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Individuals compose the structure of the organization to attain its organizational objectives. The same
individuals join the organization to satisfy their personal ambitions and their goals in life. There exists
personal diversity in objective that may work to invent ones favorable needs and wants to suit personal
This module is composed of two lessons, namely:
Lesson 1: Pinoy in an Organized System
Lesson 2: Pinoy Needs and Wants: the Driving Force


In this module, you should be able to:
1. explain the behaviour of PINOY in the organization;
2. discuss the level of aspiration of PINOY in his organization; and
3. discuss the managerial approach to individual behaviour.

Lesson 1:

Pinoy in an Organized System


In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. discuss the role of PINOY in the management in the development of PINOY in the organization;
2. explain how the PINOY behaves in the organized system;
3. discuss the values and attitudes of PINOY; and
4. identify the behaviour of PINOY in the formal and informal social system.

Instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.
_______1. The Pinoy behaviour in organization is unpredictable as we see it in the preceding
_______2. Pinoy is generally clannish and family-oriented.
_______3. Organization is made up of PEOPLE that should work together in harmony with the set of
goals and objectives.
_______4. The working environment must be conducive to the working PINOY.
_______5. Management has to develop teamwork and better coordination at work.
_______6. The organization and the working PINOY must work hand in hand in the realization of their
common objectives to maintain harmony.
_______7. The top management is usually headed by its chief operating officer or president who directs
the whole organization.
_______8. PINOY, being as social being has to join his barkada.

_______9. The ability to organize man’s effort has increasing become important as PINOY life becomes
too complex.
_______10. Contingency plan requires coordinated efforts of all concerned in its preparation.



PINOY in an Organized System

Understanding PINOY in the POrganization

The focus on PINOY Development

Who is PINOY?

PINOY in the Organization

PINOY in Formal Social System

PINOY in the Informal System

Managerial Approach to PINOY Indivdual Behevior

Figure 1 describes the flow of Organizational Behavior


ENGAGE: Article analysis

Understanding the Filipino Work Culture

January 16, 2020

“Pag bago dito, nanlilibre dapat e!” This is a typical Filipino joke addressed to employees who have
just started working in a particular company or organization. More often than not, the newcomer will actually
treat the whole office or his department to a simple merienda or lunch.

While this may seem like an initiation to some, Filipinos often view it as a way to ease one’s entry into
the team, which also helps give the person an easier time to adjust to the organization’s culture. Work and
office cultures are undeniably different in every country. That being said, the Philippine work environment has
this particular business custom that goes all the way from the different Filipino values such as friendliness,
family-orientedness, and hospitality. Whether you work in a corporate business environment, in the customer
service industry, a manufacturing plant, or a government agency, there’s a common Filipino workplace
etiquette that transcends through all industries.

Hospitality, Warmth, and Friendliness

Filipinos are renowned in the entire world for their unwavering hospitality, warmth, and friendliness.
These are what make the Philippines the friendliest nation. Such traits are highly practiced on majority of all
the workplaces in this country.
For newly-hired employees, expect your bosses or teams to throw a small party for you, may that be
simply ordering pizza for snacks or arranging a small meeting to warmly welcome you into the office. This
has been proven to significantly ease a newbie’s entrance, making sure you feel at home in your new

Unique Communication Style

English is the second language in the Philippines, which greatly contributes to how Filipinos
communicate at work. Filipinos show respect to their senior colleagues by addressing them as “ma’am,” “sir,”
“miss,” or “mister” most of the time, even with “po” and “opo.” These are important words in the Filipino
language or culture often used to show the utmost respect.
More than verbal communication, companies today also make use of technology to easily collaborate
with one another. Websites and online tools are available online to cater to the different needs of employees
and customers.

Filipinos are also known to be very generous in general. But, in terms of work culture, they are known
to be even more giving. When an employee goes on either a vacation or a holiday leave, chances are, they
come back to the office and hand out small trinkets, souvenirs, or pasalubong from their trip to their
Generosity is also often shown in how Filipinos willingly give free food to their colleagues when it’s
their birthday, when they get a promotion, or simply when they do a great job on a recent project. The
concept of “potluck” is also very evident in Filipino workplaces as they love handing out and offering their
lunch meals or snacks to everyone. This concept encourages each employee to bring in something from their
homes to contribute to the small feast; it just goes to show how much Filipinos enjoy eating with friends and

Working overtime is another popular concept in Filipino work culture. A lot of workers nowadays don’t
mind working beyond office hours because they see this as an opportunity to increase their work’s value and

learn more about their field. Not to mention, today, both creativity and resourcefulness of the Filipino people
shine through, which helps employees work harder and give better outputs. On top of that, despite having a
lot on their plate, you will often see Filipino workers offer a helping hand to their colleagues so as to help
them progress or accomplish a project.
Collaborating is not something new to this culture, because if there’s anything Filipino employees
love, it is definitely helping a struggling co-worker.

