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Secondary 1 Superstar (English)

Lesson 23: Worksheet


Text 1

Study the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.


© Superstar Teacher Pte Ltd Page 1 of 4

Secondary 1 Superstar (English)
Lesson 23: Worksheet

1. Explain the headline on the left of this poster. [2] 7E.23.2

2. “If we don’t start acting now, nature will.”

(a) Identify the literary device used in this caption. [1] 7E.23.3

(b) Explain the intended effect of this caption. [2] 7E.23.4

© Superstar Teacher Pte Ltd Page 2 of 4

Secondary 1 Superstar (English)
Lesson 23: Worksheet

Text 2

Study the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.


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Secondary 1 Superstar (English)
Lesson 23: Worksheet

1. Explain the intended connection between Moo-Z-Milk and the headline. [1] 7E.23.6

2. Why is the 60 at the top right corner of the page encased in fragmented lines? [1] 7E.23.7

3. Quote the sentence from the advertisement that suggests why Moo-Z-Milk is 7E.23.8
promoting a competition about values and the next generation. [1]

4. Explain the significance of the photograph at the top of the advertisement. [1] 7E.23.9

5. What is the purpose of the statement by Mr Tan at the bottom right corner of the 7E.23.10
advertisement? [1]

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