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COUNCIL OF LEGAL EDUCATION, EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION ‘TO THE ROLL OF ADVOCATES, TUESDAY 22° JUNE 2021 DURATION: 3 HOURS. (a) This paper contains Five (6) printed pages including the cover page, with a total of Six questions. () Candidates MUST answer FIVE (6) questions. (©). Question ONE is compulsory and carries 20 marks. (@)_Allother questions carry 10.marks each. (©) Answers MUST be supported by relevatit case law and statutory provisions where requited. PLEASE TURN OVER QUESTION ONE Reverend Belinda wrote aid executed a Will on'1** march 1999. The Will partly reed as follower - 1. Frevoice all previous Wills and testament. 2. Lappoine my-confidant Pastor Banda of P O Box 10, Mawinguas executor. 3. My ploi/7020 fs to be divided into four equal partions for my children as follows: x TS e ¥ D X- Access road to be curved ol aF plat O ‘4- Maria (Daughter) B- Anita (Daughter) = Johanne {Son} B-Family plot te-be held in the joint names of all my children 4. Any ather property or possession af which | may die possessed shal! be sold under tha supervision, (of my sald exectitor and the proceeds divided equally to all my descendants. ‘The Will was witnessed by her hwo friends, She made her children awaie of the Will and gave a capy to ach of them and x copy to her executor. Sbx (6} years after executing the Wil, Pastor Belinds fell seriously ill. at the time of her linass, her two daughters were out of the country for further studies leaving her with her son Johanna and his wife. One moming, Pastor Belinda siffered wild stroke and Jurs. Johanta ho was the obly person with her ab. the time Insfsied that she would call the dactor only I Pastor Belinda revoked her Wiltand bequeathed everything to Johanna and hersett. Mrs. Johanna then broughitin a tape recarder and asked Pastor Belinda to mate ap oral Will. Pastor Batinds wiillet fn pain and in the hope that Mrs. Johanna woud call the doctor immediately, mumbled a few words tothe effect that ‘have given everything | own to Joharina and in case of anything, Johanna and his wife shall Inherit my estate and property.* Pastor Belinda died a few weeks later in the hands of Johanna & his wife, The |e daughters, Antta ard Matia travelled to attend the funeral and-were not happy with Johanna 2s he had not Informed-them that their mother vas seriously Ul and insisted he had told them she was cing Dotter. After the funeral, Johanna and his wife began selling the deceased's personel-effects including Jewellery, clothes and an old Deihatsu motor vehicle which they sold as scrap. They did not attempt to share with the daughters any of the proceeds of sale andwhen they approached Johanna, ‘ie indicated that everything beloiged to him as he was the ane who took eare of the deceased in her tinal days and ‘Ut she had changed fer Wil giving him arid is we everything. When they challenged him to produce -acapy of her new Wil, he brought the tape-recorded message and asked thei to Ysten, After Ustering to the recording, they were of the view that their mother must have-been under a lot of pafnand duress as the sentences ware ineoherent. However, laced with the new set of cifcumstances, they approached patter Banda on the ise but he “as equally confused and asked thert-to walt upon the Lord. The Ewa taugiters ten sought legal services on the Issue, 8}, Using case-law and statutory provisions, discuss the validity or othenvise of the oral Wil visie- vis Ure writen Will executed on March 1999. 