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Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business

Bachelor of Banking and Finance

Year 3 Semester 2
RBF Tutorial Group 2
BBDT3203 Customer Relationship Management
January 2022
Lecture/ Tutor: Mr. Lim Chow yeng

Student Name Student ID

1. Ong Wei Zhi 20WBR12650




COURSE CODE/ COURSE TITLE: BBDT3203 Customer Relationship Management

1) ONG WEI ZHI 20WBR12650
PROGRAMME: Bachelor of Banking And Finance (Honours)

Individual assignment. /50 (individual),

1/ 2 Group assignment. /50 (group)


Student’s Date: Lecturer/Tutor’s Date:

Acknowledgement: Signature:

Note: This form must be submitted together with the assessment grid/grading criteria and Turnitin report
for the coursework.


Group No.: 5
Name of student: ONG WEI ZHI
Student’s ID No.: 20WBR12650

Assessment criteria Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor Marks
1 Introduction (5%) 5 4 3 2 1
● An overview of assignment tasks. Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
● CRM research topics. well written. clearly fairly written. briefly poorly
● The research objective. written. written. written.
2 Section 1: Literature review (20%) 17 – 20 13 – 16 9 – 12 5–8 1–4
● Well researched on the theories. Provide a Provide a Provide an Very brief or Poorly or
● Comprehensiveness of elaborating the comprehensiv good review adequate in-adequate incoherent
research findings. e review and and well review and review. review.
● Well presented. well written. written. fairly written.
● Correct use of citation and referencing.
3 Section 2: Examine service-chain 9 – 10 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2
model (10%) Provide Provide good Provide Very brief or Little
● Well researched on the theories. excellent in- theoretical adequate in-adequate theoretical
● Comprehensiveness of explaining depth concepts. theoretical theoretical concepts.
theories. theoretical concepts. concepts.
● Has depth of discussion concepts.
4 Section 3: Evaluate service quality 9 – 10 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2
delivery (10%) Provide an Provide a Provide an Very brief or Little
● Comprehensiveness of exploring the excellent in- good adequate in-adequate application of
concepts. depth application of application of application of theoretical
● Has depth of discussion. application of theoretical theoretical theoretical concepts.
theoretical concepts. concepts. concepts.
5 Conclusion (5%) 5 4 3 2 1
● Has conceptualised the key findings. An excellent A good A fair A poor Incoherent
● Reflection of learning. summary of summary of summary of summary of summary of
the key the key the key the key the key
findings. findings. findings. findings. findings.






Semester: January 2022

Course Code & Title: BBDT3203 Customer Relationship Management

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plagiarism policy.

I/We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and purposes is
my/our own properly derived work.

I/We further confirm that the same work, where appropriate, has been verified by anti-plagiarism software
Turnitin (please state).

No. Student name Student ID No. Signature







Date: 4/3/2022
Table of Content

No. Criteria Page No.

1 1.0 Introduction 1

2 2.0 Literature review 2-5

3 3.0 Examine the service-profit chain model 6

4 4.0 Evaluate how internal operation delivers service quality 7

5 5.0 Conclusion 8

6 Reference 9

7 Appendix 10

8 Turnitin report 11
1.0 Introduction
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology that manages all of your company's
connections and relationships with current and future clients. A CRM framework enables businesses to
stay in touch with customers, streamline paperwork, and boost productivity. It's a better way to cope with
the external collaboration and relationships that generate success. A CRM tool allows businesses to store
customer and prospect contact information, identify deal opportunities, track service issues, and manage
marketing campaigns in one central location. It also makes data about each customer conversation
available to everyone in the organisation who needs it.

Customer analytics, also known as customer data analytics, is the systematic investigation of a company's
client data and behaviour in order to identify, attract, and retain the most productive customers. Clients
can access data from anywhere at any time, including where to shop, what to buy, how much to pay, and
so on. As a result, it's becoming increasingly important to use foresight and data to predict how customers
will behave when interacting with businesses.

Customer experience encompasses all of a customer's encounters with a firm and its products. Customer
relationship management requires an understanding of the customer experience. The customer's entire
impression of the organisation and its offers is reflected in the overall experience. Customer satisfaction
can be measured via surveys, feedback forms, and other data collection methods.

