloeoeoo-o 4.72 3.30 2.75

A.P.4O Projectile...)
(so°........... 8.38 2:10 1.78

weight in action........................2170 lb.

Overall length (travelling position)....187 1n.
Nidt (travelling position).............72 7/8 in.
Height (to top of chield)...............4l 3/8 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by l-ton semi-tracked vehicle.

- 20 _
5 cm. Flak 41

This automatic antiaircraft gun was put into service in an

the gap between the 3.7 cm. and 8.8 cm. antiaircraft weapon.
effort to fill
The gun is is fed from the left by a five round clip.
gas operated. and
It is fired by means of foot pedals, and is equipped with a two—speed traversing.
mechanism and a four-speed elevating mechanism.

The two-bogie carriage (Sonderanhgnger 204) is removed when the weapon is

emplaced in the firing position. A triangular platform supports the gun and
carriage in the firing position.


Caliber.................................5 cm. (1.97 in)
Overall length of 1/2 in.
Length of tube (including flash hider)..l45 1/4 in.
Length of tube..........................181 1/2 in.
Length of chamber.......................13 in.
Length of rifling.......................117 1/4 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist, 20
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Breech block moves forward and
Recoil mechanism........................Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism(liquid).....2 2/5 pints
Normal recoil...........................7 in. (approx.)
Maximum recoil..........................208 (8 8/16 in) mm
Type of carriage........................Triangu1ar base with pedestal mount.
Elevation...............................-10° to 900
Sight..............;....................Flekvisier 41
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E. (two types), A.P.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 4.8 lb.
A.P. - 4.9 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. 2755 —

Maximum horizontal range................13,565 yds.

Maximum vertical range..................18,37O ft.
Effective ceiling.......................10.000 ft.
Practical rate of fire..................130 r.p.m.
Weight in action........................6.880 lb.
Weight in travelling position...........12.100 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....337 in.
Width (travelling position).............93 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....86 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by motor vehicle.

7.5 cm. L.G.40

Leichte Geschutz 40 has been introduced into the German

The 7.5 cm,
Army for service with the airborne troops. This is a recoilless gun, the
necessity for a recoil mechanism being obviated by the design of the breech
end of the gun - a venturi tube attached to the rear end of the breech
block allows the gases to escape to the rear.
The gun cannot be traversed 360° at high elevations because of the
likelihood of tipping over when it is fired; the gun may be traversed 360°
by locking the elevating mechanism at 20°.

The carriage has a circular base to which three legs are pivoted in
lugs. The wheels are constructed of light alloy. and are fitted with
solid rubber tires.

Caliber................3.............;..7.5 cm (2.95 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and venturi tube).....................45 1/4 in.
Length of gun...........................29 1/2 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............10
Length of chamber.......................8 1/8 in.
Chamber capacity........................122
Length of rifling.......................18 in.
Rifling.................................Uniform right hand twist. 28
lands and grooves
Breech mechanism........................Horizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................None
Type of carriage........................Circu1ar base which rests on tripod
Elevation - with traverse of 60°........-15° to 42°
with traverse of 360°.......—15° to 20°
_ 23 -
7.5 cm. L.G.4O (Con't)
Treverce..with elevation of 42°.........60°
with elevation of 20°.........360°
Sight...................................Zielfernrohr lxllo (Telescope)
Ammunition(Semi—fired).................H.E., A.P.C.. H.C., Smoke
Weight ofprojectile....................H.E. - 12.6 lb.
.P.C. — 15.0 lb.
H.C. - 10.0 lb.
Muzzle ft./sec..............H.E.
velocity in - 1238
H.C. - 1197
Maximum range...........................H.E. —
8,900 yd.
3.0. — 7,437 yd.
Weight in action........................321 lb.
Weight in travelling poeition...........335 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....45 in.
Width (travelling pOSition).............
Height (travelling position)............
Method of trensport.....................Airborne and towed by half-track

- 24 -
7.5 cm. Pak 97/38

This weapon consists of the 75 mm. French Gun. Model 1897 and the
German 5 cm. Pak 38 carriage. The gun has been modified by fitting
a long.
perforated muzzle brake to the built—up tube.
The same gun is also mounted on the 7.5 cm. Pak 4O carriage. This
equipment is known as 7.5 cm. Pak 97/40.

The weapon may not be fired without the muzzle brake.l In Service. this
hybrid gun has proved to have very poor armor-piercing qualities.


.......... ........ . ........ .7.5

Caliber ..... cm. (2.95 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brrke).................... .117 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...107 1/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers. ....... .....
. .86.6
Length of Ch?mber (from base of
projectile).......................... .11 5/16 to 12 5/8 in.
Chamber capacity........................75.64 to 87.84
Length of rifling........ .........
... ...87 13/16 in.
Rifling................ ..............
. ..Uniform right hand twist. 24 lands
and grooves.
Breech mechanism................ ........Eccentric screw.
Action.................................. Manual.
Fecoil mechanism...................... ..Hydropneumatic.
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....4 pints.
Nitrogen pressure at 70°F. ......... ....1765 p.s.1.
Normsl recoil.............. ............
. 850 mm (33 1/2 in) to 900 mm (35 3/8 in)
Maximum recoil............. ....... ...... 1150 mm (45 1/4 in)
TYpe of carriage...... .................. Split trail
Elevation................. ........ ..... .-é° to 25°
Traverse..................... .........
. .60o
Equilibrator........................ ....Pneumatic (one)
Note: 2 1/5 pints of liquid are need
as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrator. ........... 955 p.s.i.
Sight. ............ ..... ................. Zielfernrohr 3x8° or 3x8°/II (Telescope)
Indirect Aushilfsrichtmittel 38

Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E., A.P., H.C.

7.5 cm. Pak 97/38 (Con't)

Weight of projectile. ...... ...... ....... H.E. - 2.0 1b. to 14.5 lb.
A.P. - 15.0 lb.
HOG. " 907 1b. to 10.0 lb-
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec. ......... ....H.E. — 1893
A.P. - 1870
H.C. — 1476
Maximum range (indirect fire). ...... ....H.E. - 9400 yd.
Maximum effective range (AT). ...... .....H.E. - 3270 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor A.P. —

Projectile at 30°. ..... .. ..... ........2.8 in. at 900 yd.

Weight in action. ..... .. ...............
.2623 lb.
Weight in travelling position....., ..... .2747 lb.
Overall length (travelling position)....180 in.
Width (travelling position). ......
......72 7/8 in.
Height (to top of shield)...............4l 3/8 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by semi-tracked vehicle.

7.5 cm. Pak 40

The standard German anti-tank weapon. In appearance it is similar

to the 5 cm. Pak 38. but the muzzle brake is of noticeably larger diameter
and the shield is angular instead of being curved. The welded steel
carriage has tubular trails. light alloy steel wheels with solid rubber
tires, and a spaced shield.
The weapon can also be utilized in an anti-personnel role. For
indirect fire, a panoramic sight mounted on the auxiliary sighting
mechanism. Aushilfsrichtmittel 38, isused.


Caliber.................................?.5 cm. (2.95 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake).....................l45 3/4 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...135 13/16 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............46
Length of chamber.......................28 3/16 in.
Length ofrifling.......................96 7/8 in.
Rifling.................................lncreasing right hand twist, 32
lands and grooves.
mechrnism........................Horizontal sliding
Breech wedge.
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder(liquid)......6 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder(liqnid).8 4/5 pints
Recuperator pressure....................441 / 44 p.s.i.
Formal recoil...........................900 (35 7/16
mm in)
Maximum recoil..........................920 (36 3/16
mm in)
Type of carriage..............,.........Split trail
Elevation...............................-5° to 22°'
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: A small amount of liquid is
used as an air seal.
Content of equilibrators (air)..........785 p.s.i.
Sight...................................Direct : Zielfernrohr 8x8° or
Sxeo/II (Telescope)
Indirect: Aushilfsrichtmittel 88
(Auxiliary sighting mech)
Type of ammunition:(Fixed)..............H.E.. A.P.C., A.P.40. H.C.. Smoke.
7.5 cm. Pak 40 (Con‘t)
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 12.6 lb.
A.P.C. - 15.0 lb.
A.P.4O - 9.1 lb.
H.C. - 10.1 to 11.0 lb.
Smoke — 13.7 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 1804
A.F.C. - 2461
A.P.40 — 8051
H.C. — 1476
Smoke - 1772
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 8.420 yd.
A.P.C. - 8.280 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at.................................... 00 yds. 1290 Ids. 1600 x68. 2 0 d5.

AoPoCo Projectile -30°............ 4.17 3.86 8.54 3.23

weight in action........................3136 1b.

Weight in travelling position...........3850 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....230 in.
Width (travelling position).............78 in.
Overall height.........'.................49 1/2 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by 3-ton semi-tracked vehicle.

7.5 cm. Pak 41

A tapered bore anti—tank weapon with an emergent caliber of 5.5 cm.

The weapon is exceptionally 10mg and low in appearance.

The tube consists of two separate sections; the front section is

smooth bore, the rear section contains the rifling and chamber. The
rear of the smooth bore section is tapered, the front section has a
parallel bore with a muzzle brake fitted.
The shield is used as the basis for the lower carriage. The trails
are hinged to it and the traversing worm is attached to it. Torsion bar
suspension is utilized.
The range drum is graduated for firing A.P. and H.E. ammunition.
There are four scales for use according to the actual muzzle velocity
of the gun. The muzzle velocity drops considerably because of tube

Céiber..... ........................... ..7.5 cm. (2.95 in) to 5.5 cm. (2.17 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake) ............
.........170 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring).. .161 3/8 in.
Length of chamber. ........ ...........
. . 22 3/16 in.
Length of rifling ...... ......
. ..........95 in.
Length of muzzle squeeze (effective).... 37 3/8 in.
Rifling ......... ............. ......... ..Increasing right hand t1ist 28
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism............. .....
......Vertical sliding wedge
Operation. ......
Recoil mechanism........................Hydrospring
Content of recoil mechanism (liquid)....5 pints
Norma.1 recoil...........................7OO (27 1/2 in) mm
iaximum recoil.............. ...... ......720 (88 13/16 in) mm
Type of carriage... ...... . ..... .........Split trail
Elevation. ......... ...............:.....-10° to 18°
Traverse. ...... ..............
....... ....6Oo
Sight... ......... ...... ..... ..... .Zielfernrohr (Telescope)
Types of ammunition (Fixed)............,A.P. (H.K.), A.P. (W), H.E.
Weight of predectile....................A. P. (W) - 5.68 lb.
A. P. - 5. 75 lb.
(H. K. )
Muzzle velocity in ft. /sec. (estimated)..A. P. (W) - 3839
A. P. (H.K.) - 4134
H.E. - 2955

_ 29 -
7.5 Em. Pak 41 (Con't)

Maximlm range..........o................H.E. - 8490 to 4585 yd. (8.000rding

to tube wear)
Penetration of homo} armor in inches
atiuoeono-Qee-eunto-000.00.caloric-000500 YdS. 1-000de. 1500 de. 2000 YdS.
(Normal........ 6.67 5.94 5.28 4.63
A.P.(W) Projectile..)
(so°........... 5.75 5.12 4.49 3.94

Weight in action............... ........ .3065 lb.