Work Culture like No Other

Although varied in so many ways, work culture in the Philippines is still like no other. More than the
workload itself, Filipinos take pride in establishing relationships with their colleagues because they believe
this is one of the most significant keys in succeeding. Working with Filipinos is definitely an exalting
experience for many, if not all; hence, more than anything, it’s important that you find yourself a company
with good Filipino work culture so as to help you adjust and excel in no time.

Activity 1: Story analysis

INSTRUCTIONS: Briefly describe the following Filipino work culture.
a. Hospitality, Warmth, and Friendliness
b. Unique communication Style
c. Generosity
d. Hardworking

EXPLORE: Organizational Behaviour



Individuals compose the structure of the organization to attain its organization objectives. The same
individuals in the organization to satisfy their personal ambitions and their goals in life. There exists personal
diversity in objective that may work to invent ones favourable needs and want to suit his personal needs. The
Pinoy behaviour in organization is unpredictable as we see it in the proceeding discussions. It is rather
complicated as it arises from deep-seated needs and with other value system of people individuality.

The science of management and psychology cannot fully solve the problem of people diversity, yet
we need to understands PINOY differences so that human relationship if organizational management is
prepared to think of individual PINOY in the human terms of their value system and culture.

PINOY is generally clannish and family-oriented. He would prepare to work with people whom he is
familiar with and within his regional orientation. He could easily associate with peers and friends as he is
sociable and hospitable. He is careful not to hurt feelings and beehives properly in organizational gathering.
There are those who believe in himself and would rather drive his personal views that at times run counter to
other people’s feelings.


PINOY should understand that organizational behavior is related to the interaction of various people
in the organized systems. Organizations are created to serve its mission and vision. It shall gear towards and
goal for which they aim to achieve.
• Organization is made up of people that should work together in harmony with the set of goals and
objectives. Organizations have formal structure that follows a system of work flow and carries with it a
system of accountability and responsibility; it has technology that is put in place to make work simpler
and easier for people in carrying their task at work.
• PINOY is in the organizational set up constituted the internal system of the organization. They are in
small groups or large groups of individual coming from different regional orientations and family
values and culture. They have individual feelings, thinking, needs, wants and problems, yet they ate
bounded by the common objectives for which the organization has to achieve. They must work
harmoniously together to attain the desired organizational objectives and at the same time satisfy
their person al needs and wants.
• The organizational structure sets the parameter of PINOY relationship. They have to group together
in different role relationship as people are required to perform their specific assigned task. Works in
an organization are many and these have to be divided proportionately to avoid work overload.
Assignments should be based on individual skills and specialization.
• We have to assign Managers and supervisors to carry our supervision of work of people so that target
and programs are carried out effectively. They carry a certain amount of authority to perform
effectively the task of management and supervision. That authority carried an equal amount of
responsibility, as the main structure relate to power and duties.
• The organizational technology is the mainspring of improved system at work. It is the physical and
economic condition that makes people work faster and easier. Computers and advance electronic
machines make work relationship at work in the production better goods and services. The designs of
building are made conducive to the working environment so that people can work with ease and
comfort. Modern machines are provided to produce more goods and services to meet the growing
demand of organizational clients.
• Organization operates within the larger social system. The social environment constitutes the large
system that organization has to work in harmony for it to progress. The success and failure of the
organization are dependent on how the internal social system interacts with the outside environment
as influences the attitudes of people and affects the working conditions. This environment competes
in the allocation material and human resources and therefore has to relate effectively to maintain its
social and economic balance with other social system.
• Along this line, PINOY has to understand his role behavior in his organization and those of the other
social environment. PINOY has to be assimilated with people in his internal social system ad hose of
the outside world of work for him to enjoy life and to satisfy his growing needs and wants.


The focus of any FILIPINO organization is the development of better behavior in organization as it is
the foundation of better management system. The behavior of any single individual is the organizational
setup, may he be a manager, a supervisor, the ordinary worker or the janitor constitute the quality of life in
that particular organization. They all influence the behavioural attitudes and values of the internal system that
affects working relationships.

