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21 USER ACCESS MANAGEMENT MODULE Overview: The solution leverages Odoo's
21.1 comprehensive user management capabilities
to create a secure and efficient user
verification process. This process is designed
to facilitate user applications for system
access, support various user types through a
drill-down functionality, and enable access to
critical registration processes. Actors:
Prospective system users, system
administrators. Input: User application details,
verification requests. Process: Verification of
user credentials and application details,
followed by granting access to appropriate
system modules based on user type. Output:
User verification status and access
permissions. Expected Result: A streamlined
and secure user verification process that
ensures only authorized users gain access to
the system, enhancing overall system security
User Verification Process and usability.
Overview: Implement a secure, user-friendly
application portal in Odoo for system access
applications, supported by HCI for robust
data handling. Actors: Prospective system
users. Input: User application details. Process:
Users submit an access application through a
Mandatory Ya web-based form. The system evaluates the
application against predefined criteria.
Output: Application status notification.
Expected Result: Streamlined access
application process, ensuring secure and
The system allows users to apply access to the system. controlled user entry into the system.
customized to include drill-down
functionality for user types, allows for
detailed navigation based on user roles.
Actors: System administrators, users. Input:
User role selection. Process: Drill-down
Mandatory Ya navigation based on selected user type to
reveal role-specific functionalities and data.
Output: Role-specific system view and
capabilities. Expected Result: Enhanced
system usability and role-based data
The system has a drill-down function by user type. presentation.

1 of

Overview: Access control mechanisms within

Odoo grant successful applicants specific
permissions for individual and cooperative
registration activities. Actors: Authorized
system users. Input: Successful login
Mandatory Ya credentials. Process: User authentication and
authorization to access specific registration
modules. Output: Access to individual and
cooperative registration processes. Expected
The system enables successful users to access the individual and cooperative Result: Efficient and secure registration
registration process. process management.
facilitates access to Ministry/Agency
registration processes for authenticated
users, leveraging HCI for seamless data
integration. Actors: Authenticated users,
system administrators. Input: User
authentication details. Process: Users gain
Mandatory Ya access to Ministry/Agency registration
functionalities post-authentication. Output:
Ministry/Agency registration interface.
Expected Result: Streamlined registration for
The system enables successful users to access the Ministry/Agency registration governmental bodies, enhancing
process. collaboration.
module is controlled through Odoo, tailored
for MCMC category users, ensuring
compliance and security. Actors: MCMC
category users. Input: Verified login
information. Process: Authentication and
Mandatory Ya authorization procedure enabling access to
the officer registration module. Output:
Officer registration functionality. Expected
Result: Effective management of officer
The system enables successful users to access the officer's registration process registrations, maintaining data integrity and
where the MCMC user category security.

2 of

Overview: This component of the system,

21.2 built on Odoo and HCI, provides a tailored
and secure registration process for external
users. It includes functionality for detailed
user type classification, customizable
registration forms, and post-registration
module access, ensuring a user-friendly and
secure enrollment experience. Actors:
External users, system administrators. Input:
Registration details by user type. Process:
Processing and validation of registration
forms, followed by system access
provisioning based on user type. Output:
User registration confirmation and accessible
modules based on user type. Expected Result:
Efficient external user enrollment that
maintains system integrity and provides users
with access to relevant modules, enhancing
The process of enrollment of external users user engagement and system security.
Overview: Similar to 21.1.2, this requirement
emphasizes the need for role-based
navigation within the system, using HCI to
ensure performance and scalability. Actors:
External users. Input: User type selection.
Mandatory Ya Process: The system presents options and
functionalities specific to the selected user
type. Output: Tailored user interface and
options. Expected Result: Intuitive, efficient
system use by external users, enhancing user
The ability system has drill-down functionality by user type. experience.
Overview: Customizable registration forms in
Odoo, dynamically displayed based on the
user type to capture relevant information
accurately. Actors: Prospective external users.
Input: User type selection. Process: The
Mandatory Ya system displays a registration form tailored to
the selected user type. Output: User type-
specific registration form. Expected Result:
Efficient data collection, enhancing the
registration process's relevance and user
The system is capable of displaying the registration form by user type. experience.