Overall length (travelling Pesition)....295 in.
Width (travelling position).............75 in.
Height (travelling position)............55 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by S-ton Semi-tracked vehicle.

- so -
7.5 cm. Geb.K. 15

This 7.5 cm. light mountain howitzer is of Skoda design. and has been
usad extensively by the German and Italian Armies.
consists of two sections. an “A" tube and "B" tube. These
The tube
sections are wholly enclosed within a Jacket which slides on a cradle
extending the length of the tube.

The mechanism is of the hydrospring type. and is contained

within the cradle. The box trail has a downward curve towards the rear.
Wooden wheels with steel rims are uned.
For mountain transport, the equipment can be split into seven mule
German. Italian. Czech, and Austrian ammunition is used in this weapon.


Caliber.................................7.5 cm. (2.95 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring).................................45 1/2 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........15.4
Length of chamber... ..... ...............6 5/16 in. .
Chamber capacity........................41
Length of rifling... ...... ..............31 5/8 in.
Rifling.................................Uniform right hand twist. 28 lands
and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horizontel sliding wedge.
Operation.. .......
Recoil mechanism........................Hydrospring
Content of recoil cylinder(liquid)......2 1/2 pints
Normal recoil 0° elevation. ...... .....850 mm (33 7/16 in)

50° elevation...........390 mm (15 3/8 in)
Maximum recoil- 0° elevetion............900 mm (2-5 7/16 in)
50° elevation...........440 mm (17 5’16 in)
Type of carriage........................Box trail
Elevation...............................-lO° to 50°
_ 31 _
7.5 cmt Geb.K. 15 (Con'tl

Sight...................................Rbl.F. fur Gob.K. 15

Types of ammunition (4 charges).........H.E.. H.C., Shrapnel, A.P.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. (German) — 1? lb.
3.0. (German) 9.9 lb.

H.E. (Italian) — 11.2 lb.

H.E. (Italian) - 13.8 lb.
H.E. (Italian) - 13.9 lb.
Shrapnel (Italian) — 14.5 lb.
A.P. (Italian) - 14.1 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. (Gorman) — 1270
H.E. (Italian) — 1140 to 1240

Shrapnel -1150
Maximum range...........................H.E. (German) — 7270 yd.
H.E. (Italian) - 9020 y.
Shrapnal — 7220 yd.
Weight in action........................1350 lb.
Overall lungth..........................
Overall width...........................
Overall height..........................
Method of tranSport.....................
A mountain gun which can be broken down into six pack loads. The
maximum weight for an individual load is 800 pounds. No shield is fitted.
and both the recoil and recuperator cylinders are positioned below the

The gun is fitted with a cylindrical. perforated muzzle brake. The

carriage is mounted on steel disk wheels with solid rubber tires. Broad
skis may be fitted instead of the wheels when operating in snowy terrain.

Caliber.................................?.5 cm. (2.95 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake).....................66 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...57 1/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............19.3
Length of chamber.......................7 5/16 in.
Chnmber capacity...............~........54.92
Length of rifling.......................38 1/4 in.
Rifling..........................,......Uniform right hand twist. 28 lands
and grooveS. '

Breech mechanism........................Horizontal sliding wedg.

Qperation...............................Manual ’

Recoil mechanism.;......................Hydropneumatic.
Content of recoil cylinder(liquid)......
Content of recuperator cylinder(1iquid).
Air pressure in recuperator.............
Minimum recoil..........................575 (23 in)
Maximum recoil.......................... 35 (29 in)
Type of carriege.......a................Split trail
Elevation...............................-8° to 65°
Equilibrator............................Spring (one)
Panoramic sight.........................Rbl.F.82. 36. or 87.
Ammunition (5 charges)..................H.E. (two types). Smoke. H.C..
7.5 cm. Geb G.36 (Con'tl
Weight of projectile....................H.E. $2.6 1h.

H.E 12.8 lb.

Smoke — 13.8 lb.

P." ~ 9.7 lb.
Indicator - 12.7 lb. ‘

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec.. ....... .....H.F.(bo%h types) — lEFB

Smoke — 1558
H.C. — 1280
Indicator ~ 1588
Maximum r7nge...........................H.E.(both types)
10,116 yd.—

Smoke 10,116 y.

H.C. - 1,094 yd.

Weight in action........................1600 lb (approx)
Overall length (travelling poeition)....
Width (travelling position).

Method of tranSport.....................6 loads - pack or airborne

This infantry howitrer is used as a close support weapon. The trbe is
housed in a jacket which gives the weapon a Square appearance.

For loading, the tube revolves about its trunnions and raises the breech
end to the openposition; the breech mechanism remains fixed.
The mountain version of this howitzer, the 7.5 cm. Geb. I.G.18, has
hollow tubular split trails; the field version has a box trail. Either
wooden wheels with steel rims or disc wheels with pneumatic tires may be
used. Both models can be split into six loads for pack transport.


Celiber................ ......... .. ...... 7.5 cm. (2.95 in)

Length.of howitzer (including breech
ring).................................:, 3/4 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers;.. .....
Length of chember.......................4 3/8 in.
Length of rifling.......................26 1/2 in.
Rif‘ing. ........ ................ .......
.Uniform right hand twiSt, 34 lanCs
ané grooves.
Breech nechenism........................Hinged
Recoil mechanism........................Hydro;neun2tic
Content of recoil cylinder (liouid).....3 to F 1/4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liouidll 1/8 pints
Air pressure in recunerstor.............382 to 441 p.s.i.
Minimum recoil................... ...... .300 mn (11 7/16 in)
Maximum recoil. ..... ....................500 (19 11/16 in)
Type of carripge. ........ ..... .........Field version - modified boy trail
Mountain version sylit trail

Elevation.... ......... ........... ...... .—10° to 72°

Equilibrator....... ............... ..... .Spring (one)
Sirhtinc aechanism......................Z.E.18 with Rbl.F.16 (Telescope)
Tyres of ammunition (5 chargeSEO........H.E., H.C., Indie.
7.5 cm. 1.1.6. 18 (Con't)
Weight of projectile....................H.E. — 13.2 lb.
W.E. — 12.1 lb.
H.C. — 10.6 lb.
H.C. — 12.1 lb.
1.1- srzle velocity in ft./sec... ......... ..H.E. — 725
- H.C. 1130
Maximum range.................... ..... ..H.Y. — 3880 yd.
H.C. - 4150 yd.
Weight in action. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .880 lb.
Ovnrall length (travelling position)....106 1/2 in.
Width (travelling position).............54 in.
Height (to top of Shield)........ ..... ..43 1/2 in.
Method of transgort. ....... ..... ....... .Towed by horse, motor‘vehicle, 01‘
carried in 4 or 6 pack loads.


The close-support infpntry

weapon can? sts of a short barrelled 7.5 ca.
sun fitted
With a murzle and munted on the carriage of the obFolete
7.7 cm. Psb. The yun may also be found mounted on Russian 4.5 cm. gun
carriages, which differ slightly from the German carriane. The wheels of
the Russian carriages are much larger in di acct-r than those normnlly used.

The weapon is equipped with the reccil mechcnirm of the 7.7 ca. Eek.
which has been slightly modified and fitted with "trsiger rprinrs.
Elevation is limited to 240, -n.6 in order to obtain lons.2 ranges the
trails must be dug in to depths up to tvo ftet.
D11. ta
Caliber..................................7.5 cc. (4.55 in)
Length of gun (ivcluding breech ring
and muzzle brAke)......................70 ”/4 in.
Length of gun (inclueing breech ring)....5 1/; 1:.
Length of gun in caliberr................21
Lengt‘ of chsmber........................4 7/: 1n.
length ofrifling........................53 1/4 in.
Riflinv..................................E11rht hand twist, 24 leni? and
mechanism.........................V-rtical sliding wedge.
Operation................................M2nual (closing spring closes


vmen round is inserted into chamber)

Recoil mechanism.........................:yfrospring.
Content of reenil nechcnism (liqnié).... "1/3 rints.
Normal recoil............................;OO ran (19 11/16 in)
Maximum recoil...........................5?O m: (90 1/2 in)
Type of carriage.........................Sp1it trail.
Elevation................................—E° to 34°
Sights...................................Direct : Zielfernrohr 11110 or . x80
Indirect: AIJshilfsrichtnittel 88A

7.5 cm. I.G.87 (Con‘t)
Types of ammunition.....................H.E., H.C. (H.E. has 6 charges, H.C.
is fixed)
Weight of projectile. ........ ...........H.E. — 12.1 lb.
H.E. — 13.2 lb.
3.6. 15.6 lb.
H.C. 12.1 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 93)
H.C. - 1165
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 5680 yd.
H.C. - 5410 yd.
Maximum targets...870 yd.
range against armored
Weight in action.................,......1124 lb.
Weight in travelling position...........1168 1b.
Overall length (travelling positiwn)....139 in.
Width (travelling position).............63 1/2 in.
Height (to top of shield)...............47 1/2 in.
Method of transPort............. ..... ...Towed by l-ton semi-tracked vehicle.
7.5 cm. 1.F.K. 18

This light field gun was standard equipment for German Divisional Field
Artillery until replaced by the 7.5 cm. F.K. 88 and 7.62 cm. F.K. 39.

The carriage is provided with spring suspension. which is put into action
when the trails are closed for travelling, and out of action when the trails
are opened.

Caliber.................................7.5 cm. (2.95 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring)...76 3/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............25.8
Length of chamber (from base of pro-
Jectile)........ ..... .................9 13/16 in.
Chamber cunin.
Length of nifling. ..... .................55 5/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist, 28

lands and grooves.

Breech mechanism..... .....
..............Hori7ontal sliding wedge.
Operation. ......
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)
Air pressure in recunerator...... ......
Minimum rkcoil..........................650 (25 1/2 1n) mm
Maximum recoil..........................1150 (45 1/4 in) mm
Type of carriage........................Split trail
Elevation...............................-5° to 45°
Equilibrators...........................Pneumatic (two)
Panoramic sight.........................Rbl.F.16
Types of ammunition (3 charges).........H.E.. A.P.C.. H.C.. Smoke
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 12.8 lb.
A.P.C. 15.0 lb.
H.C. 10.6 lb.
Smoke - 18.6 lb.

_ 39 -
7.5 cm. 1.F.K. 18 (Con't)
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 1591
A.P.C. - 1457
H.C. —

Smoke- 1552
Maximum range................... ..... ...H.E. - 10.310 yd.
Weight in action........................2,259 lb.
Weight in travelling position.. ..... ....2.9OO 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....203 in.
Width (travelling position).............72 1/2 in.
Height (to top of shield)...............65 in.
Method of transport..... ..... ...........Horsedrawn

7.5 cm. F.K.88

This field gun has replaced the 7.5 cm. 1.F.K. 18 in service. The
weapon is equipped with a cylindrical muzzle brake with six vertical slots
on each side. The carriage has wooden wheels with steel rims. The legs
of the split trail are of rivetted box construction. An extension with
fixed spade is hinged to the rear of each trail leg. and can be folded
forward and locked when travelling.
Fixed ammunition. instead of the semi-fixed ammunition fired by the
l.F.K.18, is used by the F.K.38.

