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Translation of the original German version, not verified by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik

Registration authority for construction products

and methods
Examination office for structural engineering
A public law institution
General Technical jointly supported by the federal and state governments

Approval / Member of EOTA, UEAtc and WFTAO

General Type Date: Reference:

Approval 30.09.2020 I 37.1-1.8.1-36/20

Number: Validity period:

Z-8.1-890 from: 01 October 2020
to: 01 October 2025
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19
89264 Weissenhorn, Germany

Subject of this ruling:

Scaffolding components for thePRGXODUV\VWHP “PERI UP Rosett”

General Technical Approval is hereby issued for the above-mentioned subject of regulation.
This ruling comprises 18 pages plus Annex A (pages 1 to 143), Annex B (pages 1 to 4) and Annex C
(pages 1 to 15). Technical approval for the “PERI UP Rosette 70” scaffold system was first granted by
the building authorities on 21 March 2003 in Z-8.1-890. Technical approval for the associated module
node was first granted by the building authorities on 10 August 1999 in Z-8.22-863 in the form of the
“PERI UP Rosette - Scaffold node for use as a fastener in scaffold construction”.

DIBt I Kolonnenstraße 30 B I D-10829 Berlin I Tel.: +49 30 78730-0 | Fax: +49 30 78730-320 | Email: I

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