6 marke) 1b) ame and discuss 3 methods of revoking # WAL by a testator. (6 marks) ©) In ightof the above narrative; f, Identify the tyae of'be applied for, (1 marig 4. Identifye forms and documents required inyour appication and outline the procedure up to confirmation of grant. (a marie) Page 2oks «) :Draw a schedule-of elstribution of the deceased's estate th ight of the above natrie. vee vos 7 @ marks) QUESTION TWO - 'n 1995, Josiah started a school in Umoje.and it was very successful. Upon fits demise in 2005, his son. itichael and daughter Veronica were appointed as adminfstrators of his Vast estate which included rental prapertes. Before the grant was confirmed, Mithal did fn: 2010 leaving Behind Gro whvs, Faith and (ride‘and six etiteren who are all ijpots and ty plots tn Ngong Town: Faith and Linda have: applied for grant:of letiets.of administration and the case fs stil pending. The childion’s fees are pending, They liave sold one: of the parcels of land:to Kennedy. They also want Yeronica-to give:them more money ftom rent but she has declined, Faith’and: Linda have. filéa an application against Veronica secking orders that she gives a true and erate accent aba tie isn i cha ad the rom propre, Secon ey pray that they’be appointed administratbis te avéreee and the rental properties. Thirdly, they payee Weronica be stopped (fom collecting rent and school income. Faith and Linda have visited tke fic where you ars'aBtached as a.Pupit and your Pupil Master fas asked you t6.sesearch on the following tgsuesi~ 8} Identify the issues raised for determination and highlight the rights, if'any, eccruiny to Faith and. Linda, toting to apply the relevant law and legal precedes. (5 marks) by ofbré’Kerinedy takes, possession of the Ngang plot, Veronica approached the Firm along with Faith and Linda and offers to increase the amount for the children’s fees and upkeep pending confirmation of grarit of Josiah’s estate. Immediately thereafter, Faith and Linda for Stders restraining Kennedy from in anyway intermeddling and or interfering with and entering {oto'the Nzong property.. Kennedy files similar objection against them claiing a purchaser's ‘rights and prays that Faith and Lina be themsztves restrained fram intermeddling. The jude, requests You as his research assistant lo prepare a vell-articulated legal opinion In the matter, Prepare the legaLopinion-on thetmatier: : ( marie) QUESTION THREE According 8 the traditfons of the Wakeniia vibe, itWas a gentral rulé passed on from génerdtions that ‘womelt weve not entitled fo avin land,, [twas generally known that ‘ahd had its owners and these were fotworen.” (This, if a man was sirvived by daughters only and his wife, the deceased's brothers would ‘eke charge of the adininistration of the estat@ and if there were no brothers, the cian would select any tember to bein charge. Married daughters Were never considered beneficiaries of their father’s estate and unmarried dauihters were not entitled to own tei father’s land but would be shown a place to live and cultivate without any ownership of control rights, Divorced/retumee women wers shunned and upon returning to thelr parerits’ hame, would be shoyn'a sinall strip of land to live-and cultivate. The land tite. would always be in the name of the male figure in the famity/clan. Adiministration of estates ‘was applied for atthe District Commissioners offices-and the grant tssued by the District Magistrate, Unknown tothe Wekanda people, the county care up with anew Act knoyh as the Law of Succession Act, 1981. In:spite of this new Act, the Wakanda péople continued to apply their traditions as regards matters of fréctance/succession.. Among the Wakanda pedple; there lived one Mr. Gitonga who owned a lafge: tract of Jand anc two-town plots in'the.nearby shopping centre. Mr. Gitonga was blessed with 3 niger ont) He contaoplated Waving arather ite teas Rosia us ee aes 0, he died abruptly on" august 1985. He was Survived .by-his wife Josphine and 3 daughters. One daughter. ‘Meréy: Was:martied neaiby andthe other two daughters Zipporah and Gladys were unmarried: Page 30fS Subsequently, the clan sat to discuss ackuinistration of the