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MANUE DATE: 03/01/2024


Starting a thesis paper is not really the easiest part of making thesis the introduction and the
title itself is the challenging part for me in making a thesis paper but, from the videos I watched,
this are the things I have understand, realized and learned.
From the first video“Easy Way of Writing a Research Paradigm” provides helpful insights into
developing a research paradigm. It breaks down the process into essential steps, stressing the
significance of defining research philosophy, approach strategy, design, and relevant paradigm
models. As a current thesis student, this resource is valuable for grasping and applying these
concepts in research. The presenter’s explanations and use of examples enhance the accessibility
and understanding of the process for viewers.
Next video is all about the scope and limitations of the study, summarizing them in one
paragraph. The scope of the study refers to its boundaries and coverage, including the area,
respondents, subjects, and variables involved. It essentially outlines the extent and range of the
research. However, limitations relate to factors without the researcher’s control, like time,
money, the availability of data, or other difficulties that may affect the study’s effectiveness.
Viewers will better understand the limits and scope of their own research by learning from this
Next video, discusses the significance of the study by highlighting who will benefit from it and
why it matters. It emphasizes the importance of clearly explaining the study’s relevance in a way
that is easy to understand. Defining the significance helps both researchers and readers grasp the
broader impact or contribution the study aims to make. Additionally, the video suggests
organizing the beneficiaries hierarchically, from those who benefit the most to those who benefit
the least, rather than alphabetically. This emphasis on clarity and practical advice makes the
video a potentially valuable tool for researchers.
And the second to the last video, discusses the relationship between the introduction and
background of the study in Chapter 1. It explains that the introduction provides readers with an
overview of the research topic, while the background delves deeper into the existing knowledge,
presenting the context and theoretical foundations relevant to the study. After watching the video,
viewers gain insight into what to include and what to avoid when writing these sections.
Understanding the presenter’s tips can guide the process of crafting an effective Chapter 1,
making it easier for researchers to create this crucial part of their work.
Last one is about In the video, on how to create a statement of the problem (SOP). The
presenter emphasizes its importance as a guiding tool for research, likening it to a map that keeps
researchers focused. The video helps researchers identify the specific issues they aim to address
or explore in their study. The SOP serves as an outline of the problem under investigation,
marking the starting point of research. It not only articulates the puzzle the study seeks to solve
but also communicates the researcher’s purpose and significance to both the researcher and the
audience or readers.
In conclusion, all videos are very helpful to students like me who are starting to make thesis
specifically the topic title of our thesis, this video gave us ideas and hints on how we can think
and create the first part of our thesis easily, I know thesis cannot be done by only one mind if we
look to our situation, but by the help of this video, also by the help of our professor and co
students, we can finished this thesis course without giving up on it. Hardship is a part of a life
that can make us stronger and better.

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