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[Title of Your Report]

Project name: [name, from Assignment 1 page]

Tutorial Number: [tutorial activity number you’ve been assigned]

Name: [name]

ID: [Student ID] 

Table of Contents
1. BACKGROUND (~200 WORDS).............................................................................................................. 3
2. SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE PROJECT (~300 WORDS)..........................................................................3
3. ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE PROJECT (~300 WORDS)..........................................................3
4. YOUR ENGINEERING VIEW ON THE PROJECT (~300 WORDS).................................................................3
5. CONCLUSION (~100 WORDS)................................................................................................................ 4
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................. 5
NEED HELP WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT?........................................................................................................... 6

 Remember to right-click the table of contents (ToC) above, click “Update Field”, and
then select “Update the entire field” before submission; this will update the ToC with
any new sections and update the page numbers.
 It is important for students to use their own words when completing this assignment.
In other words, you are not permitted to copy, paste, or summarise information from
project documents. There will be no mark for any section that does not follow this
 Be sure to remove all italicised template instructions before submitting.

1. Background (~200 words)
Provide background into the rest of the document and the information.
 What is the purpose of the project? And what problem is the project aiming to solve?
 What will this project's outcome be?
 Explain the stakeholders who will be involved in this project.

This document is a suggested template; you do not need to adhere strictly to the suggested
structure. You should, however, ensure you cover everything required, including the name of
your project.

2. Social Perspective of the Project (~300 words)

This section relates to the ‘social’ aspects of the selected project.

 Identify the potential social and societal impact of this proposed project
 How was the community involved in the project? What stages of the IAP2 Public
Participation Spectrum were used? How could community engagement be
 Using the outcomes of the pre-work and tutorial of week 3, where we identified the
critical role of diversity and social inclusion in engineering projects, is there
information you believe is missing in this project or the project team that would
benefit the reader? Justify your answer considering the report's audience and the
project's nature.

3. Environmental Perspective of the Project (~300 words)

This section relates to the ‘environment’ aspects of the selected project.

 How are the tools of environmental perspective (taught in week 4) reflected in the
case study? Consider whether they are included and how they are represented, or if
they are not, are there alternative approaches/frameworks used to approach the
 Using the outcomes of the pre-works and tutorial of week 4, where we identified the
role of engineers in resolving environmental concerns, is there information you
believe is missing in this project that would benefit the reader? Justify your answer
considering the report's audience and the project's nature.

4. Your engineering view on the project (~300 words)

The benefits of the project are sometimes outlined in the project. Limited project reports
explicitly outline the drawbacks of the project.
From the perspective of an engineer doing your major, critically analyse the project to
describe the positive and negative social and environmental impacts. If your major is
unrelated to the selected project, you can reply to this task from a general engineering

 Please do not repeat the lists of impacts from the report – we are looking for your
analysis of this from a specific point of view. Many reports will not list this explicitly,
and it will be for you to extract or research the information.
 The answer should be specific to your selected project (not the generic impacts of
any project), so please ensure your answers are contextualised and reference the
information you find.
 For any impact, you must identify the stakeholder affected (it may be that the project
factor has different impacts on different stakeholders, and you can highlight this).
Stakeholders were discussed in 48230; please refer to Module 4 if you would like to
refresh your knowledge.

5. Conclusion (~100 words)

Summarise the overall evaluation of the project.

You should use different references from various source types, i.e., not just all information
from the project report or the EPA.

Ensure that all information sources you have cited in-text for your assignment are in the
reference list. All sources in the reference list must be cited in your assignment text.

Information sources you do not cite but used in your research and background reading are
not included in the reference list – this is the difference between a bibliography and a
reference list.

Help from the UTS Library for APA referencing:

- UTS Library resources for APA referencing
o APA Referencing Guide

Need help with this assignment?
- Speak to your tutor or the subject coordinator
- UTS HELPS – online resources for academic skills
- UTS Library online learning modules

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