Customer loyalty refers to how committed customers are to a company's products or services, as well as
how strong their preference is for one brand over another. Customers' dedication is inextricably linked to
customer loyalty, since happy customers consistently support firms that answer their problems. Clients
that are loyal to a company only buy its products or services, and they are not willing to convert their
preferences to a competitive company. Brand loyalty is the result of a company's constant attempt to
deliver the same product at the same rate of success every time. Customer service is given extra attention
by businesses in order to retain their current customer base by increasing customer loyalty. They
frequently give loyalty programmes and customer prizes to their most loyal clients as a token of their
gratitude for doing business with them again.

Through a few literature readings based on TARUC library online journal resources, the goal of this
assignment is to grasp the overall notion of customer relationship management, customer analytic,
customer experience, and customer loyalty as they affect firms in each industry. Aside from that, the
content will go over the service-profit chain model in greater depth, as well as how POPULAR Book
Company (M) Sdn Bhd uses it to improve and enrich their customer analytics, customer experience, and
customer loyalty in order to continue their business.

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Customer experience
Article 1
The goal of this research is to evaluate customer experience as an academically sound construct that may
be transformed into a valuable tool for managers. The survey was carried out in the United Kingdom to
bring together multidisciplinary contributions to reflect customer experience factors, allowing for the
systematisation of complex data. Multidisciplinary teams, interdisciplinary tools, and complicated
approaches are required for service design initiatives. CEM employs succinct notation to provide an
intuitive visual depiction of the customer experience, which may be used to help design teams
communicate and analyse their work. This allows design teams to have a shared understanding of the
problem and solution spaces. Finally, the method's multilayer structure makes it scalable and adaptable,
allowing it to be applied to a wide range of service design projects. (Teixeira et al., 2012)

Article 2
The reason for this study is to fundamentally assess the applied legitimacy of client experience as a
developer and to offer a model that coordinates relational connections, administration quality, and
brands in the UK. The calculated legitimacy of client experience was explored in this exploration article.
Professional examinations have recognized the restrictions of relationship promotion as broadly
operationalized, and have recommended that an accentuation on client experience might be more viable
than rigorously characterised connections in making an incentive for clients. The pertinence of client
experience as a scholarly integrator of administration quality, connections, and brands is starting to be
perceived in scholastic investigations. The ideas that support client experience are not new, and
numerous effective business visionaries in the past have created special client encounters utilising for
the most part subjective exploration approaches. In the mid 20th century, the foundation of Jo Lyons
coffeehouses and Butlins occasion camps was established on a course of roused listening blended in
with an experimentation way to deal with inventive help improvement. (Palmer et al., 2010)

Article 3
This study bases on the importance of huge scope factors in the retail environment and how they can
shape client experiences and practices, according to Grewal (2009). The justification for this
investigation is to research client experience of the board in retailing in the United Kingdom. Past client
experiences, retail settings, organisation association focuses, and store denoting all accept a section in
later encounters, as shown by Verhoef et al. (2009). They portray client experience as "extensive in
character and involving[s] the client's psychological, brimming with feeling, energetic, social, and
genuine responses to the retailer," according to their definition. This experience is formed not just by
perspectives inside the retailer's control (e.g., organisation interface, retail air, assortment, esteeming),
yet furthermore by factors past the retailer's control (e.g., peer pressure, purchasing objective)." (Verhoef
et al. 2009, p. 32).

Article 4
The objective of this study is to perceive the way that well client experience and relationship advertising
(RM), two broadly utilised assistance the board draws near, can foresee fulfilment and responsibility as
two social quality builds, as well as their effect on faithfulness and verbal (WoM) as social results for
retail bank administrations in Kuwait. This nation was picked to act as an illustration of progress in the
Arabian Peninsula with a predominantly Islamic legacy and a capital-surplus economy. Clients' quest for
great encounters from utilising items (distinguished utilising the voice-of-client, Lutz and Foong, 2008) is
perceived by the Customer Experience worldview, and the summit of these encounters (related
involvements affecting ensuing encounters) decides the nature of their excursions with specialist co-ops
(Verhoef et al., 2009). This is predictable with the worth creation idea in administrations, as per which
wonderful noteworthy encounters give clients with a higher worth being used. CE considers
administration touchpoints to evoke substantial assessments that sway future help related feelings and

practices. As indicated by Lemon and Verhoef (2016), CE is available in all earlier models, reinforcing its
new fuse in the administration of both customary and e-Services for creating vital excursions as an upper
hand (Edelman and Singer, 2015). CE, as indicated by Palmer (2010), are viable reactions to
administrations that cause misshapen insights after some time. Thus, CE turns into an attainable choice to
support quality and client satisfaction being stale. (2019, Adel)