estate of Gitonga {deceased}. They allowed his wife to continue fiving in the matrimonial home: together with the unmarried daughters. [t was decided that since Mercy'was married, she was not entitled to a portion of the land. As the deceased had no brotiers, the clan then eppointed a cousin of the deceased, Mr. Maing! to be the administrator cof, Mr. Maing! then proceeded with administration through the.tocal administration ‘offices and his application was sanctioned by the District Magistrate Wakanda. The estate was subsequently distributed as per the traditions of the Wakanda people. Jn:the meantime; Mercy was chased away: by her husband and she sought refuge in her mother's house. ‘The cian allowed her temporary occupation fn her mother’s holse"and they built for her a small mad house at the far end of her deceased father’s land where returneewamen are formally settled. They allowed her to cultivate a very smal strip of land but not to own any tand. erey was not comfortable. but she had no option. ‘ November 1990, the pro bono laviyér’s association visited the ‘Wakanda- independent church to give a talk on inheritance and ptoperty. etc, her sisters-and mother attended the talk. They were surprised that ‘women were actually allowed to inherit and a title could be in the name of'@ woman. They tock the contacts of one lawyer and a week later, they were in his office seeking tegal adviée, Cénsidering that thay are caught in between custom and statute law: 1a) Using case. taw and relevant, statutory provisions analyse the legal posttion as regards Administration of the deceased's estate tn thie context of the narvative. In your answer, state whether the deceased's wife'and daughters have.a claim or not. (@ marks} 1b} Name two (2) instances where the Lay of Succession ict allows for the application of African Custorbary Law, ‘@ marke) ‘QUESTION FOUR ‘rs, Makonde'a widow died on 13° August 2017 th the city of Port Victoria, She dled testate having executed @ vill five years before her death. Mrs. Matonde did rot appoint an executor but she Categorically stated how her property would be shared! out. As per her will, the beneficiaries of her estate were her 5 chitdren who were to inherft her estate in-equal:shares, Her Will was witnessed by her cousin and her nephew who were both adults. after her deat, the-children armed with:the Will ‘sought lewal services as regards administration of the deceased's estate. A]. in ight of the narrative, explain the legal postton fn regard to administration of the deceased's estate, (marke) by Draft the relevant petition:to be filed in light of the narrative, (6 marks) QUESTION FIVE frecious, an astute fartier ond business lady died intestans folowing & tragic road accident on 204 December 20a. She was survived by her mather Mrs. Blessing Makor! and ane dauatter, 2 minor. Her farming activities included rearing goats for milk and planting various foad erops. A the time of her death, the tomatoes in her farm were teedy for harvesting and the potalwes In the store were set to be transported and sold in the math city market. Precious also owed some wooden structures where she collected rent by the 5* of every month. After the funeral, the mother of the deceased felt that she needed to take steps to protect the estate of the deceased, She knew that ifshe did rot take immediate ‘ction; the food crops would get spoilt and the tenants in'the wooden structures could take advantage Boge dof ofthe deceased's absence to abscond paying rent and end up committing acts detrimental to the estate of the deceased, Ars. Blessing Makoni hes sought your services as a lawyer on the immediate action she needs'to take. 3) Using case law and statutory provistons, discuss the type of greht required. (marks) ) -Draftthe relevant petition on behalf of Hrs. Blessing Makoni, témarks) )_ Identify the grant