Basic English Lesson by Abdiwali

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/ like both these bags Which (of the two) do you

I like all these bags Which (of them) do you
13.36.3 Which day/month/year...?'
These combinations are more specific than When ?
Don t forget Sam s birthday? - I won t
Which/What day is it?
13.36.4 'Which way...?'
Which way ? asks for more precise information
than Where ?
Which way did they go? (i e two or more ways to
choose from)
13.37 'Why...?' as a question-word
13.37.1 'Why...?': reason and purpose [> 1.48,
Why questions may ask for a reason or reasons
which can be
supplied with Because (Not "Why *)
Why didn't you tell me John had left you?
- Because I didn t want to burden you with my
Because is often omitted (and therefore implied) in
A to-infinitive or because can answer Why?
[purpose > 16.12.1]
Why did you go this way? - To save time ('because
I wanted to')Particular question words and their
.37.2 Why don't/doesn't...?' and Why not?'
Why + don for doesn't can be used to make
/ don t like this wallpaper - Then why don't you
change it?
Why not followed by a bare infinitive can be used
in the same way
Why not wait till the winter sales to buy a new
Why not?(in place of a Why question) can ask for a
/'m not going to work today - Why not?
or can be used in response to suggestions
Let's eat out tonight - Yes why not?
It can be used defensively in
Are you really going to sue them? - Yes why not?
13.37.3 Some functional uses of 'Why...?'
Why + verb often conveys the meaning of 'It's not
worth the trouble
to ' or 'I don't think you should'
/ think I ought to tidy this place up
- Why bother? (i e it's not worth bothering to)
You re fully insured so why worry?
Why combines with modals to convey a variety of
emotions, etc
- anger
Why can't you shut up?
- irritation/complaint
Why should I do it?
- failure to understand
Why should the boiling point of water
be lower at the top of a mountain?
13.38 'Where...?' as a question-word
Where is used to inquire about place (either precise
references or
general ones) The answers to Where questions can
be whole
sentences, phrases or single words

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