Caliber.................................7.5 cm. 2.95 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake)............... ......111 1/2 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...100 3/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............34
Length of chambfr.......................l€ 5/8 in.
Chamber capacity........................106.14
Length of rifling.......................75 3/8 in.
Rifiing.................................Increasing right hand twist. 28
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism... ...... ...............Horiyontal sliding wedge.
Operation. ..... .........................Semi-automatic,
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic.
Content of recoil cylinder(liquid)......
Content of recuperator cylinder(liquid).
Air pressure in recuperator.............
Normal recoil...........................900mm (35 3/8 in)
Maximum recoil. .......... ...............lClO (39 13/16mm in)
Type of carriage........... ..... ........Split trail.
Elevation. ........ ......................—5° to 45°
Traverse. ..... ..........................50°
Equilibrators. ..... .....................Two Spring
Panoramic sight.........................Rb1.F.38, 36. or 37.
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E. (two types), H.C., A.P., Ind.

_ 41 -
7.5 cm. F.K.38 (Con'jl
Weight of projectile......... ..... ......H.E. - 12.8 lb.
H.E. - 13.9 lb.
H.C. — 10.1 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 1985
H.E. ~ 1903
3.0. — 1444
Maximum range. ..... .....................H.E. ~-12,577 yd.
H.E. 12,858 yd.
H'C. - 8,421 yd.
Weight in action........................3005 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....221 in.
Width (treyclling position).............75 in.
Height (to top of shield)...............62 in.
Method of transport... ..... .............Horsedrawn.
7.62 cm. Pak 36

This weapon was originally a Russian field gun which was captured in
considerable quantities by the Germans. The Germans used the gun under
the nomenclature of 7.62 cm. F.K.296 (r). Later, by modifying the chamber
and increasing the chamber capacity. adding a muzzle brake and providing
German ammunition. moving the elevating handwheel to the left and modifying
the shield, the weapon was made more useful for anti—tank work. The recoil
mechanism. which originally was variable hydropneumatic. has been modified
so that the length of recoil is uniform at all angles of elevation.

The Germans gave the anti—tank version the nomenclature 7.62 cm. Pak
36 (r) and took it
into service as a standard equipment. Recently, the
Germans have been using the nomenclature without the (r) - 7.62 cm. Pak 36.


Caliber.................................7.62 cm. (3 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake).... ..... ............164 1/2 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...153 1/4 in.
Length of gun in calibere......... ..... .51.l
Length of chamber.......................28 1/4 in.
Chamber capacity........................A.P.C. and A.P.4O — 212.58
HIE. 197.64

Length of rifling............. ........ ..115 1/2 in.

Rifling.................................Uniform right hand twist. 83 lands

mechanism........................Vertical sliding
Breech wedge.
Recoil mechanism........................Bydropneumatic.
Content of recoil cylinder(liquid)......10 1/2 pints.
Content of recuperator cylinder(liquid).12 1/2 pints.
Normal recuperator pressure.............426 / 29 p.s.i.
Normal recoil...........................900 (85 7/16 in)

Maximum recoil..........................1000 (39 3/8 in)


Type of carriage........................Split trail

Elevation...............................-6° to 18°
Eouilibretor............................Two spring.
Sights............................. ..... Direct : Zielfernrohr 3x8° or
Indirect: Aushilferichtmittel 88
(Auxiliary sighting mech)

7.62 cm. Pak 36 (Can't)
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E.. A.P.C., A.P.40, H.C.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 12.6 lb.
A.P.C. ~ 16.7 lb.
A.P.4O - 9.2 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H;E. -
A.P.C. -
A.P.4O ~ 3248
Mavimum range...........................H.E. - 10.936 yd.
A.P.C. — 3.250 yd.
P—netration of homo. armor in inches
atQOOICIUOIIOOIDOOOIOnotch-IICIIOICIOOL 0 yds. 1000 ydg1 lgpo yds. 2000 yds.
(Normal........ 4. 65 4.13 3.62 3.19
A.P.C. Projectile...)
(30°.............3.7o 3.27 2.87 2.54

A.P.4O Projectile...30°............ 5.27 2.91

Weight in action.........................3762 lb.

Overall length (travelling position).....295 in.
Width (travelling position)..............79 in.
Height (travelling position).............55 1/8 in.
Method of transport......................Towed by S—ton semi—tracked vehicle.
7.62 cm. F.K.39 and 7.62 cm.Pak 39

This is another Russian weapon which has been adopted, with modifications,
by the Germans. The original Russian nomenclature was 7.62 cm. Field Gun.
Model 39; the German nomenclature for the unmodified version is 7.62 cm. F.K.
297 (r).
The F.K. 39 has been modified by enlarging the chamber to take the same
ammunition as the 7.62 cm. Pak 36 and a muzzle brake has been fitted to the
muzzle. In order to make the weapon more suitable for anti—tank purposes,
the gun has been further modified by moving the elevating handwheel to the
left side of the carriage, providing an anti-tank sight in addition to a
German sighting mechanism for indirect fire and modifying the shield. The
anti-tank version has the nomenclature 7.62 cm. Pak 39.

Caliber.................................7.62 cm. (8 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring
and “1112218 brake).....................15’7 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...126 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............42

Length of chamber.......................28 1/4 in.

Chamber capacity........................A.P.C. and A.P.40 - 212.58,

H.E. - 197.64

Length of rifling.......................84 1/2 in.

right hand twist. 32 lends
and grooves.
mechanism........................Vertical sliding
Breech wedge.
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic.
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid)....14 3/4 pints.
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)15 4/5 pints.
Air pressure in recuperator.............515 p.s.i.
Normal 1.80011..-..-n-oeouooeooeeeeeeeeeegso mm (37 3/8 in)
Maximum recoil..........................1050 mm (41 1/2 in)
Type Of carriagageooeoeeeeooooeeoeoole‘esglit trail.
Elevation.oo.o...................-.----eo otO 450

7.62 cm. F.K.39 and 7.62 cm.Pak 89 (Con't)
Sights............. ..... ................Pak 89-Direct : Zielfernrohr 3x80
or 3x8°/II (Telescope)
Indirect: Aushilfsrichtmittel 38
(Auxiliary sighting mech)
F.K. 39 Rbl.F. 82, 86, or 87

Types of ammunition (Fixed). .......... ..H.E., A.P.C., A.P.40, H.C.

Weight of projectile. ..... .. ........... .H.E. - 12.6 lb.
A.P.C. - 16.7 lb.
A.P.4O - 9.2 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec. ...... .......H.E. 1706 —

A.P.C. ~ 2165
A.P.4O — 2920

Maximum range. ..... ..........}.. ...... ..H.E. —

11.000 yd.
A.P. — 7,658 yd.
A. P.4O - 1.640 yd.
Weight in action.......... .......... ....33 44 lb.
Overall length (travelling position). ...248 in.
Width (travelling position).. .........66 in.
Height (travelling position)..... ....... 74 in.
Method of transport..... ...... ..........Towed by S—ton semitracked vehicle.

8.8 cm. Flak 18, 36 and 37

The original model of this multi-purpose gun was the Flak 18. It was
later replaced in service by the Flak 86. which. in turn, was superseded
by the Flak 87. The guns are used against air, sea, and ground targets.

The nomenclature of the 8. 8 cm. Flak 18 and 36 is dependent upon the

carriage; slight modifications being made to that of the Flak 36. The Flak
18 is normally transported on Sonderanhanger 201, which has single front
wheels and twin rear wheels: while the Flak 36 is transported on the heavier
Sonderanhnger 202, with identical twin front and rear wheels. The only
difference between the Flak 36 and 37 is that data is transmitted from the
director to the Flak 86 by the bertragungsgergt 30 (Transmission System 30).
and the bertragungsgergt 37 1: used with the Flak 37.

Two types of tube may be used -

a loose tube fitted into a Jacket. or
a tube with a threg—aection liner. The tube with the three—section liner
can be distinguished by the tapered locking collar used in its design,
whereas the older type with the loose tube fits into its Jacket without
the aid of a locking collar.


Caliber................. ..... ............8.8 ch. (3.46 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring)....194 1/16 in.
Length of gun in calibers................56
Length of chamber................. ..... ..20 7/8 in.
Chamber capacity.........................226
Length of rifling........................l63 7/16 in.
Rifling..................................Increasing right hand twist. 82
lands and grooves.
Breech nechanism.........................Horizonta1 sliding wedge
Operation.......................... ..... .Semi-automatic
Recoil mechanism.........................Hydropneumatic (Variable)
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid). .....22 1/2 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid).89 1/8 pints
Air pressure in recuperator..............573 p.s.i.
Content of automatic ranmer cylinder
(liquid)...............................2 1/8 pints
_ 47 -
8.8 cm. Flak 181 86 and 37 (Con't)
Air pressure in rammer cylinder.........220 p.s.i.
Normal recoil at 0° elevation.........1050 mm (41 1/2 in)

at 25° elevation........850 mm (33 7/16 in)

at 85° elevation. ....... 700 mm (27 3/4 in)
Maximum recoil..........................1080 mm (42 1/2 in)
Type of,carriage........................Cruciform platform with pedestal mount
E1evation............... ....... .........-3° to 85°
Traverse.. ..... .........................860°
Equilibrators...........................Two Spring
Fire control equipment—Flak 18 and 86...AA—Kdo. Gr. 36 (Director).
Kdo. Hi. Gr. 35 (Aux. Director)
with 4-meter range finder,
bertragungsgert 30
Flak 18, 86 & 37.Direct-Z.F. 20 E x 4 or x 6 (TeleecOpe)
Flak 37..........AA-Kdo. Gr. 40 (Director)
bertragungegergt 37
Kdo. Hi. Gr. 85 (Aux. Director)
with 4-meter range finder.
Note: A telescopic sight. Rb1.F. Flak.
is used to orient all model guns
with directors and for indirect
Types of ammunition (Fixed)..... ....... .H.E.. A.P.C.. A.P.40, 3.0., Star,
Incendiary, Shrapnel.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 20.3 lb.
A.P.C. - 20.7 lb.
A.P.40 - 16 lb.
H.C. - 16.8 lb.
Star - 21 1b.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 2690
A.P.C. - 2657
A.P.4O - 3000
H.C. -
Star — 2280
Maximum horizontal range................16.200 yd.
Maximum ceiling.........................32.150 ft.
Effective ceiling.......................26,250 ft.
Practical rate of fire..................l5 to 20 r.p.m.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at....................................500 Z- 1000 z. $500 yd. 2000 yd. 2500 yd.
(Normal........ 5.12 4.69 .80 3.90 8.54
A.P.C. Projectile...)
(3o°........... 4.34 4.03 3.70 3.43 3.15

Weight in action.... ..... ......... ..... .10,980 lb.

