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1.1 Cooperative Public Grievance Process By implementing these proposed solutions, the organization can achieve a robust, efficient, and transparent complaint management syst
1.1.1 Complainants can fill in the cooperative complaint form in the system, upload evidence and select a complaint category. (Verification Overview: Utilize Odoo forms for complaint submission, integrated with Hyper-Converged Infrastructure for robust data handling and scalability. Imp
1.1.2 The system provides a medium for officers to fill in information on complaints from external agencies or letters received at Headquarte Overview: Extension of the Odoo system for officer-reported complaints, leveraging HCI for data integrity and microservices for authentication. Acto
1.1.3 The system also provides a medium for Supervisory Officers to fill in information on complaints from external agencies or letters receiv Similar to 1.1.2 with enhanced access for Supervisory Officers to oversee complaint data input and categorization, ensuring higher-level oversight.
1.1.4 The complainant and the complaint unit will automatically receive an email notification as soon as the complaint is made in the system. Overview: Integration of Odoo Email Marketing for automated notifications upon complaint registration, supported by HCI for efficient data process
1.1.5 The complaints unit is able to classify the categories of complaints whether they are related to violations of the act or not and channel Overview: Use of Odoo's classification and automation features to route complaints, supported by HCI. Actors: Complaint Unit Officers. Input: Comp
1.1.6 All complaints will be channeled to all complaint unit officers and the system provides a function for the complaint officer to channel t Overview: Utilization of Odoo's routing capabilities with custom development for redirection functionality, backed by HCI. Actors: Complaint Unit Offi
1.1.7 The system provides a function for the complainant to fill in and send additional information if required by the complaint unit. In additi Overview: Odoo's dynamic forms and scheduled actions for reminders, leveraging HCI's reliability. Actors: Complainants, Complaint Officers. Input: A
1.1.8 The complaint officer will obtain and include additional responses/documents from state officials/divisions/cooperatives/etc to be sent Overview: Extended use of Odoo document management, customized for inter-departmental collaboration, powered by HCI. Actors: Complaint Offic
1.1.9 The Complaints Officer can select the advanced process check box to resolve the complaint. (Add Check box open IP/KP/complainant's fOverview: Custom Odoo module for advanced complaint resolution processes, including detailed checklists and status updates, integrated into HCI.
1.1.10 The Complaints Officer can select a check box to inform the complainant about the outcome of the complaint such as complaint compleOverview: Customizable notification system in Odoo 15 tailored for various complaint outcomes, integrated with HCI for seamless operation. Actors:
1.1.11 The complaint completion notification email to the complainant will include the URL of the dispute as well as the No. complaint as a refeOverview: Integration of dispute resolution process within Odoo, utilizing HCI for database management and microservices for email handling. Actor
1.2 SKM Officer Complaint Process Implementing this secure and efficient complaint management system will improve the process of addressing officer conduct concerns. T
1.2.1 Complainants can fill in the SKM officer code of conduct or disciplinary violation complaint form and upload supporting documents in t Overview: Secure and confidential complaint submission portal in Odoo, reinforced by HCI for data integrity and privacy. Actors: Complainants. Inpu
1.2.2 The system provides a medium for the Integrity Unit Complaints Officer to fill in complaint information from external agencies or letter Overview: Dedicated interface for Integrity Unit Officers in Odoo for logging external complaints, supported by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Complaints
1.2.3 A standard digital Complaint Acknowledgment Letter is generated by the system and sent automatically to the complainant after confirm Overview: Automated acknowledgment letter generation and dispatch feature in Odoo, leveraging HCI and microservices for email communication.
1.2.4 Email notification of Acknowledgment Letter from the Integrity Unit received by the complainant. Similar to 1.2.3, emphasizing the reliable and immediate notification to complainants upon receipt and acknowledgment of their complaint.
1.2.5 The system provides a check box function for officers to request additional information from the complainant. Overview: Enhanced interaction feature in Odoo allowing officers to request further information from complainants, supported by HCI. Actors: Integ
1.2.6 The complainant receives an email notification to fill in additional information in the system. Overview: Direct engagement mechanism within Odoo for follow-up information requests, utilizing HCI for email service reliability. Actors: Complain
1.2.7 The system provides functions for PP Integrity Unit to upload complaint review reports and update complaint status. Overview: Odoo's document management system, customized for Integrity Unit's needs, enhanced with HCI for secure and scalable data storage. Ac
1.2.8 The system provides functionality for the Integrity Unit to fill in responses/responses to complaints and emails to complainants. Overview: Custom email templates and response recording in Odoo, utilizing HCI for data management and process automation. Actors: Integrity Un
1.2.9 Email notification of response/feedback from the Integrity Unit received by the complainant. Overview: Automated notification system within Odoo for sending feedback from the Integrity Unit, powered by HCI for reliable email delivery. Acto
1.2.10 The officer receiving notification of the complaint must be closed for the complaint with NFA status or after the answer/feedback to theOverview:
Conclusion: Odoo's task management system, tailored for complaint closure processes, integrated with HCI for seamless workflow execution. Actors: I
1.3 SKM Officer Complaint Process By leveraging ERP with HCI integration, the proposed solution aims to revolutionize complaint management within the Integrity Unit. The
1.3.1 Complainants can fill in the SKM officer code of conduct or disciplinary violation complaint form and upload supporting documents in t Overview: Secure form submission portal in Odoo for SKM officer complaints, enhanced with HCI for data protection and scalability. Actors: Complai
1.3.2 The system provides a medium for the Integrity Unit Complaints Officer to fill in complaint information from external agencies or letter Overview: Dedicated interface in Odoo for Integrity Unit to log and categorize external complaints, supported by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Complain
1.3.3 The Integrity Unit is able to classify the categories of complaints whether they are related to the code of conduct and disciplinary viol Overview: Advanced categorization and routing functionality in Odoo, configured for Integrity Unit's workflow, powered by HCI. Actors: Integrity Uni
1.3.4 A standard digital Complaint Acknowledgment Letter is generated by the system and sent automatically to the complainant after confirm Overview: Automated acknowledgment letter generation in Odoo, utilizing HCI for dependable email operations. Actors: Integrity Unit, Complainant
1.3.5 The system provides the function of requesting additional information/documents from the complainant and issuing notifications. Overview: Implementation of a feature within Odoo for Integrity Unit officers to request further details or documents from complainants, using HCI
