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Online Training on

Solar Water Pumping System

for ISA member Countries

Session VII
Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation
Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation Activities

1. Before beginning the installation, check the pump set & controller model, serial number, name
plate declaration by manufacturer, to verify if the supplied goods are as per order.

2. Read the instruction manual carefully to know standard installation practices, recommended
accessories and safety / protective devices, assembly and operating procedure and trouble-
shooting process.

3. Check customer care help line number and contact details of authorized installation agency /
service center.

4. Check / inspect if the pump set & controller received are in good condition, without any
damage or missing parts.

5. Check if the Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) modules are in received without any damages, breakage
and there are no missing parts.

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Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation Activities

6. Check if the individual modules are supplied with flash test reports and the serial numbers
and name plate declarations are matching with the test reports. Check if the RFID tag is
present in each Module.

7. Check MMS, hardware and Balance of System Components (BoS) components are supplied
as per drawings and bill of material. Check the assembly drawing and procedure for Module
Mounting Structure (MMS) i.e. work instruction.

8. Schedule the installation as per availability of resources and site clearance.

9. Lay the foundation for MMS and do the erection as per Work Instruction.

10.Take appropriate pictures during various stages of installations.

11.Let the foundation get cured for 3 days before mounting the PV Modules.

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Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation Activities

12. Connect the SPV Modules in an array as per series / parallel configuration recommended to
achieve required / designed voltage value. Interconnect the arrays (if more than 1) in series
/ parallel to achieve required power capacity and voltage.

13. Connect the lead cable with the motor cable with a water tight and secured joint to avoid
lose contact and excessive voltage drop. Check winding resistances, continuity, insulation
resistance etc. with suitable measuring devices and ensure readings / observations are

14. Connect the delivery (& suction) pipes of recommended size and quality (pressure rating)
with the pump set.

15. Lower the pump set in bore well and do the connections as per steps elaborated in work
instruction / manual. Pump should be lowered below the max. draw down level to avoid dry
running and proper cooling of motor.

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Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation Activities

16. Surface Pumps are mounted on a concrete platform of appropriate dimensions as well
strength as per general arrangement (GA) drawing provided by the manufacturer, to avoid
vibrations, inclined / wrong alignment and unbalance.

17. Provide good ventilation for air cooling of the motor and a canopy or cover shall be
provided to protect from water ingress due to pipe leakages, rains, water splashing and
direct sunlight. This is to enhance life of the pump set and reduce maintenance.

18. Ensure bore holes are flushed and have casing pipes of sufficient length to ensure uniform
diameter for lowering the submersible pumps. This is to get reasonably clear, fresh water
and smooth running of pumps over prolonged period and without damage to internal as
well as external parts.

19. Submersible pumps should be suspended with help of wire ropes and never be lowered to
the full depth of the bore well. This is to avoid contact with sand and mud at the bottom.

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Solar Water Pumps: Pre Installation Activities

20. A non return valve connected in delivery pipeline, in addition to the inherent check valve in
the pump is desirable to protect the pump parts / assembly from water hammer, when the
pump stops working / trips.

21. Connecting foot valve / unidirectional valve of right size and quality, at the end of suction
pipe is must. With this priming / dry running of the pump can be avoided.

22. Suction pipe size is normally one size higher than delivery pipe and bends (90o ) are avoided.
Elbows are preferred for pipe connections to reduce frictional head loss.

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Solar Water Pumps: Site Assessment

Site Assessment

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Solar Water Pumps: Site Assessment

1. Check pump operation and ensure all the functions are operating normally.
A. No vibrations or abnormal sound from the pump set and outlet pipe.

B. No frequent tripping & error signal displayed on controller display.

C. Live parameters like voltage, current, frequency / speed, power, discharge etc. are displayed properly
on controller display and the values are within normal operating range.

D. No excessive heating observed in controller.

E. Water flow can be measured by volumetric method is proportionate to the input power / solar
irradiance available.

F. Water flow is continuous and not intermittent.

G. Water is being delivered to the end point and there are no leakages in pipe line.

H. There are no electric shocks at pump end as well as controller end.

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Solar Water Pumps: Site Assessment

2. Check structure rigidity of MMS and alignment / orientation.

A. Tracking mechanism is properly operating and able to track the sun movement on both
axis (if dual axis tracking provision is given.)

