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0. I got canned (İngilizce): "Kovuldum" anlamına gelir.

Türkçe: "Kızağa çekildim" veya "işten çıkarıldım."

1. Right hand man (İngilizce): "Birinin en güvendiği ve en yakın çalışma arkadaşı olan kişi"
anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Sağ kolu" veya "en yakın çalışma arkadaşı."
2. Stabbed me in the back (İngilizce): "Sırtımdan bıçakladı" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Sırtımdan vurdu."
3. Keep your chin up (İngilizce): "Moralini yüksek tut" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Başını dik tut" veya "moralini bozma."
4. When pigs fly (İngilizce): "Olmayacak bir şey olduğunda" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Domuzlar uçtuğunda gibi" veya "asla olmayacak."
5. Told them off (İngilizce): "Birine sert bir şekilde eleştiri veya azar vermek" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Onları azarladım" veya "fırçaladım."
6. Look on the bright side (İngilizce): "Olumlu tarafından bak" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Olumlu yönünden bak" veya "iyimser ol."
7. Set eyes on (İngilizce): "Gözünü dikmek" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Gözünü dikmek" veya "ilk defa görmek."
8. Thank goodness (İngilizce): "Allah'a şükür" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Şükürler olsun" veya "şükretmek."
9. Hang in there (İngilizce): "Dayanmaya devam et" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Dayanmaya devam et" veya "sabret."
10.Live from hand to mouth (İngilizce): "Günübirlik yaşamak" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Günübirlik yaşamak" veya "elden ağza yaşamak."
11.We make ends meet (İngilizce): "Gelirleri ve giderleri dengelemek" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Gelir ve giderleri dengeliyoruz" veya "kıt kanaat geçiniyoruz."
12.Worse comes to worst (İngilizce): "En kötü durumda" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "En kötüsüne en kötü durumda" veya "kötüsüne kötü durumda."
13.Easier said than done (İngilizce): "Söylemesi kolay, yapması zor" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Söylemesi kolay, yapması zor" veya "kolay dedikçe."
14.Think big (İngilizce): "Büyük düşün" anlamına gelir.
Türkçe: "Büyük düşün" veya "yüksek hedefler belirle."
Witter on: Talking about trival matters

Butt in: To interupt a discussion

Having a row: having an argument

Churlish: lack of civility, rude

Slump in: sudden or sharp decline or fall in something, such as prices, sales, or a person's mood.

Expected grin: broad smile expressing

Chat up: to impress, charm in a flirtous way

Perky: Full of energy, lively, cheerful

Oomph: Enthusiasm,

Spurious affection: not genuine, fake, or not true

Entitle: deserved

Hit the books: Studying

Hit the sack: go to bed

Face the music: Consequences

Set the record straight: to correct misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or false statements

Losing by hair: losing by a very small margin or by a very narrow margin

Told them off: (chastsise) expressing your disapproval, anger, or frustration using strong language
or a firm tone to make your feelings and opinions clear.

Set eyes: discovery, surprise, or appreciation upon encountering something new or unfamiliar.

Goodness for that: gratitude for a positive outcome or situation

reaching for the pie in the sky / when pigs fly: Impossible

sink or swim: must either succeed or fail, survive or perish, without any middle ground or external

strike it rich: suddenly become very wealthy or successful, often through a stroke of good luck or a
successful venture

play things by ear: adapting to circumstances as they unfold, rather than following a predetermined
course of action.

keeping ears to ground: staying alert and attentive to what is happening around you, often in terms
of being aware of current events, trends, or changes.
leaps and bounds: rapid and significant progress or advancement

rant and rave: To speak or complain loudly and angrily

to knock yourself out: To put in a lot of effort or work hard on something.

To be taken back: To be surprised, shocked, or caught off guard by something unexpected.

crank out: To produce or create something quickly

crunch time: The period of intense pressure or urgency, usually when a deadline is approaching.
head over heels in love: Completely and deeply in love with someone
make out: to engage in kissing and other intimate activities.
to be nuts about something: To be extremely enthusiastic or fond of something.
have a one-track mind: To be excessively focused on a single topic or goal
to plug away at something: persistently and diligently work on something over a period of time.

A bed of roses - A situation that is very pleasant and easy.

