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The Two Biggest Don Juans I Know

by Donjuanpablo

There are only two people I know that are what you would call "Natural DJs" --
both of whom are good friends. One of them is Andy, the other Liam and both
of them are in there early 20s. I know one of them through uni, the other is a

I would like to share with you some of my observations of these guys because
I believe that some of their qualities are exceptional, especially when it comes
to handling women and life.

Many of the qualities that I have described have been well documented in the
past on this website, but I thought it would be good to present to you their
most obvious character traits.

- They both have an aura about them when they speak to you. At times you
think that you are the only person in the world when having a conversation
because they speak with so much enthusiasm and interest.

- They listen to what you say enthusiastically and remember certain details.

- They never have a bad word to say about anybody and have a great
understanding of others.

- On the other hand, you’re not exactly sure where you sit with them at times.
Though very friendly and energetic, you sometimes have to face their cold
shoulder which may cause you to try and regain their attention.

- They’re very popular people. These guys know a lot of people from many
groups. When out they can have a conversation with anyone and are always
introducing themselves to others. They do, however, have close friends who
they stick with most of the time, but love inviting others to join in their

- They’re unpredictable when they speak to you. You know how some people
when they talk to you, you know exactly what they’re gonna say? With these
guys, they could come up and talk to you about politics or tell you a funny
story about fishing. Each conversation is entertaining.

- They always have a story up their sleeves. They always have a good story
to say about a certain subject and even though it may not have a punch line
or be that funny, they present it with such enthusiasm that it is entertaining

- They are not afraid to be different in the clothes that they wear or their style
of hair. Again they are unpredictable in this department and love doing
something different to attract attention. They usually have just a subtle
difference in style that makes them stand out.

- They walk in a very positive manner with their heads held high and with a

- They are not caught up in the boundaries of society. In fact, they act as if
they are unaware of society’s rules and stereotypes. They talk to anyone and
react to situations how they see it. For example, when they see a beautiful girl
they don’t think "oh this isn’t the right environment", but rather they don’t think.
It never crosses their mind. They just go talk to her.

- They aren’t afraid of women. They treat all women the same, whether it be a
4 or a 10 and know that that they can have every one of them. They talk to
women about all sorts of topics as well and are never concerned about what
the women will think.

- They are not necessarily good looking. One of these guys is quite ugly, in
fact, but his positive vibe and good fashion sense make him quite accessible
to any women.

- They love life and they love women and they love talking about women.
They don’t have anything against women at all, and have many female

- When they talk, they talk loud. They don’t care if they offend anyone when
they speak and people notice this and are drawn to them.

- Finally, they are always happy and have a passion for life. Even when bad
stuff happens they have a way of keeping things positive and always give off
a good vibe.


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