B. SPV Modules are securely fastened with the MMS frame and the frame, support structure,
main pole etc. are also fastened with each other. Main Pole is rigidly fixed with the
foundation bolt.

C. The modules have proper alignment on the frame and they are equidistant. While tilting,
the modules have sufficient clearance from the ground.

D. There are no shadows, which covers the SPV modules and blocks the sunlight.

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Solar Water Pumps: Site Assessment

3. Check the all the connections and ensure there are no open joints.
• All DC cable joints / connectors are securely engaged with each other & terminated in Junction Box
to form continuous loop.
• There are no lose or exposed connections / joints, no hanging cables and are protected from ingress
of water, moisture, dust, rodents, inspects. The cables and joints should be easily accessible for
4. Connect the pumping system to micro irrigation system (drip / sprinkler) and record the
5. In case of flood irrigation, record water output by filling a standard container.
6. Take site pictures for records and document critical observations / readings about the site
and system.

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Solar Water Pumps: Selection of Array Tilt Angle and

Tilt Angle = Latitude + 2°/3°

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Solar Water Pumps: Selection of Array Tilt Angle and

When auto trackers are not used the PV generator is mounted on a fixed structure at a
fixed azimuth and tilt angle, so that the PV array surface is at right angles to the sun
rays falling on it. The PV array tilt angle represents the angle which the array surface
makes with the horizontal plane/earth. With fixed structures the maximum energy –
as a yearly average – is generated when the PV array tilt is equal to the latitude (+/- 2
to 3o) of the location.

It is also common practice to allow for a minimum tilt angle of 15° in locations of
lower latitudes to allow for self-cleaning of the modules when it rains.

In the northern hemisphere, modules should be inclined to face south, and in the
southern hemisphere, modules should incline to face north.

As an approximation, for every 1 degree deviation from the optimum tilt angle, the
losses will be of around 0.1 per cent of maximum power generation possible.

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Solar Water Pumps: Selection of Array Tilt Angle and

Since the height of the sun in the sky changes during the year (lower in winter, higher
in summer) the tilt angle can be chosen so that maximum energy production is
guaranteed in the critical season (for example, a flatter tilt to maximize water pumping
in the summer when water needs might be higher).

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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific Module
Mounting Structure (MMS)
Factors considered for MMS installation:

1. Location - Latitude of the site (for tilt angle determination), wind velocities in the area.

2. Shading – Shadow free area to avoid shading due to nearby trees, buildings, tall objects,
overhead cables.

3. Soil Condition – Soil Type / bearing Strength decides foundation type, foundation depth
weight of structure.

4. Rain – To prevent corrosion due to flood waters, metallic supports, poles, need to be cast
in concrete to a height above flood level.

5. Temperature – Spacing between the PV modules should accommodate the expansion and
movement of modules with temperature.

6. Corrosion – Structure should be properly protected against environment factors like rain,
humidity, salinity. Coating / Hot Dip Galvanizing process is necessary for structure integrity.
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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific module
mounting structure (MMS)
Different types of MMS:

Ground Mount –
Directly anchored on the ground in cast concrete OR bolted in reinforced concrete blocks.
Mounted typically not more than 1 m height from ground, hence most robust, unaffected by
Fixed orientation and tilt, which is optimized for whole year angle.
Ease of cleaning & access for maintenance but prone to theft / sabotage.

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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific module
mounting structure (MMS)
Pole Mount –
Anchored into ground on tall support pole (usually 1.5 m height on the lower side) and filled with
RCC. Most affected by wind loading.

Provides security against theft and sabotage but are more expensive and difficult to clean.
Adaptable on any terrain, orientation and tilt can be optimized.
Need structural designing expertise to build strength and withstanding capability against wind
loading and each member of the MMS has to be critically designed and selected.

Right design of foundation bolt for the pole and proper curing of the RCC / PCC foundation is must.

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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific module
mounting structure (MMS)
Roof Mount –
Mounted on existing roof.
Often the same direction, slop and tilt as the roof.

Acquires less land area (or no extra land if the existing roof area is enough).

