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When we take a look to the Arabian history ,it is indispensable to find

a great example of global humanity , the messenger of God Mohammad

(peace be upon him) ; which he is the greatest figure around the world
throughout the eras.

His striving life was lessons meaning. He was a noble human in all of
his mission objectives and had lessons that anyone can learn and
utilize. His life, which had been began with orphanhood, did not
undermine his will to be the truthful-faithful (As-Sadeq Al-Amen)
when he became an adult . He taught us how be deal with
children ,women, servants, and non-Muslims .He taught us the morals
of the talking , listening, wearing , eating, walking and sitting and even
how to go to the bathroom. All of our polite manners we had learned by
him in addition to our religion . He in letter and spirit spread the
message of Islam as God revealed to him.

It is difficult to summarize his life and instructions in one page .

Because his life is full of sacrifices . He is really the greatest human .
we have to show everyone that we love him ,not only by following him
and adopting his teachings but also by spreading his biography and
defense him .

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