that would be required to Sstitute lagal pracéédings on behalf of the decensed arising outof the road accident: (mark) QUESTION Six ‘ie, Singh, died estate ani 19 Ailgist 2017, He was survived by his wife Asmara and his four childran; Peitf(daughter), Bimal son}, Tejf (son) and Male (daughter). AS per his Wil, Me, Singh appointed! Blin 2s the sxecutbr., He further indicated that his estate wotld be shared equally among his children and his wite would only have a life interest in hs immovable property. Three month after his cremation, the femily.soughe to inftiate the process of succession as per the wil. However, the appointed executor Bimal was not ‘cooperative. He. indicated fhe would not commence the process until the other ‘beneficiaries considered giving firma larger portion of the deceased's estate, He based his argument on {he fact that Pritt was single with no children, Malt was matried to a rich man, Tejf was single with no ‘children yet cfs part, he-had a wife and a daughter who depended on him for thelr upkeep. He felt ‘that bis wife and: daughter should berefit from the estate of the deceased and should be included as vdopendahts. He told his siblings he would frustrate the process until they agreed to his demands and Accept to give his wife and daughter reasbiiable ptovistan from the estate, However, his siilings were rot willing to:afe fn te his demands-and they were of the view that the deceased's wil should be follevied to.the letter. Consequently, Priti, Tefl and thal have decided ta seok legal advice on the way ‘forward: 38) Considering Bitfial's.refusal to apply for grant of adhinistration, explain the legal position and the poutine to be fllxred in purist aren, se (6 marks) bj Consider the argument by Bimal that bis wife and daughter should be included as depondants/beneficiaties of the dacoased', (4 marks) PageSof5 BEST PERFOMED “Weite on both sided of the paper Sector ok Ihe Vous ok Svccectmn caety Preiaes “ROY ae owl US sow tae Dosetwatein iberreagin we | dese d, Loy oh lead 2 fwecsee aa) for} t fie As ee val) te _teshtes i slow Ay L | artaaty, magWathg oh PACA See one Von: MAL cave. adler Bev made he vse oe PY esence oy hs Thee od wee YRC na ees “There sare in spn. wluecas te odbesh he mating sh he} way Ws dg Su te is arelie rls Moos een Aisa + Orel SN des Rare basin Ayres ard Urdus trttvence whem wo wihiolea Gaitor o wedee tye Lok. Shy OSes weuela wy wate exe a to make “tbe Wil ad che wer Ay alt! o: ee Awe 3 Tal - a Ql wRY, a Suda ne Ova “yan cas wali due ey “We duces ard ude Sboant@ Fe Moat Ve ati ig cart heehee Sth Sead tos Aamo log “the Aeceared WIAA _aelen _eshab\ycueng nat Awew Wee akdue Witloencel/ Sam Ee rr Pipde Ludec SusPectna: Carus Grented + | Da we owes hed Sa oy “the bis Benes fey Vat ASSN oe wwihen Wills. Sy Weiden ON we be Vadta ke mw Ae vegansted — rtestat, oy the Sanat *kec\ dle Ly De or Mere testes ths Must le 4 age ‘White on both sided of the paper Ags\ahon * J Vier a vartien usa te benla ctaived Sther hon Gime “Aestalor Wench s Six Yesueag “net Sd Sion | tog owe vk “Mg Present, ty ity a! aloe a) Mundt are divertvens + + Cons. seth, =e boiled raed New Nuts l rrsote (od he | yalwess ov, Te is vai vattioy tone ay cmd as Si x [REGISTRATION NUMBER: Questions 4..§10.), Doreen ‘iter nga ‘Write on both-sided of the paper fechas 1S oye ESA Seite shar Vag aoa La Keg clr che revel louver, Tle a oe Whee utes Néelewos ~ihe. tout xz NSN Vie Bar Niethed a. / vevelting “the ah Ts tou, Wty by edestvaglen Wis “wrote 2 Ai shnog wg ike WR Yeu ce Shaw clemeds Gate ae Veritas he diyzhan Chechen ly Vevplre “Wd Viuy and eo heece Ws dove las (oe leskalor ah 3 a Z Maing erie Chau Mos, Wetes @ NBO gu eg tevived bis es wal > che Standlqeg be “thie Zo* the & te Auek'y wastes Ci Ba Yalec [ete ted lag Ver Yrowsebselp mm Plated fo a Kitten chember 8 yee Satter ~\esalee's eat, -the / Won ous ado