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To president,

Rotaract club of Tilottama

Rotary International District 3292

Subject: Letter- head Exchange

Dear President,

Namaskar and Warm Rota Greeting!

We, Rotaract Club of Ttilottama feels immense pleasure to exchange the club’s official Letter-head
symbolizing friendship. It’s a matter of cultures, beliefs and the feelings of togetherness. This initiation
taken by us shall build cordial relations between both clubs and connections to uplifting the society

We would like to extend our hands to make our friendship deeper and warmer. It is indeed an honor to
have such friendly relation with your club. We would like to cooperate us in upcoming projects and
events. We hope the plan of our friendship grows into a tree with the passing time. We look forward to
share projects and fellowship events with your club in near days to come.

The entire Tilottama family wishes you, your club members for good health and best wishes for the

Yours in Rotaract!

Rtr. Kamal Aryal Rtr You Raj Bhattarai

President 2023/2024 Secretary 2013/1024

Rotaract Club of Tilottama Rotaract Club of Tilottama

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