Along this line Management must provide the following mechanism:

• The higher management in the organizational structure should provide the mechanism to improve
PINOY behavior. It is the management role to integrate the Filipino culture and values in the workings
of the organization.
o Management must integrate the skills and knowledge in the use of technology in order to
improve organization and people relationship.
o The PINOY employees must be motivated to work in harmony with establish norms and
values of the organization.
o Organizational behaviour emanates from the workings of people and how they behave to
certain situations.
o People in organization are the important key element that describes the whole organizational
system. They work in an organized system.
o The failure of Juan is the failure of the entire organization. ANG SAKIT NG KALINGKINGAN
• The working environment must be conducive to the working PINOY. The style of autocratic
management drives people initiative away. PINOY are not lazy they are only made that way because
they were not given the chance to prove his capability. Their creativity can produce outputs more that
their inputs.
• Management has to develop teamwork and better coordination at work. Team efforts are the result of
better coordination in the work area. It is the duty of every manager to provide effective time
sequence in performing work activities to provide better cooperation among workers.
• Management must satisfy the basic human and social needs of every Pinoy in the organization.
PINOY works because he has to eat and provide his family with basic comfort in life. It is not only his
physiological needs that need to be satisfied but also his psychological needs. This has to be taken
care of for him to enjoy his work and his relationship with the organization.
• The organization and the working PINOY must work hand in hand in the realization of their common
objectives to maintain harmony. Organization wants to realize its objectives of better service and
profit while PINOY wants a share of his collective efforts. One cannot exist without the other. ANG


PINOY is no different from other people in the world of any organization. From the experience of other
Personnel Managers in many organizations and the personal association of the authors with the other r
group of people, we came up with the assumptions of the famous author Douglas McGregor about hi
THEORY Y AND THEORY X. This theory assumes that:

1. A typical person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible.

To a certain extent this is still true to the present tome as there are people who are still lagging behind
in performance. They want work but when given the opportunity they refuse to give their best in the

2. A typical person lacks responsibility.

Still prevalent in most instances as we know our rights but refuse to accept responsibility. We want
job but the responsibility to do best still lacks in intensity.

3. Pinoy has little ambition.

Some Pinoy are left behind in the promotional ladder because they lack ambition to succeed. They
want shortcuts to promotions through the connections and padrino system rather than through hard
work and personal improvements.

4. A typical pinoy seeks security above all.

We want to be employed permanently and have life time job yet, our marginal performance is the key
factor in lifelong employment. Job security is related to work efficiency.

5. Most PINOY must be coerced, controlled, and threatened with punishment to get them to
We need Managers and supervisors to keep watching people at work. Sometimes they need to be
threatened with suspension or termination to get things done properly and on time. NAGLALARO

On the other hand, PINOY is not at all bias as we see him. The making of new PINOY is brought
about by the development of his education and the new value system that he sees fit for him to advance in
the organization. These values are seen by McGregor as the THEORY Y which describe the new Filipinos:

1. People view work as natural as play or rest.

We could see hard working PINOY in industry, in school, and some government offices. We
see them early in the office, always present, and work with ease as if he does not get tired.

2. People are not inherently lazy.

They have become that way as a result of experience. PINOY becomes carefree because he has
not been given the right motivation for him to be productive at work. He did not study well because the
teacher had not provided the necessary motivation for him to excel in class.

3. People will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which they
are committed.
Given the right incentives and motivation, PINOY will evolve into a self-driven individual with
sense of responsibility and commitment to his chosen field of specialization. We need to develop his
interest and inner drive to excel. PINOY has potential. Under proper conditions, he learns to accept and
seek responsibility. Pinoy needs the condition of trust and confidence to develop his potential. He must
be given the opportunity to prove his worth in the field of his interest.

4. They have imagination, ingenuity and creativity that can be applied to work.
This is evident on PINOY who became successful abroad as he was given all the opportunity to
use his talents. PINOY is known worldwide for his talents in many fields. With these assumptions the
managerial role is to develop the potential in employees and help them release that individual potential
towards the common objectives. Proper motivation is the product of proactive management in seeing the
needs of people at work.


PINOY in general has much in common as he is an individual with needs and problems. He is not
different from her other persons in this planet. Though he came from various with different cultural
orientation, values and aspiration, PINOY is the same as those other nationality. People throughout the world
play different role behavior.

The study of Psychology made the following assumption about people.

1. People have individual differences.

People have common features as we have two feet, two hands, heads and all the body parts
that unction in harmony with our earthly environment. We eat food in order to nourish our body as we
use our brain to think for ourselves of what is good or bad. Studies showed that there is no common
behavior among people as we respond differently in any situation. Even identical twins differ in many
ways. At birth we already differ with other individual. These differences even make more people
display different behavior because of difference in experience with the environment where they grow

Relatively, these individual join an organized system with individual differences. We cannot
separate these differences in character, values and culture in making organizational decisions.
Organization and individual have different unique objectives.

Organizational and personal objectives must meet under common grounds. While
organizations have the responsibility to make decisions, it is still the individual either singly or
collectively who makes the decision. They have to act accordingly under the common objectives for
which the organization is organized.

2. The whole PINOY in the organization

When a person join an organization we treat him an a whole individual. We cannot separate
the individual from his personal character and values in the pursuits of organizational objectives. We
do not employ individual for his talents and skills alone to do the job for which the organization aims to
achieve. PINOY has individual differences and aspiration.

