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Good morning teacher and classmates, today I'm going to

present about inventions using the passive voice, starting with

the first creation, which is the print.
Well, the print it was created by Johnnes Gutenberg, who
developed it in Mainz, in the Holy Roman Empire, it was created
in 1440 and this innovation by enabling the mass production of
books and terts through printing with movable metal type.
Continuing with the phone, it was created by Alexander Graham
Bell in 1876 in Boston, It was used to call to other persons, for
example to my family or my friends.
Now, I explain about the printer, it was created by Chester
Carlson and it was invented in the 1930s in USA. This innovation
allowed for the rapid and efficient reproduction of documents
and graphics on paper or other media.
And finally, I'm going to talk about penicillin, well, the penicillin is
th first antibiotic discovered, it was created by Alexander Fleming
and it was invented in 1928 at St. Mary’s Hospital in London.
Penicilin has been used to treat a wide range of bacterial
And with those four inventions, I end my presentation. THANKS

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