Weight in travelling position...........16,825 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....300 in.
Width (travelling position).............91 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....95 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by 8-ton semi-tracked vehicle.

_ 4e -
8.8 cm. 13k 41

The 8.8 cm. Flak 41 was introduced to replace the Flak 18, 36 and 37
as a multi-purpose weapon for use against air. sea. and ground targets. It
is transported on a two-bogie carriage (Sonderanhgnger 202) and is normally
towed by a 12 ton semi-tracked vehicle.

normally fired with its bogies removed. but like the earlier
It is
types of 8.8 cm. equipments. it may be fired from the wheels in emergencies.
The gun is fired electrically.
The gun is longer than that of the Flak 18, 36 and 87. being 74
calibers in length in comparison with the 54 calibers of the other models.
The muzzle velocities and ranges are much greater than those obtained with
the Flak 18. 36 and 87.

The 8.8 cm. Flak 37 has been modified in order to bring its performance
up to that of the Flak 41. The nomenclature of the modified equipment is
8.8 cm. Flak 37/41.
caliber.................................8.8 cm. (3.46 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)...257 8/4 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............74
Length of chamber.......................29 7/16 in.
L.uth of riflmltiIOOOOIIOOOIIIOIIOOIIzla 1n.
and grooves.
ria‘ W twi.‘. 32 In...
mechanism........................Horizontal sliding
Breech wedge.
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic (variable)
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....18 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)86 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............1030 p.s.i.
Content of automatic rammer cylinder
(liquid)..............................lO 1/8 pints
Air pressure in rammer cylinder.........1294 p.s.i.
Formal recoil - at 0° elevation.........1200 mm (47 in)
at 90° elevation........ 900 nm (85 1/4 in)
Type of carriage.........e..............Gruciform platform with pedestal
8.8 cm. Flak 41 jCon't)
Elevation...............................-3° to 90°
Eouilibrators...........................Two spring
Fire control equipment..................AApKdo.Gr. 40 (Director),
ertragungegerat 37;
Kdo.Hi. Gr. 35 (Aux. Director)
with 4-meter range finder.
Direct-Z.F. 20E x 6 (Telescope)
Note: A telescopic sight, Rbl.F. Flak.
is used to orient gun with direc-
tor and for indirect fire.
Tynes of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E.. A.P.C.
Weight 0! - 20.7 lb.
A.P.C. - 22.4 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./eec..............H.E. - 3280 to 3345
A.P.C. - 3110
Maximum horizontal range................22.100 yd.
Maximum ceiling. ......... ...............49, 300 ft.
Effective ceiling.......................35 000 ft. (estimated)
Practical rate of fire..................20 to 25 r. p.m.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at.0......OIIOOOOOOOCOOO. 100016.. 1500 yd. 2000 yd. 2500 yd. ‘
(Normal........ 7.32 6.73 6.18 5.63 5.08
A.P.C. Projectile...)
(so°........... 6.46 5.90 5.39 4.92 4.45
Weight in action........................17.700 1b.
Weight in travelling position...........24,860 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....380 in.
Width (travelling position).............94 1/2 in.
Overall height (travelling poeition).....93 in.
Method of transport......................Toved by lZ—ton semi-tracked vehicle.

8.8 cm. Pek 48

This anti—tank gun is mounted on a cruciform platform, and is trans-

ported on two single axle bogies similar to those used for the 8.8 cm.
Flak 18. With the bogies removed. the gun has a very low silhouette.
The weepon can he from its wheels without extending the side
outriggers, but traverse must not exceed 30° either side of the front or
rear outriggers. For greater traverse. the side outriggers must be
extended. There is an automatic electrical safety to the firing mechanism
which restricts elevation when firing over the outriggers.

This weapon, as well as the 8.8 cm. Pak 48/41, is fired electrically.

Caliber.................................8.8 cm. 3.46 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle breke).....................858 15/16 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...247 1/8 in.
Length of gun in celibers...............7l
Length of chamber.......................33 7/8 in.
Length ofrifling.......................202 1/2 in.
Rifling.................................Uniform right hend twist, 32 lends
and grooves.
mechanism........................Vertica1 sliding
Breech wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic (variable)
Content of recoil cylinder (1iquid).....12 pints
Content of recuperetor cylinder(ldquid).18 1/8 pints
Air pressure in recuperetor.............9lO p.s.i.
Length of recoil.................‘.......Variable, from 750 mm (29 1/2 in)
to 1250 mm (49 1/8 in) .
Type of carriege.. ...... ................Cruciform platform with circular
E1evation...............................-8° to 40°
Elevation limits over outriggers........12° on eerly models
160 on later models
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: 2 2/5 pints of liquid are used
as an air seal.
8.8 cm. Pek 43 Con'tl

Air pressure in each equilibrator.......782 p.s.1.

Sighting mechanism......................Direct : ZE 48 3 V0 (with telescope
3xe° or 3x30/11)
Indirect: Aushilfarichtmittel 38
Periscopic sight: Winkelzielfernrohr 1/4
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E., A.P.C., A.P.40, 3.0.
Weight of projectile...c-oouo-o-eooceocooEo - 20.7 lb.
ADPIC. " 22.4 lb.
A.P.4O - 16.0 lb.
3.0. - 16.9 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./enc..............H.E. - 2460
A.P.C. — 3280
A.P.4O - 8707
H.C. - 1968
Maximum range...........................H.E. — 16.629 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
ateetooeoooo'.ooooolteoooolnunClo-eel 00 Rd. 1000 26.0 1500 2d. 2000261. 2500 26..
(Normal........ 8.13 7.47 6.85 6.25 5.71
A.P.C. Projectile...)
(zo°........... 7.16 6.57 6.02 5.47 5.00

Height in action........................8,140 1b.

Weight in travelling position...........11,880 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....362 1/4 in.
Width (travelling position).............86 1/2 in.
Height (travelling poeition)............84 1/2 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by 4 l/2—ton eemiutracked vehicle.

8.8 cm. Pak 48(41

This weapon is the split trail version of the 8.8 cm. Pak 43. The
tubes of those equipments are of the sectional monobloc type. consisting
of a two—piece tube secured by a locking collar.

The powder chamber is shorter and wider in diameter than that of the
8.8 cm. Flak 41, and although the projectiles are interchangeable. the
cartridge cases are not.
A German document contains the information that the life
of both this
weapon and the 8.8 cm. Pak 48 is short, and that they should be used in an
indirect fire role only when absolutely necessary.

Caliber............................ ..... .8.8 cm. (8.46 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring
and muzzle brake)......................258 11/16 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)....247 1/4 in.
Length 0f gun in calibers................7l
Length of chamber........................38 7/8 in.
Chamber capacity.........................549
Length of rifling. ....... ................202 1/2 1:.
Rifling. ...... ...........................Uniform right hand twist, 32
leads and grooves.
Breech nechanism.........................horizonta1 sliding wedge
Operation. ........ ........ ...........
Recoil mechanism.........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid)......10 3/4 pints
Content of reeuperator cylinder (liquid).13 3/4 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.....;........782 57 p.s.1.
Farm r.C°110-oeeeeeesee-Oleeeeseeseeueeseo In (26 3/4 1‘)
Maximum recoil....... ....................720 mm (28 3/8 in)
Type of carriage. ....... .................Split trail
BICYGtiOIee-ee........e.......e......a...-5° to 38°
TraYOTGI... eeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeesso
nq‘lilibratoraOeoeeeoeoeeeeetseeoeeeeeeeeeTvo pn.mat1°
Note: A small amount of liquid
is used as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrators............1052 p.s.i.

- 58 n/
6.6 cm. Pak 43/41 (Con’t)
Sighting mochanieme.. ....... ..... ......Direct
. : .ZE 485 V0 (with Teles-
cope 3x80 or 3x8°/II)
Indirect: ZE 84 (with Rbl.F.32 or
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E.. A.P.C.. A.P.40. H.C.
weight Of projectile....................H-E. '1 20.7 lb.
A.P.c. S 22.4 lb.
A.P.40 - 16.0 lb.
H.C. - 16.9 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..... ..... ....H.E. - 2460
A.P.C. - 8280
A.P.4O - 3707
H.C. - 1968
Maximum range..... ....... ...............H.E. - 16,410 yd.
Penetration of homo. armor in inches
at... ..... ......... ..... ..............500 yd. 1000 yd. 1500 yd. 2000 y..§§po yd.
(Normal........ 6.16 7.47 6.85 6.25 5.71
A.P.C. Projectile...)
(30°........... 7.16 6.57 6.02 5.47 5.00

Weight in action........................9660 1b.

Overall length (travelling poeition)....370 in.
Width (travelling position).............99 1/2 in.
Height (travelling position)............86 1/2 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by 4 l/2—ton semi-tracked vehicle.

_ 54 -
A recoilless airborne gun which has no actual breech block. There
a hinged plate for loading. and the firing mechanism is located on top
of the breech ring (the firing pin engage: a primer in the side of the
cartridge case).
Like the 7.5 cm. L.G. 40. the tube is constructed so that a part of
the propellant gaeee is ejected through a venturi tube at the rear. thus
counteracting the tendency to recoil (the 7.5 cm. L.G. 40. however, he: a
breech block).

The gun may be transported by air either in six parachute containers,

complete in a folding tubular metal frame with one parachute. or complete
by glider.


Caliber.................................lO.5 cm. (4.13 in)

Length of gun (including venturi tube)..75 in.
Length of gun in celibere........ ......
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)...........................19 in.
Chamber capacity........................829
Length of rifling.......................81 7/16 in.
Rifling.................................Increaaing right hand twist, 32
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanien........................None (hinged plate for loading)
Recoil mechanism........................None
Type of carriage........................Tripod
Elevetion...............................-15° to 40°
Ammunition (eemi-fixed).................H.E.. 3.0.. Smoke, Inc.

- 55 -
10.5 cm. L.G.4O (Con't)

Weight of projectile...........-.........H.E. - 32.6 lb.

HOG. "' 27.2 lb.
Smoke 32.4 lb.
Inc. - 38.5 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec...............H.E. - 1099
H.C. - 1247
Maximum range........... Ion-IOOOQOOOOOODOHnE. ”8694 yd.
H00. ‘6560 yd.
Use against armored targets..............H.C. shell used against armor at
range: up to 1640 yards.
‘Neight in aCtiOIo...-oo.....u...u.o.u....855 1b.
Overall length (travelling position).....
Width (travelling position).... ........ ..
Height (to top of shield)................
Method of transport....................3.A1rborne. parachute, and towed by
halfotrack motorcycle.