3 of

Overview: Post-registration, Odoo presents

accessible modules to the user, determined
by their user type, ensuring a personalized
and secure experience. Actors: Newly
registered users. Input: Completed
Mandatory Ya registration form. Process: System analysis of
user type to determine and display accessible
modules. Output: Personalized dashboard
with accessible modules. Expected Result:
Once the user has completed the registration form, the system has the ability to Users are immediately aware of their available
display modules that are accessible by user type. tools and services, improving engagement.
Overview: Secure storage of registration data
in Odoo, backed by HCI's data management
capabilities, ensuring data integrity and
privacy. Actors: System administrators, newly
registered users. Input: User registration data.
Mandatory Ya Process: Encryption and storage of user data
in a centralized database. Output:
Confirmation of successful registration.
Expected Result: Secure, reliable data storage,
The system is able to store the information that the user has filled out and submit facilitating efficient user management and
the registration form. compliance with data protection regulations.
Overview: Implementation of a multi-factor
authentication process, including OTP via
WhatsApp/message, enhancing security for
account verification and activation. Actors:
Newly registered users. Input: Click on
verification link, mobile number for OTP.
Mandatory Ya Process: User initiates verification, system
The system has a Function button to ask the user to activate the account sends OTP for final authentication. Output:
verification link to activate and the One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent via Account activation confirmation. Expected
WhatsApp and message. All costs regarding OTP during the contract period Result: Strengthened account security and
must be borne by the tenderer. Please enter Software/Tool Information and user verification process, minimizing
License in Appendix A5 Software List unauthorized access risks.

4 of

Overview: Utilizing Odoo's flexible application

21.3 framework, this process supports the
registration of individuals and cooperatives,
offering specialized functionalities such as ID
verification, cooperative ID generation, and
integration with external systems for auditor
registration. Actors: Individuals, cooperatives,
system administrators. Input: Individual and
cooperative registration applications. Process:
Verification and processing of applications, ID
generation, and notification management.
Output: Successful registration of individuals
and cooperatives, including cooperative IDs
and relevant notifications. Expected Result: A
seamless and comprehensive registration
process that facilitates the growth and
management of cooperatives, supported by
Individual and Cooperative Registration Process efficient data integration and communication.
interface to provide drill-down functionality
based on individual categories, ensuring a
user-friendly experience for diverse user
needs. Actors: Individuals undergoing
registration. Input: Selection of individual
category. Process: The system dynamically
Mandatory Ya adjusts to present information and options
relevant to the selected category. Output:
Customized view and options based on
individual category. Expected Result: A
tailored and efficient navigation experience,
improving user satisfaction and registration
The system has a drill-down function by individual category accuracy.
cooperative establishment applications,
designed for ease of use and data integrity.
Actors: Prospective cooperative founders.
Input: Individual ID and cooperative
establishment details. Process: Entry and
submission of application details for
Mandatory Ya cooperative establishment. Output:
Application submission confirmation.
Expected Result: Streamlined application
process for cooperative establishment,
The system provides a space to facilitate the user to enter an individual ID to enhancing the ease and speed of cooperative
apply for the establishment of a cooperative. formation.

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Overview: Integration of an automated ID

21.3.3 generation system within Odoo to assign
unique Cooperative IDs post-establishment,
based on the individual ID, ensuring a
seamless and error-free process. Actors:
System administrators, newly established
cooperatives. Input: Individual ID and
Mandatory Ya cooperative establishment confirmation.
Process: Automatic generation of
Cooperative ID upon successful
establishment. Output: Unique Cooperative
ID. Expected Result: Efficient and accurate
Automatically Generating Cooperative ID systems based on the individual ID identification of cooperatives, facilitating
upon completion of the establishment. better management and tracking.
system in Odoo to keep applicants informed
about the cooperative establishment process,
enhancing communication and transparency.
Actors: Cooperative establishment applicants.
Input: Email addresses, cooperative
establishment application status. Process:
Mandatory Ya System generates and sends status update
emails at key milestones. Output: Email
notifications. Expected Result: Improved
applicant engagement and transparency
The system sends notifications via individual or cooperative emails for throughout the cooperative establishment
information on the process of establishing a cooperative. process.
Overview: Secure integration between Odoo
and the SPMKK system to facilitate the
registration process of private auditors,
ensuring data accuracy and process
efficiency. Actors: Private auditors, system
administrators. Input: Auditor registration
Mandatory Ya details. Process: Submission and processing
of auditor registration through the integrated
system. Output: Registration confirmation.
Expected Result: Streamlined auditor
The system integrates with the SPMKK system for the registration process of the registration, enhancing the ecosystem of
private auditor. cooperative management.