1.3.6 The system provides functionality for Integrity Unit Officers to upload complaint review reports and update complaint status. Overview: Customization of Odoo’s document management and status tracking features for Integrity Unit processes, supported by HCI for data integ
1.3.7 The system provides functionality for the Integrity Unit to fill in responses/feedback on complaints and draft letters to the complainant.Overview: Development of a response and letter drafting module within Odoo tailored for the Integrity Unit's communication needs, leveraging HCI
1.3.8 Email notification of response/feedback to the complainant, the complaint has been completed and the complaint is closed. Overview: Integration of an email notification system within Odoo to inform complainants of complaint resolutions and closures, utilizing HCI for reli
1.3.9 The integrity officer can select the check box for the complaint to be completed, the action of the relevant department, referred to an Overview: Enhancement of the Odoo system with a decision-making feature for Integrity Unit officers, powered by HCI for flexible workflow manage
1.3.10 Reports can be generated by the system Overview:
Conclusion: Utilization of Odoo's reporting tools, customized for the Integrity Unit's needs to generate insightful reports, backed by HCI for processing
1.4 SPKB System Complaint Process By leveraging ERP with HCI integration, the proposed solution aims to optimize complaint management processes within the SPKB syste
1.4.1 Complainants can fill out a complaint form about the SPKB system and upload supporting documents if any. The mandatory informationOverview: Development of a specific complaint submission portal in Odoo for SPKB system-related grievances, incorporating HCI for enhanced data v
1.4.2 The complainant receives a notification that the complaint has been received which is sent automatically via email by the system. Overview: Deployment of an automated notification system within Odoo for SPKB system complaints, powered by HCI for consistent email delivery.
1.4.3 The function to channel complaints to other departments / vendors and check box categories of complaints is also provided in the system Overview: Enhancement of Odoo with complaint routing functionalities and notification mechanisms, integrated with HCI for efficient data handling.
1.4.4 The system provides a template for filling out feedback on complaints and emails to the complainant. Overview: Customization of email templates in Odoo for feedback purposes, utilizing HCI to manage and process feedback responses. Actors: System
1.4.5 Complainants/UAKK receive complaint feedback notifications sent automatically via email by the system. Overview: Implementation of an automated feedback notification system within Odoo, supported by HCI for robust email dispatching. Actors: UAKK,
1.4.6 Notification for the troubleshooting process will be sent to the vendor via email (if relevant). Overview:
Conclusion: Integration of a vendor notification system in Odoo, designed for the SPKB system troubleshooting process, with HCI ensuring reliable em
1.5 Recommendation or Appreciation Process By leveraging ERP with HCI integration, the proposed solution aims to facilitate the submission of recommendations or appreciation with
1.5.1 Complainants can fill in the recommendation or appreciation form in the SPKB system along with supporting documents if any. The manOverview: Creation of a dedicated module in Odoo for the submission of recommendations or appreciation, including HCI for data verification and m
1.5.2 The system will send notification of recommendations or appreciation to the UAKK dashboard. Overview: Configuration of Odoo to display notifications on the UAKK dashboard regarding new recommendations or appreciation submissions, pow
1.5.3 Functions to channel suggestions or appreciation to other parts are provided in the system. The system will send notifications to the pa Overview: Integration of a routing feature in Odoo for forwarding suggestions or appreciation to designated departments, backed by HCI for efficien
1.5.4 The system provides a template for filling out feedback on suggestions or appreciation to complainants via email. Overview: Customization of Odoo to include email templates for responding to suggestions or appreciation, utilizing HCI for processing and dispatch
1.5.5 The complainant receives a feedback notification sent automatically via email by the system. Overview:
Conclusion: Implementation of an automated feedback notification system within Odoo for immediate acknowledgment of received suggestions or ap
1.6 Process of Answering Questions By leveraging ERP with HCI integration, the proposed solution aims to streamline query handling processes within the organization. This
1.6.1 Complainants can ask questions in the SPKB system along with supporting documents if available in the system. The mandatory informatOverview: Development of a query submission feature in Odoo, including document attachment capability and IC verification through HCI. Actors: In
1.6.2 Complainants receive notification of inquiries received automatically via email by the system. Overview: Activation of an auto-notification mechanism in Odoo upon query submission, leveraging HCI for reliable email communication. Actors: In
1.6.3 Complainants can also ask questions in the Virtual Helpdesk. Virtual Helpdesk automatically responds to submitted queries. Overview: Integration of a Virtual Helpdesk in Odoo, equipped with automated response capabilities, supported by HCI for AI-driven interaction. Act
1.6.4 The Virtual Helpdesk will answer based on machine knowledge and if outside machine knowledge, questions will be channeled to UAKKOverview: Enhancement of the Virtual Helpdesk in Odoo to escalate complex queries to UAKK, utilizing HCI for intelligent routing. Actors: Virtual Hel
1.6.5 The system will send query notifications to the UAKK dashboard and query response options. Overview: Customization of Odoo to notify UAKK via dashboard alerts about incoming queries, with HCI ensuring real-time updates and data accurac
1.6.6 The system will send inquiry notifications to the relevant department's dashboard and provide a function to channel inquiries to other dOverview: Expansion of Odoo's notification system to include inter-departmental query routing, facilitated by HCI for seamless communication flow.
1.6.7 The system is able to request additional information / documents to the complainant. Notification will be sent to the complainant. Overview: Implementation of a feedback loop in Odoo for requesting supplementary information from complainants, backed by HCI for robust notifi
1.6.8 If the questions and answers received are FAQs, UAKK will evaluate the FAQs before the system can store the answers and questions in Overview:
Conclusion: Integration of a review mechanism in Odoo for UAKK to curate FAQ content, using HCI for data management and content approval workfl
1.7 ICT RFS process By leveraging ERP with HCI integration, the proposed solution aims to streamline the handling of ICT-related complaints within the organ
1.7.1 SKM officers can fill out a complaint form regarding SKM's ICT system/infra to BPM along with supporting documents Overview: Development of a specific complaint portal in Odoo for ICT-related issues, enhanced with HCI for document management and secure subm
1.7.2 The complainant receives a notification that the complaint has been received which is sent automatically via email by the system. Overview: Configuration of Odoo to automatically send email notifications upon receipt of ICT complaints, utilizing HCI for dependable email service
1.7.3 Unit officers receive email notifications of complaints distributed by the Director/Deputy Director/head of the unit for action Overview: Customization of Odoo to distribute complaint notifications to relevant unit officers as determined by leadership, powered by HCI for ema

