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1,Fill in the blank to complete the passage.

Modern cities (1)__________ over the world face the same problems. One of them is
poor housing. People often live in old houses or huts that don’t have electricity or
sanitation. As city population (2)__________, governments don’t have the money to
(3)__________ modern apartment buildings.
Cars and industries are (4) __________ city air and rivers more and more. Waste that
people throw away is burned or ends up in landfills. All of this makes modern cities an (5)
__________ place to live in.
Especially during morning and evening rush hours cities become packed with (6)
. Daily traffic jams make it impossible for people to get to work in time.
City authorities are (7)__________ more and more money on public transportation and
are taking other steps to reduce (8)__________ in cities.
Cities of today face many social (9)__________. Crime, alcoholism and drug addiction
is especially high in cities. Many young people are unemployed. Government organizations
work hard to get rid of poverty. They try to give such people (10) __________ education
and jobs.
2. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the blanket.
crime caused fewer better becomes
prices provide exceeds between more

Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human

population (1)__________the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is (2)
__________ by a number of factors such as reduced mortality rate, (3)__________
medical facilities, and depletion of precious resources.
The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. One of these is rise in unemployment.
When a country (4)__________ overpopulated, it gives rise to unemployment as there are
(5) __________jobs to support a large number of people. Rise in unemployment gives rise
to (6) __________ as people will steal various items to feed their family and
(7)__________ them basic amenities of life.
High cost of living is another effect. As difference (8)__________ demand and supply
continues to expand due to overpopulation, it raises the (9) __________ of various
commodities including food, shelter and healthcare. This means that people have to pay
(10)__________ to survive and feed their families.
3.Choose the best word to complete the passage below.
Most people think......(1)........computers are very modern inventions, products of our
new technological age. But actually the idea for a computer had been worked out over 2
centuries ago by a man ........(2)...........Charles Babbage. Babbge was born ............
(3)..........1791 and grew..........(4) be a billiant mathematican. He.........(5)...........up
plans for serveral calculating machines which he called "engines". But despite the fact that
he .........(6)...........building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years,
people have argued.......(7)........ his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the
Science Museum in London has finished building engine based ..........(8)...... of the
Babbage's designs. ..............(9)..........has taken 6 years to complete and more than 4
thousand parts have been specially made.
Whether it works or not, the machine will...............(10)......... on show at a special
exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work.
1. A. of B. from D. up
2. A. known B. called C. recognized D. written
3. A. about B. around D. at
4. A. down B. up C. along D. across
5. A. wrote B. drew C. took D. made
6. A. wanted B. started C. made D. missed
7. A. until B. though C. why D. whether
8. A. on B. off C. in D. out
9. A. He B. One C. It D. They
10. A. come B. be C. take D. carry
4.Use one suitable word to fill in the blank.
People have always dreamed of living forever, and although we all know this will
………………..(1). happen, we still want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are
some advantages and disadvantages to a long..(2)................................................
In the first place, people...(3).. ……………………… longer can spend more time
with their family and friends. Secondly, people who have busy working lives look forward
to a long relaxing ...(4)…………………………. , when they can do the things they have
never had time for.
On the other hand, there are some serous disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill
and consequently have to ...(5) …………………………. time in hospital or become ...(6)
………………….. on their children or friends. Many of ... (7)……………………….. find
this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, the ...
(8)................................... people get, the fewer friends they seem to have because old
friends die or become ill and it’s often ....(9)…………………………. to make new friends.
To sum up , it seems that living to a very old age is worthwhile for people who stay healthy
...(10)... ……………………………to remain independent and enjoy life.
5. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many
communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce
electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and coal tars.
But to date, that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness
- power with giant windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams
and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in
the United States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans are another potential
source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents,
tides, and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of the
temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.
1. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste B. The Use of Water Productions for Energy
C. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
2. In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of
the following?
A. Biological fuels B. Low burning fuels
C. Fast burning fuels D. Artificial made fuels
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of
A. Burning of garbage B. Geothermal power
C. Synthetic fuels D. Electricity
4. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as
sources of energy is due to ___________ .
A. their being time consuming B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources D. the lack of technology their being money consuming
5. The word “it” in the last paragrph refers to ____.
A. alternative source B. the United States C. hydroelectric power D. Electricity
6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy
B. Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy
C. Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources
D. All alterenative production of energy will be delivered from water.

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an
expert in phonetics. (56) …....................... a boy, Alexander became interested in sounds
and speech in 1870, The Bells decided to (57) …........................ to America. They lived in
Boston, (58) …........................ Alexander taught in a school for the deaf. There he began
experimenting with a machine (59) …...................... help the deaf hear. While
experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea, “Why do not use electricity to (60)
…...................... the human voice from one place to another ?” He began to work on a new
(61) ….......................... For years, Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, worked day (62)
…..................... night. They rented rooms in a boarding house. Bell was on one floor, and
Watson was on (63) …....................... . They tried to send (64) …....................... through a
wire. Finally, on March 19th, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly: “ Mr Watson,
come here. I want you.”. Watson rushed upstairs, ran (65) ….................. Bell’s room, and
shouted, “ I heard you! ”
56. A. Despite B. During C. Be D. As
57. A. leave B. take C. move D. return
58. A. where B. why C. which D. when
59. A. for B. in order C. to D. so that
60. A. go B. get C. change D. send
61. A. invention B. inventor C. inventive D. invent
62. A. and B. after C. by D. or
63. A. others B. the others C. another D. other
64. A. speaking B. letters C. speech D. telegram
65. A. onto B. into C. in D. to
7: Fill in each blank with a suitable word to fill in the blanks.
Vitamins are substances required for the proper functioning of the body. In this
century, thirteen vitamins have been (1)…………
A lack of any vitamins in a person’s body can cause illness. In some cases, an excess of
vitamins can also (2)…………to illness. For example, sailors in the past were prone to (3)
…………from scurvy that is a disease resulting from the lack of vitamin C. It causes
bleeding of the gum, loss of teeth and skin rashes. Sailors suffer from scurvy because they
did not eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables (4)…………vitamin C which is
necessary for good (5)…………
Vitamin B complex is composed of eight different vitamins. A lack of any of these
vitamins will lead to different (6)…………For instance, a person who has too little vitamin
B1 will suffer from beri-beri, a disease that causes heart problems and mental (7)…………
A lack of vitamin B2 results in eye and skin problems while deficiency of vitamin B6
causes problems of the nervous system. Too little vitamin B12 will cause anemia. The (8)
…………that vitamin deficiencies caused certain diseases led doctors to cure people
suffering from these illnesses by giving them doses of the (9)……...vitamins.
Today, vitamins are (10)…………in the form of pills and can easily be bought at
any pharmacy.

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