6 of

Overview: A specialized portal within Odoo is

21.3.6 designed to recognize student IDs, granting
access to modules tailored for student users,
supported by HCI for data handling and
security. Actors: Students, system
administrators. Input: Student ID and relevant
authentication details. Process: Verification of
Mandatory Ya student ID against the system records,
granting access to designated student
modules. Output: Access to student-specific
modules and functionalities. Expected Result:
Personalized learning and interaction
environment for students, enhancing their
The system provides space to facilitate individuals to enter student ids to gain engagement and access to relevant
access to special modules for students. resources.
Overview: Upon successful student ID
21.3.7 verification, Odoo customizes the user
interface to display modules and resources
specifically accessible to students, ensuring a
relevant and engaging user experience.
Actors: Student users. Input: Successful login
with a student ID. Process: System
Mandatory Ya dynamically adjusts the available modules
and resources based on student access rights.
Output: Student-tailored dashboard and
module access. Expected Result: Streamlined
access to educational and administrative
resources for students, fostering an enabling
environment for their academic and co-
The system displays modules that students accessible. curricular
Overview: activities.
A robust framework in Odoo allows
21.4 for the secure and manageable updating and
deletion of user profiles, incorporating
advanced features like account verification,
password management, and direct
communication through messaging services.
Actors: System users seeking updates or
deletions, system administrators. Input: User
requests for profile updates or account
deletion. Process: Execution of user requests
with stringent security checks and
communication of changes. Output: Updated
user profiles or confirmation of account
deletion. Expected Result: Enhanced user
autonomy over personal data with strict
adherence to security protocols, ensuring a
The process of updating and deleting the user trustworthy system environment.

7 of

Odoo for users to input ID and email for

identity verification, enhancing account
security. Actors: Existing users requiring
verification. Input: User's original ID and
email. Process: Submission and verification of
Mandatory Ya ID and email against stored user information.
Output: Verification status. Expected Result:
Accurate and secure verification of user
The system provides space for users to enter the original ID and email for the identity, facilitating account management
verification process. tasks.
Overview: Integration between Odoo and
HRMIS for automated verification processes,
ensuring data consistency and security across
systems. Actors: HR personnel, system users.
Input: User details for verification. Process:
Mandatory Ya Automated cross-referencing of user details
between Odoo and HRMIS. Output:
Verification outcome. Expected Result:
Streamlined user verification, reducing
manual errors and enhancing system
The system performs the verification with the HRMIS system. integrity.
Overview: A dedicated module in Odoo for
secure password resets, incorporating best
practices in user authentication. Actors: Users
requiring password reset. Input: User ID,
Mandatory Ya email, security questions/OTP. Process:
Authentication followed by password reset.
Output: Password reset confirmation.
Expected Result: Enhanced security and user
The system provides a space for users to reset password for successful users. autonomy in managing access credentials.
Overview: Automated process in Odoo for
sending a default, one-time use password to
users’ registered email addresses, promoting
account security. Actors: Users needing
default password. Input: User request for
Mandatory Ya default password. Process: Generation and
emailing of a secure, one-time password.
Output: Email with default password.
Expected Result: Secure recovery mechanism
The system sends the default password to the previously registered users of the for user access, ensuring user can regain
user. system access safely.