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1.7.4 The system is able to receive feedback/additional documents from the complainant Overview: Enabling Odoo to accept additional feedback and documents from complainants post-submission, incorporating HCI for secure data hand
1.7.5 Officers will update complaint information and solutions in the system Overview: Expanding Odoo's functionality to allow officers to document resolution steps and outcomes for ICT complaints, supported by HCI for real
1.7.6 The system sends complaint notifications to the relevant dashboard and e-mail, or re-channels to other departments or related individual
Overview: Leveraging Odoo and HCI to automate the complaint notification process, including escalation and closure protocols based on predefined
1.7.7 The system provides a dropdown list of action categories Overview: Customization of Odoo to include a dropdown menu for categorizing actions on complaints, integrating HCI for seamless category manage
1.7.8 The status of the complaint is displayed on the dashboard Overview: Enhancement of Odoo’s dashboard functionality to reflect the current status of ICT complaints, powered by HCI for up-to-date status repr

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nt, and transparent complaint management system.

ructure for robust data handling and scalability. Implement microservice for ID verification with JPN. Actors: Complainants, system administrators. Input: Complaint details, evidence upload, ID for verification. Process: Form submission triggers ID verification microservice; categorizes complaint. Output: Complaint e
ntegrity and microservices for authentication. Actors: Officers. Input: Complaint details, officer ID. Process: Authentication via microservice; officers input external complaint details. Output: Digitally logged external complaints. Expected Result: Centralized and authenticated logging of external complaints.
d categorization, ensuring higher-level oversight.
tration, supported by HCI for efficient data processing. Actors: Complainants, Complaint Unit. Input: Complaint registration. Process: Automated email trigger on registration. Output: Email notifications. Expected Result: Immediate acknowledgment of complaint registration enhancing transparency.
y HCI. Actors: Complaint Unit Officers. Input: Complaint categories. Process: Categorization and automatic routing. Output: Directed complaints. Expected Result: Streamlined complaint management and departmental assignment.
ctionality, backed by HCI. Actors: Complaint Unit Officers. Input: Complaint assignments. Process: Re-assessment and redirection of complaints. Output: Correctly routed complaints. Expected Result: Enhanced accuracy in complaint handling.
. Actors: Complainants, Complaint Officers. Input: Additional information submissions. Process: Submission prompts and scheduled reminders. Output: Updated complaints, reminder notifications. Expected Result: Comprehensive complaint information and timely follow-ups.
laboration, powered by HCI. Actors: Complaint Officers, State Directors. Input: Additional documents/responses. Process: Collection and inclusion of supplementary information. Output: Comprehensive complaint files. Expected Result: Informed decision-making with all necessary documentation.
checklists and status updates, integrated into HCI. Actors: Complaints Officers. Input: Selection of advanced process options. Process: Activation of detailed resolution pathways. Output: Advanced process initiation. Expected Result: Thorough and nuanced handling of complex complaints.
integrated with HCI for seamless operation. Actors: Complaints Officers, Complainants. Input: Selection of complaint outcome options. Process: Upon selection, the system automatically generates and sends an outcome notification to the complainant. Output: Email notification detailing the complaint outcome. Ex
gement and microservices for email handling. Actors: Complaints Officers, Complainants. Input: Complaint resolution details, URL for dispute process. Process: Automated email generation including dispute process details upon complaint resolution. Output: Complaint completion email with dispute resolution deta
ocess of addressing officer conduct concerns. The system will foster trust and accountability within the department while ensuring a more streamlined and transparent experience for complainants.
ta integrity and privacy. Actors: Complainants. Input: Complaint form data, supporting documents. Process: Submission through a secure portal, document upload functionality. Output: Logged complaint with attachments in the system. Expected Result: Efficient and secure logging of officer conduct complaints.
supported by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Complaints Officer. Input: Complaint information from external sources. Process: Input of data into the system, selection of complaint type. Output: Digitally stored and categorized external complaints. Expected Result: Organized and accessible logging of complaints for inte
ng HCI and microservices for email communication. Actors: Integrity Unit Complaints Officer, Complainants. Input: Complaint receipt confirmation. Process: Automatic generation and sending of acknowledgment letters. Output: Digital Complaint Acknowledgment Letter sent to complainants. Expected Result: Imme
pt and acknowledgment of their complaint.
from complainants, supported by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers, Complainants. Input: Request for additional information. Process: Selection activates an automated request for further information to the complainant. Output: Email notification to complainants requesting additional information. Expected Resu
ng HCI for email service reliability. Actors: Complainants. Input: Officer's request for more information. Process: System generates and sends an email to the complainant for additional information. Output: Notification email sent to complainants for further details. Expected Result: Enhanced collection of complaint
