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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

Of English Department
Ilaya Barangka Integrated School

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Research Paper

In Grade-10

Submitted by:
(Names of the Group, Alphabetical)
Surname, Given name, Middle Initial
Balabis, Darlene A.
Callao, Lorrein M

Submitted to:
Mr. Jhan Erwin A. Baquiro
Research Adviser


The researchers were able to investigate a specific topic that needed a lot of effort. Still,

they were able to gain understanding, cooperation, and knowledge for future use because of this


This paper would not have been possible without the exceptional support of the


Pre-Service Teacher Mr. Jhan Erwin A. Baquiro, research adviser, for his enthusiasm,

knowledge, and attention to detail, has been an inspiration and kept their work on track from the

start of this study to the final draft of this paper.

English Teacher Mr. Jonel N. Tumbado for guiding and helping our research paper to

be better and things possible to conduct this research.

Most of all, to God Almighty for giving them strength, wisdom, knowledge, and

guidance to undertake this research study.

Finally, to their families, friends, and relatives for their unending support throughout the

process. The researchers appreciate and express their deepest gratitude to each one of them.


(initials ng mga
The Researchers

Title : (Your title)

Researchers : Atienza, Ayesha B,

Bocaling, Justin M.
Dulay, Jose F.

Year level: Grade- 10

Year : 2023

Research Adviser: Mr. Jhan Erwin A. Baquiro

English Teacher: Mr. Jonel N. Tumbado


I. Introduction (Put information about your introduction)

This research aims to study (Put your title, then proceed to Background of the study)

Background of the Study

This research introduces the background of the study. It contains the Introduction,
Significance of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Scope and Limitation, Methodology,
Research Design, Research Materials, Data Gathering Procedure, Results and Discussion,
Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation. (This is it already, do not edit)

Significance of the Study

This study provides significant information that is beneficial to the following:

Teachers. This study gives information to help them create effective teaching strategies that can
help their students to minimize language anxiety felt during English class. (EDIT)
Students. This study gives suggestions about finding strategies to overcome their anxiety
towards speaking English in order to ensure that they perform well and have confidence in class
participation. (EDIT)
School. The research provides scholarly materials as well as information on the students' anxiety
in speaking English as a second language through distance learning, the data provided will assist
hem in designing efficient teaching strategies to provide a less stressful learning environment for
the students. (EDIT)
Future Researchers. The study gives background about the existing research that serves as one
of the sources once they conducted research relevant to the topic. The study also provide a guide
for them to continue the research. (EDIT)
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to know the (input again your title)

Scope and Limitation (This is just an example)

The study focused on the. (Put your Title)

The respondents involved in the study were maximum of (30-50) it depends in your research
Grade-1o Students at Ilaya Barangka Integrated School.

II. Methodology (wag na baguhin)

This research will discuss how the researchers will obtain and gather data for their target
respondents. This research includes the research method and design used by the researchers, the
materials used and how to gather data from the respondents. It also includes the respondents and
the procedure.

Research Design
This study used mixed method design (Kung ito yung research nyo, then pag hindi edit nyo).
Mixed methods design is a research approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative
methods to study a research problem. This type of design allows researchers to take advantage
of the strengths of both approaches to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the research

Research Materials
To obtain data from this study, a questionnaire is used to get the qualitative data while an
open-ended question is used for the quantitative data.

Data Gathering Procedure (edit)

To gather data from the selected participants, the researcher first asked permission by
explaining what the research intendsto answer and why the researchers want their
cooperation in this matter and assuring them that their personal information is being
treated with confidentiality. After getting permitted, the questionnaire was being
distributed physically to the participants. The participants were given enough time to
give their answers on the questionnaire. The data collected are then analyzed and
interpreted to come up with the research findings.

III. Results and Discussion

The researchers came up to the following results and discussion:

Quantitative Results of SOP’s (this is just an example)

SOP 1. SOP 2 SOP 3 SOP 4
- For SOP 1, For SOP 1, out 30 Four SOP 1, out 30
out 30 respondents, only 20 For SOP 1, out 30 respondents, only 20
respondents, answer to the given respondents, only 20 answer to the given
only 20 question. answer to the given question
answer to the question

- 20% of the
Qualitative Results

SOP 1- (Put Question) (this is just an example)

Answer: “Yes, because if the students have the confidence to answer through using English

language, this may directly affects their performance in academic. Indeed, this may help them to

have the ability to be confident in class” (Respondent A)

- According to respondent A

Data Analysis


Therefore, the results shows that majority of


Therefore, the results shows that majority of

IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, the study shows that …..
V. Recommendation (edit)

The recommendations that follow are based on the abovementioned observations and


1. Students should practice real-life activities in the classroom despite the limitations of

distance education to enhance their speaking skills and pronunciation.

2. Students should socialize with others using the language. Students need to exercise

their social skills and oral communication using the English language.

VI. References (APA 7th edition format) (should always put in separate page)

Font style- Times New Roman

Font size- 14 (title), 12 (the rest)
Spacing- 1.5
A-4 size paper

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