8 of

Overview: An additional security layer in

Odoo, sending a verification link to a
secondary email provided by the user, for
enhanced account protection. Actors: Users
undergoing verification process. Input:
Mandatory Ya Secondary email address. Process: Sending of
verification link to user’s secondary email.
Output: Verification link email. Expected
Result: Increased account security through
secondary verification, reducing the risk of
The system includes the verification link space in the user's second email. unauthorized access.
Overview: Utilizing Odoo’s customizable web
interface, users are directed to the SKM main
access management page via provided links,
enhancing navigation and user experience.
Actors: System users. Input: Click on provided
access link. Process: The system processes the
Mandatory Ya link action and redirects users to the main
SKM access management page. Output: SKM
main access management page. Expected
Result: Streamlined access to key system
The system brings users to the main page of SKM access management through functionalities, improving user engagement
the links provided for users to access the SKM system. and system usability.
Overview: Odoo enables secure user account
deletion functionalities, ensuring data privacy
and system security. Actors: Users seeking to
delete their accounts, system administrators.
Input: User request for account deletion,
Mandatory Ya verification credentials. Process: Verification
followed by the execution of the account
deletion request. Output: Confirmation of
account deletion. Expected Result: Efficient
The system is capable of providing space for users to remove accounts through and secure process for account deletions,
a system for successful users. maintaining system integrity and user trust.
Overview: A dedicated page within Odoo for
account deletion requests, designed for
clarity and security. Actors: Users requesting
account deletion. Input: User credentials and
deletion request. Process: Display of account
Mandatory Ya deletion page, capturing user confirmation
and executing the deletion process. Output:
Account deletion confirmation page.
Expected Result: User-friendly and secure
account management, facilitating a clear and
The system displays a page display to delete an account. safe deletion process.

9 of

Overview: Incorporation of messaging and

21.4.9 WhatsApp integration in Odoo for sending
password reset links or account deletion
confirmations, enhancing communication
and user convenience. Actors: Users requiring
password reset or account deletion. Input:
User request for password reset or account
deletion. Process: System generates and
Mandatory Ya sends a password reset link or account
deletion confirmation via chosen
communication method. Output: Password
reset link or account deletion message sent
The system sends the password reset process or remove the account via to the user. Expected Result: Improved user
message or whatsapp. All costs regarding OTP during the contract period must experience with flexible, direct
be borne by the tenderer. Please enter Software/Tool Information and License in communication methods for critical account
Appendix A5 Software List management actions.
Overview: A comprehensive user profile
management module in Odoo allows for the
update of personal information and user
relationships, supported by HCI for data
accuracy and security. Actors: Authenticated
system users. Input: Updated personal
Mandatory Ya information or user relationship data.
Process: Submission and processing of
updated information within the user’s profile.
Output: Updated user profile. Expected
Result: Enhanced user control over personal
The system provides space for users to update personal information or user information, ensuring data is current and
relationships through the system for successful users. accurate.
Overview: Odoo features a dedicated profile
maintenance portal where users can manage
and update their personal and professional
information securely. Actors: All system users.
Input: Personal and professional information
Mandatory Ya updates. Process: Users log in and update
their profile information as needed. Output:
Confirmation of profile updates. Expected
Result: Empowers users to keep their
information up-to-date, enhancing
The system provides a profile maintenance site. personalization and system relevance.

10 of

their contact information through a user-

friendly interface, ensuring effective
communication channels. Actors: System
users updating contact details. Input: New
contact information (phone numbers, email
addresses, etc.). Process: Input and
Mandatory Ya verification of new contact details in the
user’s profile. Output: Updated contact
information in the system. Expected Result:
Maintained accuracy of user contact
The system provides space for users to enter new contact information (contact information, facilitating better system and
information such as phone numbers, emails etc.). user interaction.
Overview: A robust audit trail functionality
within Odoo to log changes made to user
information, promoting transparency and
accountability. Actors: System administrators,
users. Input: Any changes made to user
profiles. Process: Automatic logging of all
Mandatory Ya updates made to user information. Output:
An audit trail of user information updates.
Expected Result: Enhanced security and
integrity of user data, with a transparent
record of changes for review and compliance
The system keeps the records of information that the user has updated. purposes.
streamlined management of employee
21.5 profiles within the system, featuring
integration with HRMS for real-time status
checks, automated email notifications for
various actions, and detailed module access
control based on officer placement. Actors:
Officers, HR personnel, system administrators.
Input: Employee data, update requests, new
account registration details. Process:
Verification with HRMS, updating and
deletion of employee profiles, and
management of access levels. Output:
Updated employee information, successful
profile management actions. Expected Result:
Efficient and secure management of
employee profiles and access levels, fostering
a secure and compliant organizational
Process of registration, update and delete employee ecosystem.

