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<용수철 흔들이의 운동> 실험 안내사항

Before the <spring experiment>, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the following
<Important Notices> and <Separate Evaluation Criteria for Lab Note> for the experiment.

안녕하세요. <용수철 흔들이의 운동> 실험조교 이승민입니다.

<Important Notices>
실험 전까지 다음 <유의사항>과 <랩노트 별도 평가기준>을 숙지해주시기 바랍니다.
1. Please sit in groups.
2. Experiment time: 11:00 - 12:45
(a) Scan and submit your labnote to by 12:45.
1. 조별로 앉아주세요
(b) Submissions between 12:46-12:55 will be considered <late>, and submissions after
2. 실험시간 11:00 - 12:45
12:55 will be considered <missed-deadline>.
(a) 랩노트를 12:45까지 스캔하여 snuspring304@gmail.com에 송부해주세요.
For <late> submissions, a penalty of -0.5 points will be applied, and <missed-deadline>
(b) 12:46-12:55 사이 제출은 late 처리, 12:55 이후 제출은 missed-deadline 처리됩니다. late
submissions will be considered as non-submissions, resulting in 0 points.
의 경우 -0.5점 감점되며, missed-deadline은 미제출로 간주되어 0점처리됩니다.
(c) Email subject: Class/Group/Name
(c) 메일제목: 분반/조/이름
(d) If handwriting is illegible, points will not be awarded for that item.
(d) 글씨 확인이 불가능한 경우 해당 항목은 0점처리됩니다.
(e) Please confirm with the TA that your email has been received before leaving the room.
(e) 송부한 인원은 메일이 잘 도착했는지 조교에게 확인하고 퇴실바랍니다.
3. Please return experimental tools to their original positions and tidy up chairs and dispose of
3. 다음 실험자를 위해 실험도구를 처음 온 상태로 원위치 해주세요 + 의자, 쓰레기 정리
trahs for the next participants.
(전원 퇴실 후 검사를 진행합니다. poor cleanup = -1 attitude)
(poor cleanup will result in a -1 attitude assessment after everyone has left.)

<Separate Evaluation Criteria for Lab Note>

<랩노트 별도 평가기준>
1. There are no partial socres for lab note sections.
1. labnote 부분점수는 없습니다.
2. Graphs should be hand-drawn.
2. 그래프는 수기로 작성해주세요.
(For all graphs, if labels, units, key figures, and legends are perfectly specified, you will
(모든 graph에 label, unit, key figure, legend 완벽히 명시돼있을 경우 점수 +1.0)
receive +1 additional point)
3. 9개의 모든 그래프에 대하여, 추세선의 B값을 명시해주세요. (미표기시 점수 -0.5)
3. Please include the trendline B-value for all 9 graphs in the lab note. (Score deduction of -
4. 랩노트 8번항목: Tx/Ty 계산해서 2(근방)임을 직접 보여야합니다.
0.5 for non-specification)
4. Lab note item 8: You must directly demonstrate that Tx/Ty is approximately 2.

Thank you.

TA 이 승 민
TA Seungmin Lee
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University
For experiment inquiries:
Labnote submissions:

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