2.2 Customer satisfaction

Article 1
The objective of this review, as per Slack (2020), is to explore the effect of administration quality on
consumer loyalty and dependability, as well as the interceding capacity of consumer loyalty in the
grocery store industry. In Bingley, the motivation behind this study is to investigate the effect of
administration quality on consumer loyalty and steadfastness, as well as the interceding capacity of
consumer loyalty. For the reasons for this review, consumer loyalty will be characterised as "the buyer's
reaction to the assessment of the apparent disparity between earlier assumptions (or some standard of
execution) and the real presentation of the item as seen after its utilisation," as proposed by Tse and
Wilton (1988, p. 204). The anticipation disconfirmation hypothesis supports this definition (an
examination between pre-buy assumptions and post-buy assessment). Consumer loyalty can be
measured utilising this hypothesis: "positive disconfirmation" happens when the item or administration
surpasses assumptions, "negative disconfirmation" happens when assumptions are not satisfied, and
"affirmation" happens when assumptions are met (Oliver, 1997).

Article 2
The review is being attempted in Taiwan, as per Ming Chang (2005), to check whether there are any
financial advantages to expanding administration quality in the Taiwanese financial business. In light of
the hypothetical premise in help quality and benefit, the creator constructs a structure for this
examination. The SERVPERF model, which was developed utilising an exhibition based scale, and the
consumer loyalty on productivity model were found to fittingly address the Taiwanese financial business
in this review. Coming up next is a conversation of the observational proof: From the point of view of
the shopper, administration quality significantly affects consumer loyalty, and consumer loyalty
straightforwardly affects buy expectations, however administration quality doesn't generally affect
consumer loyalty. As indicated by the information, administration quality greatly affects buy aims than
consumer loyalty. Thus, branch bank directors should underline administration quality and client
satisfaction to increment customer purchase aims for this bank. Client bliss colossally affects
productivity from the angle of the executives. Regardless of the way that client and the board
assessments of administration quality contrast, the impediment model can decide the causal connection
between administration quality, consumer loyalty, and productivity. The help benefit chain, specifically,
has been displayed as a progression of proficiency benchmarking models (Soteriou and Zenios, 1999).
The observational discoveries of this study show that investigating administration quality, client
satisfaction, and productivity together, rather than estimating these three angles independently, yields
better bits of knowledge. These discoveries feature a fundamental point: keeping up with high help
quality discernibly affects productivity.

Article 3
The objective of this study is to investigate the connections between client unwavering perspectives,
client faithfulness practices (as surveyed by client buying conduct), and benefit. The objective is to give
an applied system to investigating the connections between client perspectives, conduct, and benefit in
Santa Barbara. Genuine devotion, as indicated by specialists, requires a solid "attitudinal responsibility"
to a brand (Day, 1969; Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978; Foxall and Goldsmith, 1994; Mellens et al., 1996;
Reichheld, 1996). This is considered as a bunch of expressed convictions about the brand bought that is
continually certain. Individuals' mentalities can be measured by asking the amount they like the brand,
that they are so devoted to it, that they are so prone to elevate it to other people, and how certain their

convictions and feelings are about it - in contrast with contending brands (Dick and Basu, 1994). The
strength of these perspectives is the main element in deciding if a brand will be bought and belittled
once more. Client steadfastness, as characterised by Oliver (1997, p. 392), is "a profoundly held
obligation to rebuy or repatronise a favoured item/administration reliably later on, along these lines
causing redundant same brand or same brandset buying notwithstanding situational impacts and
showcasing endeavours having the capacity to cause exchanging conduct." This idea collected a few
help in the domains of promoting and brand value research (for example Aaker, 1996; de Chernatony
and McDonald, 1998). Many promoting and brand the board experts loved the strategy since it is
thoughtful to the journey for systems to work on the strength of purchasers' opinions toward a brand.
(2006, Donio)

