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At the event, you are most welcome to participate in every sort of activity stated that it

doesn't cause any ruckus.

Your radical viewpoint and questioning attitude will be highly appreciated.

We DO NOT condone harassment against ANY participant, for ANY reason.

Harassment includes deliberate intimidation and targeting individuals in a manner that

makes them feel uncomfortable, unwelcomed, or afraid.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

We (The Team) and the venue security will respond to harassment in the manner we deem
appropriate, including but not limited to expulsion from the event with the surety that you
don't show up at any following events we conduct.

This Code of Conduct applies to everyone participating at Cybersec Symposium 2.0 events -
from attendees and exhibitors to speakers, press & volunteers.

Anyone can report harassment. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being
harassed, or have any other concerns, you can contact a volunteer, go to the registration
desk, or info booth.

Respect for privacy is paramount. Do not capture videos or take photos of individuals without
their explicit consent. Also, respect confidentiality requests by speakers and attendees alike.

Diversity and inclusion are core to our event's values. We strive to create an environment
where diverse voices are heard and respected, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, ability,
or background.

We encourage open dialogue and debate, but it must be conducted in a respectful and
constructive manner. Personal attacks, derogatory comments, and disruptive behavior will
not be tolerated.

We ask all participants to be mindful of their language and behaviour online and in social
media pertaining to the event. Posts that undermine the respectful and inclusive nature of
the symposium will be addressed accordingly.
Participants must adhere to the rules and guidelines set by the university, including but not
limited to no-smoking zones, emergency procedures, and other university rules.
Any presentations or content shared at the event should not contain plagiarized material,
violate copyright laws, or incite hatred and discrimination.
We are committed to making the event accessible to everyone. If you require any
accommodations to participate fully, please reach out to us in advance so we can make the
necessary arrangements.

Community Lead
Cisco x LPU iGen

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