Individual knowledge and skills are the making of many forces in the life of the person. His
family background and the life he has with his family is a factor in his emotional behavior. His daily
affairs carry with it individual problems that many affect his behavior in the organizational system.

Outside the family, the individual interacts with other formal or informal organization. He has
social or religious organizations and he plays different roles. Role behavior can be improved and this
could be assets that can be tapped by the organization. Leadership behavior and personal relations
can be the working force that binds individual.

Management objectives in the organized system should be the development of the total
person. The development strategy must be able to assimilate the individual personality to that of the
organization. While skills and talents are needed to make organization move forward, such should be
directed towards the development of a more committed individual, working in harmony with the other

3. PINOY behavioural is caused by his motives.

PINOY in his normal self has need and wants that cause him to react to certain situations
depending on his perceptions. These perceptions are entirely alien to anyone except to the individual
personal feelings and beliefs. The positive reaction of the individual is like the flow of gas into the
engine chamber that determines the speed of the vehicle. The more gas is fed into the engine
chamber the faster the vehicle moves.

PINOY needs motivation for him to move into the direction of the organizational objectives.
The modern machineries and equipment at hand in the production of good and services could just be
there but it needs the necessary power to keep it moving. The energy must be set into the system of
these computers and machineries to keep them in motion. Similarly PINOY in his normal behavior
needs to keep his mindset towards the fulfilment of his personal objectives to keep him moving.

4. PINOY value his personal dignity.

PINOY is a very sensitive individual. He values his personal dignity that is willing to risk his life
if someone will trespass on his personal life values. Pinoy is like no other kinds of animal as he has
feelings that could be hurt. While this ethical philosophy applies to all nationality, the Filipinos in
general are more sensitive when it comes to the preservation of his personal integrity.

Along this line, PINOY must be treated not as a mere tool in the production of goods and
services but as a partner in the pursuits of organizational objectives. He needs to be respected as a
person. He needs recognition for the good task that he contributes to the organization goals. We must
develop his positive values and give due praise to keep that human dignity.


Organizations are made up of people. There can be no organization without people. There exist a
symbolic relationship between people and organization. As organization is made up of people, the following
assumption is that they are a social system and that they share common interest.

Pinoy in formal Social System

As organization is with formal structure, the people therein move within the scope of their duties and
functions. People are socially and officially bounded by their respective responsibility in the performance of
their assigned tasks. People are groups according to their talents and skills .they have specific assignments
in the organizational structure so that they move in harmony within the define objectives and goals.

The Top Management is usually headed by its Chief Operating Officer or President who directs the
whole organization. He makes decisions and everybody has follow. The organization moves toward pre-
determined goals and objectives.

The President alone cannot do the job. He needs people to help him achieve the goals programs that
he sets for the organization. He needs managers and supervisors. These managers and supervisor are given
a certain amount of authority and responsibility to carry the task for effective supervision.

On the other hand, management alone cannot achieve the goal of an organization. It needs more
people down the line to carry the task of producing the goods and services. They move in formal fashion
according to their specific roles.

Pinoy in the Informal Social System

While PINOY moves into the formal social system, he cannot be detached in the informal social
stratum. He has to associate himself with other members of the formal structure. These in informal groups
are bounded by common interest and behaviour.

PINOY, being a social being, has to join hi “barkada.” It is the group where he shares the same life
style. They may speak the same regional dialect. They eat the same kind of food or drink satisfies their taste
buds. Outside the work area, he joins social clubs that satisfies his sense of belongingness. He plays
different types of games for his physical development. All these activities are within the informal; groups that
affect his behavior as a whole individual. These informal groups influence to a certain extent his behavior in
the organization. One may file a leave of absence from work even if he is required to do rush work only to
attend a birthday party of a friend or relative. He may file a sick leave of absence only to attend a religious
ceremony of his social group. There could be so many reasons for PINOY. KAPAG GUSTO MAY PARAAN,

Managerial Approach to Pinoy Individual Behavior

The ability to organize man’s effort has increasingly become important as PINOY life becomes too
complex. Proper organization of man\s effort enable him to use not only his muscle but more so his brain.
PINOY’s behavior will exceedingly increase beyond his dreams when managerial process will effectively use
his potent power and with the use of modern technology.

The management approach must develop the following:

1. Communicate strategies to all key elements.

Meaningful strategies should cascade down the line to managers who are in the position to
take action on plans and programs. Instruction must be clear to all concerned. It should be direct and
easy to understand.

2. Develop and communicate planning premises.

Pinoy will better rat to plans and programs if he participates in the planning process. They
must include key assumptions on the prevailing condition of the business environment. Resources
must be available and it must be directed to organizational goals rather than personal assumptions.