ed with HCI for secure and scalable data storage. Actors: PP Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Digital reports, complaint status updates. Process: Officers upload review reports and select status updates in the system. Output: Digitally archived reports and real-time status tracking of complaints. Expected Result: Streaml
ement and process automation. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Response content, email details. Process: Entry of response in the system triggers automated email composition and dispatch. Output: Recorded responses in the system; email notifications sent to complainants. Expected Result: Efficient commu
nit, powered by HCI for reliable email delivery. Actors: Complainants. Input: Integrity Unit's response/feedback. Process: Upon response entry, system auto-generates and sends feedback email to the complainant. Output: Email notification with response/feedback. Expected Result: Immediate and transparent com
with HCI for seamless workflow execution. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: NFA status selection or completion of feedback. Process: Officer's action to close the complaint triggers status update in the system. Output: Complaint closure status updated in the system. Expected Result: Formal and traceable closu
plaint management within the Integrity Unit. The comprehensive approach ensures secure, efficient, and transparent handling of complaints while providing valuable insights for continuous improvement.
for data protection and scalability. Actors: Complainants. Input: Complaint form details, supporting documents. Process: Secure submission and document upload via the system. Output: Complaint records with attached documentation. Expected Result: Confidential and comprehensive logging of conduct violation
s, supported by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Complaints Officer. Input: External complaint information, complaint type selection. Process: Manual entry of external complaint details and categorization. Output: Organized and accessible external complaint records. Expected Result: Efficient management and tracking o
it's workflow, powered by HCI. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Complaint classification criteria. Process: Assessment and categorization of complaints, followed by departmental routing. Output: Complaints directed to appropriate departments based on classification. Expected Result: Targeted complaint hand
mail operations. Actors: Integrity Unit, Complainants. Input: Complaint receipt confirmation. Process: Automatic creation and dispatch of acknowledgment letter upon complaint logging. Output: Digital acknowledgment letter emailed to complainants. Expected Result: Prompt confirmation of complaint receipt, enh
details or documents from complainants, using HCI for managing data flow. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers, Complainants. Input: Requests for additional information or documents. Process: Officers use the system to send requests; automated notifications alert complainants to provide additional details. Output: Com
grity Unit processes, supported by HCI for data integrity and access control. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Complaint review reports, updated complaint statuses. Process: Officers upload documents and select new statuses for complaints within the system. Output: Stored review reports and real-time compla
egrity Unit's communication needs, leveraging HCI for efficient document processing. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Responses and feedback for complaints, letter content. Process: Entry of feedback and automated letter drafting based on predefined templates. Output: Generation of response letters ready
mplaint resolutions and closures, utilizing HCI for reliable email delivery. Actors: Complainants. Input: Completion of complaint processing. Process: Automated generation and sending of email notifications upon complaint closure. Output: Complainants receive detailed feedback and notification of complaint closure
cers, powered by HCI for flexible workflow management. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers. Input: Decision on complaint resolution path. Process: Officers select options to complete the complaint, take further action, or refer to an external agency. Output: System records the decision and initiates subsequent actions
rate insightful reports, backed by HCI for processing and data aggregation. Actors: Integrity Unit Officers, Management. Input: Data and parameters for report generation. Process: Selection of report criteria leads to automated data compilation and report generation. Output: Comprehensive reports detailing comp
t management processes within the SPKB system. The comprehensive approach ensures efficient, transparent, and user-centric complaint handling, ultimately contributing to improved system performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
d grievances, incorporating HCI for enhanced data verification. Actors: Complainants. Input: Complaint details, personal identification, and contact information. Process: Submission triggers automatic IC number verification with relevant authorities. Output: Complaint lodged with verification status and supporting
aints, powered by HCI for consistent email delivery. Actors: Complainants. Input: Submission of a complaint form. Process: System automatically generates and sends a confirmation email upon complaint submission. Output: Email notification confirming receipt of the complaint to the complainant. Expected Result
sms, integrated with HCI for efficient data handling. Actors: System Administrators, Departments, Vendors. Input: Categorized complaints and selected departments/vendors for redirection. Process: Selection of redirection options triggers automated notifications to designated parties. Output: Redirected complain
age and process feedback responses. Actors: System Administrators, Complainants. Input: Feedback content and complainant email addresses. Process: Filling out and sending feedback using predefined email templates. Output: Customized feedback emails sent to complainants. Expected Result: Efficient and cons