Article 4
The objective of this article, as indicated by Nguyen (2018), is to examine the effect of the five elements
of administration quality on consumer loyalty in the UK inexpensive food area, as well as to recognize
which viewpoints inside the five aspects assume a significant part in generally consumer loyalty. The
discoveries of this study have supported a superior comprehension of the essential perspectives that
decide administration quality and client joy, and they have administrative ramifications in the
exceptionally serious UK cheap food and more extensive foodservice enterprises. While the thoughts of
administration quality and client joy are unmistakable, they have a tight connection, as indicated by
Cronin and Taylor (1992) and Oliver (1993). While consumer loyalty is attached to a solitary exchange,
saw administration quality is an expansive judgement or mentality about the prevalence of
administration, as per Parasuraman et al. (1988). "There is an impressive connection between
administration quality and consumer loyalty," Sureshchandar et al. (2002, p. 372) expressed, "and an
improvement in one is probably going to prompt an expansion in the other." Brady and Robertson
(2001) recognized a solid connection between administration quality and consumer loyalty at drive-thru
eateries in the United States and Latin America. As indicated by Grönroos (2007), views of
administration quality start things out, trailed by joy or discontent with that quality.

2.3 Customer loyalty

Article 1
In Santa Barbara, this study inspects three elective perspectives on dependability and interfaces them to a
system for understanding buyer steadfastness that incorporates client brand responsibility,
acknowledgment, and purchasing. Client devotion programs are an illustration of this pattern at the
present time. The mental association that happens because of enrollment (a client benefit) and the
improved purchaser experiences that might be gotten from dissecting the program information base (a
firm advantage) are frequently accentuated by advocates (Brown, 2000; Pearson, 1996). Pundits battle
that most clients' steadfastness - both attitudinal and social - is to a great extent aloof and more much the
same as propensity than genuine responsibility. They further contend that these projects are expensive to
set up and work, and that there is practically zero proof that any progressions in conduct legitimise the
speculation (Dowling and Uncles, 1997). These are solid statements and counter-cases, and they are
situated in huge part on the different client unwaveringly models we talked about before. (Source: Mark

Article 2
In Santa Barbara, this study analyses three elective perspectives on unwaveringly and interfaces them to a
system for understanding purchaser reliability that incorporates client brand responsibility,
acknowledgment, and purchasing. Client reliability programs are an illustration of this pattern at the
present time. The mental association that happens because of participation (a client benefit) and the
improved shopper experiences that might be gotten from examining the program data set (a firm
advantage) are regularly stressed by advocates (Brown, 2000; Pearson, 1996). As indicated by the
discoveries of this review, saw administration quality greatestly affects client bliss. Café the board should

really focus on the nature of administration in their foundations, most authorities on the matter would
agree. Administration quality isn't straightforwardly quantifiable; rather, it is encountered by utilising the
assistance after they've gotten it. Cutting edge staff workers should get vital preparation, as well as time to
serve food and get a bill, to further develop administration quality.

Article 3
In Santa Barbara, this study inspects three elective perspectives on dependability and associates them to a
system for understanding purchaser reliability that incorporates client brand responsibility,
acknowledgment, and purchasing. Client reliability programs are an illustration of this pattern at the
present time. The mental association that happens because of enrollment (a client benefit) and the
improved buyer experiences that might be gotten from investigating the program data set (a firm
advantage) are regularly accentuated by advocates (Brown, 2000; Pearson, 1996). The discoveries of the
investigation recommend that the coefficient of relationship promoting and client dedication acquired
0.93 in the primary speculation, which assesses the connection between relationship advertising and client
steadfastness through time. The second review theory is that there is a connection between client trust and
relationship showcasing, and that the coefficient of the connection between client trust and relationship
advertising is 0.81. The coefficient relationship between client responsibility and relationship showcasing
is 0.77 in the third speculation, which checked the connection between client responsibility and
promoting out. The coefficient relationship between how to contact clients and relationship promoting is
0.87 in the fourth speculation, which took a gander at the connection between how to contact clients and
advertising. The way coefficient of the relationship between undeniable degree of fulfilment and client
faithfulness is 0.74, as per the aftereffects of the fifth review theory, which investigated the connection
between significant degree of fulfilment and client dedication. Thus, the examination's 6th speculation
concerns the relationship between proceeds with buy and client dependability; the coefficient of the
connection between purchaser coherence and client dedication is 0.63. As can be noticed, all speculations
in light of the coefficient are approved, demonstrating that client association quality (relationship
promoting) affects client steadfastness in a client situated procedure.

