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Revision sheet G5

Fiction Anthology
Q1.What do these words mean:
a.stranger b.gear c.frown d.inference
Q2. What were the consequences of each event below :
a. The two bears were locked in a deadly wrestling match.
b.The snowmobile was completely stuck.
Q3. Put each word or phrase into the correct sentence.
( Jumped _ rushed _ got stuck _ hurried _ skidded _ climbed)
a.When I fell Over, my friends ______Over to help me.
b. Last winter, our car hit a rock and_______ in the Snow.
c.Yesterday, we __________to get to school because we
were late.
d.We_____up and down when we heard we'd won
the prize.
e. Ana____ up the tree to get the football.
f. Last weekend,my key ________in the door-I couldn't move it!
Q4. Look at the extract from Polar Peril. Circle the verbs, underline the Prepositions and
cross out the adverbials.
"Look at Sita!" Amit shouted suddenly. The others turned around.
Sita was charging across the snow towards them. Dr Patel,
Amit and Rupal quickly jumped out of the way. Sita still kept on
running. She lowered her head and rammed into the snowmobile.
It jumped backwards, Sita had pushed it loose!
Suddenly Sita spotted the thief. She stood up on her back legs and
roared. The man looked up. Sita charged towards him. He yelped:
ran back to his snowmobile and drove off into the distance.
Q5. Match the words with definitions.
1.the people who are in a story. a.story structure.
2.the time and place where the story happens. b.setting
3.short part of a text. c.solution.
4.the order of the main parts of the story. d.characters.
5.answer to a problem. e.paragraph.
Q1. a.Stranger: unknown or unfamiliar person.
b. gear : a toothed wheel that workswith others to move or control the speed of the driven
parts (the wheels).
c.frown: scowl
d. inference: when you work something out using clues the author has given you.
Q2. a.Sita might get harmed and the cubs might be killed by the male polar bear.
b. It would be difficult to get to the hut because it's too far .
Q3.a. rushed, b.skidded ,c.hurried ,d.climbed , e.jummped f.got stuck
Q4. Verbs: shouted, turned,jumped, was, lowered, rammed, spotted, stood up,
roared,looked, charged,yelped,ran,drove.
Prepositions: around, across, of ,on,into,up, towards,to.
Adverbial: suddenly, quickly.
Q5. 1-d,2-b,3-e,4-a,5-c
Non-Fiction Anthology

A.Read William Franklin's Secret Diary and answer the questions.
Q1. What things did Benjamin Franklin use to find out that lightning was electricity?
Q2.Why did William think his father was crazy? Why was he happy at the end of the
Q3.Why do you think Benjamin Franklin did a dangerous experiment
like this?
B.Match the words to the definitions.
1.move round and round very fast. a.tiny
2.very, very small piece of something. b.charge
3.very small . c.particle
4.frozen water. d.spin
5. amount of electric current. e.ice
Answers :
Q1. Kite,string and key.
Q2. Because it was a dangerous experiment.He was happy because the experiment
Q3.To prove that thunderclouds make electricity.
Q4. 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-e,5-b
Good luck
Ms Khansaa 😊

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