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EXERCISE 51 Page 118

1. If the radius of a circle is 41.3 mm, calculate the circumference of the circle

Circumference, c = 2r = 2(41.3) = 259.5 mm

2. Find the diameter of a circle whose perimeter is 149.8 cm

If perimeter, or circumference, c = d,

then 149.8 = d

and diameter, d = = 47.68 cm

3. A crank mechanism is shown below, where XY is a tangent to the circle at point X. If the

circle radius 0X is 10 cm and length 0Y is 40 cm, determine the length of the connecting rod


If XY is a tangent to the circle, then 0XY = 90

Thus, by Pythagoras,

from which, XY = = 38.73 cm

4. If the circumference of the earth is 40 000 km at the equator, calculate its diameter.

Circumference, c = 2r = d from which, diameter, d = = 12732 km = 12730 km,

correct to 4 significant figures.
5. Calculate the length of wire in the paper clip shown below. The dimensions are in millimetres.

Length of wire = (12 – 2.5) + + (32 – 2.5 – 6 – 2.5) + + (32 – 2.5 – 3)

+ + 3 + 12

= 9.5 + 2.5 + 21 + 2.5 + 26.5 + 3 + 3 + 12

= 72 + 8

= 97.13 mm

EXERCISE 52 Page 120

1. Convert to radians in terms of : (a) 30 (b) 75 (c) 225

(a) 30 = rad = rad

(b) 75 = rad = rad

(c) 225 = rad = = rad

2. Convert to radians, correct to 3 decimal places: (a) 48 (b) 8451' (c) 23215'

(a) 48 = rad = 0.838 rad

(b) 8451 = rad = 1.481 rad

(c) 23215 = rad = 4.054 rad

3. Convert to degrees: (a) rad (b) rad (c) rad

(a) = = 7 × 30 = 210

(b) = = 4 × 20 = 80

(c) = = 7 × 15 = 105

4. Convert to degrees and minutes: (a) 0.0125 rad (b) 2.69 rad (c) 7.241 rad

(a) 0.0125 rad = = 0.716 or 043

(b) 2.69 rad = = 154.126 or 1548

(c) 7.241 rad = = 414.879 or 41453

5. A car engine speed is 1000 rev/min. Convert this speed into rad/s.

1000 rev/min = = 104.72 rad/s

EXERCISE 53 Page 122

1. Calculate the area of a circle of radius 6.0 cm, correct to the nearest square centimetre.

Area of circle = = 113 correct to the nearest square centimetre

2. The diameter of a circle is 55.0 mm. Determine its area, correct to the nearest square millimetre.

Area of circle = = 2376

3. The perimeter of a circle is 150 mm. Find its area, correct to the nearest square millimetre.

Perimeter = circumference = 150 = 2πr from which, radius, r =

Area of circle = = 1790

4. Find the area of the sector, correct to the nearest square millimetre, of a circle having a radius of

35 mm, with angle subtended at centre of 75.

Area of sector = = 802

5. An annulus has an outside diameter of 49.0 mm and an inside diameter of 15.0 mm. Find its

area correct to 4 significant figures.

Area of annulus = = 1709

6. Find the area, correct to the nearest square metre, of a 2 m wide path surrounding a circular plot

of land 200 m in diameter.

Area of path = = 1269

7. A rectangular park measures 50 m by 40 m. A 3 m flower bed is made round the two longer

sides and one short side. A circular fish pond of diameter 8.0 m is constructed in the centre of

the park. It is planned to grass the remaining area. Find, correct to the nearest square metre, the

area of grass.

Area of grass = (50  40) – 2(50  3) – (34  3) - = 2000 – 300 – 102 - 16 = 1548

8. Find the length of an arc of a circle of radius 8.32 cm when the angle subtended at the centre is

2.14 radians. Calculate also the area of the minor sector formed.

Arc length, s = r = (8.32)(2.14) = 17.80 cm

Area of minor sector = = 74.07

9. If the angle subtended at the centre of a circle of diameter 82 mm is 1.46 rad, find the lengths of

the (a) minor arc, and (b) major arc.

If diameter d = 82 mm, radius r = = 41 mm

(a) Minor arc length, s = r = (41)(1.46) = 59.86 mm

(b) Major arc length = circumference – minor arc

= 2(41) – 59.86 = 257.61 – 59.86 = 197.8 mm

10. A pendulum of length 1.5 m swings through an angle of 10 in a single swing. Find, in
centimetres, the length of the arc traced by the pendulum bob.