Article 4
The objective of this review, as per zkan (2020), is to investigate the effect of consumer loyalty,
administration quality, saw worth of administrations, corporate picture, and corporate standing on client
dedication and connections in the Turkish financial business. The impacts of seen esteem and corporate
picture and notoriety on intervention are additionally researched. Understanding the connections between
the elements of client steadfastness to the bank permits the executives to all the more successfully
influence corporate picture and notoriety in its procedure, in this manner advancing the establishment's
situation in the personalities of clients. Client joy and client view of administration quality are both
fundamental and unclear signs of devotion, as per the discoveries. Moreover, client bliss and
administration quality straightforwardly affect apparent worth, corporate picture and notoriety, and client
dependability, as indicated by the review. Purchaser fulfilment and administration quality both assume a
part in deciding if a client will repurchase a help. As per this outcome, bank chiefs should ensure that all
parts of the bank's exhibition fulfil shopper assumptions. Besides, expanding the contest provides clients
with a more extensive scope of monetary organisations to browse. Subsequently, realising a client's
singular requests conveys a critical message to clients, for example, the quality and fulfilment of the help
provided to clients, permitting a monetary establishment to draw in and keep clients over the long haul.

3.0 Examine the service-profit chain model
Because of globalisation, the business climate is changing, and the competition to stay competitive and
achieve acceptable results is increasing. Managers must be able to deal with change. Several research in
the field of human resource management have looked into the relationship between acceptable HR
practices and firm effectiveness. Heskett et al. suggested an SPC model for organisational improvement,
particularly in service organisations, that blends operations management with HRM.

The service-profit chain is a compelling concept that emphasises the value of people, both employees and
consumers, and how tying them together may boost company performance. The service-profit chain is an
equation that shows how profitability, customer loyalty, and employee satisfaction, loyalty, and
productivity are all linked. Profit and growth are primarily spurred by client loyalty, which is why the
links in the chain that should be considered propositions are profit and growth. Customer pleasure is a
direct effect of loyalty.

Employee satisfaction is a major factor in determining an organisation's success. It is an employee's

attitude toward their work. To accomplish outstanding achievements, an organisation must understand
how to satisfy and motivate its personnel. Customer satisfaction appears to be a natural corollary of staff
satisfaction, and as a result, the success of the organisation is attained. Employee satisfaction not only
boosts productivity, but it also improves work quality. There is a need to develop a work atmosphere that
motivates people to provide excellent customer service. This is a key to pulling service profit chains
because delighted employees generate client happiness through good performance, which leads to
organisational success and financial success. As a result, there is a clear link between staff and consumer

Customer satisfaction refers to a person's overall feeling about a service provider. Customer loyalty is the
consequence of businesses providing value to their consumers in order for them to continue to do
business with them. Customer satisfaction is extremely important in today's dynamic corporate climate
since it has a significant impact on consumers' repurchasing behaviour. Every organisation must strive to
develop long-term connections with clients in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

Customer happiness affects financial performance. Financial performance and customer satisfaction have
a direct relationship, while employee happiness has an indirect relationship that is mediated by customer
satisfaction, but there is a direct relationship between customer satisfaction and employee contentment.
Customers are the lifeblood of the service sector.

4.0 Evaluate how internal operation delivers service quality
POPULAR Book Company (M) Sdn Bhd was the company I chose for this project. POPULAR Book
Company (M) Sdn Bhd is one of Malaysia's largest bookstore chains. The brand has become a household
name in Malaysia as a result of CRM deployment, and it now has over 93 locations across the country. It
is the largest bookstore chain in Malaysia, according to the Malaysian Book of Records, with over
780,000 square feet of retail space.

