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-,Etl'T' The
Europeon lnstitute for the Certificotion of Monogement Systems ond Personnel
An lnstilute of the Steinbeis Foundotion for Economic Promotion

hereby certifies thot the compony

Rudolf-Diesel-Strqße I 9
89264 Weißenhorn

hos odopted o

Gluo lity Mc nqgement Syslem

for the scope of opplicotion

Monogement of PERI Group

which meets the following internotionol stondord

DIN IN ISO 9OOl 32015

{identicolwith EN ISO 9001 :2015 ond ISO 9OOl:20.l5}

The demonstrolion wos provided by o certificotion oudit, Report No. 60l 80487.
The condition for mointoining the certificotion is the execuljon of onnuol surveillonce oudits.

This confirmotion is binding only with Certificote No. QM I 8 0487.

Registrotion No.: aM ]80487/1sGB

Volid from: 24.08.2021
Volid until: 23.08.2024
Certificotion dote: 12 08 2021

Jürgen G. Kerner' Bernd Kentner

Certif icotion comm ittee Expert group
. t::'i l'a
EA ZERT is occredited by the Germon Associotion for Accreditotion os o certificotion body
for quolity monogement systems in occordonce with Certificote No. D-ZM-l l2000l 00. (',ryht.,."
This certificote is properly of EQ ZERT, Korlstroße 3, D89023 Ulm. ..:::':_.:... Ornr"Otfierungsstelle

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