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Dear Jared,

Hey buddy, why didn’t you reply to my last message! So rude! Thank you for the posy
flowers you sent me… I have been dying to tell you what I did last Friday. I don’t know why
but I felt like the person of the hour.

I was on my shift in the restaurant, and a customer started wrangling with one of the
waitresses. I honestly have no idea what the disagreement was about, but you know me, I
like to withdraw myself out of stressful situations, so I went to take the trash out, and my
eyes came across an old looking, vintage typewriter, that was still unmarred by the way.

I kept wandering, why would some throw something like that away. And of course, me
being me, I couldn’t just leave it there. I asked henry to cover for me at the restraint, while I
took the typewriter to its new home. Do you remember my neighbor Paul, the one who used
to scare us when we were little. I just found out from his granddaughter that he started
publishing his old poems he used to write for his companion, since he is not very fond of me,
I thought to myself to gift him the typewriter. I don’t know if he liked it or not since he didn’t
give me any facial expressions when I was giving it to him.

I hope you reply to this message, and my last message as well, I really need your advice.

From your
dear friend, Steve

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