ted ai Pvelodte, “be aay ep d that Te Shing our cy “We claus kav Yerowe ~hhe Wry aS “there yt mie Teveve lad achoal edertvyAlion oA. “Ive [Assy aes tee alas Senay a WA con be _sVevoued | sueyee\\ het 1g ex ove x yewacahen a Vs by a testy Was / ‘As dove boy TT wets OR enero: Weverdtien clase 1 | SAW ie segues wal Sue Wink “We lo “ee Nestea Ade ig paade Lo rare\ye dV C Lied a A Com be Tevn el new With Adak ie whew oe esto moo ead, XO Mowe seen | tas Eee Wie . Image diy Yevnued Iya “ue “Valerie ‘Write on both sided of the paper 7 | eticcmaggn Sechon 18 og-~he LSA tyewidey nde : : x “Vigh lee can Feo ue Ws Vaih fo, TESS re ne othev isis Along A Whe Bak Aetiod op / vevouua se La is tow Way by ete stwindlinly - Mats * wacttind eke Aishesina “ihe Wil year’ han She meds With are Vetting Aeaiazhan ae WAegho ~h Vvevoime =i wore \w eves Vs joven Me Aaddlon > Xevoked Ws bs ba Biving Sat Claw seg ~a_—Nbe sterile be “Wie oe van Be whe Audi wits UW Ga Tale SNe te A ho. Vex a Kikden 2 slegalow's dant” ie Te __VProledte, te Fat Vand ota We SHiving our og. “We Claws a oth revowe “ihe Wi aS “here yor vty Yeveue’ tat Aclual Aes glial ote ate Migs safer “he Matt is GO ed potest, Aston ba. “Iw alae Seog ah Wee a beg ak a Wat com be. Mevolied she 1g express vevocalen Oba Aeshaler “Was/ Ve Dove bey | sca, cw _enevess \yeyoutinn clase me (ft _ rime Wit. “that ig aus segue Wat uaF ie name loa ego, [PO a Sa cow be fevewfs arts aN J At te lew a lester noned a nas Vall. aie ewe Van ig Sot HO Mave been | InntVedly Yeroued laa che later An Daze | Quins wes vote WD Bae reat “We Dyiguwak sayh u) 2 | Copies ty “ive ey aM prise : 4 Male wie Potted ond on adidas’ | e ortca + Guan s\n _Pyinaal, ang vefuced CARES Rr | __B Pretemle the tte Tictestas ox te ecet cede Whe wa Aint erse. Ants. [S2dwoe Px. ave TL ewsiMled te arpa [see cyodk unter YO scy oy Awe Ae, ave vweguved bs [as ie ek agas- Soe cabal exe! ha Amman un Ce Dauge ALi, “ts Pveviciguc sa Yule> 2A ub welede Adaarctahen rulee. Vhew _idl Aven aia £ 1 ue Ctgles, Ave Cabaling ews, “ee Signed a ts Yeqgwar, aw attemraded | a aketmavit le céraors Wit ue do Bawah me tuner fH Gut Veqclvae yi evescibe “Wae/ Clice tang 1g inna, inca be Ve svred ty Peg pond by Te pr hstiat =a 15 dawg | Serve - Wiite on both sided of the papier ig Boa Wis “ee aie Guu a vo we Gynt Supt Cit@lons go Sprved athe Awe Si vlna Us grakecd ded apply | memine vet te te name Wolter . lh Moai Rpeltcate “Ves ust hare ty elude If Gta Savi Shouse “de Cubelont hae freon miade “Wo WS apornacy la Comet Mey Wo Be telltlignas - Donetsitefa _the magia ‘Write on both sided of the paper Sorrses cc oof ie (od. former Wife |_ Wore w eas on Wea ak mie ae ae a Semoted ooo Seta: diverts the cond son Te wow etens i Larigitna eS te wean 8 cho Ave, Beepsed we wn Rage Ace rs qt etava Wis Joy Mae demased i | | \ | | | | cheer Seat be Bask DegdadS unter Saaien pnouaene Ga) oa Awe ck, gutted -bk lenetit ae ea exh! await ine/ jig te Warited . Cobenavy ince Yrowover , ive vans leven oe Deque “Wak “they loa sng, Oeaased Anmedtately, uh Bgyel's » owe aol wy ee Decal Sea Aen an) “Saudvier lowe { ole | ‘Write on both sided of the paper TWe Case kk te how sd “We edtta | wt A Macomber Matum ai ad. Maat | she chen chiMven D4 G checnsock are _ net | BudiktoN chy oe nex Seam “he eolete” D4 He ei” ewasedk Ted Baers (alecs Anz tere Lee “] micuutaswed lat Ake. cleceate A, irre Ly Leger. ts deal de Beandebtd hy Viene Si Gar | “\ Schede ak A AM Greed ened Xuou hava Prove Mowtorauc Aenaeditely Wetus | eat ob -e Aee ased. Lor Beet Aaasedia | fox hd sata L Gequw Ota Shears, fede Wie Fowants wus ee = ay sgver witha, — Dewar d where Esc hen =Aweer Pareuds Kiso ve gina lhe ae ate BAL So ait 7" Qaeos Wwe Chat Ta a fae Some Fact I Ved bake Granddald ean Soni Vaguobt azn ie ’sbshe ow fARapae Bieand yd Bavent a aThes eed Nose saewtaieedd Ig “benny, lnanwedicitely elsre Ales