- 55 _
10.5 cm. L.G.42

Several differences exist between this recoilless gun and its prede—
cessor, the 10.5 cm. L.G.40. The L.G.42 is equipped with a horizontal
sliding wedge breech block, the venturi tube is reinforced by three steel
strips welded to the inner side. and the carriage has been changed consi-

The carriage is constructed of heavy steel tubing instead of the

light~weight alloys formerly used. The weapon is apparently not adapted
forairborne use, but incorporates rapid disassembly features. The car—
riage has a single tubular axle to which pivotted wheel spindles and
three folding trail legs are fitted.

Two models exist, the L.G.42 and L.G.42/l. The L.G.42/1 is slightly
lighter in weight.
Caliber.................................10.5 Cm. (4.13 in)
Length of gun (including venturi tube)..72 1/4 in.
Length of gun (including breech ring)...56 13/16 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............l3.7
Length of chamber (from base of pro-
Jectile)..............................19 in.
Chamber capecity......... ..... ..........329
Length of rifling.........s.............81 7/16 in.
Rifling.................................Uniform right hand twist, 32 lands
and grooves
Breech mechanism...,....................Hori:ontal sliding wedge
Operation............,..... ..... ........Manual
10.5 cm. L.G.42 jCon't)

Recoil mechanism........................None
Tyye of carriage......... ..... .6........Trigod
Elevation - with traverse of 70 ........~15 to 42°
with traverse of 360°.......—]5° to 12°

Traverse — with elevation of 120.......360°

- with elevation of 42°.......70°
Ammunition (Semi—fixed).................H.C., 3.0.. Inc., Smoke
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 38.6 lb.
H.C. - 27.2 lb.
Inc. — 33.5 lb.
Smoke — 32.4 lb.
Mu7zle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. 1099 —

1247 -
Inc. 1089 -
Smoke 1099 -
Maximum range...........................H.E.— 8694 yd.
3.0. — 6560 yd.
Inc. and
Smoke - 8580 yd.
Use against armored targets.............H.C. shell used against armor at ranges
u? to 1640 yards.
Weight in action........................L.G.42 - 1217 lb.
L.G. 42/1- 1191 lb.
Overall length (travelling position)....
Width (travelling position).............
Height (to top of shield)...............
Method of transport.....................Pack loads or towed by half-track

- 53 -
10.5 cm. l.F.H.lB

This howitzer, formerly the German divisional field artillery howitzer,

has been replaced in service by the 10.5 cm. 1.F.H.18 (M) and 10.5 cm. l.F.H.

The recoil cylinder is equipped with a cooling cylinder which is filled

with water. The water tends to stabilize the temperature of the recoil fluid.

The wheels are made of a light alloy and are of the fluted disk type
with solid rubber tires. The shield is lightly constructed.
The extra charge (Fernladung)used by the 10.5 cm. 1.F.H. 18 (M) and
18/40 cannot be fired from the 1.F.H.18.

Caliber..................................10.5 cm. (4.13 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring)..................................115 3/4 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers...........28
Length of chamber (from base of pro-
Jectile)...............................8 3/8 in.
Chamber capacity.........................134.25
Length of rifling........................94 3/8 in.
Rifling..................................Increasing right hand twist, 32
lands and grooves
Breech mechanism.........................Eorizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism.........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid)......18 l/lO pints
Content of cooling cylinder (water)x.....l7 1/4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder(liquid)..ll 1/2 pints
Air pressure in recuperator..............730
f 20 p.s.i.
Normal recoil............................1100 (43 3/16 mm in)
Maximum recoil...........................ll70 (46 in)
Type of carriage.........................Split trail
Elevation................................-7° to 40° 30'
Equilibrator.............................Pneumatic (one)
Note: Approximately 1 pint of
liquid is used as an air
Air pressure in equilibrator.............510 to 520 p.s.i.
10.5 cm. 1.F.H.18 (Con't)

Sighting mechanism......................Z.E. 84 (with Rbl.F.82, 36 or 39)

charges).........H.E., A.P.C., H.C.. Smoke. Inc..
Types of ammunition (6
Star, Propaganda, Ind.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. ~ 32.6 lb.
A.P.C. - 84.6 lb.
H.C. - 27.1 lb.
Smoke — 32.4 lb.
Propaganda — 30.0 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./eec..............H.E. - 1541
A.P.C. - 1295
H.C. - 1634
Smoko - 1574
H.C. - 10,280 yd.
Smoke -
11,592 yd.
Use against armored targets.............H.C. shell
used against armor at
ranges up to 1640 yards, H;E. and
A.P. used at ranges up to 1750 yards.
Weight in action........................4812 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....240 in.
Width (travelling position).............77 3/4 in.
Height (travelling position)............74 in.
Method of transport.....................Horsedrawn or towed by S-ton semi—
tracked vehicle.
c; cm. 1.F.H.18 (M)

A modified version of the 10.5 cm. 1.F.H.18 which differs from the
earliermodel in the following respects:
a. A two—baffled muzzle brake has been fitted to the tube.

b. The cooling cylinder filling hole plug has been altered so

that the muzzle brake will not foul it on recoil.

c. The air pressures in the recuperator and equilibretor have been

increased and the recoil cylinder modified slightly.

The addition of the muzzle brake has enabled the Germans to increase
the range and muzzle velocity of the weapon. This has been accomplished
by means of an extra charge (Fernladung). Muzzle velocity has been in—
creased from 1541 ft./sec. to 1772 ft./sec. and the maximum range increaSed
from 11,640 yards to 13,480 yards.


Caliber.................................10.5 cm (4.18 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring and muzzle brake)................128 1/4 in.
Length of howitzer (including breech
ring)......... ...... ..................115
3/4 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........28
Length of chamber (from base of pro-
Jectile). ........... ..................Norma1 - 8 3/8 in.
Long range nroJ. - 9 1/4 in.
Chamber capacity........................Norma1 - 134.25
Long range proj. - 144.57 cu.ina
Length ofrifling..... ....... ...........94 3/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist. 82
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horironta1 sliding wedge
Operation. .......... ........ ...........
Recoil mechanism. ..... ..................Hydropneumatic
Content or recoil cylinder (liquid).....l'.3 1/10 pints
Content of cooling cylinder (water).....l7 1/4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)ll 1/2 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............854 p.s.i.
Normelurecoil... ............ . ...... .....1150 mm (45 1/4 in)
Maximum recoil..........................1l70 mm (46 in)

10.5 cm. l.F.H.18 (M) (Con't)
carriage........................Split tra%1
Type of
Elevation...............................—7 to 40 30'
Equilibrator............................Pneumatic (one)
Note: Approximately 1 pint of liquid
is used as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrator............583 to 612 p.s.i.
Sighting mechanism......................Z.E. 34 (with Rbl.F. 32,36 or 37)
Types of ammunition (6 charges / long
range)................................H.E.. A.P., H.C., Smoke. Inc., Star,
Propaganda, Long range. Ind.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. ~ 82.6 lb.
AePe _ 34.6 lb.
H.C. - 27.1 lb.
Smoke — 32.4 lb.
ITICe "' 53.6 lb.
Star - 20.8 lb.
Propaganda - 30 lb.
Long range - 32.6 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./eec..............H.E. - 1541
App. "' 1295
H.C. — 1624
Smoke - 1574
Inc. - 1516
Star - 1575
Propaganda - 1575
Long range - 1772
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 11.640 yd.
A.P. -
10,280 yd.
H.C. -
1640 yd. (A.T.)
Star ~ 8530 yd.
Propaganda - 744-0 yd.
Long Range - 13.480 yd.
Use against armored targets.............H.C. shell used against armor at
ranges up to 1640 yards; H.E. and
A.P. used at ranges up to 1750 yards.
Weight in action........................4255 lb.
Overall length (travelling poeition)....253 in.
width (travelling position).............77 3/4 in.
Height (travelling poeition)............74 in.
Method of transport.....................Horeedrawn or towed by B—ton semi-
tracked vehicle.

10.5 cm. ;;r.H. 18/40

Except for the fitting of projecting wings to the muzzle brake and
the modification of the breech to enable the gun to be fired from the left,
the howitzer, recoil mechanism, and cradle are the same as on the 10.5 cm.
The howitzer is mounted on a modified 7.5 cm. Pak 40 carriage. The
top carriage has been altered and strengthened, the trails have been re-
inforced, larger spades have been fitted, a single brake lever operates
both brakes, and larger wheels are used. The new carriage enable: the
gunner to traverse, elevate, and fire the weapon.

Ballistically, the gun is identical with the 1.F.H.18(M), the same

range tables and ammunition being used.


Caliber.......u.o..... .....
euueo-so--.010u5 cm. (4013 in)
Length of howitzer (including breech
ring and muzzle brake).... ............128 1/4 in.
Length of howitzer (including breech
ring).................................115 3/4 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........28
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)...... ..... ................Normal 3/8 in.— 8
proj. 9 1/4 in.
.Long range —

Chamber capacity........................Normal - 184.25

Long range proj. 144.57

Length of rifling....-..................94 3/8 in.

Riflin;.................................Increasing right hand twist, 82

lands and grooves.

Breech mechanism........................Horiyontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....13 1/10 pints
Content of cooling cylinder (water).....l7 1/4 pints
Content of recuperntor cylinder (liquidlll 1/2 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............854 p.s.i.
Normal recoil. ..... .. ..... ..............1150 mm (45 1/4 in)
Maximum recoil..........................ll70 mm (46 in)
Type of carriage... ....... ..............Split trail
Elevationv.~............................-6 to 40
Equilibrntor............................Pneumatic (one)
Note: Approximately 1 pint of liquid
is used as an air seal.

_ 63 _
10.5 cm. 1.F.H. 18/40 jCon't)
Air pressure in equilibrator............583 to 612 p.e.i.
Sighting mechanism......................Z.E. 34 (with Rbl.F.32, 36 or 37)
Types of ammunition (6 charges { long
range)................................E.E., A.P., 8.0., Smoke, Inc., Star,
Propaganda. Long range, Ind.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. — 32.6 lb.
AePe - 34.6 lb.
3.0. - 27.1 lb.
Smoke 82.4 lb.
Inc. - 33.6 lb.
Star - 30.8 lb.
Propaganda - 30 1b.
Long range - 82.6 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. — 1541
A.P. - 1295
H.C. - 1624
Smoke - 1574
Inc. — 1516
Star - 1575
Propaganda - 1575
Long range - 1772
Maximum range...........................H.E. — 11,640 yd.
‘ 10.280 yd.
1640 yde (A-To)
8530 yd.
Propagonde ~ 7440 yd.
Long range - 13,480 yd,
Use against armored targete.............H.C. shell used against armor at
rangee up to 1640 yards. H.E. and
A.P. used at ranges up to 1750 yards.
weight in action-..................oo...3960 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....242 in.
Width (travelling position).............83 in.
Height (everall)........................72 in.
Method of transport.....................Horeeiraun or towed by S-ton semi-
tracked vehicle.
10.5 cm. Geb. H.4O

This mountain howitzer is the latest of this type weapon to be


The tube is fitted with a muzzle brake. The powder chamber is

longer than that of the 1.F.H.18 series. The wheels are mounted on stub
axles on the trails, and remain parallel to the trails when they are
opened. In the firing position. the wheels are usually removed and the
gun is given 8-point suspension by means of a firing pedestal.

