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Hi i’m Pedro i’m 17 and in 2024 i will be attending the 12th grade, currently i live in

Minas Gerais with my parents and siblings. I have been passionate about sports since i
was little i participate in sports clubs, but since i was 12 basketball has been my main
I come from a Family of 6, currently i live with my father who’s retired from the army,
with my mother who used to be a teacher and nowadays works as a manager and my
sister Larah. My Other two siblings Lucas and Sarah do not live with us since both of
them have kids. Which gives me a niece and a nephew.
In my daily life, when i’m noto n vacation, i go to school in the morning, i practice
basketball 6 days a week and i go to the gym in 3 of those days, when i have free time
i usually play videogames or watch some history videos etc.
Most days my Family is at home, we don’t do many things togheter but when we do it
is quite fun especially when we order food and talk about our days.When my nephews
are here we usually swim or go out.
One of thenthings i like the most is talking to my friends, both those from school and
basketball but especially my best friend Lucca who is currently livin in the U.S, our plan
is to meet again in college.
By applying for the high school program, i hope to have the opportunity to improve my
English and get better at basketball and get a college scholarship so i can pursue my
dream of making it to the NBA. I hope my host Family will suppoort me in this Journey
in Search of my dream .

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