Arc length of pendulum bob, s = r = (1.5) = 0.262 m or 26.2 cm

11. Determine the length of the radius and circumference of a circle if an arc length of 32.6 cm

subtends an angle of 3.76 radians.

Arc length, s = r from which, radius, r = = 8.67 cm

Circumference = 2πr = 2π(8.67) = 54.48 cm

12. Determine the angle of lap, in degrees and minutes, if 180 mm of a belt drive are in contact with a

pulley of diameter 250 mm.

Arc length, s = 180 mm, radius, r = = 125 mm

Since s = r, the angle of lap,  = = 1.44 rad = = 82.5 = 82°30ʹ

13. A helicopter landing pad is circular with a diameter of 5 m. Calculate its area.

Area of circular helicopter pad = = 19.63

14. A square plate of side 50 mm has 5 holes cut out of it. If the five holes are all circles of

diameter 10 mm calculate the remaining area, correct to the nearest whole number.

Remaining area = (50 × 50) - = 2500 – 5(78.54) = 2500 – 392.7 = 2107

15. A circular plastic plate has a radius of 60 mm. A sector subtends an angle of 1.6 radians at the

centre. Calculate the area of the sector.

Area of sector = where θ is in radians

Hence, area of sector = = 2880

16. The end plate of a steel boiler is a flat circular plate of diameter 2.5 m. Holes are drilled in it as

follows: two 500 mm diameter tube holes and 24 water tube holes each of diameter 40 mm.

Calculate the remaining area of the end plate in square metres, correct to 3 significant figures.

Remaining area of the end plate =

since 500 mm = 0.5 m, and 40 mm = 0.040 m.

Hence, area of end plate = 4.9087 – 2(0.19635) – 24(0.00125664)

= 4.9087 – 0.3927 - 0.03016

= 4.49 correct to 4 significant figures.

17. A wheel of diameter 600 mm rolls without slipping along a horizontal surface. If the wheel

rotates 4.5 revolutions calculate how far the wheel moves horizontally. Give the answer in

metres correct to 3 significant figures.

Circumference of wheel = 2πr = πd = π × 0.6 m since 600 mm = 0.6 m

In 4.5 revolutions the wheel moves 4.5 × π × 0.6 = 8.48 m

18. A tight open belt passes directly over two pulleys, of diameters 1.2 m and 1.8 m respectively

having their centres 2.4 m apart. Calculate the length of the belt, correct to 3 significant figures.

The pulley is shown above where the length of the belt is given by:

half the circumference of the 1.8 m diameter pulley

+ half the circumference of the 1.2 m diameter pulley

+ 2 × the length AB

By Pythagoras, from which, AB = = 2.4187 m.

Hence, length of pulley = = 9.55 m

19. A rubber gasket for a cylinder is a circular annulus of area is 4084 . If the outer diameter is

140 mm, calculate the inner radius of the gasket, correct to the nearest whole number.

Area of rubber gasket = area of an annulus =

where D = outer diameter and d = inner diameter.

Since area of the rubber gasket is 4084 then

Rearranging gives:

from which,

and inner diameter, d = = 120 mm

Therefore, the inner radius = = 60 mm

20. Determine the number of complete revolutions a motorcycle wheel will make in travelling 2 km,

if the wheel's diameter is 85.1 cm.

If wheel diameter = 85.1 cm, then circumference, c = d = (85.1) cm = 267.35 cm = 2.6735 m

Hence, number of revolutions of wheel in travelling 2000 m = = 748.08

Thus, number of complete revolutions = 748

21. The floodlights at a sports ground spread its illumination over an angle of 40 to a distance of

48 m. Determine (a) the angle in radians, and (b) the maximum area that is floodlit.

(a) In radians, 40 = = 0.69813 rad = 0.698 rad, correct to 3 decimal places

(b) Maximum area floodlit = area of sector = = 804.2

22. Determine (a) the shaded area below, (b) the percentage of the whole sector that the area of the

shaded area represents.

(a) Shaded area = = = 396

(b) Percentage of whole sector = = 42.24%

23. Determine the length of steel strip required to make the clip shown.

Angle of sector = 360 - 130 = 230 = rad = 4.01426 rad

Thus, arc length, s = r = (125)(4.01426) = 501.783 mm

Length of steel strip in clip = 100 + 501.783 + 100 = 701.8 mm

24. A 50 tapered hole is checked with a 40 mm diameter ball as shown below. Determine the length

shown as x.