3. Ensure that action plans reflect major objectives and strategies.

The profit motive must be taken into consideration in making action plans. Managers and the
working PINOY must contribute efficiently and effectively towards decisions that will maximize
profitability and work productivity.

4. Review strategies regularly.

Strategies must be reviewed periodically to ascertain that it is still effective. PINOY must look
at their prevailing business condition. It requires analysis and evaluation of the internal; and external
business environment as to its strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat.

5. Develop contingency and alternative strategies and programs.

When the prevailing business environment changes considerably, contingency plans should
be develop in order to avoid necessary lost in profit. PINOY must look for any positive or negative
development in the business environment and prepare alternative approaches. Contingency plan
requires coordination efforts a of all concerned in its preparation.

Activity 2: Context analysis above

INSTRUCTIONS: Define the following:
a. Internal System
b. Technology
c. Social System
d. Formal Social System
e. Informal Social System


EXPLAIN: Comprehension of the Explore’

Activity 3: Context analysis above.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions below.
1. Enumerate and explain the common values and attitudes of PINOY in the organization.

2. Describe your understanding of Pinoy Organization.


3. Explain how Pinoy focuses its development.


In this lesson, you have learned that …
• The science of management and psychology cannot fully solve the problem of people diversity,
yet we need to understand PINOY differences so that human relationship at work to can be
• PINOY should understand that organizational behaviour is related to the interaction of various
people in the organized system.
• The focus of any FILIPINO organization is the development of better behaviour in organization s it
is the foundation of better management system.
• Pinoy in the Organization
o People have individual differences
o The whole PINOY in the organization
o PINOY behaviour is caused by his motives
o PINOY value his personal dignity
• Managerial Approach to Pinoy Individual Behaviour
o Communicate strategies to all key elements.
o Development and communicate planning premises.
o Ensure that action plans reflect major objectives and strategies.
o Review Strategies regularly
o Develop contingency and alternative strategies and programs.

1. Pereda, Pedrito Real et. Al., PINOY Human Behaviour in Organization ., Mindshappers Co. Inc.
2. Retrieve from: Retreive on February
22, 2021.

Lesson 2:
Pinoy Needs and Wants: The Driving Force


In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the basic needs of PINOY;
2. discuss the Maslow’s priority of needs and how it relates to PINOY needs and wants;
3. identify the motivational factors of PINOY and how he views his environments; and
4. identify the maintenance factors of PINOY in the organization.

Instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.
_______1. Pinoy, as an ordinary human being is like a machine in the production area.
_______2. The earth and his environment provide him abundant supply of oxygen but he needs a good
quality of air to keep him healthy as pollution will affect his health.
_______3. Pinoy, being a social being, needs to join his peers in some kind of sports of his interest.
_______4. Pinoy needs not only these basic necessities to enjoy his life.
_______5. Pinoy mental capacity is a dynamic force that keeps him moving in the world of social system.
_______6. Dissatisfactions the results of unfulfilled wants and desires.
_______7. Motivates vary on different occasions at different types and intensities that influence one another
to accomplish a particular motivation.
_______8. Pinoy secondary needs are hidden and these surface only when they become dissatisfied.
_______9. It is a matter of choosing one’s professional or calling that would satisfy his sense of
accomplishment together with the monetary value attached to it to satisfy his other needs.
_______10. Pinoy perception of the organization is conditioned by the first impression he gets from the
people he meets.



PINOY and His Needs

Pinoy Basic Needs

Maslow's Priority of Needs

PINOY's Level of Aspiration

PINOY Perception of His Social Environment

PINOY Motivatinal Factors

PINOY Maintenance in the Organization


Figure 1 describes the flow of PINOY needs and Wants the Driving Force


ENGAGE: Quotation analysis

Activity 1: Quotation analysis

INSTRUCTIONS: Briefly explain the quotation above in one paragraph.


PINOY, as an ordinary human being is like a machine in the production area. Machine needs oil to
function normally to produce good products. It needs maintenance and repair at times. It bolts and nuts have
to be tightened to go on its normal operation. It needs to be shut down once in a while. If machines need oil
and maintenance, much more the working PINOY, as he is human with feelings and needs.


Basically Pinoy needs food, clothing and shelter. He needs to provide himself these basic needs for
his survival and health condition. The earth and his environment provide him abundant supply of oxygen but
he needs a good quality of air to keep him health as pollution will affect his health. He needs clean
environment as to keep him safe from diseases and other ailments.
• PINOY needs not only his physical security from harm but also security from employment to keep his
basic needs. He needs a good living condition for him to rest from work or other physical activities.
The home he lives in must be secured from elements of nature or threats of outside elements.
• PINOY needs not only these basic necessities to enjoy his life. His social being and must live with
others. He works with his fellow workers and mingles with other people in the organization. He cannot
live alone as the saying goes that “No man is an island”. HINDI KA NAG-IISA.
• PINOY, being a social being, needs to join his peers in some kind of sports of his interest. He needs
to join some church organization based on his faith. He needs to attend social occasions and enjoy

