Military 4rm Leseh

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Hello dear i want to apologize for the unconventional approach to you and i must

commend you have a good profile.

I’m Sargent Gilchrist, from U.S i work with the U.S Special Forces Operational
Detachment-Alpha team assigned to Company B, 82nd Airborne Division.

I am currently stationed in Afghanistan for a peace keeping mission in support of

Operation Enduring Freedom as a member of the Combined Joint Special Operations
Task Force.

Oh beautiful one please do not take my writing to be offensives, in as much as I

did not have you in mind, honestly I could not ignore the cute looks on your face.

I live in the U.S. with my son and my beautiful daughter, I lost my wife in a car
accident since I've been lonely. Please tell me something about you. Are you
single? I’m looking for a good date. Someone willing to be there, caring, romantic
and honest person.

I feel like dropping millions of words to you. Please do not think am flattering
you. I just need someone to call my friend. I will be very happy to hear from you

Hi Dear,

I am so glad for your kind response,I feel a weight of passion which you conveyed
from your inner self in your message.
However, Let me tell you about myself. I was born 16 December 1966. My son is 9
year, She is being taking care of by a trust family nanny.

I am a fun loving guy and I like taking care of my body.. I go to the gym. I like
the sea, sailing, surfing. Camping kayaking, mountain biking...

I really do not like talking about my early life as a child, i am an orphan from
orphanage home in Malta, but I live in Texas, USA. I am in the Military but
currently stationed in Afghanistan. My Dear, if all wishes do come through my
biggest wish on earth will be to have you as mine for ever, but wishes are mare
feelings and not all do come through.

Please dear feel free to ask me any thing as you wish it, what about you? What do
you like to do for fun? send me your email address, it is better to write through
because we are not always allowed on this site. Please help me to know more about
you as well, what do you expect in a man, I will like to know.


Thanks for giving me your email address and the opportunity to come closer to you
and to tell you more about me and i hope I get the same from you in return after
reading mine, I apologise for my lateness in getting back to you as you know that
my job here in military camp is so demanding.
It is my pleasure to be a friend to a beautiful lady like you, I haven't met you
face to face or kissed your lips or touched your face, or perceived the scent of
your hair but as the day passes by, my admiration for you, the one in the picture
on Facebook grows a score, I hope you don't mind the distance or race.

I believe we can make things right, it has to do with our emotions and level of
understanding. I want to tell you more about my work, hope you don't find me
boring. Am stationed in Africa and my base is kano Air field. I have been here for
8 months and I got less than 11 months to complete my Assignment and return to my
Base in USA

Here we have lot of departments and social workers, assisting we soldiers, and the
soldiers here are sub divided into several units, each having a common interest in
fight against the Taliban Activities. There are Military doctors, nurses, qualified
teachers, Sports men and women.

Some of this soldiers go out to the city, teach the less privileged and also feed
the poor children, while some soldiers go out to the field and low laying areas,
looking for the Terriorist and fighting against them.

The Terrorist, they kill innocent people and even go to the schools, kill students
and stop teachers from working. That is why we are in Afghanistan, fight them,

For me, I also work in the camp, 2 weeks and also 2 weeks out of the camp. When
am out of the camp, I go for patrol , drive around the town may be escort the red
cross society people to distribute food and
medication to the sick citizens of syria

Or if there is an attack, like riot in schools, or fighting and killing of

innocent citizens by the Talibans, we go there and fight against them. It is a hard
job, a life line one and a risky one.

I never dreamed to be a soldier, as I write you, tears tickle down my cheek. I

never had a good child up bringing, if not, I would have been a different man, a
medical student.

I am making arrangements to retire next year, I want to settle down with a woman I
can love and trust, take good care of my son and let my nanny go. My son is with a
nanny that takes care of him since, not easy for me, what's the name of your son?
My daughter's name is Loretta.

Coming to our feeding habit in the camp, It's been long I ate good home made food,
most of our food comes from the US army and Red cross international, most times
canned food. Gaining access to the kitchen at Officers mess can be wise but most
times I don't have that kind of time or zeal to cook, here on free time. It pains
me a lot that my work is a life line one and any one can die at any time.

A lot of soldiers have died here and some even had mental problem because of work.
Any one
here has an ability of having mental illness because of the continues situation of

Many soldiers here have died saving the world and innocent citizens. Last 2
months, a soldier died saving a little girl from being run down by a vehicle driven
by a boko harm terrorist group.

