Tests Results 26224503303

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ϕϭϠϟ΍ΏΎΑ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ

ΏϗΎΛΏϧϳίΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ ϝϣΎϛϪϧϣ΅ϣΩ΍

ϑϳρϠϟ΍ΩΑϋϪϳϣγΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ

PATIENT NAME Registered 11-03-2024 11:21:51 Collected 11-03-2024 11:22:03

ϪρΩόγϰϣ Authenticated 13-03-2024 19:05:46 Printed 13-03-2024 19:41:21
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
26224503303 28 Year Female Prof : ΩόγΩϣΣ΍ 399

Urine Culture and Sensitivity
Pus cells 0-1 /H.P.F.
Culture No growth after 48 hrs incubation

End of Report

Dr.Somia Abd El-Latif

Professor of microbiology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo University 1-1
ϕϭϠϟ΍ΏΎΑ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ
ΏϗΎΛΏϧϳίΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ ϝϣΎϛϪϧϣ΅ϣΩ΍
ϪΑϳηΔϟΎϫΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
αϳϣΧ˯ΎϋΩΩ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ ϝϣΎόϣϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ϥΎοϣέϥΗΎϓΩ ϲϧϳΑέηϟ΍ΩϧϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 11-03-2024 11:21:51 Collected 11-03-2024 11:22:45

ϪρΪόγϰϣ Authenticated 11-03-2024 16:27:01 Printed 13-03-2024 19:41:23
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
26224503303 28 Year Female Prof : ΩόγΩϣΣ΍ 399

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

Complete Blood Picture
Haemoglobin (EDTA Blood) 10.9 g/dL 11.5 - 15.5
Haematocrit (PCV) 34.1 % 36 - 45
RBCs Count (EDTA Blood) 4.18 Millions / cmm 4 - 5.2
MCV 81.6 fl 80 - 100
MCH 26.1 pg 27 - 33
MCHC 32.0 g/dl 31 - 37
RDW-CV 13.2 % 11.5 - 15
Platelet Count 287 Thousands / cmm 150 - 450
Total Leucocytic Count (EDTA Blood) 4.6 Thousands / cmm 4 - 11

Percent Values Absolute Values

Neutrophils 32.3 % 1.50 x10^9/L 2-7
Lymphocytes 59.0 % 2.73 x10^9/L 1 - 4.8
Monocytes 6.7 % 0.31 x10^9/L 0.2 - 1
Eosinophils 1.1 % 0.05 x10^9/L 0.1 - 0.45
Basophils 0.9 % 0.04 x10^9/L 0 - 0.1

Other Cells
Mild hypochromic anemia.Absolute neutropenia. Relative lymphocytosis.Serum iron, TIBC and ferritin are
Follow up is recommended.

Dr.Hala Sheba
Professor of clinical pathology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo university 1-1

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