d by HCI for robust email dispatching. Actors: UAKK, Complainants. Input: Feedback submission for complaints. Process: Automated generation and sending of feedback notifications upon feedback entry. Output: Email notifications with complaint feedback sent to UAKK and complainants. Expected Result: Effective
ubleshooting process, with HCI ensuring reliable email communication. Actors: System Administrators, Vendors. Input: Troubleshooting requirements and vendor contact details. Process: Identification of troubleshooting needs automatically triggers notification emails to involved vendors. Output: Targeted email no
ission of recommendations or appreciation within the organization. This initiative will foster a positive work culture, enhance employee engagement, and contribute to continuous improvement efforts.
preciation, including HCI for data verification and management. Actors: Complainants. Input: Recommendation or appreciation details, identification, and contact information. Process: Entry of data into the system includes automatic verification of IC numbers with JPN/SPKB. Output: Recorded submissions of recom
ecommendations or appreciation submissions, powered by HCI for real-time updates. Actors: UAKK Personnel. Input: New submissions of recommendations or appreciation. Process: System automatically updates the UAKK dashboard with notifications of new entries. Output: Visible notifications on the UAKK dash
designated departments, backed by HCI for efficient notification distribution. Actors: System Administrators, Relevant Departments. Input: Suggestions or appreciation entries, selection of target departments. Process: Upon entry, system automatically routes the feedback and triggers notifications to selected depa
preciation, utilizing HCI for processing and dispatching feedback responses. Actors: System Administrators. Input: Feedback on received suggestions or appreciation. Process: Selection of appropriate template and customization of response; automated email generation and sending. Output: Personalized feedback
diate acknowledgment of received suggestions or appreciation, powered by HCI. Actors: Individuals submitting feedback. Input: Submission of suggestions or appreciation. Process: System auto-generates a feedback acknowledgment email upon submission receipt. Output: Acknowledgment email sent to the individ
andling processes within the organization. This initiative will enhance user experience, optimize internal coordination, and improve access to information, ultimately contributing to increased efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction.
capability and IC verification through HCI. Actors: Individuals seeking information. Input: Queries, optional supporting documents, identification, and contact details. Process: Data entry triggers IC verification and the lodging of the query in the system. Output: Queries logged with optional documents attached and
ng HCI for reliable email communication. Actors: Individuals submitting inquiries. Input: Submission of an inquiry. Process: System automatically generates an email notification upon inquiry receipt. Output: Email confirmation of inquiry receipt sent to the submitter. Expected Result: Immediate acknowledgment of
ties, supported by HCI for AI-driven interaction. Actors: Individuals using the Virtual Helpdesk. Input: Questions submitted to the Virtual Helpdesk. Process: AI analysis of the query to generate an immediate automated response. Output: Automated responses provided to inquiries, based on pre-defined knowledge
tilizing HCI for intelligent routing. Actors: Virtual Helpdesk, UAKK staff. Input: Queries submitted to the Virtual Helpdesk. Process: Analysis of query complexity; automated routing of advanced queries to UAKK. Output: Escalation of complex inquiries to UAKK for further assistance. Expected Result: Ensured compreh
th HCI ensuring real-time updates and data accuracy. Actors: UAKK Personnel. Input: Incoming escalated queries from the Virtual Helpdesk. Process: Automated notification system updates UAKK dashboard with new queries and provides response options. Output: UAKK dashboard displays alerts for new queries, e
acilitated by HCI for seamless communication flow. Actors: Department Officers, UAKK Personnel. Input: Selection of department for query redirection, officer action choices. Process: Upon receiving a query, officers are notified and can redirect or take action through a simple checkbox interface. Output: Query red
from complainants, backed by HCI for robust notification delivery. Actors: System Administrators, Complainants. Input: Need for additional information or documents from the complainant. Process: Automated request generation and notification dispatch to solicit more details from the complainant. Output: Com
for data management and content approval workflows. Actors: UAKK Personnel. Input: Potential FAQ entries derived from received questions and answers. Process: UAKK evaluates and approves content for inclusion in the FAQ database. Output: Updated FAQ section with vetted questions and answers, accessible
dling of ICT-related complaints within the organization. This initiative will enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in addressing ICT-related issues, ultimately contributing to improved organizational performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
ith HCI for document management and secure submissions. Actors: SKM Officers. Input: ICT system or infrastructure complaints, supporting documentation. Process: Secure form submission and document upload, with entries logged in the system. Output: Recorded ICT complaints with attached evidence, flagged
mplaints, utilizing HCI for dependable email services. Actors: SKM Officers submitting complaints. Input: Complaint submission confirmation. Process: Automated email generation and dispatch upon complaint logging. Output: Confirmation emails sent to complainants, acknowledging receipt of their ICT-related com
determined by leadership, powered by HCI for email routing accuracy. Actors: Unit Officers, Director/Deputy Director. Input: Assignment of complaints for resolution. Process: Leadership assigns complaints to specific officers, triggering automated email notifications. Output: Targeted email alerts to assigned office