the company of friends and co-workers. He needs to cooperate with his superiors in the performance
of his tasks in the office. He needs to communicate through social network and other social media to
satisfy his needs for belongingness. PINOY therefore is a social animal.
• PINOY does not stop on his basic physiological need that has to be satisfied for him to enjoy life.
Pinoy has to be recognized on his job accomplishment and performance of his assigned task. He
needs to move up to position of leadership both in social organization where he belongs and later to
the office where he works with. In short, Pinoy needs to satisfy his mental and psychological needs.
• PINOY, mental capacity is a dynamic force that keeps him moving in the world of social system in the
organization. In the course of his work and social relationships, he meets problems. His capacity to
solve these problems makes him stronger to live in social organization. Problems are the spices of life
that may either make or break him. It makes him happy and contented if he successfully solves the
problem as it boosts his social and mental ego. It breaks his emotional stability if he failed to solve it.
In some cases, Pinoy makes these as steps or challenges for him to do better next time.
• PINOY needs are not simple as he is more nebulous because these needs represent needs of both
body and spirit. Pinoy, as he matures in the organization, develops higher order needs of the spirit
and emotional satisfaction which are more than money and promotion.

The following needs of Pinoy as he goes higher in the structural system of the organization are:
1. Self-esteem
2. Sense of Duty
3. Self –assertion
4. Giving and belonging
5. Loving and giving affections

These needs vary among many PINOY. One may need self-assertion and aggressiveness. On the
other hand, one many be submissive and yield to others aggression. This higher order of needs also vary
according to time ants circumstances as individual; feelings and perception are not constant at all times.
• PINOY secondary needs develop in a variety of motives. Analysis of his behaviour would point out
that it I not simple matter of leaders to come up with a single solution. Motives vary on different
occasions at different types and intensities that influence one another to accomplish a particular
motivation. In view of these, organizational management must therefore be looking on the right
“motive’ to keep the desire for higher performance burning.
• The secondary needs on the other hand have limits and vary from different persons. One may like to
be superstar in the basketball game or tennis tournament yet he lacks the skill to perform the task.
One may like to be the centre of attraction in a social occasion being the toastmaster, yet he may
lacks the wits and skills of communication. PINOY, who would like to develop and gain satisfaction on
the above areas, may be challenged to develop his skills and develop difficult behaviour.

PINOY secondary needs are hidden and these surface only when they become dissatisfied.
Dissatisfaction is the result of unfulfilled wants and desires. It is too nebulous that people react to it only when
their level of satisfaction is not attained. The following characteristics describe the secondary needs:

1. These needs are conditioned by experience.

2. They vary in type and intensity among people.
3. They work in groups.
4. They are often hidden from conscious recognition
5. They are intangible physical needs.
6. It is more of spiritual and mental needs that influence behaviour.


The above discussion about PINOY primary and secondary needs are further simplified by the priority
of needs as expounded by AMBRAHAM H. MASLOW. Needs according to Maslow follow a certain pattern
of priority. As the more basic needs are satisfied, the person seeks higher order needs. Higher order needs
are postponed until the basic needs are satisfied.

The Priority of Needs According to Maslow

1. The Basic Physiological Needs
2. Safety and Security Needs
3. Belonging and Social Needs
4. Esteem and Status
5. Self-actualization and Fulfilment

According, this hierarchy of nemesis like a ladder that the basic needs have to be satisfied before the
second level predominates. The need for safety and security will predominate only when the need for food,
clothing and shelter has been satisfied. The next higher order needs follows and so with the higher
psychological needs.

This is pyramid of needs according to Maslow.


• PINOY must work to satisfy his physiological needs (food, clothing and shelter). When this need is
satisfied to certain degree, he wishes that other needs are satisfied. In this connection, he would wish
that he works permanently to be assured that he gets his daily living. He would perform his job to
attain security of employment. He would construct a better house to be protected and he safe from
the elements of weather and the outside sources.
• PINOY may wish to study further for him to be promoted to the higher position in office or seek other
employment that will satisfy his need for recognition and status. He may batten training and seminars
related to his job or take board examination to get higher status and social recognition.
• PINOY physiological needs are finite. It can be satisfied when he is assured of tomorrow’s food, water
and clothing, and so with the second level. The third level of needs is infinite and the level of
satisfaction comes differently at different intervals. These needs are more to the satisfaction of his
mental and emotional needs.
• PINOY psychological needs are not only present or could be met at the working social environment
but also outside the sphere of the work area. Being a social being, he mingles with other people after
work and he may find satisfaction being elected as officer of his church and community organization
or his play activities. He needs recognition in the community where he is in. He builds a better in a
higher class subdivision to develop a better image of himself. He buys a brand new car. He stuffs it
with accessories that satisfy his ego and feel that he is different from the others in the community.
• PINOY needs of self-actualization is the highest order need. It means becoming all in one of
becoming. It may not be present in all Pinoy but many aspire to attain it. It is a matter of choosing
one’s profession or calling that would satisfy his sense of accomplishment together with the monetary
value attached to it to satisfy his other needs. With this needs go the power to command and be
satisfied with the accomplishment of his vision in life? It is the power to influence others and see them
through the line. It is the will power to overcome challenges and problems of daily living. It is the
power to lead others and attain success that is limitless. At times power corrupts PINOY.