The weapon can be disassembled into nine loads for pack or airborne

Caliber.................................10.5 cm. (4.18 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring and muzzle brake)................185 1/8 in.
Length of howitzer (including breech
ring).................................122 1/16 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........80
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile).................,.........18 in.
Chamber capacity........................189.l7
- 55 _
10.5 cm. Geb. H.40 (Can't)
Length of rifling ......... ....... ...... .94 3/4 in.
Rifling ...... ...........................Increaeing right hand twist, 32 lands
and grooves.
Breech mechaniem........................Horizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic (variable)
Content of recoil cylinder(11qu1d)......
Content of recuperator cylinder(liquid).
Air pressure in recuperator.............682 p.s.i.
Length of recoil........................Variab1e - from 500 (19 13/16 mm in)
to 1250 (49 8/16 in)
Type of carriage. ...... .................Sp11t trail
Elevation ..... . ......... ................—5° to 70°
Traverse. ..... ......... ...... ...........50°
Equilibrators....... ..... . ........ ......Two spring
Sighting mechanism........ ..... .........Z.E.84 (with Rb1.F.8?, 36 or 87)
Types of ammunition.....................H.E., H.C.. Smoke. Star
(H.E. and Smoke — 7 charges
H.C. and Star — charge 6)
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 82.6 lb.
H.C. — 27.1 lb.
Smoke - 83.4 1?.
Star — 30.8 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec. ...... .. ..... H.E. - 1870
3.0. — 1509
Smoke —
Star - 1575
Maximum range. ...... ....................H.E. - 13.810 yd.
H.C. - 8.750 yd.
Smoke - 13,810 yd.
Star - 7.550 yd.
targets.............H.C. shell

Use against armored used at ranges up to

1640 yd.
Weight in action........................3660 1b.
Overall length (travelling poeition)....218 in.
Width (travelling position)...... ...... .54 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....59 in.
Method of transnort......... ...... ......Towed by vehicle, pack, or airborne.
e. 10 cm. K.18

The actual caliber of this medium gun is 10.5 cm.

The carriage is interchangeable with that of the 15 cm. e.F.H.18.

The gun and carriage, when horse-drawn, are moved in two separate sections.
When motor-drawn, the tube is retracted to a travelling position on the
By utilizing a ground platform. traverse of 360° may be obtained.

This gun is being replaced in eervice by the 3.10 cm. K.42.

Caliber.................................10.5 cm. (4.13 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)...216 15/16 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............52
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)...........................31 1/8 in.
Chamber capacity........................H.E. - 476, A.P. - 502
Length of rifling.......................167 8/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist, 86
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....87 pints
Content of cooling cylinder (water).....35 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquidi40 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............616 p.s.i.
Normal recoil...........................920 (56 3/16 mm in)
Maximum necoil..........................970 (38 3/16 mm in)
Type of carriage........................Split trail
Elevation...............................O° to 45°
Equilibrators...........................Two spring
Sighting mechanism......................Z.E.34 (with Rb1.F.16, 82, 86 or 37)
Types of anmunition (3 charges).........H.E., A.P., Ranging, Smoke
Weight Of projectile....-...n..........H.E. " 82.6
AePe " 34.7
Ranging — 34.2
Muzzle ft./sec..............H.E.
velocity in - 2740
A.P. - 2697
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 20,860 yd.
A.P. - 17,820 yd.

- 57 _
s. 10 Cm. K.18 (Con't)

Penetration of homo. armor in inches

auto-oo-n-oIon-onnlntaoa-tnuoptic-on... 00016.: 1590 Ed. .2000 Ed:
(Normal.. ..... . 6.0 sgs 5.2
A.P. Projectile.....)
(30°...o....... 5.1 4.7 4.8

Weight in action — ......... .12,038 lb.

motordrawn...........12,412 1b.
Weight in travelling position —

motordrawn.... ..... ..14.154 lb.

Overall length (travnlling poaition -
motordrawn)..........344 in.
Width (travelling position)....... ..... .89 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....67 1/2 in. '
Method of trensport.....................Horsodravn (two leads), or towed by
8 or 12 ton semi—tracked vehicle.

e. 10 cm. K. 18(40

No specimens of this medium gun have been recovered as yet, and all
information given here has been obtained from captured German documents.

The carriage of the 3.10 on. K. 18/40 is fundamentally the same as

that of the s.lO cm. K.18. The recoil and recuperator piston rods have
been lengthened. and pneumatic equilibrators have replaced the spring
equilibrators of the earlier model.
The 52 caliber: long
gun of the K.18 has been replaced by a gun 60
calibers long. The powder chamber has been enlarged, and a maximum range
of 23,000 yards, against that of 20,860 yards for the K.18, has been

is believed to be an experimental model which

The s.10 cm. K. 18/40
was developed before the introduction of the 8.10 cm. K.42. The latter
gun is ballistically the same as the K.18/40, and it is probable that many
of the features of the K.18/40 have been incorporated in the design of the

Caliber.................................10.5 cm. (4.13 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)...248 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............60
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)...........................40 11/16 in.
Chamber capacity........................619
Length of rifling.......................190 7/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist, 86
lands and grooves.
mechanism........................Hori ontal sliding
Breech wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....85 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)36 pints
Air pressure in recuperator........ ..... 682 p.s.i.
Normal recoil...........................75O mm (29 1/2 in)
Maximum recoil..........................800 mm (31 1/2 in)

s. 10 cm. K. 18/40 (Con‘t)

Type of carriage........................Split trail

Elevation...............................O° to 45°
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: A small amount of liquid is
used as an air seal.
Air‘prossure in equilibrators...........498 p.s,i.
Sighting mechanism...”.................Z.E. 34 (with Rbl.F. 32, 36 or 37)
Types of ammunition (3 charges).........H.E., A.P., Ranging
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 82.6 lb.
A.P. ~ 84.7 lb.
Ranging - 34.2 lb.
Muzzle ft./sec..............H.E.
velocity in — 2900
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 28.000 y6.
Weight in action — motordrawn...........12,500 lb.
Weight in travelling position —
motordraun...........14,850 lb.
Overall length (travelling position)....
Width (tra.ve1]ing poeition)............ .
Overall height (travelling position)....
Methods of transport....................Horeedravn (two loads), or towed by
8 or 13 ton semi—tracked vehicle.

- 7O _
lQ:5 cm. Flak 38 and 39

Two models of this gun are in service for use against air and ground
targets. It is produced in both mobile and static versions, and may also
be mounted on railway carriages.

" The difference between the two models is that the Flak 38 uses the
Ubertragungsgerat 30 (Trans iseion System §0) and Mechanical Fuse Setter
88. while the Flak 89 uses Ebertragungsgerat 87 and Mechanical Fuze Setter
89. Ballistically, both models are identical.

Th guns are designed for power or manual operation, and are fired
electrically. The traversing and elevating mechanism gears have two
speeds for manual operation. The automatic rammer is operated by an
electric motor. or in emergencies, by hand.

Caliber.................................lO.5 cm. (4.18 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring)...261 5/8 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............63
Length of chamber.......................27 1/2 in.
Chamber capecity........................446
rifling.........-.............217 3/4 in.
Length Of
Rifling.................................Right hand twist, 36 lands and
mechanism........................Horizonta1 sliding
Breech wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropn.eumatic (variable)
Content of reuwil mechanism (liquid)....81 1/4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)
Air pressure in recuperator.............1058 p.s.i.
Norma.1 recoil — at 85° Oelevation........900 mm (35 3/8 in)
Maximum recoil - at 85° eleva.tion.......935 mm (86 13/16 in)
Type of carriage........................Cruciform platform with pedestal
Elevation”.....................u....u-3° to 85°
Equilibratorseuu..u..”on..."......Two Spring
Fire control equipment..................AAp do.Gr.36 or 40"(Director)
ertragungsgerat 80 or 8?
K60. Hi.Gr.85 (Aux.Director)
with 4-meter base range finder.
GrOund ~ Z.F.20 E x 6 (Telescope)
Note: A panoramic telescope, Rbl.F.
Flak, is used to orient the
gun with the director and for
indirect fire.
- 71 -
lO-E cm. Flak 38 and 39 (Con'tl
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............H.E.. A.P.C.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 83.3 lb.
A.P.C. - 34.8 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./soc..............H.E. '— 2887
A.P.C. ~ 2821
Maximum horizontal r2nge................H.E. - 19,250 yd.
Maximum cciling.........................87,4OO ft.
Effective c.111ng.......................31,ooo ft. (estimated)
Rate of fire............................12 to 15 np.m.
Penetration of homo. plate in inches
atnulhilI'IIIOIIIOII'IQOOOIIOIOIOOOOO;OOO Eds. 1500 ag. 2000 ads.
(No:ma1........ 6.54 6.06 5.65
A.P.C. Projectile...).
(80°........... 5.53 5.16 4.78

Weight in action........................22,520 lb.

Weight in travelling position...........88,000 1b.
0ver9ll length (travelling position)....83l in.
Width (travulling position).............96 in.
Overall height (terelling position)....114 in.
Method of transport.....................Towed by lZ—ton semi-tracked vehicle.

- 72 -

This heavy anti—aircraft gun, though hot entirely replacing the

10.5 cm. Flak, is being manufactured at the expense of the smaller caliber
weapon. The 12.8 cm. Flak 40 and the 8.8 cm. Flak 41 are the standard
heavy AA guns in German service.

In action, the gun is extremely high off the ground, the platforms
are provided for the ammunition handlers and loader. The platform on which
the loader stands is geared to the left trunnion in such a way that it is
raised or lowered according to the degree of elevation of the gun.
The gun may be transported on a mobile carriage (Sonderanhgnger 200)
mounted on railway vehicles, or mounted in static emplacements. A twin
mount, the 12.8 Flakzwilling 40, is also in Service. No specimens of the
Flekzwilling have been recovered, and it
is believed that this model is
mounted in flak towers and is used in the AA defense of Berlin and other
important cities.
The gun is electrically fired.

Caliber............................,...12.8 cm. (5.04 in)

Length of gun (including breech ring)..808 1/2 in.
Length of gun in calibers..... .....
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile):.........................35 11/16 in.
Length of rifling......................255 1/8 in.
Rifling................................Increesing right hand twist, 4O
lands and grooves.
mechanism.......................Horizontal sliding
Breech wedge
Recoil mechenism..................;....Hydropneumatic (variable)
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid)....65 1/2 pints
Content of recuperator (liquid)........95 pints
Air pressure in recuperator............782 p.s.i.
Length of recoil - 25° elevation.......lOOO to 1500 mm (39 3/8 to 51 3/16 in)
55°elevation....... 950 to 1200 mm (37 3/8 to 47 1/4 in)
88°elevation......; 1000 mm (36 7/16 to 39 3/8 in)
Type of carriage.................l.....Rectangu1ar bese with pedestal mount
Elevetion..............................—3° to 88°
Equilibrators..........................Two hydropneumatic
Content of equilibrators (liquid)......38 4/5 pints
12.8 cm. Flak 4O LCon't)
Air pressure in oquilibrators...........1024 p.s;i.
Fire control equipment..................AA~Kdo. Gr. 40 LDirector)
artragungsgert 3? (transmission
Direct - Z.F. 80E x 6 (Telescope)
Note: A telescopic sight, Rbl.F. Flak.
is used to orient gun with direc-
tor and for indirect fire.
Types of ammunition (Fixed).............HF
.-., A...C. , A.P.C.B.C.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. 57.2 lb. —

A.P.C. 58.1 lb. —

A.P 0.3.0. - 62.5 lb.

