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Crop: Onion Variety: Season: Rabi Area 1.21

Panchganga :

Sr. Iitem of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty. Rate Value Qty. Rate Value
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Hired Human Labour
a) Male Days 12 300 3600 9.9173 300 2975.206
6 6
b) Female Days 75 250 18750 61.983 250 15495.86
5 8
2 i) Hired Bullock Days 0 0 0 0 0 0
ii) Owned Bullock Days 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 i) Hired Machinery Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0
ii) Owned Machinery Hour 15 800 12000 12.396 800 9917.355
Used 7 4
4 i) Seed Purchased Kg. 12 2000 24000 9.9173 2000 19834.71
6 1
ii) Value of owned Kg. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Manure 0 3 4000 12000 2.4793 4000 9917.355
4 4
6 Fertilizers
i) Straight (Urea) Kg. 204 7 1428 168.59 7 1180.165
5 3
ii) SSP(P) Kg. 300 28 8400 247.93 28 6942.148
4 8
iii) MOP (K) Kg. 120 25 3000 99.173 25 2479.338
6 8
iv) ZnS Kg. 0 0 0 0 0 0
v) Micronutrient Kg. 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Insecticide
i) Pesticides ml. 600 3.35 2010 495.86 3.35 1661.157
ii) Fungicide gm. 750 0.4 300 619.83 0.4 247.9338
5 8
iii) Weedicide ml. 600 1.7 1020 495.86 1.7 842.9752
8 1
iv) Hormonal Spray Lit. 0 0 0 0 0 0
v) Other Lit. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Irrigation Charges Rs. 34349.35 28387.89
9 Incidental Charges Rs. 2886 2385.124

Sr. Item of Cost U Qua Rate/ Value Value % Share in

No. nit ntity Unit (Rs./Plot) (Rs./Ha.) Cost C3
1 Hired Human Labour
a) Male Da 12 300 3600 2975.206 1.121915055
ys 612
b) Female Da 75 250 18750 15495.86 5.843307579
ys 777
2 i) Hired Bullock Labour Da 0 0 0 0 0
ii) Owned Bullock Labour Da 0 0 0 0 0
3 i) Hired Machinery Used Ho 0 0 0 0 0
ii) Owned Machinery Used Ho 15 800 12000 9917.355 3.73971685
ur 372
4 i) Seed Purchased Kg 12 2000 24000 19834.71 7.479433701
. 074
ii) Value of owned Seed Kg 0 0 0 0 0
5 Manure 3 4000 12000 9917.355 3.73971685
6 Fertilizers
i) Straight (Urea) Kg 204 7 1428 1180.165 0.445026305
. 289
ii) SSP(P) Kg 300 28 8400 6942.148 2.617801795
. 76
iii) MOP (K) Kg 120 25 3000 2479.338 0.934929213
. 843
iv) ZnS Kg 0 0 0 0 0
v) Micronutrient Kg 0 0 0 0 0
7 Insecticide
i) Pesticides ml 600 3.35 2010 1661.157 0.626402572
. 025
ii) Fungicide g 750 0.4 300 247.9338 0.093492921
m. 843
iii) Weedicide ml 600 1.7 1020 842.9752 0.317875932
. 066
iv) Hormonal Spray Lit 0 0 0 0 0
v) Other Lit 0 0 0 0 0
8 Irrigation Charges Rs 34349.35 28387.89 10.70473692
. 256
9 Incidental Charges Rs 2886 2385.123 0.899401903
. 967
10 Repairs on implement & Rs 1694.22 1400.181 0.527991924
Machinery . 818
11 Crop Insurance Premium Rs 0 0 0
12 Miscellaneous Expenses Rs 15300 12644.62 4.768138984
. 81
13 Total Working Capital Rs 140737.5 116312.0 43.8598885
(Total 1 to 12) . 7 413
14 Interest on Working Rs 8444.254 6978.722 2.63159331
Capital @ Prevailing Bank . 2 479
Rate for full Crop Period
15 Land Revenue & Other Rs 200 165.2892 0.062328614
Cesses . 562
16 Depriciation on Implement, Rs 10056.86 8311.454 3.134150734
Machinery & Building . 545
17 Cost A1 (13 + 14 + 15 Rs 159438.6 131767.5 49.68796116
+16) . 842 076
18 Rent Paid for Leased in Rs 0 0 0
Land .
19 Cost A2 (17 + 18) Rs 159438.6 131767.5 49.68796116
. 842 076
20 Interest on Fixed Capital Rs 36136.99 29865.28 11.26184254
Excluding Land (10 % on . 099
Fixed Investment)
21 Amortization Value in Rs 0 0 0
Case of Fruit Crops .
22 Cost B1 (17 + 20 + 21) Rs 195575.6 161632.7 60.9498037
. 742 886
23 Rental Value of owned Rs 88633.33 73250.68 27.62196418
Land (1/6 th of Gross . 333 871
Return - Land Revenue)
24 Cost B2 (18 + 22 + 23) Rs 284209.0 234883.4 88.57176788
. 075 773
25 Imputed Value of Family Rs 7500 6198.347 2.337323032
Labour . 107
26 Cost C1 (22 + 25) Rs 203075.6 167831.1 63.28712673
. 742 357
27 Cost C2 (24 + 25) Rs 291709.0 241081.8 90.90909091
. 075 244
28 Manegerial Allowance (10 Rs 29170.90 24108.18 9.090909091
% of Cost C2) . 075 244
29 Cost C3 (27 + 28) i,e Rs 320879.9 265190.0 100
Total Cost . 083 068

Sr. Uni Quantit Rate/
Item of Yield Value (Rs./Plot) Value (Rs./Ha)
No. t y Unit
1 Main Product Qtl. 410 1300 533000 440495.8678
2 By Product Qtl. 0 0 0 0
Gross Income 533000 440495.8678


Income Measures Formula Total (Rs.)

Farm Business Income (F.B.I) Gross Income - Cost A1 8
Owned Farm Business 373561.315
Income Gross Income - Cost A2 8
Family Labour Income (F.L.I) Gross Income - Cost B2 5
Net Income (N.I) Gross Income - Cost C3 7
Farm Investment Income 366061.315
(F.I.I) F.B.I - Imputed Value of Family Labour 8
Net Income + Rental Value of Owned Land
Intensive Income 336890.415
+ Interest on Fixed Capital
Benefit - Cost Ratio Gross Income ÷ Cost C3 8
(Cost C3 - Value of By Product) ÷ Yield (in 782.633922
Cost of Production
qtl.) 7
(Cost C3 - Value of By Product) ÷ Area (in 265190.006
Cost of Cultivation
Ha.) 8

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