Double-edged sword - Something that has both favorable and unfavorable consequences.
Limelight 24/7 - Being constantly and consistently the center of public attention.
Drive you round the bend - To make someone very frustrated or angry.
Go off the rails - To behave in a way that is not acceptable, especially in a way that shocks people.
Burn out in a blaze of glory - To become exhausted or ineffective in a spectacular and memorable
Feet on the ground - To be realistic and practical.
No mean feat - Something that is difficult to achieve.
Blowing smoke up your backside - Flattering or complimenting someone excessively,
Best thing since sliced bread - Someone or something very excellent or great.
Fall from grace - To lose the high status or respect that you had.
Doom and gloom - A feeling or atmosphere of negativity and pessimism.
In the public eye - Frequently observed or known by the public.
Lead a glamorous lifestyle - To live a life full of excitement, wealth, and luxury.
Bend over backwards - To make a great effort or sacrifice to do something.
15 minutes of fame - A short-lived period of celebrity or notoriety.
Rough with the smooth - To accept the difficult parts along with the easy ones.
Time in the sun - A period of success, prosperity, or happiness.

In sentences:
A bed of roses - "Starting a business isn't always a bed of roses; it requires hard work and
Double-edged sword - "Technology is a double-edged sword; it connects us, but it also invades our
Limelight 24/7 - "As a politician, being in the limelight 24/7 is part of the job description."
Drive you round the bend - "The constant noise from the construction site next door is enough to
drive anyone round the bend."
Go off the rails - "After the breakup, she started to go off the rails, partying every night."
Burn out in a blaze of glory - "The band burned out in a blaze of glory, leaving behind a legacy of
great music."
Feet on the ground - "Despite her success, she keeps her feet on the ground and remains humble."
No mean feat - "Running a marathon is no mean feat; it requires months of training."
Blowing smoke up your backside - "The manager was clearly blowing smoke up his backside to win
his approval."
Best thing since sliced bread - "He thinks his new phone is the best thing since sliced bread,
praising its features endlessly."
Fall from grace - "After the scandal, the politician had a rapid fall from grace in the public's eyes."
Doom and gloom - "Despite setbacks, she remains optimistic and doesn't dwell in doom and
In the public eye - "As a celebrity, living in the public eye comes with constant media attention."
Lead a glamorous lifestyle - "Many actors lead a glamorous lifestyle, attending lavish events and
traveling the world."
Bend over backwards - "The team bent over backwards to meet the tight deadline set by the client."
15 minutes of fame - "His viral video gave him 15 minutes of fame, but he returned to a normal life
Rough with the smooth - "Being an entrepreneur means dealing with the rough with the smooth,
facing challenges along with successes."
Time in the sun - "After years of hard work, she finally had her time in the sun when her book
became a bestseller."
• Meaning: To revive or renew something, such as a feeling or relationship, that has faded or
diminished over time.
• Examples:
• After years apart, they decided to rekindle their friendship.
• The couple took a vacation to rekindle the romance in their relationship.

• Meaning: To rework or present something again, often with little or no change; to discuss or
go over something again without adding new insights.
• Examples:
• The report was just a rehash of the previous year's findings.
• Instead of creating new content, the speaker tended to rehash old ideas in the
• Meaning: To change or clarify the meaning of something, often by providing a new or more
precise definition.
• Examples:
• The company decided to redefine its mission statement to better reflect its values.
• As technology evolved, the concept of "privacy" needed to be redefined.

• Meaning: A gathering of people who have been separated, often for a specific purpose, such
as a family or class reunion.
• Examples:
• The high school reunion brought together classmates after many years.
• The family organized a reunion to celebrate their shared history.

• Meaning: To remember or bring back into one's mind; to officially request the return of a
product due to defects or safety concerns.
• Examples:
• He struggled to recall the details of the conversation.
• The company issued a recall for the faulty product.

• Meaning: To come back to the surface, either physically or metaphorically; for example, to
resurface a road or to resurface in the public eye.
• Examples:
• The city decided to resurface the old roads to improve driving conditions.
• After years of obscurity, the artist began to resurface in the art world.

• Meaning: To establish a connection or relationship again, especially after a period of
separation or disconnection.
• Examples:
• They decided to reconnect after losing touch for several years.
• The organization aimed to help veterans reconnect with their communities.

• Meaning: To construct or reconstruct something that has been damaged or destroyed; to
restore or make improvements.
• Examples:
• After the earthquake, the community came together to rebuild their homes.
• The team had to rebuild the project from scratch after a technical failure.

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