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec.............. H. E. - 2890
P. C. B.n — 2820
Maximum range...............
Maximum ceiling............ ..... ...... .48, 500 ft.
Effective ceiling......... ..... .........85.000 ft. (estimated)
Practical rate of fire.. ..... .. ..... ....12 r.p.m.
Weight in action - static mount. ..... ...28,600 lb.
Overall length static mount. ..... .....859 in.

Weight in action — mobile mount. ...... ..37.4OO lb.

Overall length in action mobile mount.35 in.

Overall height in action - mobile mount.125 in.

Weight in travelling position —
mobile mount. 59, 400 lb.
Overall length (on Sonderanhgnger 200)..590 in.
Width (on Sonderanhanger 200)...........156 in.
Method of transport.....................TOWed by vehicle. Static model may be
transported on two trailers - one for
tube and one for the mount.

It is
The 15 cm. s.I.G.33 is a standard German infantry support howitzer.
a very compact weapon and may be found with steel-rimmed wheels or
solid rubber tires.
A stick bomb which fits into the muzzle is used against armored
targets at short ranges. An incendiary shell has been mentioned in capp
tured documents, but no details are available.

The mechanism is similar to that of the 10.5 cm. l.F.H.lB.

The only differences are: a greater complexity of the packing at the
rear of the recoil cylinder; the expansion chamber of the reocil cylinder
is outside the cylinder itself, and is connected to it by a pipe; no
cooling cylinder is provided.

Caliber.................................l4.9 cm. (5.87 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring).................................64 9/16 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........ll
Length of chamber.......................5 1/8 in.
Length of rifling.......................50
11/16 in.
Rifling.................................Uniform right hand twist. 44
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horizonta1 sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Hydropneumatic
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....l4 3/4 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)5 3/4 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............661 to 690 p.s.i.
Normal recoil.......... ................
Maximum recoil.............. ......... ...1200 (47 1/4 mm in)
Type of carriage........................Modified box
Elevation...............................O° to 73°
Traverse. ...... .........................ll0 30'
Equilibrators...........................Two spring
Sighting equipment......................Z.E.34 (with Rbl.F.16, 82. 36 or 87)
Types of ammunition (6 charges).........H.E., H.C., Smoke. Stick bomb
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 83.6 lb.
Smoke - 85 lb.
Stick bomb — 197 lb.

_ 75 -
15 cm. :.I.G.38 Con[§l

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 787

H.C. - 790
Smoke — 781
Stick bomb — 888
Maximum range...........................H.E. - 5,140 yd.
Smoke ~ 5,030 yd.
Stick bomb - 1,120 y.
Weight in action........................3,360 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....l45 in.
Width (travelling position).............82 in.
Overall height (travelling position)....64 in.
Method of transport.....................Horsedrawn or towed by 8-ton semi-
tracked vehicle.

_ 75 _
;5 cm. s.r.H.18

The 15 cm. is the standard divisional medium howitzer in

the German army. The carriage is interchangeable with that of the s.10
cm. K.18.
The gun and carriage, when horsedrawn, are moved in two separate
sections. When motordrawn, the howitzer is retracted to a travelling
position on the cradle.
This model is being replaced in service by the 15 cm. I.F.H.42.
Another model. the s.F.H. 18/40. has been mentioned incaptured documents.
From latest available information. it appears that the s.F.H. 18/40 was
used experimentally in the process of the development of the s.F.H.42.


Caliber..................................l4.9 cm. (5.87.1n)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring)..................................173 1/4 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers...........29.5
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)............................l4 5/16 in.
Chamber capacity.........................440.59
Length.of rifling........................l42 5/8 in.
Rifling..................................Increasing right hand twist, 4O
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism.........................Eorizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism.........................Hydropneumatie
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid)......37 pints
Content of cooling cylinder.......;......35 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid).40 Pints
Air pressure in recuperator..............616 p.s.i.
Normal recoil............................1120 (44 mm 1/8 in)
Maximum recoil...........................ll70 (46 mm 1/16 in)
Type of carriage.........................Split trail
Elevation................................0 to 45°
Equilibrators............................Twe spring
Sighting mechanism.......... ..... ........Z.E.34 (with Rb1.F.16, 32, 36 or 37)
Types of ammunition (8 charges)..........H.E., 3.0., Anti-concrete, Smoke
(2 types), Rocket-assisted.

-177 _
15 cm. S.F.H.18 (Can't)
Weight of projectile....................H.E. — 95.7 lb.
H.C. - 54.0 lb.
Anti-concrete — 83.2 lb.
Smoke - 85.7 lb.
Rocket assinted — 99.4 lb.
Muzzln velocity in ft./scc..............H.E. ~ 1705
3.0. — 1510
Anti-concrete - 1705
Rocket assisted — 1755
Maximum range.............n.n.........H.E. " 14.570 yd.-
Rocket assisted — 20,775 yd.
Weight in action - motordrawn...........12,126 1b.
horaedrawn...........ll,752 1b.
Weight in travelling position -
motordrawn...........13,869 lb.
Overall length (travelling position —

motordrawn).............................809 in.
Width (travclling position).............89 in.
Overall height..........................67 1/2 in.
Mathod of transport.....................Horsedrawn (two loads), or towed by
8 or 12 ton semi-trackod vehicle.

_ 78 -
15 cm. s.F.H. 18/4Q

The 15 cm. s.F.H. 18/40 is an improved version of the 15 cm. s.F.H.18.

No specimens of this medium howitzer have been recovered, and all informa-
tion given here has been obtained from captured German documents.
The carriage of the e.F.H. 18/40 is interchangeable with that of the
8.10 cm. K.18/40.

The 29.5 calibere long howitzer of the 15 cm. s.F.H. 18 has been re—
placed by a honit7er 32.5 calibers long. The s.F.H. 18/40 is fitted with
a muzzle brake, and the powder chamber has a much larger capacity than that
of the earlier model.

The same projectiles are fired by the s.F.H.18 and 18/40. Charges 1
to 8 are adjusted for the 18/40 to give the same muzzle velocities and
ranges as for the s.F.H.18. An additional charge 9 is fired by the 18/40.

The 15 cm. s.F.H. 18/40 is believed to be an eVperimental model

which was developed before the introduction of the 15 cm. e.F.H.42. The
latter howitzer is bellietically the same as the s.F.H. 18/40. and it
appears to be the final model. incornorating many of the features of the’
e.F.H. 18/40.


Caliber.................................14.9 cm (5.87 in)

Length of howitzer (including breech
ring and muzzle breke)................312 1/8 in.
Length of howitzer (including breech
15/16 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........32.5
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)...........................19 15/16 in.
Chamber capacity........................601
Length of rifling.......................154 5/8 in.
Rifling..........................;......Increasing right hand twist. 4o
lends and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horizontal sliding wedge
Fecoil mechanism.........t..............Hydropneumatic

15 Cm. s.F.H. 18/40 (Can't)
Content of recoil cylinder (liquid).....4l 1/2 pints
Content of recuperator cylinder (liquid)40 2/5 pints
Air pressure in recuperator.............682 p.s.i.
Normal recoil...........................880 (34 11/16 in)

Maximum recoil..........................920 (36 3/16 in)


Type of carriage........................Sglit trail

Elevstion...............................0 to 45°
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: A small amount of liquid 1'
used as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrators...........498 p.e.i.
Sighting mechanism......................Z.E. 34 (with Rbl.F. 32, 36 or 37)
Types of ammunition (9 charges).........H.E.. H.C., Anti-concrete, Smoke.
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 95.7 lb.
3.0. 54.0 lb.
Anti—concrete - 88.2 lb.
Smoke - 85.7 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sec..............H.E. - 1952

H.C. ~ 1510
Anti-concrete — 1952
Maximum range......n...................H.E. "' 16.514 yd.
Weight in action - motordrawn...........12,585 lb.
Weight in travelling position
(motordrawn)..........................14,345 1b.
Overall length (travelling position)....
Width (travelling position).............
Overall height (travelling position).....
Method of transport.....................Eoreedrawn (two loade) or towed by
8 or 12 ton semi-tracked vehicle.

l? cm. K. in Mrs.Laf,

This equipment is the standard heavy gun of the German army. The
carriage is interchangeable with that of the 21 Cm.; tht 17 cm.
weapon may not be fired at elevations above 50°. hOVGVET, while the 21
cm. Mrs. 18 can be fired at the maximum elevation of 70°.

Two recoil mechanisms absorb the shock of firing. One mechanivm,

with the recoil cylinder within the cradle and the recuperator cylinder
mounted above the tube, functions for the gun. The second recoil
mechanism, with the recoil and recuperctor cylinders mounted side by
side in the lower carriage, functionc for the top carriage.

A pivot platform, which is attached to a supporting frame below

the lower carriage, is lowered to permit 360° traverse.

Caliber.................................l7.25 cm. (6.79 in)
Length of gun (including breech ring)...336 in.
Length of gun in calibers...............50.2
Length of chamber — from base of 188
lb. projectile......57 3/8 in.
— from bese of 150

1b. projectile......58 8/16 in.

Chamber capacity with 138'1b. V

- With 150 lb.
Length ofrifling.......................255 in.
Rifling..............r..................Incressing right hand tWist, 48
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Horizontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Two hyropneumatio
Content of gun recoil cylinder (li"uid).60 1/4 pints
Content of gun recuperator cylinder
(liquid)..............................93 pints
Air pressure in gun recuperator.........?80 p.s.i.
Content of carriage recoil cylinder
(liquid)..............................42 1/2 pints
Content of carriage recuperator
cylinder (liquid).....................46 172 pints
Air presure in carriage recuperator....780 p.s.i.
Normal gun recoil (at 50° elevetion)....860 mm (F5 7/8 in)
Maximum gun mm (36 5/8 in)
Normal top Carripge recoil (pt 10°
elevation)............................12FO mm (49 7/16 in)
Maximum top carriagerecoil.............1470 mm (66 5/16 in)
Type of carriege........................Moified box tréil

17 cm. K. in Mrs.Lef. (Con't)

Elevation.... .......................... .0°to 50°

mraversc................................16° (or 360° with platform)
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: 8 2/5 pints of liquid are used

Types of
as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrators...........625 p.s.1.
ammunition.....................H.E.. H.E.E.C.. A.P.
(H.E. and A.P. - l to.3 charges:
H.E.B.C. - Charge 4 only.)
Weight of projectile....................H.E. - 150 lb.
H.E.B.C. - 138 lb.
Muzzle velocity in ft./sac..............H.E. a 2822
H.E.B.C. - 3035
Maximum range...........................H.E. ~ 80.620 yd.
HoEnE-Co "' 82.270 yd.
‘f.ight in action.....o.o......o...-.....37,830 lb.
Weight in travelling position (as
one wilt)......................o...-..40,920 lb.
Weight in treVelling position (2
sections).............................Carriage section - 26,400 lb.
Gun section — 24,630 lb.
Overall length (travelling position —

as one unit)..........................588 in.

iidth (travelling position — as one
unit)ouocoon-cootoI-CoOOOo-ooII-oooooolll 1/2 in.
Overall height (travelling position -
as one unit)..........................124 1/2 in.
Method of transport.....................0ne or two soctione - towod by
semi—tracked vehicles.