From the sketch below, tan 25 = from which, AC = = 75.06 mm

and sin 25 = from which, AB = = 47.32 mm

i.e. AC = 75.06 = x + 20 + AB

= x + 20 + 47.32

and x = 75.06 – 20 – 47.32

i.e. x = 7.74 mm

EXERCISE 54 Page 125

1. Determine (a) the radius, and (b0 the co-ordinates of the centre of the circle given by the


Method 1: The general equation of a circle is

where co-ordinate, a = - , co-ordinate, b = - and radius, r =

Hence, if then a = - = -3, b = - =1

and radius, r = =6

i.e. the circle has (a) radius 6, and (b) centre at (- 3, 1) as

shown below.

Method 2: may be rearranged as:

i.e. which has (a) a radius of 6 and (b) centre at (- 3, 1)

2. Sketch the circle given by the equation: x + y - 6x + 4y - 3 = 0

Method 1: The general equation of a circle is

where co-ordinate, a = - , co-ordinate, b = - and radius, r =

Hence, if then a = - = 3, b = - =-2

and radius, r = =4

i.e. the circle has centre at (3, - 2) and radius 4, as shown


Method 2: may be rearranged as:

i.e. which has a radius of 4 and centre at (3, - 2)

3. Sketch the curve: x + (y - 1) - 25 = 0

x + (y - 1) - 25 = 0 i.e. x + (y - 1) = 25

i.e. x + (y - 1) = 5

which represents a circle, centre (0, 1) and radius 5 as shown in the sketch below.

4. Sketch the curve: x = 6

If then and

i.e. and

which is a circle of radius 6 and co-ordinates of centre at (0, 0), as shown below.

EXERCISE 55 Page 126

1. A pulley driving a belt has a diameter of 300 mm and is turning at 2700/ revolutions per

minute. Find the angular velocity of the pulley and the linear velocity of the belt assuming that

no slip occurs.

Angular velocity,  = 2n = 2 = 90 rad/s

Linear velocity v = r = (90) = 13.5 m/s

2. A bicycle is travelling at 36 km/h and the diameter of the wheels of the bicycle is 500 mm,

Determine the angular velocity of the wheels of the bicycle and the linear velocity of a point on

the rim of one of the wheels.

Linear velocity, v = 36 km/h = m/s = 10 m/s

(Note that changing from km/h to m/s involves dividing by 3.6)

Radius of wheel, r = = 250 mm = 0.25 m

Since, v = r, then angular velocity,  = = 40 rad/s

3. A train is travelling at 108 km/h and has wheels of diameter 800 mm. (a) Determine the angular

velocity of the wheels in both rad/s and rev/min. (b)If the speed remains constant for 2.70 km,

determine the number of revolutions made by a wheel, assuming no slipping occurs.

(a) Linear velocity, v = 108 km/h = m/s = 30 m/s

Radius of wheel = = 400 mm = 0.4 m

Since, v = r, then angular velocity,  = = 75 rad/s

= 716.2 rev/min

(b) Linear velocity, v = hence, time, t = = 90 s = = 1.5 minutes

Since a wheel is rotating at 716.2 rev/min, then in 1.5 minutes it makes

716.2 rev/min × 1.5 min = 1074 revs

EXERCISE 56 Page 128

1. Calculate the tension in a string when it is used to whirl a stone of mass 200 g round in a

horizontal circle of radius 90 cm with a constant speed of 3 m/s

Tension in string = centripetal force = =2N

2. Calculate the centripetal force acting on a vehicle of mass 1 tonne when travelling around a

bend of radius 125 m at 40 km/h. If this force should not exceed 750 N, determine the reduction

in speed of the vehicle to meet this requirement

Centripetal force = where mass, m = 1 tonne = 1000 kg, radius, r = 125 m and

velocity, v = 40 km/h = m/s

Hence, centrifugal force = = 988 N

If centrifugal force is limited to 750 N, then

from which, velocity, v = = 9.6825 m/s

= 9.6825 × 3.6 = 34.86 km/h

Hence, reduction in speed is 40 – 34.86 = 5.14 km/h

3. A speed-boat negotiates an S-bend consisting of two circular arcs of radii 100 m and 150 m. If

the speed of the boat is constant at 34 km/h, determine the change in acceleration when leaving

one arc and entering the other.

Speed of the boat, v = 34 km/h = m/s

For the first bend of radius 100 m, acceleration =

For the second bend of radius 150 m, acceleration = , the negative sign
indicating a change in direction

Hence, change in acceleration is 0.892 – (- 0.595) = 1.49

EXERCISE 57 Page 128

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (a)


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