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submission, incorporating HCI for secure data handling. Actors: SKM Officers (Complainants). Input: Additional feedback and supporting documents related to ICT complaints. Process: Complainants use the system to submit further details or documentation, which are then appended to the original complaint. Outp
comes for ICT complaints, supported by HCI for real-time data updating. Actors: Unit Officers handling complaints. Input: Updates on complaint resolutions and actions taken. Process: Officers enter resolution details and updates into the system, marking complaints as resolved or pending further action. Output: Up
calation and closure protocols based on predefined timelines. Actors: Unit Officers, Department Heads, Related Individuals. Input: Complaint assignments, escalation criteria, closure deadlines. Process: System tracks complaint handling progress, sends notifications for action or information, and enforces closure tim
aints, integrating HCI for seamless category management. Actors: Unit Officers processing complaints. Input: Selection of action categories for complaint handling. Process: Officers select appropriate action categories from a dropdown menu when updating complaints, facilitating standardized categorization. Outp
mplaints, powered by HCI for up-to-date status representation. Actors: Unit Officers, Department Heads, SKM Officers. Input: Updates to complaint statuses as they progress through resolution phases. Process: Real-time updating of complaint statuses on the system dashboard, visible to all relevant stakeholders. O

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vice; categorizes complaint. Output: Complaint entry with evidence and category. Expected Result: Efficiently processed and categorized complaints with verified identities.
nticated logging of external complaints.