Considering the present state of the country’s economic condition and being in the stage of
development, most of PINOY wants is the satisfaction of his material requirements in life for him to enjoy the
convenience of living. His wanted are environmentally conditioned motivating forces or drives toward a
particular goal.
• PINOY’s deeper foundation of his motivational program is always related to needs. It is the cause of
action, but wants are the clue to the type of action that is likely to take place.
• PINOY does not always choose the best solution of his wants but only to point of the satisfactory
level. His level of satisfaction may be low. He may be satisfied at first just to have a mobile phone of
the lowest category for he has none of it at the moment. He wants to text or communicates with his
associates. This makes PINOY the text capital of the world because of wants for communication even
on unimportant matters, just to let somebody know he is around.
• PINOY feels of wants do not stop there, he later aspires to have a high-end mobile phone to shoe to
friends that he can send e-mail or pictures to far places. That is with his new mobile phone. He could
at the same time have radio or television all in one. The model changes so rapidly that the level of
wants goes higher as new models come into play.


PINOY unlimited wants at any given time is called his level of aspiration. The level of aspiration is the
long-run goals of the person, If varies among individuals. Pinoy, being a college graduate, has different
sense of values than ordinary JUAN who works in the production line, whose level of education is only on the
secondary level and refuses to go higher and is contented only on his minimum wages.

PINOY success, opportunities, and the other prevailing environmental factors vary up and down, and
his level of aspiration changes to keep always ahead of actual achievement and spur the value of PINOY
onward. It is a set beyond realistic opportunities, and one will be frustrated if achievements become low. To
some, it is a challenge, to others is a drawback that changes the course of life and finds new opportunities, or
surrenders because it is beyond his capacity to improve. Generally, matatag ang Pinoy at hindi siya madaling


As PINOY lives in a social environment, his perception is conditioned by the past experiences that he
has in the course of his association with people and the workings in the organizational system. Reaction to
employment is filtered through one’s perception.
• It is Pinoy view of the world as he sees it as an organized framework that he has built out of his own
experiences and values. PINOY is a unique individual with problems, differences in interest, and full
of background experiences that controls his perceptions of each situation.
• Personal value is strongly influence by his perception of the happenings in his environment. PINOY
believes on the facts of life, and he behaves according to his perception. His needs and wants are

paramount and entirely different from others in the social system. The experience of PINOY from the
time he was born and the level of education make up his total personal values.
• Since perceptions are strongly influence by personal values, organizational managers who motivate
Pinoy find it necessary to avoid excessive rationality. Pinoy is a human being and not a machine that
could be kept to its maximum capacity. Pinoy as rational being must be motivated in his entire
individuality. He can only be motivates based on his individual needs and not the way others want it to
• PINOY perception of the organization is conditioned by the first impression he gets from the people
he meets. Pinoy develops a [perceptual set of values on his observations of people he works or
associated with. This perceptual set makes his reaction as either favourable or unfavourable
depending on whom he believes in at the first meeting. DAMANGDAMA KO NA SA UNANG


PINOY reaction to motivation is conditioned by perception of what he can get from the organization of
which he works with or the group he is in. This could found in the policies and objectives of the organization
as it is spelled out in its mission and vision. It could also be reflective of the organizations policies and
procedure at work. The more stringent the policies are the more they are not attractive to Pinoy perceptions.

The following are considered as Motivational Factors:

1. Achievement at work and at his association.
PINOY as an individual human being is full of hope for achievement as he grows older
and matures in the organization of in his association. Achievements are incentives that
motivate his ego needs. His accomplishments are living decorations that he can be proud of
not only to his next of generation but also to the community and company he works with.
PINOY works to prove himself of his capability and capacity for excellence.

2. Recognition given by the people he works or associated with.

PINOY good works ad achievements need recognition. It boosts his social and ego
needs. A pat on the shoulder for his good work may be enough to keep him going a certain
mile more than his ordinary job. A plague of recognition for his exemplary accomplishment
would make him more active and consistent in his job. A simple “thank you” and “keep it up”
will jump his ego needs and he will always be on the go.