It is always not possible to optimize the orientation & tilt, resulting in energy losses.
Difficult to access and clean.

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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific module
mounting structure (MMS)
Ground Screw –
Relatively new concept. Does not require soil excavation, concreting or refilling.

Support Screws are hammered into ground. Minimal disturbance to soil and vegetation.

Easy to install & remove. Reusable.

Limitation – Need stable soil and non rocky area.

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Solar Water Pumps: Choosing a site specific module
mounting structure (MMS)
Elevated Tank Mounting –
Modules are mounted on elevated tank.

Secure, reduced cost, effective space utilization.

Limitation – Limited / Low Wp Capacity.

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Solar Water Pumps: Calculation of required flow rates

Pump capacity selction based on flow rate calculation

Assess the water requirement through out a day ( 24 hrs).

• Avarage generation period considered is of 7.15 hrs/day.

• Required water per day shall be pumped in avarage generation
period.(429 minutes/ day).
• Solar irradiation is not constant through out this period. This affects
the performance of the pump, since head is almost constant.
• Therefore, pump discharge at peak irradiation shall be 30 to 40%
higher than the avarage rate of discharge. (for impeller pumps).
• This will ensure the water available from dawn to dusk will meet
water requirement per day.

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Solar Water Pumps: Total Dynamic Head concept - Surface

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Solar Water Pumps: Total Dynamic Head concept - Surface
For surface pumps:

Total head (TD) Hsuction + Hstatic + Hfriction + Hresidual


Hsuction = vertical height from water level to pump inlet where the water level is
below the pump inlet, i.e. negative suction. Where the water level is above the pump
inlet, this is a positive suction

Hstatic = elevation/vertical height from pump inlet to the tank inlet

Hfriction = friction loss, i.e. pressure drop due to friction in the pipe expressed as a
coefficient of friction per 100 m. The coefficient of friction is obtained from friction
loss tables

Hresidual = residual head, i.e. additional pressure required at the delivery point. For
pumping to tank it is a value between 0 m and 10 m

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Solar Water Pumps: Total Dynamic Head concept - Surface
Pressure loss due to friction loss is affected by various factors:

1. Length of the pipe – the longer the pipe, the greater the pressure drop will be due
to friction.

2. Diameter of the pipe – the smaller the pipe, the greater the pressure drop.

3. Flow of water through the pipe – the greater the flow, the greater the pressure

4. Pipe roughness – the rougher the interior surface of the pipe, the greater the
pressure drop. PVC pipe is smoother than galvanized iron pipe and has less friction
in comparison.

5. Fittings and joints – each bend, elbow, union, flow meter, valve, strainer etc.
introduces an additional pressure drop that must be considered.

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Solar Water Pumps: Total Dynamic Head concept -
Submersible pump
Total dynamic head (TDH) HDWL + Helev + Hfriction + Hresidual

HDWL = dynamic water level, i.e. the water level after
completion of test pumping measured from the
borehole surface

Helev = elevation/vertical height from borehole surface /

well head to the tank inlet

Hfriction = friction loss, i.e. pressure drop due to friction

in the pipe expressed as a coefficient of friction per 100
m. The coefficient of friction is obtained from friction
loss tables

Hresidual = residual head, i.e. additional pressure required

at the delivery point. For pumping to tank it is a value
between 0 m and 10 m
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Solar Water Pumps: Planning distribution of Output

Planning distribution of Output Water

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Solar Water Pumps: Planning distribution of Output
Location and Sizing of Water Storage Tank:
• Location close to water source – Minimize total dynamic head requirement and
thereby the PV module capacity.

• If the location of tank is far from taps / stand posts, storage capacity required be
higher and vice versa.

• Cost implications and ease of O&M will have bearing on the layout / design of the
Storage capacity will depend on daily water consumption, daily and seasonal variations
of solar irradiation. It also needs to ensure, adequacy, reliability and compatibility with
existing and future demand. Also need to ensure there is no overflow as well as
shortage of water.

Water scheme type Water reservoir capacity
Generator/grid powered 0.5–1 × daily water requirement
Hybrid (solar + generator/grid) 0.5–3 × daily water requirement
Stand-alone solar 1–3 × daily water requirement
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Thank you

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