tration enhancing transparency.

all necessary documentation.

f complex complaints.
notification detailing the complaint outcome. Expected Result: Transparent and timely communication of complaint resolution to complainants.
t completion email with dispute resolution details. Expected Result: Empowered complainants with clear paths to dispute resolution.

secure logging of officer conduct complaints.

ed and accessible logging of complaints for integrity review.
er sent to complainants. Expected Result: Immediate and automated acknowledgment of complaints, enhancing complainant engagement.

questing additional information. Expected Result: Streamlined communication for obtaining comprehensive complaint details.
pected Result: Enhanced collection of complaint-related information for thorough investigation.
racking of complaints. Expected Result: Streamlined complaint review process with accessible documentation and transparent status updates.
complainants. Expected Result: Efficient communication of complaint resolutions, enhancing complainant satisfaction.
xpected Result: Immediate and transparent communication of complaint handling outcomes to complainants.
em. Expected Result: Formal and traceable closure of complaints, ensuring accountability and process completion.

and comprehensive logging of conduct violations.

ted Result: Efficient management and tracking of complaints sourced externally.
ation. Expected Result: Targeted complaint handling, ensuring relevant departmental oversight.
: Prompt confirmation of complaint receipt, enhancing trust in the complaint process.
inants to provide additional details. Output: Complainants receive email notifications and respond with required information. Expected Result: Enhanced clarity and completeness of complaint cases through additional information collection.
put: Stored review reports and real-time complaint status updates in the system. Expected Result: Organized documentation and transparent tracking of complaint resolution progress.
s. Output: Generation of response letters ready for dispatch to complainants. Expected Result: Streamlined communication with complainants, ensuring clarity and consistency in responses.
d feedback and notification of complaint closure. Expected Result: Ensures timely and informative closure of complaints, fostering transparency and trust in the process.
ds the decision and initiates subsequent actions based on the selection. Expected Result: Facilitates decisive actions on complaints, directing them appropriately for resolution or further action.
Output: Comprehensive reports detailing complaint handling metrics and outcomes. Expected Result: Data-driven insights into complaint management effectiveness, aiding in strategic decision-making and process improvements.

t lodged with verification status and supporting documents attached. Expected Result: Efficient and verified complaint submissions specific to the SPKB system, ensuring accurate identification of complainants.
complaint to the complainant. Expected Result: Immediate acknowledgment of complaint submissions, enhancing user confidence and system transparency.
designated parties. Output: Redirected complaints with notifications sent to relevant departments/vendors. Expected Result: Streamlined distribution of complaints to appropriate entities, facilitating prompt action and resolution.
mplainants. Expected Result: Efficient and consistent communication of feedback to complainants, fostering a constructive response mechanism.
KK and complainants. Expected Result: Effective dissemination of complaint resolutions and feedback, enhancing transparency and engagement.
to involved vendors. Output: Targeted email notifications sent to vendors for required troubleshooting actions. Expected Result: Prompt engagement of vendors in the troubleshooting process, aiming for swift resolution of system issues.