11 of

Overview: Odoo is configured to offer a user-

friendly interface allowing officers to easily
select and manage their activities, supported
by HCI for scalability. Actors: Officers using
the system. Input: Officer's activity selection.
Mandatory Ya Process: Officers navigate through a
customized interface to select and engage
with specific activities. Output: Activity
engagement interface. Expected Result:
Enhanced user experience for officers,
The system provides space to enable officers to select activities. promoting efficiency in activity management.
Odoo and the SPSM system for real-time
verification and status checks of officers,
ensuring data integrity and operational
coherence. Actors: HR personnel, officers.
Input: Officer identification details. Process:
Mandatory Ya Automated data exchange between Odoo
and SPSM for status verification. Output:
Verification and status report. Expected
Result: Accurate and up-to-date officer status
The system implemented the verification with the SPSM System (HRMS) to information, facilitating proper system access
review the status of the officer. and activity alignment.
Overview: A dynamic feature in Odoo allows
for the adjustment of officer statuses,
reflecting changes such as role modification
or exit from the system, backed by HCI for
data reliability. Actors: System administrators,
HR personnel. Input: Officer status update
Mandatory Ya request. Process: System updates the officer’s
status based on authorized requests. Output:
Updated officer status. Expected Result: The
system accurately reflects current officer
statuses, aiding in resource and access
The system can change the status of the officer to the end of the system. management.
Overview: Utilizing Odoo's email
communication module, the system can
automatically send emails to officers,
conveying information such as status
changes, activity assignments, or other
notifications. Actors: Officers, system
Mandatory Ya administrators. Input: Notification content,
officer email addresses. Process: Automated
generation and dispatch of emails to
specified officers. Output: Emails sent to
officers. Expected Result: Efficient and
effective communication with officers,
System Ability to send emails to officers for information. ensuring they are informed and engaged.

12 of

dynamically presents module options

relevant to an officer’s current placement,
enhancing navigation and system utility.
Actors: Officers according to placement.
Input: Officer login and placement data.
Process: System analyzes officer placement
Mandatory Ya and displays corresponding module options.
Output: Tailored module options list.
Expected Result: Officers experience a
personalized system interface, improving
accessibility to necessary modules and
The system displays a list of module options according to officer placement. functions.
Overview: Advanced drill-down functionality
within Odoo allows officers to navigate and
select from available modules based on their
access rights, facilitated by HCI's scalable
architecture. Actors: Officers. Input: Selection
of modules. Process: Officers use the drill-
Mandatory Ya down interface to find and select modules
they are authorized to access. Output:
Customized user interface showing selected
modules. Expected Result: Enhanced usability
The system has a drill-down function for officers to select which modules to and personalized module access for officers,
access. improving workflow efficiency.
Overview: Dynamic access level configuration
in Odoo assigns appropriate module access
to officers based on their roles and
placement, ensuring security and relevance of
accessible data. Actors: Officers, system
administrators. Input: Officer role and
Mandatory Ya placement data. Process: Automatic
assignment of access levels upon verification
of officer's role and placement. Output: Role-
appropriate module access. Expected Result:
Streamlined access management that aligns
The system sets user access levels according to the placement of officers with organizational roles and responsibilities,
automatically. enhancing system security.
Odoo for officers to initiate new account
registrations, supported by HCI's robust data
handling capabilities. Actors: Officers
managing new account registrations. Input:
New account registration details. Process:
Collection and submission of new account
Mandatory Ya data by officers through a dedicated
interface. Output: New account registration
submission. Expected Result: Efficient and
secure process for adding new system users,
The system provides space for the officer to store and send for the new account facilitating organizational growth and access
registration process. control.

13 of

default passwords to officers’ registered

emails, utilizing Odoo's communication
module for secure and prompt distribution.
Actors: Newly registered officers. Input:
Officer registration confirmation. Process:
Mandatory Ya Generation of a secure, one-time default
password and email dispatch to officers.
Output: Email containing default password.
Expected Result: Secure and convenient initial
The system sends the default password to the email of the two registered access for officers, ensuring system security
officers. from the point of entry.
Overview: Enhanced security protocol in
Odoo sends a user verification link in a
follow-up email to officers, adding an extra
layer of account security. Actors: Newly
registered officers. Input: Completion of
Mandatory Ya officer registration. Process: Dispatch of a
secondary email containing a verification link.
Output: Verification email with link. Expected
Result: Strengthened verification process,
minimizing unauthorized access and
The system includes a link field for user verification in the second email. enhancing account security.
Overview: Direct navigation feature in Odoo
automatically redirects users to the SKM
access management main page via a
provided link, streamlining system entry.
Actors: System users following verification.
Input: Click on provided system access link.
Mandatory Ya Process: Automatic redirection to the SKM
main access management page. Output: SKM
main access management interface. Expected
Result: Simplified access to central system
The system takes users to the SKM access management main page management functionalities, enhancing user
automatically through a link provided for users to access the SKM system. experience.
Overview: A dedicated profile management
interface in Odoo enables officers to
independently update their personal
information and user relationships, supported
by HCI for data integrity. Actors: Officers.
Input: Updates to personal information or
Mandatory Ya user relationships. Process: Submission and
processing of updates via the profile
maintenance page. Output: Confirmation of
profile updates. Expected Result: Empowered
officers with control over their profile
The system provides a profile maintenance page for Officers who wish to self- information, maintaining accuracy and
update personal information or user relationships. relevance of user data.