\- 82 -
This 21 cmw heavy howitzer is the companion piece for the 17 cm. X.
in Mrs. Laf.. the carriage: being interchangeable.
The elevating mechanism has two handles. One, with high speed gear,
is on the right side of the carriare, and the other, with low speed gear.
is on the left for fine adjustments.
The traversing arc is housed in the trail float, and traverse is ob-
tained by the trail being pivoted about the arc. This are permits 16°
traverse. The carriage can be traversed 360° by utilizing a pivot platform.
For short distances. the equipment can be towed as one unit, but for
long moves the howitzer is carried in a special limber. When towed as one
unit. the weapon can be put into action in ten minutes.

Caliber.................................21.09 cm. (8.3 in)

Length of howitzer (including’breech
/block)................................256 in.
Length of howitzer in calibers..........31
Length of chamber (from base of
projectile)..,........................25 5/16 in.
Chamber capacity........................l494.5
Length of rifling.......................207 5/8 in.
Rifling.................................Increasing right hand twist, 64
lands and grooves.
Breech mechanism........................Hori7ontal sliding wedge
Recoil mechanism........................Two hydropneumetic
Content of howitzer recoil cylinéer
(liquid)..............................60 1/4 tints .
Content of howitzer recuperator
cylinder (lirmid).....................93 pints
Air pressure in howitzer recuperator....780 p.s.i.
Content of carriage recoil cylinder
(linuid)..............................42 1/2 pints
Content of carriage recuperator cylinder
(liouid). ......... ....................46 1/2 pints
Air pressure in carriage recuperytor....780 p.s.i.
Normal howitzer recoil (st 70°
elev?tion)............................850 mm (38 1/2 in)
Maximum recoil..........u......950
howitzer mm (37 3/8 in)
Normal carriage recoil (at 15°
elevation)“..........................12OO m (47 5/16 in)

- 88 _

21 cm. Mrs. 18 (Con‘tz
Maximum carriage recoil.................1480 mm (58 1/4“in)
Type of carriage........................Modified box trail
Elevation. ..... .........................0° to 70°
Traverse................................16° (or 360° with platform)
Equilibrators...........................Two pneumatic
Note: 3 2/5 pints of liquid are used
as an air seal.
Air pressure in equilibrators... ...... ..470 p.s.i.
Types of ammunition (6 charges).........H.E. (two types). Anti-concrete
(two types)
Weight of projectile....................H.Es - 249
Anti-concrete 267 —

Anti-concrete - 298 (approx)

Muzzle velocity in ft./sec........ ..... .H.E. - 1854
Anti-concrete (267 lb) - 1800
Maximum range.. .....
....................H.E. - 18.300 yd.
Anti-cencrete (267 1b) - 18.300 y.
Weight in action......... ........ .......36,740 lb.
Weight in travelling position (as one
unit).................................39.820 lb.
Weight in travelling position (2
sections).............................Carriage section - 26,400 lb.
Howitzer section - 23,540 lb.
Overall length (travelling position -
as one unit)..........................504 in.
Width (travelling position — as one
unit). ................................111 1/2 in.
Overall height (travelling position -
as one unit)..........................124 l/2 in.
Method of transport.....................0ne or two sections — towed by
semi-tracked vehicles.


Colonel. O .. D pt..

- 84 _

APO 887.


The following additions to the nomenclature of weapons should

be made:

P2390 2: after 5.7 Cm. A.T. Gun 1+1 "Sis—3"

Add: (5.7 cm. Pak 208 (1'))

@3322, after 7.62 cm. Field Gun 33

Add: (7.62 cm. F.K. 298 (r))

EM, after 7.62 cm. Field Gun 42 "Sis-3"
Add: (7.62 cm. F.K. 288 (r))
after 7.62 cm. Mountain Gun 09

Add: (7.62 cm. Gob. K. 293 (r))

Eggg_§, after 12.2 cm. Light Field Howitzer 09/37
Add: (12.2 cm. 1. F.H. 386 (r))
1233:; after MODEL 2. - Very effective

Add: (20.3 cm. H. 503/3 (r))

The following correction should be made:

Page [1-, paragraph on 7.62 cm. Mountain Gun 38

Length of tube should be:

21.2 Calibers (64.2 in.).

APO 887

19 December 1944.


SUBJECT: Characteristics of Russian Artillery.

Fr0m Artillery Section of "Merkblatt 19/1" "Handbook
German Manual
of the Russian Army" translated by T/B L. Dorpalen and edited
by lst Lt. Joseph Cohen, Enemy Equipment & Intelligence Section (0rd)
Hq. Com. Z., ETCUSA.

1. General : the items of equipment captured by the Germans from

other nations utilized by the German Army are many Russian Artillery wea-
pons. Some of these have been encountered in action along the Western Front.
Reproduced in this report are photographs and brief descriptions of twentyhsix
Russian Artillery pieces, which may be used as an aid in the identification of
Russian weapons in German service.

It is of interest to compare the characteristics of these weapons with

those of U.S. Artillery of similar caliber and type.

2. Photographs and Characteristics of Russian Artillery are listed

below: (Known German nomenclature is given in parentheses.)

Length of tube:
46 Calibers (81.6 in)
Weight of projectile:
A.P. 3.15 lb; HoEe 407 1b.
Maximum muzzle velocity:
A.P. 2484 ft/sec.i
H.E. 1095 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
A.P. 9660 yards;
H.E. 5090 yards.
Weight in Action: 1122 lb.
4.5 cm. A.T. Gun 32 (4.5 cm. Pak 184 (r))
Split trail carriage on steel spoke wheels with bullet-proof rubber tires
or on iron rimmed wooden wheels.

Length of tube:
46 Calibers (81.6 in)
Weight of projectile:
A.P. 3.15 lb; H.E. 4.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
A.P. 2484 ft/sec.
H.E. 1095 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
A.P. 9660 yards;
H.E. 5090 yardS.
Weight in Action: 1232 1b.

4.5 cm. A.T. Gun 37 (4.5 cm. Pak 184/l(r))

Split trail carriage on steel spoke wheels with bullet-proof rubber tires.

Length of tube:
73 Calibers (163.9 in).
\‘rmr. ‘ Weight of projectile:

AoPo 6.91 lb; HoEe 902 1b.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
3333 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
A.P. 4360 yards;
H.E. 5660 yards.
Weight in Action: 2E75 Ib.
5.7 cm. A.T. 0151173194“
Split trail carriage on steel disk wheels with bullet-proof rubber tires.

Length of tube:
16.5 Calibers (49.4 in).
Weight of projectile:
13.3 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
1263 ft/sec.
Maximum range: 9320 yards.
Weight in Action:
1716 lb.

7.62 cm. Infantry Howitzer 27 (7.62 cm. Inf. K. M.‘290(r))

Box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels or on steel spoke wheels
with solid rubber tires.

Length of tube:
30 Calibers (90 in.).
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2076 ft/sec .
Maximum range: 13500 yards.
Weight in Action:
2904 lb.

7.62 cm. Field 0;; 02/30 L/30 (7.62 cm. F.K. 295/1(r))
Box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels.

Length of tube:
40 Calibers (120 in.).
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2223 ft/sec.
Maximum range: 14,150 yards.
Weight in Action:
2970 lb.
. H . . may."

7.62 cm. Field Gun 02/30 L/4o (7.62 F.K. 295/2(r))

Box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels.

Length of tube:
50 Calibers (150.4 in)
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2310 ft/eec.
Maximum ranges
14,600 yards.
Weight in Action:
3520 lb.
7.62 cm. Field Gun 33

Box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels.

Length of tube:
51.1 Calibers (153.3 in)
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2310 ft/sec.
uaximum range:
14,600 yards.
Weight in Action:
3564 lb.

7.62 cm. Field Gun 36 (7.62 cm. F.K. 296 (r

(Has been modified to 7.62 Pak 36)
Split trail carriage on welded spoke wheels with solid rubber tires or disk
wheels with pneumatic tires.
EQ:§:(This weapon is used extensively by the Germans as the
7.62 cm. Pak 36. The chamber has been enlarged and a
muzzle brake added).

Length of tube:
42 Calibers (129.9 in)
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2223 ft/eec.
Maximum range:
116,150 yards.
Weight in Action.
”“* Avifx 2464 1b.

7.62 cm. Field Gun 39 (7.62 8m. F.K. 297(r))

Split trail carriage on steel wheels with bullet-proof rubber tires.

NOT§:(This weapon is in German service as the 7.62 cm. F.K. 297(r)
and 7.62 Pak 39. The chamber has been enlarged and a
muzzle brake added).

17-635 ~3-
Length of tube:
42 Calibers (125.8 in.)
Weight of projectile:
1307 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2223 ft/seo.
Maximum range:
14,150 yards.
Weight in Action:
2464 lb.
7.62 cm. Field Gun 42 "515-3"
(Also in use as 7.62 cm. A.T. Gun)
Split trail carriage on steel wheels with rubber tires.
Some models of this gun may be marked "76-41"

Length of tube:
16.5 Calibers (49.8 in.)
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
1245 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
7630 yards.
Weight in Action:
1378 lb.

7.62 cm. Mountain gun 09

Two section box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels.

Length of tube:
21.4 Calibers (160 in.)
Weight of projectile:
13.7 lb.
Maximum muzzle Velocity:
2190 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
11,000 yards.
Weight in Action:
‘. 1727 lb.
7.02 cm. Mountain Gun 38 (7.62 cm. Geb. x. 307 (r))
Three section box trail carriage on steel wheels with rubber tires.

length of tube:
38 Calibers (160 in.)
Weight of projectile:
37.8 lb.
Maximum muzzle velocity:
2190 ft/sec.
Maximum range:
17,520 yards.
Weight in Action:
r‘” ‘, 5236 lb.
w "at? 11:“ 3" 1
‘1. 1
, . t > .1. [In “w“ .
1 .

10.7 cm. Gun 10/30 (10.7 cm. K. 352 (r))

Box trail carriage on iron rimmed wooden wheels.
- I- -_Z.
III -----

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