N/SPKB. Output: Recorded submissions of recommendations or appreciation with verified identities. Expected Result: Encourages constructive feedback and recognition within the system, ensuring authenticity through ID verification.
. Output: Visible notifications on the UAKK dashboard for newly submitted recommendations or appreciation. Expected Result: Immediate alerting of UAKK to positive feedback, facilitating recognition and morale boosting within the organization.
dback and triggers notifications to selected departments. Output: Notifications delivered to specified departments' dashboards and via email. Expected Result: Effective dissemination of positive feedback across departments, promoting a culture of acknowledgment and continuous improvement.
on and sending. Output: Personalized feedback emails sent to individuals who submitted suggestions or appreciation. Expected Result: Structured and consistent communication of gratitude or acknowledgment towards contributors, fostering positive engagement.
utput: Acknowledgment email sent to the individual, confirming receipt of their contribution. Expected Result: Prompt reassurance to contributors that their feedback is valued and recognized, enhancing stakeholder engagement.

s logged with optional documents attached and verification status noted. Expected Result: Efficient handling and tracking of public or internal inquiries, ensuring verified identities for personalized responses.
Expected Result: Immediate acknowledgment of inquiries, enhancing user experience and trust in the query handling process.
d to inquiries, based on pre-defined knowledge base. Expected Result: Quick and efficient first-level support for common queries, reducing wait times and improving access to information.
r assistance. Expected Result: Ensured comprehensive support by directing specialized or complex queries to appropriate personnel, maximizing resolution effectiveness.
AKK dashboard displays alerts for new queries, enabling quick access and response actions. Expected Result: Enhanced visibility of escalated queries for UAKK, ensuring timely and organized responses.
a simple checkbox interface. Output: Query redirection notifications on department dashboards, actionable options for follow-up. Expected Result: Streamlined distribution and handling of inquiries across departments, optimizing internal coordination and query resolution efficiency.
more details from the complainant. Output: Complainants receive requests for further information, enhancing the depth of inquiry resolution. Expected Result: Increased clarity and completeness of inquiries through efficient collection of additional details, leading to more accurate and satisfactory resolutions.
n with vetted questions and answers, accessible to system users. Expected Result: Dynamic and relevant FAQ content, improving self-service options for users and reducing repetitive inquiries.
ICT complaints with attached evidence, flagged for BPM review. Expected Result: Efficient and secure logging of ICT-related complaints, facilitating targeted troubleshooting and system improvements.
s, acknowledging receipt of their ICT-related complaints. Expected Result: Immediate feedback to officers on the successful submission of their complaints, ensuring transparency and trust in the complaint process.
Output: Targeted email alerts to assigned officers with complaint details for follow-up. Expected Result: Effective allocation of ICT-related complaints to responsible parties, optimizing resolution times and accountability.

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then appended to the original complaint. Output: Original complaints updated with new information and documents for comprehensive review. Expected Result: Enhanced complaint details for more effective resolution and analysis.
s resolved or pending further action. Output: Updated complaint records with detailed resolution information. Expected Result: Clear documentation of complaint handling processes, facilitating transparency and future reference.
r action or information, and enforces closure timelines automatically. Output: Dynamic dashboard and email notifications regarding complaints; auto-closure of complaints as per schedule. Expected Result: Efficient complaint management with automated reminders and escalation, ensuring timely responses and r
s, facilitating standardized categorization. Output: Complaints classified by action taken, enriching data for analysis and reporting. Expected Result: Streamlined categorization of complaint actions, improving data organization and insight generation.
dashboard, visible to all relevant stakeholders. Output: An interactive dashboard displaying the latest status of each complaint, including resolved, in progress, or closed. Expected Result: Enhanced visibility of complaint handling progress, facilitating efficient monitoring and management of ICT-related issues.

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continuous improvement.

re accurate and satisfactory resolutions.

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d escalation, ensuring timely responses and resolutions.

and management of ICT-related issues.

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