3. Advancement at work or promotion in salary and position.

PINOY joins the organization in the hope that will be promoted if he displays his good
performance. Recognition of his good work is equal to increase in salary or promotion in the
organizational ladder. He attends trainings and seminars or takes advance studies in the hope
that he wail advance further. Pinoy needs to improve his living condition, own a beautiful
house and drive his own car.

4. The nature of the work itself.

PINOY needs challenges in the work arena. The nature of the job mist be based on his
interest and training. He must be able to maximize his mental and personal potential to enjoy
the work. The work must be interesting and must develop his talents and creativity. PINOY
potentials are limitless if given all the opportunity to explore the work horizon with minimum of

5. Strong possibility for growth and development

One great motivational factor for Pinoy is to see himself growing with the organization.
If this opportunity is not given to him, his tendency is to look for the company that will provide
him the opportunity to grow and develop himself as a worthy member of the organization.
When the top positions are filled up by people who are only close to the management because
of special connections, Pinoy will surely find new avenue to prove that he is capable of growth
and development.

6. The responsibility attached to the position.

PINOY is generally responsible. He is endowed with values of honesty. He must be
motivated and given the chance to prove that he can be trusted. He must be put into a test.
Pinoy as responsible employee will enjoy his work under proper direction. Pinoy will be happy
in the work place if given a certain amount of responsibility that he could be proud of in
accomplishing the assigned task. Responsibility carries with it an equal amount of authority.


• Maintenance factors are conditions prevailing in the work environment. PINOY would expect that the
environment is conducive to his physical and mental health and his development as a human being.
• This environment is mostly related to the working condition and the company policies that are
implemented by the organization.
• Maintenance factors are job context that relates to the working relationship of people in the organize
system. When management is Theory X oriented in the supervision of the people in the organization,
the tendency is for PINOY to be put in stringent behaviour of compliance and obedience. An educated
PINOY would not be happy under that situation and motivation at work becomes minimal.

A happy PINOY is like a contented cow that is fed and nurtured in an environment that is cold enough
and is given the necessary nutrients every day for it to produce more milk. The same case is true to PINOY
for him to, produce the necessary output. His relations with hide peers and supervisors must be an air of
mutual trust and respect. The nutrients of good management must be present in the work environment.

Good management is participative in nature. It respects the human dignity and capacity to excel in eh
job itself. Good management provides the employee to relate with people in activities and objectives of the

organization. He is given elbow room to do his job with minimum of supervision thereby develop his personal

PINOY needs to develop his total potential. This could only be possible under the management that
gives him the opportunity to excel in the work arena. Management has to maintain this relationship to
develop the maintenance factor of motivation for Pinoy to grow in the job and develop him for the future of
the organization. PINOY performs the work and the management provides the supportive environment.

In the work arena, PINOY is directly motivated intrinsically by the internal rewards that occur at the
time of the performance of the job. Psychologically, this self-motivating factor is job satisfaction boost his ego
thereby develops self-gratification which is more than money. This is related to how management treats
PINOY as a human being in the organization.

An example of this intrinsic motivating factor is the story of the manager-author during his
employment in the industry. An employee who did a good report and performance was called to his office to
directly acknowledge the employee. In the course of the discussion, the manager himself prepared the best
coffee he had in the office. The coffee time and recognition are intrinsic motivators as the employee is
immediately given attention. Reward is not necessary monetary in nature. It is the immediate concern of
management to good performance that counts as it develops self-esteem. It is the propelling motive of the
employees that develop self –direction and self-discipline.

Another form of motivator is extrinsic in nature as it occurs after or away from the job. The
management gives retirement plans, extra vacation leave after so many years of service, or health insurance.
This is the paternalistic approach to keep the employees to work with them. PINOY will look at the benefits
that they will receive when they get sick. He takes extra time off as he applies for the extra leave of absence.
He will be working in an ordinary fashion waiting for his retirement years. Extrinsic motivators are not job
relates and not very effective motivators in the job performance.



Activity 2: Context analysis above

INSTRUCTIONS: Define the following:
a. Physiological needs
b. Social needs
c. Maintenance factors


EXPLAIN: Comprehension of the Explore’

Activity 3: Context analysis above.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answers the question briefly
1. Explain the basic needs of PINOY.

2. Explain the Maslow’s priority of needs.


In this lesson, you have learned that … SESSMENT
• Pinoy in an organized system
• Understanding Pinoy in Organization
• The focus on Pinoy Development
• Who is Pinoy According to Douglas McGregor
• Pinoy in the Organization
• Pinoy in Formal Social System
• Pinoy in the Informal social system
• Managerial approach to Pinoy Individual Behaviour

1. Pereda, Pedrito Real et. Al., PINOY Human Behaviour in Organization. Mindshapers Co. Inc. 2012.
2. Retrieved form: Retrieved on
February 22, 2021.

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