14 of

Overview: Odoo allows officers to easily

update their contact information through a
user-friendly interface, ensuring effective
communication channels are maintained.
Actors: Officers updating contact details.
Mandatory Ya Input: New contact information. Process:
Officers input and save new contact details in
their profile. Output: Updated officer contact
information. Expected Result: Accurate and
up-to-date contact information for officers,
The system provides a space for officers to enter new contact information. facilitating
Overview: Aseamless communication.
comprehensive audit trail within
21.5.14 Odoo logs all updates made by users to their
information, promoting transparency and
accountability, enhanced by HCI's reliable
data storage capabilities. Actors: Officers,
system administrators. Input: Changes made
by users to their profiles or contact
information. Process: Every update action by
a user is automatically logged by the system,
Mandatory Ya
including the nature of the update, the user
making the change, and the timestamp.
Output: A detailed audit trail of user updates.
Expected Result: Ensured integrity and
traceability of user data changes, facilitating
security audits and compliance checks, while
maintaining a high level of data accuracy and
The system stores all information records that have been updated by users. accountability within the system.
Overview: Implementing a comprehensive
21.6 system administration management process
within Odoo, supported by HCI, to facilitate
system oversight, user management, and
module administration. Actors: System
administrators, officers. Input: Administration
requests, user data, system updates. Process:
System administrators manage user access,
update system settings, and oversee module
functionality based on input data and
requests. Output: Updated system settings,
user access levels, and module
configurations. Expected Result: A well-
maintained system that supports efficient
administration, secure access management,
System Administration Management Process and flexible module oversight.

15 of

Overview: Odoo's communication module

enables officers to receive and manage
update requests from users, streamlining the
process of system updates. Actors: Officers,
users submitting requests. Input: Update
requests submitted by users. Process: Receipt
Mandatory Ya and cataloging of update requests in the
system for officer review. Output: List of
update requests for officer action. Expected
Result: Efficient handling of update requests,
ensuring timely system adjustments and user
The system allows officers to receive update requests. satisfaction.
in Odoo automatically categorize applications
by type, aiding in streamlined processing and
response. Actors: System administrators.
Input: Incoming applications and requests.
Process: Automatic categorization of
Mandatory Ya applications based on predefined criteria.
Output: Classified applications ready for
processing. Expected Result: Enhanced
administrative efficiency by facilitating
focused and prioritized application
The system classifies the type of application. processing.
21.6.3 Overview: A secure user management
interface in Odoo allows for the
administration of usernames and passwords,
ensuring access control and data security.
Actors: System administrators, users needing
password or username management. Input:
Mandatory Ya Requests for username or password changes.
Process: Administrative actions on usernames
and passwords as per user requests or system
security policies. Output: Updated access
credentials. Expected Result: Maintained
The system provides space for managing username and password involving system security and user access integrity
cooperatives or individuals. through efficient credential management.
Overview: Automated password reset
functionality in Odoo communicates directly
with users via email, providing secure links or
instructions for password updates. Actors:
Users requiring password reset, system
administrators. Input: Password reset request.
Mandatory Ya Process: Generation and dispatch of
password reset information through email.
Output: Password reset email sent to users.
Expected Result: Quick and secure password
recovery process, enhancing user trust and
The system sends password reset information and emails to users. system security.