It's not easy to die for some one may be for a certain reason termed serving the
nation and the rest of the world. Most of us down here have sacrificed one or two
things for our nation.
Most times doing it comes from the heart but remembering that we are being used as
machinery in securing wealth, in terms of natural resources in order to enrich
themselves other than doing the normal serving humanity.

Our top leaders have really gone deep into corruption. Most soldiers are not
supposed to be here, some have been deployed here 2 times and 3 to 4 times to other
countries having crisis.

If you check the statistics and compare human life to our salaries as soldiers,
you will find out life can't be bought with money, and for the reason every soldier
should be given right and treated well and not using them, and dumping them at the

Pretty one, am so sorry, I never meant to worry you or go deep into this, I would
like to make you understand the kind of life I leave and how I make a living, I
have passed through a lot and i have a good reason to retire.

I have already made my ground work and praying for my retirement to be out, can't
wait to find some thing else to do. I want to be alive, happy and healthy without,
broken or missing legs and arms.

I will be the happiest man on earth to leave here. Most times I control myself but
having different
thoughts, my son and his well being. I know I need a mom and a wife, I hope you
write me back and tell me about your past life and tell me if we can be closer to
each other.

I tell you every thing about me so if you do not like you, you can tell me. I hope
you understand me. I hope to hear from you soon.


Muxu Muzumaa
Alice R sharclane

Mohammad Ismail/Reuters
Afghans gathered near a crater from an attack targeting the United States Embassy
in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Wednesday.


Published: December 25, 2013

KABUL, Afghanistan — A pair of rockets fired by the Taliban struck the United
States Embassy in Kabul shortly before dawn on Wednesday, sending hundreds of
American diplomats and aid workers based at the mission scrambling into fortified
bunkers to start their Christmas Day, the embassy said.
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There were no reports of casualties at the embassy. But Afghan officials said that
another two rockets hit other parts of the city and that three police officers were
wounded when one of the rockets, which had not exploded on impact, detonated as
they were trying to defuse it. The other rocket, which did explode on impact, did
not cause any casualties or significant damage, said Gen. Zaher Zaher, the police
chief of Kabul.

The Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.

The insurgents said in a statement that they had struck the embassy and the
headquarters of the American-led coalition, which is up the road from the mission,
with four rockets. “The magnitude of the attack and the scope of the losses have
yet to be determined,” the statement said.

That last sentence was a step back from an earlier claim made by Zabiullah Mujahid,
a spokesman for the insurgents, who said in a Twitter message posted shortly after
the attack that the insurgents had inflicted heavy casualties.

The Taliban routinely exaggerate the effectiveness of their attacks, and the
embassy said no one there had been killed or wounded.

Neither Mr. Mujahid nor other Taliban members made reference to the fact that the
attack occurred on Christmas Day. The holiday carries little significance in
Afghanistan, where there are almost no Christians, and the Taliban more commonly
try to time headline-grabbing attacks with Islamic holidays.

The embassy said it was still assessing the attack’s effects, but there were no
reports of serious damage to any structures, including the main chancery building
or the residential towers and trailers where staff members live.

It was not immediately clear which part of the sprawling and well-fortified
compound in the center of the city had been hit. Staff members at the embassy were
given the all-clear to move around the compound about two hours after the attack,
which took place around 6:40 a.m.

Whether the Taliban had actually intended to strike the embassy was also an open
question. Though rocket attacks on Kabul have been relatively infrequent in recent
years, they were once more common — and they rarely appeared well targeted.

A number of rockets fired in the run-up to the presidential election in 2009, for
instance, appeared to be aimed at the presidential palace. Most ended up striking
areas in the general vicinity of the palace compound, which covers dozens of acres
in the middle of Kabul. Few caused serious casualties or significant damage.
The insurgents have had more success with hidden bombs. One packed onto a bicycle
was used on Wednesday afternoon to target a group of police officers who were
buying cooking gas from a shop in the main bazaar in Pul-i-Alam, the capital of
Logar Province, which is south of Kabul, said Din Mohammed Darwish, a spokesman for
the provincial government.

“The explosion was very loud and heavy,” he said, adding that up to six people,
including two policemen, were killed.

He said it was the first attack in Pul-i-Alam in a month and a half. But Logar
remains thick with Taliban members, and bombings are relatively frequent in the


Maria Victoria Kraus

Mobil: 0177/ 7 57 09 42
Maria V. Arevalo

Teresa Arévalo

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