POPULAR Book Company (M) Sdn Bhd had identified their customers based on demographic,
behavioural, and psychographic information. Their age, gender, occupations, pay, marital status,
education, and other factors influence their demographic data. In addition, the behavioural data is
dependent on their POPULAR use state and dependability level. Apart from that, psychographic data is
based on client identifying attributes, values, lifestyles, hobbies, and mental states. When clients visited
POPULAR's site, they searched for things and ways to communicate with the staff to inquire about their
availability. POPULAR will start tracking their details and collecting data. Furthermore, POPULAR will
access and compile data from web-based lives in order to determine the most recent pattern.

POPULAR will determine who is their most important client, most profitable client, most buy client, and
zero esteem client by socialising the client information. POPULAR offers a wide range of items to its
customers, including fiction, nonfiction, and general interest books in English, Chinese, and Malay
dialects, as well as school course readings and modification books. In addition, it has a large collection of
publications, stationery, multimedia items, blessed items, and Discs. It allows them to target their
customers based on their age, gender, interests, occupations, and pay. POPULAR will hunt for the most
recent patterns that the most important client is seeking for and describe new things that meet their needs.
They can also benefit from a discount while purchasing some things if they have a POPULAR
membership card.

Following the customer separation, POPULAR can engage with their most important and profitable
clients by current and traditional advertising correspondence, such as online networking, messaging, and
events. POPULAR has created Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Clients can use the POPULAR
Facebook page to poll and obtain further information, such as Year End Deals and book fairs. Aside from
that, POPULAR has been sending out messages to their customers every now and then to keep them
informed about upcoming book fairs and bargains. POPULAR has also planned a slew of events and
promotions in order to enhance brand recognition. Every year during the school vacations, POPULAR
hosts a few book fairs to encourage everyone, especially teens, to read more.

POPULAR Book Company (M) Sdn Bhd is one of Malaysia's largest bookstore chains. They offer a
variety of products to fulfil the demands of their clients, including reference books for students, food
recipe books for mothers and cooking enthusiasts, and other sorts of novels. They provide a variety of
products to a variety of consumers, as well as customising various types of membership benefits. There
are four different sorts of POPULAR membership cards, each with a different fee. (Appendix 1) Members
get access to a variety of benefits. Over 150 POPULAR bookstores in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and
Singapore, as well as HARRISbookstores and CD RAMA Departments in Malaysia, will provide a 10%
storewide discount, with a 20% discount on POPULAR CHOICE and PIIHAN POPULAR. Teachers'
Privileged Service provides an additional yearly award on school assessment books.

5.0 Conclusion
With visibility and simple access to information, it's less demanding to work together and increment
profitability. Everybody in your organisation can perceive how clients have been spoken with, what
they've purchased, when they last bought, what they paid, thus significantly more. CRM can help
organisations of all sizes drive business development, and it can be particularly advantageous to an
independent venture, where groups frequently need to discover approaches to accomplish more with less.

For the service-profit chain model, this system is valuable in understanding the procedure to be received
for building association with existing clients. Be that as it may, it is likewise similarly essential to know
the phases through which a prospect turns into a client and after that a reliable client.

(3981 words)

1. Alleah Crawford, 200, The Impact of Work-Related Goals on Hospitality Industry Employee
Variables, viewed 28 February 2022, <>
2. Apnella Indriani Ritonga, 2006, Customer satisfaction and loyalty in a digital environment: an
empirical test, viewed 28 February 2022,
3. George Cudjoe Agbemabiese, 2009, Relationship marketing and customer loyalty in the
ghanaian hospitality industry, viewed 28 February 2022,
4. Mark D., 2003, Customer loyalty and customer loyalty programs, viewed 28 February 2022,
5. Popular, nd, POPULAR CARD / E-CARD, viewed 28 February 2022,


POPULAR Card - 1 year RM12.00

POPULAR Privilege Card - 3 year RM25.00

Teachers' Privileged Service Card - 1 year RM12.00

POPULAR Student Card - 2 year RM10.00

Appendix 1: Popular membership


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