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so ladies and gentlemen

welcome to our video of sun in the

seventh house of your das samsachar as

in what happens

when sun surya ravi

is in the seventh house

of your detail chart which is the

obligation to society

your karma's in society your career in


you know everything in society

and as always if you do not know if you

have this particular placement what sign

it's in what

well not what nakshatra it's in because

you can't see nakshatra's individual

charts except me

but if you just want to know what

nakshatras are in the birth chart then

check out the links here including

especially in this

shop section where you'll find


everything so anyway

this bright light is just uh making me a

little bit kooky today

so anyway let us start with our sun in

the seventh house video of the sunshine

with sun in the seventh house um one of

the things we see that because in the

samsung chart

sun is most definitely the significator

of status okay and such people

tend to get status after marriage

such people will also be inclined

towards becoming

extremely independent in their work

workspace like unless they are left


unless they are in independent position

they are an authoritative position

or they're doing their own business they

will never find happiness in their


these are not the people who only you

know like people say i

i simply just want to get a job you know

i just want to get some assignment get

some order and then i'll just fulfill it

i don't want to deal with anything else

i just want to listen to a big authority

with these people are like ah no i don't

want to listen to an authority i want to

deal with an authority i

want to work independently

and especially these people also find

very hard to work in a partnership as

well because

partnerships again becomes an equal 50

50 you know scenario and they don't want

to do 50 50 scenario they want to do 95

scenario i

sound like ben shapiro right now so


um and the other thing you also see with


is that these people have a hardest time

trying to deal with mentors at work

they will have ego issues with the

mentors ego issues with people who are

above them trying to advise them

not because they don't want to listen is


the people that they will attract

natalie will always try to put them down


and this is where their ego will try to

fight back

but on the other hand one

attains a lot of favors from the


favors from you know local governments

federal governments

so that's that's one of the most

important things we see

the other thing they become excellent

with communication excellence with

marketing excellent with selling

something with
authority you see when you go buy

something in the market

when you don't want to the only way you

buy it is when somebody convinces you

you know with their full uh conviction

and authority

these are the people who are like can

make you buy

snow you know on a icy mountain

because the way they will communicate

with you the way they will

be so determined towards uh you know

convincing you

something they do it

so those are one of those most important

fascinating facts about

you know these people but overall

uh you know this position really shows

that a person

starts to prosper you know from the age

of 25

at least their life tends to definitely

settle at

25 or the money that they are

trying to make they start the approach

to making that money

at 25. now of course

if there's some conjunction in aspects

yeah it's going to you know

alternate the uh uh

the results of this particular sun

and one thing you will also see with

this son

is that a person

will always tend to go to foreign lands

after birth of their children

somehow after birth of their children

they'll get up for an opportunity

so that's another thing if we see so

anyway the

uh i hope this has helped with sun in

the seven thousand the samsung shirt if

you're new to my channel subscribe below

so you're gonna miss these type of

videos and wanna know where your sun is


all the other logical details check out

the links here otherwise we'll see you



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