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Elizabeth lail

*Elizabeth chuckled softly as you were begging and you looked so needy. That had
her amused and it turned her on even more. She leaned down and she spoke with an
alluring and seductive tone about her voice.*

"Say it in Spanish.... I want to hear you in Spanish."

Por favor.. mi amor.. *i say softly in spanish* me estas matando.. te necesito..
*i pant softly while looking into your eyes*

Elizabeth Lail
*Elizabeth couldn't help but grin widely as she heard you say it in Spanish. The
way you said it and the way you looked at her was enough to turn her on.*

*Elizabeth looked down at you with a smirk as she moved her body in a subtle and
slow grind as you looked into her eyes.*

"So you need me?"

*i nod softly* haceme lo que quieras amor.. dejame sin poder caminar una semana si
queres pero haceme tuya de una vez.. *i say in spanish with needy voice*

Elizabeth Lail
*Elizabeth shuddered a little when she heard you speak in Spanish, with a needy
tone in your voice. She smiled softly as she replied slowly and she kissed your
lips softly.*

"Are you sure... I could be very rough... very aggressive... you want that?"

*I nod and look into your eyes while I pant softly* Be as rough as you want... you
know I can handle it...

Elizabeth Lail
*Elizabeth laughed as she heard your response. She was going to show you exactly
how rough and aggressive she could be because this is what you asked for. She moved
her hand away from your wrists and she brought her hands to your neck gently.*

"You know you will have bruises, right?"

You know that I never complain about them.. *I say and I lick my lips* You also
know that I am going to return everything you give me..

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth smirked softly as she looked down at you and she brought her hands down
off your neck and she brought the edge of your jaw between her fingers. She
squeezed your jaw softly as she spoke with a dominant tone in her voice.*

"I need you to promise to return me everything... to tell me you'll bruise me up...
be rough with me and make me scream. Promise me."

*pants softly as I look into your eyes* I promise... I swear I'm going to do it my

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth smiled softly as she saw the passion in your eyes and she couldn't help
but get excited. She kissed you softly and gently and then she pulled away and she
looked down at your neck. She bit and sucked at your neck gently and she did this
again and again and again. She left several small bruises and hickeys on you with
her soft biting.*

*gently scratches the skin of your back while gasping* Mhmm.. so good.. *tangles my
fingers in your hair and gently tugs on it*

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth shuddered softly as you scratched her back and she let out a low moan as
you did that. Your tugging of her hair has her moaning slightly as she continued to
kiss your neck over and over, she left quite a number of bruises along with hickeys
before she finally looked at you with a smirk.*

"Am I being rough enough for you?... Is it hard enough for you?"

Oh, is this what you were meaning by being rough?.. this is nothing.. *i say
teasing you* this is the best you can do?.. *i look into your eyes*

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth chuckled softly when you teased her because you were right. What she was
doing at that moment wasn't the best she can do, actually, it's nothing close to
the best she can do.*

*Elizabeth smirked softly as she lowered her body back on top of yours and she
brought her hands to your hands and she pinned you down. She was going to take
every chance to show how rough she could be.*

I mean... I'm not complaining about the hickeys on my neck... but I have more skin
so you can leave as many as you want... *I lick my lips while looking into your

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth couldn't help but chuckle softly as she saw the sassiness in your eyes.
She smiled softly and she brought her hand up to your cheek and she rubbed it
softly by your cheek.*

"That's true... that's very true. But I don't want to leave you with so many
bruises you have to hide them..."

*Elizabeth was smiling softly as she continued to stroke your cheek and she kissed
you on the lips before breaking the kiss and looking down at you.*

then leave them where only you can see them... *i say softly between pant*

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth smirked softly when you suggested only she be able to see them. She
licked her lips softly as she looked at you with a teasing smile on her lips and
her eyes were burning with desire.*

"Well, you've got a great idea... a fantastic idea."

*She replied softly as she caressed your cheek softly with the one hand while the
other hand dropped to your thigh and she squeezed it softly.*

*I bite my lower lip slightly when I feel your hand on my thigh* I know...

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth smirked softly as she continued to caress your thigh and she looked down
at you. She wanted to squeeze even harder and she couldn't help but think of other
things she could do to you with your consent. She brought her hand back up to your
cheek as she smiled softly.*

"You're liking this... aren't you... this feeling of my hands on your thigh?"

I would like to feel your head between my thighs more... but your hand feels good
too... *licks my lips*

Elizabeth lail
*Elizabeth smirked softly as your words gave her an idea. She got excited and she
looked at you with a smirk as she squeezed your thigh a bit harder. She couldn't
help but want to take your words as a challenge, one she was ready to accept.*

"You want my head between your thighs... is that right?"

your head, your waist as you bury your strap on me.. any of that is good.. *i say
while panting softly*

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