Daath Wwrare Arty cok otal Aaa. sa eae - Bie decease. —- yr fewer tS Whe ove —lue Ave, ecosted aye Deo s: Predece ase Chunauaain Aaa, Aue adave “Ne pisdol poche ve Aha Bunal's Dade is) wt owed bbe it Ga tee eal fsx rer Seados Aran dy: perk f Dchvas wot vate, “k bo a Qeaetad tamdote S24u) zy Abe las 3 Sao reacsven ack: i Bovioviy EKrant’s Wie ik veh ad Pucdtuct ‘Weite on both sided of the paper ako' eon ado S240) ay Os vst bew a mawlained ly Amin eter bey . addled Socky Neer are Bepen desks OA ris bene ki Son — =Aue ae as “Nou awe ies [ To i 77 _ 7 i eee — HH Perret ‘REGISTRATION NUMBER: ‘Write on both sided of the paper Questions uit AD Yonn Sade “he lan Syaocmn Ges Seti’ Dons miata ther manga BG ey don E eae Wes Ged outed! ie _ ew so adi te oy a “Shee oh Ws Bee Wack Serlign “the ss, 1oamh «ic we ever ay elke \wtters ak Rendered) Soy Aus ens Ret exio Ssh Awe: Sa ano We Cre. sees hy fg eghcte « As suds, AS eS Lotestdie, aud —lwek wvidled | ve y Foe PENSE lo sowie 1h | legals weruvre d/h ejeoky Mee Aes ANino, ruin | cine i + “ Yrs ows a Pave Arad oy NeMere me ddr aAioud 4 ec - Ae cis is 5 “ther vohely war tue Ff Ok ove sth Vek prpaded ta 7 rest oa “Gens bie: kes yn seh « ADAMeally, Whoe Aueua/ 1s np Syne bee -\wore owe chiYyven oy Ane /Secoase a Ke. ecbitie§ ope od ox \eQere oe Mylo veaavdikee oi Nw Seder! iL of tae ve - misses Law a: wor And benegiciaries, feil_-o_ sey fey -tee_lege De adaua Avalon Gue Depub\e 0€ Kersa, — Popental PAdvorren Vast Could’ (Gaui Dawate Swernesinis Cauess PPL .. Reat An Sha kagey De edete ok Meuise CAecected ) Relies sev craw of \ellers pt AdmMwraveliwn stl “Wit _donexe 1 B “Teak we are related Ae “We Aneanted lon yenswm of beng rer Som ala) Srivabe « We Rovian ant Gey. vesidovis te te oy Veet icketa virile Ake Feet oy Hewgg aS ob B fas 125.9001 Wawa do nneba Bebe tkc, tise nhoeat Cut aut ectste os Avioag- i A. aot thee ae 9k ae” checoate A Wow ing Powedwag velate is Wee Mabon 32 Be “Wok “We ec cated _ctterh ov 13 _Avauelh Bork ok lw Yestdente, we “Whe. CoM vk err Nirtonia’ S Wiek_ en Secon § Bat dowmes\ed \eowta oe “Nha le oy ee sdetge. He Wess Mes Ascsaced Med lestite ewwn, \ggk a Wit, ad oS nch a PPoh an Sh ecto s + Xi . i i 6.8 Ye sal -Gatwesthy a dmevder ha, eghste ak “MO Becanse’S avd famous ev THR mocwney OSnwnrilidlon Wheweys ‘Write on both sided ofthe paper f Koquive A ty “pated, 6% Se Nunn 2021 | £ “Drawn Gud Bled by Zo Wikveste aud Cy. cdvecale s c Eliav QYloza ; - . : Vtarvala Dnad “ Le Manambe lbuildsaa roee ig | Pia Bex ar -oosi - Novoki- ar aa Z 4 Do sot mieia Gienaga | Questions... BY ene aE Fwd te Skelter “Wye cite ox Werenica Coleg “Ws vest Fine. the Sropeyta ss -t whe Aseiaced cmos de uleenfe dion ‘Write on both sided of the paper SHS oa Mes les oh, Sn reat feewides Anat np Ferson is Laawsle, dicyo: vag N@ire Aessesson tr then Aster meal Jats “he Copperta oe a “Seconged Voit Las Gi) authority . E As suta, - "es arte pie Verglten calledine Verte Laila = \ptoe ah he Shection or [ve ; wath ole (gd *Eoil quite bone 88 Fuachi erent Ay tleemn edna work, the eshebe dk Nos decndste d We cone hence oe Wise ws Bau Wrsus AA “Ahat tne ais te ek Pertinng Asks and Preceeded 4 AaMeck “rer vattou | ever obkag, \ecgn aurvlily aroused AQ wifey me D\u She aos “Ov dored “At Stewed As lee Viguigsl iva gales _p: oy ectece- Vos “here te vestcda Ay Fatty ae) Laid ada —j— Sache, $5 ox LSA Prides Ge Ay wemedd\ ecwel\obie va cage te fo feud ut 2. ermeluis om iwiternwiler 1 rece ae atnt en Ae vigags Acaomusivale) Mev_@M “Wo Proceeduaac Ay Vs estou | Neat Ween rave lew nled\id + BAsy aw Nera apdler “Can le Fh Aan REGISTRATION NUMBER: [ Questions ..(b).. Shs Ae Se vorlyoe Adonis hketion Whe Fre: ay cho Mined net \y property of Cont Seve $ Wn \s. ow \ wig Wetion, im a Sale Nesters. piu Ged Veta =e ERS Couey “Wowk alead Ovdered fu Wee. 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