16 of

Overview: Odoo facilitates the updating of

regional and state exchange information
within the system, ensuring data relevance
and accuracy for geographical management.
Actors: System administrators, regional
managers. Input: Updates to regional and
Mandatory Ya state exchange data. Process: Submission and
application of geographical data updates
within the system. Output: Updated regional
and state information. Expected Result:
Accurate and current geographical data,
supporting region-specific system operations
The system provides space for updating regional and state exchange. and management.
for the management and update of officer
exchanges, supporting organizational
changes and personnel updates. Actors: HR
personnel, system administrators. Input:
Officer exchange information. Process:
Mandatory Ya Recording and updating of officer exchange
details in the system. Output: Current officer
exchange records. Expected Result: Reflective
and up-to-date officer deployment
information, facilitating efficient human
The system provides space to update the exchange of officers. resource management.
Overview: Seamless integration between
Odoo and the SPSM system ensures real-time
synchronization of officer and organization
records, enhancing data consistency and
management efficiency. Actors: System
administrators, HR personnel. Input: Data
Mandatory Ya exchange between Odoo and SPSM. Process:
Continuous data synchronization and update
between systems. Output: Harmonized officer
and organization records. Expected Result:
Accurate and unified data records,
System integrated with the SPSM system for the purpose of the officer or minimizing discrepancies and supporting
organization record. coherent system administration.

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Overview: Customizable sections within Odoo

21.6.8 allow for the easy updating of SKM section
exchanges, supporting organizational
adaptability and ensuring accurate
representation of departmental structures.
Actors: System administrators, SKM section
managers. Input: Updates or changes to SKM
Mandatory Ya section exchange details. Process: Entry and
confirmation of SKM section exchange
updates within the system's administrative
interface. Output: Updated organizational
structure within the system. Expected Result:
Accurate and timely reflection of SKM’s
organizational changes, facilitating effective
The system provides space to update the SKM section exchange. internal navigation and resource allocation.
supports the updating of supervision details
for cooperatives, ensuring that oversight
information is current and accessible. Actors:
Cooperative supervisors, system
administrators. Input: Changes to cooperative
supervision details. Process: Supervision
Mandatory Ya information is updated through a secure and
user-friendly interface. Output: Current
supervision details for cooperatives. Expected
Result: Enhanced management of
cooperative oversight, contributing to
improved governance and compliance
The system provides the space for updating the supervision of the cooperative. monitoring.
management features allowing
21.6.10 administrators to customize employee access
to various system modules based on role and
department, promoting efficiency and
security. Actors: System administrators, HR
personnel. Input: Employee role and
departmental information, module access
Mandatory Ya requirements. Process: Configuration of
module access permissions aligned with
employee roles and needs. Output: Tailored
module access for employees. Expected
Result: A secure and customized system
experience for employees, aligning system
access with operational requirements and
The system provides space for module management for employees. security policies.

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Overview: Dynamic access control within

21.6.11 Odoo enables real-time updates to system
module access permissions, ensuring users
have appropriate access based on their
current roles and responsibilities. Actors:
System administrators. Input: Updated role-
based access requirements. Process: System
Mandatory Ya administrators adjust module access settings
to reflect current access policies and user
roles. Output: Updated access permissions.
Expected Result: Maintained system security
and functionality through adaptive access
control, ensuring users have the necessary
The system updates the system module to access. tools for their roles.
Overview: Automated email alerts in Odoo
21.6.12 inform administrators and users of important
system updates, changes in access
permissions, or other critical information,
enhancing communication and response
times. Actors: System users, administrators.
Input: Triggers for system updates, access
Mandatory Ya changes, or critical alerts. Process: Generation
and dispatch of targeted email alerts based
on specific system events. Output: Email
notifications to relevant stakeholders.
Expected Result: Improved situational
awareness and proactive management of
system changes and security issues through
The system sends an email alert. timely communication.
Overview: Comprehensive audit trail
21.6.13 capabilities in Odoo track all system
transactions, ensuring accountability,
transparency, and security across all user
actions and system changes, supported by
HCI for robust data logging and integrity.
Actors: System administrators, compliance
officers. Input: User actions, system
transactions. Process: Automatic logging of
all transactions within the system, including
Mandatory Ya
detailed metadata about user actions,
timestamps, and affected system
components. Output: An accessible, detailed
audit trail of all system transactions. Expected
Result: Enhanced security and compliance
posture through complete visibility into
system transactions, facilitating audits and
investigations, and supporting regulatory
All system transactions must have an audit trail. compliance requirements.
End of 21.0 Module User Access Management

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